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478 products

  • 86年陈年老树普洱茶(熟茶)8oz


    1986年陈年老树普洱茶(熟茶) 8oz 普洱茶(Pu-erh tea)和紅茶、綠茶、烏龍茶一樣,是用茶樹(Camellia sinensis)的葉和莖所製成的茶。普洱茶讲究冲泡技巧和品饮艺术,可清饮,可混饮。普洱茶茶汤橙黄浓厚,香气高锐持久,香型独特,滋味浓醇,经久耐泡。 Pu-erh tea, like black tea, green tea, and oolong tea, is a tea made from the leaves and stems of the tea tree (Camellia sinensis). Pu-erh tea pays attention to brewing skills and drinking art. It can be drunk clearly or mixed. The Pu-erh tea soup has a strong orange yellow, a high-sharp and lasting aroma, a unique aroma, a strong taste, and long-lasting brewing.


  • 高山流水-陈年家藏普洱茶 熟普礼盒 250g 高山流水-陈年家藏普洱茶 熟普礼盒 250g

    高山流水-陈年家藏普洱茶 熟普礼盒 250g

    1990 高山流水-陈年家藏普洱茶 熟普礼盒 250g 普洱茶(Pu-erh tea)和紅茶、綠茶、烏龍茶一樣,是用茶樹(Camellia sinensis)的葉和莖所製成的茶。普洱茶讲究冲泡技巧和品饮艺术,可清饮,可混饮。普洱茶茶汤橙黄浓厚,香气高锐持久,香型独特,滋味浓醇,经久耐泡。 1990 Pu-Erh Tea Gift Box(Ripe) 250g Pu-erh tea, like black tea, green tea, and oolong tea, is a tea made from the leaves and stems of the tea tree (Camellia sinensis). Pu-erh tea pays attention to brewing skills and drinking art. It can be drunk clearly or mixed. The Pu-erh tea soup has a strong orange yellow, a high-sharp and lasting aroma, a unique aroma, a strong taste, and long-lasting brewing.


  • 20% OFF
    2012  白露貢眉白茶 (16 oz) #1096

    2012 白露貢眉白茶 (16 oz) #1096

    2012 Gongmei White Tea (16 oz) 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶         WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 云南 Yunnan, China 品名 Name: 贡眉白茶                  Gongmei White Tea 年份 Production Date: 2012 分类 Sort: 白茶 White Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 保质期 Shelf Life: 36 months 茶汤Liquor: 汤色黄绿清澈,滋味鲜醇。Grayish-green in color, sweet and mellow with a fresh and tender aroma. White tea is one of the six types of tea in China. This Gongmei White Tea is composed of tender tea tips of precious white tea and is processed by a traditional technique. The finished teas are partially whole shoots and grayish-green in color with distinct hairy tips. The brewed tea tastes sweet and mellow, with a fresh and tender aroma. 白茶是我国茶类中的特殊珍品。属轻微发酵茶,程度在20-30%,它对茶树鲜叶原料有特殊要求,即要求嫩芽及其以下1~2片嫩叶都满披白毫,加工特点是不经炒、揉直接进行干燥而成。白茶汤色黄绿清澈,滋味鲜醇。 【贡眉】贡眉,有时又被称为寿眉,是白茶中产量最高的一个品种,其产量约占到了白茶总产量的一半以上。它是以菜茶茶树的芽叶制成,这种用菜茶芽叶制成的毛茶称为“小白”,以区别于福鼎大白茶、政和大白茶茶树芽叶制成的“大白”毛茶。 Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 185℉ / 85℃ 185℉ / 85℃ Tea Quantity: 2g Tea 5 g Tea Brewing time:  5-6 mins 5 steeps: rinse, 25s, 45s, 70s, 90s, 150s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds

    $37.80 - $151.00

  • 10% OFF


  • 2023年 曼松 古树 生普洱(300g) 2023年 曼松 古树 生普洱(300g)

    2023年 曼松 古树 生普洱(300g)

    2023年 曼松古树 生普洱(300g) 普洱茶(Pu-erh tea)和紅茶、綠茶、烏龍茶一樣,是用茶樹(Camellia sinensis)的葉和莖所製成的茶。普洱茶讲究冲泡技巧和品饮艺术,可清饮,可混饮。普洱茶茶汤橙黄浓厚,香气高锐持久,香型独特,滋味浓醇,经久耐泡。 普洱曼松古树生茶是由云南省的曼松古树采摘制成的。 这些古树茶树栽种的海拔较高,年代久远,生长环境得天独厚,享受充足的阳光和雨水,因此茶叶含有丰富的养分,味道更加醇厚,水更加浓。 与其他普洱茶相比,普洱曼松古树生茶更具特色。 2023 Man Song Pu-erh Raw Tea Gift Set(300g) Pu-erh tea, like black tea, green tea, and oolong tea, is a tea made from the leaves and stems of the tea tree (Camellia sinensis). Pu-erh tea pays attention to brewing skills and drinking art. It can be drunk clearly or mixed. The Pu-erh tea soup has a strong orange yellow, a high-sharp and lasting aroma, a unique aroma, a strong taste, and long-lasting brewing. Puer Mansong ancient tree raw tea is made from the leaves of ancient Mansong tea trees in Yunnan Province. These ancient tea trees are grown at a relatively high altitude, are of ancient lineage, and thrive in a unique environment with ample sunlight and rainfall. As a result, the tea leaves are rich in nutrients, with a deeper flavor and a richer brew compared to other Pu'er teas. Puer Mansong ancient tree raw tea stands out for its distinctive characteristics.


  • First Flush 2024 頭茶
    2024西湖龍井頭茶 獅峰山龍井 群體種 250G 2024西湖龍井頭茶 獅峰山龍井 群體種 250G

    2024西湖龍井頭茶 獅峰山龍井 群體種 250G

    1 review

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 產地Origin: 杭州 獅峰山產區Zhejiang, China 品名Name: 獅峰山 西湖龍井 群體種Shi Feng Longjing 保質期Shelf Life: 18個月18months 分類Sort: 炒青綠茶  Green Tea 等級Level: 特一級 Supreme 採摘Season: 清明前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 乾茶 扁平光潔,匀長挺直, 嫩綠帶黄 茶湯 香氣濃郁,豆香、栗香悠長,鮮甜甘爽 Body: Flattened tea leaves, with one bud and one or two leaves Liquor: Sweet and nutty, smooth and rich with slight vegetal undertones 儲存方法 陰涼、乾燥、儲存在4~10℃ 的冰箱 Storage: Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place; refrigerator at 4~10℃ 建议:为保证口感,请尽快饮用. suggestion: To ensure the taste, please drink as soon as possible. 2024年 龙井头茶 狮峰山 "狮"字号产区 西湖龙井 群体种头茶(250克/包) 狮峰山龙井群体种,是自有记载以来,最古老的龙井茶树品种,已有1000余年历史,闻名于世的狮峰山上的18棵茶树就是此品种。群体种的采摘时间略晚一些,大约在清明节左右,产量有限,风味独特,除了浓郁的豆香和兰花香,还有伴有花果香,层次丰富,韵味悠长。  数量有限,售完即止。茶是农产,望天吃饭,敬请谅解! Shi Feng Mountain- 2024 First Flush West Lake Longjing (Dragon Well) Tea QunTi (250g) Shifeng Mountain West Lake Longjing Qunti tea is the oldest Longjing tea species on record. Its history dates more than 1,000 years. There are only 18 tea trees on the world-famous Shifeng Mountain that make up this tea. The harvest of this special tea is around the Ching Ming Festival in early April. The yield is limited and the flavor is unique. In addition to the strong aroma of beans and orchids, there are also floral and fruit aromas, rich in layers and with long-lasting flavor. This precious tea is in limited quantities! 西湖龙井茶的五大核心产区: “西湖龙井茶” 产区范围广阔辖区纵深。不仅包括以西湖风景名胜区以内的:狮、龙、云、虎、梅、为代表的五大核心一级产区,也包括龙坞、留下、转塘、周浦、等二级产区。 The five core producing areas of West Lake Longjing Tea: The "West Lake Longjing Tea" production areas have a wide range of jurisdiction and depth. The terrain includes not only the five core first-level production areas represented by the West Lake scenic area: lion, dragon, cloud, tiger, and Mei, but also the second-level production areas such as Longwu, Liuxia, Zhuantang, and Zhoupu. ● “狮” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶 :产于杭州狮峰山及周边地带。含:狮峰山、龙井村、棋盘山、上天竺、等地的龙井茶。● “狮” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶品质特征:汤色绿中透黄,呈嫩黄绿色,俗称 “糙米色”;滋味鲜醇香浓;栗香明显香气高锐持久;制茶时不讲究外形,成为它的显著特点;“狮” 字号是西湖龙井茶中品质最佳的 “极品”。 ● West Lake Longjing tea in the "Lion" production area: Produced in Hangzhou Shifeng Mountain and surrounding areas. Including Longjing tea from Shifeng Mountain, Longjing Village, Qipan Mountain, Shangtianzhu, and other places. The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Lion" production area: The color is green and yellowish in color, commonly known as "brown rice color"; the taste is fresh and mellow; the chestnut fragrance is sharp and long-lasting; the balanced flavor is emphasized which is its distinguishing feature. The "Lion" brand name is West Lake Longjing Tea’s extremely best quality. ● “龙” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶 :产于杭州龙井山及周边地带。含:翁家山、杨梅岭、满觉垅、白鹤峰、等地的龙井茶。该区域与 “狮” 字号区域接近,所产的西湖龙井茶,品质也佳。特别是白鹤峰所产之西湖龙井茶,可与狮峰山的相媲美,也深为消费者的喜爱。● “龙” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶品质特征:与 “狮” 字号西湖龙井茶的品质特征相同。 ● West Lake Longjing tea from the "Dragon" production area: Produced in Longjing Mountain and surrounding areas in Hangzhou. Including Longjing tea from Wengjiashan, Yangmeiling, Manjuelong, Baihefeng, and other places. This area is close to the "Lion" brand area, and the West Lake Longjing tea produced is of good quality. In particular, the West Lake Longjing tea produced by Baihefeng is comparable to that of Shifeng Mountain, and it is also deeply loved by consumers. The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Dragon" production area: The quality characteristics of the "Lion" brand West Lake Longjing tea are the same. ● “梅” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶 :产于杭州梅家坞及周边地带。是西湖龙井茶的主产地,产量约占全部西湖龙井茶的三分之一左右。● “梅” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶品质特征:外形挺秀扁平光滑、色泽绿中显翠;滋味鲜醇鲜爽顺滑;汤色碧绿;豆香清新,略逊于狮字号;做工细腻讲究;已成为西湖龙井茶的主要产区。 ● West Lake Longjing tea in the "Mei" production area: Produced in Hangzhou Meijiawu and surrounding areas. It is the main producing area of West Lake Longjing tea, and its output accounts for about one-third of all West Lake Longjing tea. The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Mei" production area: The tea leaf appearance is pretty, flat, and smooth, the color is green; the taste is very fresh and smooth; the tea color is green; slightly inferior to the “lion” brand; This has become the main producing area of West Lake Longjing tea. ● “云” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶 :产于杭州云栖、五云山、瑯珰岭、及边周围地带。云字号西湖龙井茶与梅字号西湖龙井茶的风格基本一致,因它们原本就是一家,只是以后才 “分家” 的。● “云” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶品质特征:外形挺秀、扁平光滑、色泽翠绿;滋味鲜醇爽口;汤色碧绿;做工细腻讲究;也是最具代表性的西湖龙井茶。 ● West Lake Longjing Tea from the "Cloud" production area: Produced in Hangzhou Yunqi, Wuyun Mountain, Langguiling, and the surrounding areas. The styles of "Cloud" Longjing tea and "Mei" Longjing tea are basically the same, because they originally belonged to the same family, but only later "separated". The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Cloud" production area: The leaf appearance is pretty, flat, and smooth, and the color is emerald green; the taste is mellow and refreshing; the tea color is green; it is also the most representative West Lake Longjing tea. ● “虎” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶 :产于杭州虎跑、四眼井、赤山埠、三台山、等地的龙井茶。后来中天竺、白乐桥、茅家埠、黄龙洞、等地所产的西湖龙井茶也一律划归为虎字号。● “虎” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶品质特征:芽叶肥壮,芽锋显露。 ● West Lake Longjing Tea from the "Tiger" production area: Longjing tea is produced in Hangzhou Hupao, Siyanjing, Chishanbu, Santaishan, and other places. The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Tiger" production area: The buds and leaves are fat and strong.


  • First Flush 2024 頭茶
    2024西湖龍井頭茶 翁家山龍井43號 250g 2024西湖龍井頭茶 翁家山龍井43號 250g

    2024西湖龍井頭茶 翁家山龍井43號 250g

    1 review

                    此產品為預售產品, 訂單會在4月1号之後郵寄 2024 龍井頭茶 翁家山 西湖龍井 43號 250g 西湖龍井43號是中國農業科學研究所,從龍井群體中選育出來的國家級品種。 永合豐为您精選這款龍井,是清明前的頭茶,採摘自西湖龍井的“龍”字號核心產區--翁家山;翁家山的茶農經過數百年的實踐,積累了精湛的採茶製茶工藝。 進入三月中旬,雨水充足,氣溫適中,茶園裏的茶樹齊齊地抽出嫩芽,翁家山村進入開摘第一批明前龍井的最佳時機。傳統手工製作,這樣製作出來的頭採明前龍井,味道清甜可口,入口柔和清香,能給人一種清新自然之感。                  有道是“明前茶,貴如金” 是衆多龍井綠茶愛好者,翹首期盼一品當季龍井最大的盛典。 特點:香味和濃度都適宜,香氣高揚,濃度適宜,回甘持久,湯色青翠明亮。 數量有限,售完即止。茶是農業,敬請諒解!  


  • 三千金窈窕茶  三千金 窈窕茶

    三千金 窈窕茶

    3 Ballerina Herbal Tea Men And Women Dieters' Drink Regular Strength 三千金 窈窕茶  三千金窈窕茶是由各種天然草藥混合而成,有效地舒緩和放鬆,調整體重. 3 Ballerina Tea Dieters' Drink is blended with premium natural herbs. This special formula Dieters' Drink is all natural tea, soothing and relaxing especially delightful for those desiring to adjust the weight Note: This product contains Senna. Do not use if you have or develop diarrhea, loose stools, or abdominal pain. Consult your physician if you have frequent diarrhea. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product. This statement has not been evaluated by FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and prevent any disease.

    $4.95 - $5.95

  • 20% OFF
    沉香葉茶#1197 沉香葉茶#1197

    $20.80 - $76.00

  • 20% OFF
    宝岛叠翠 台湾烏龍茶禮盒 宝岛叠翠 台湾烏龍茶禮盒

    宝岛叠翠 台湾烏龍茶禮盒

    宝岛叠翠 阿里山&樟树湖 台湾乌龙茶礼盒 因为阿里山高山气候冷凉,早晚云雾笼罩,平均日照短,茶树芽叶苦涩成分降低,进而提高了茶叶的甘味。同时因日夜温差大的缘故,茶树生长缓慢,茶叶芽叶柔软,叶肉厚实,果胶质含量高等等,这些都是阿里山高山茶所展现出的特性。此外这里所产的茶叶多以山泉水灌溉,甘醇美味,具有浓厚的高山冷冽茶味。   Ali Mountain & Zhangshu Lake Oolong Tea Gift Set Some of the many benefits of drinking Oolong Tea : Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease. Researchers have found a connection in drinking oolong tea and lowering cholesterol levels. Lowers Risk of Cancer Decreases Inflammation Helps Fight Obesity Diabetes Prevention Boosts Energy Improves Tooth and Skin Health. --( From the manufacturer:  Because of the cold climate in the high mountains of Alishan, morning and evening clouds are enveloped, the average sunshine is short, the bitterness of tea buds and leaves are reduced, and the sweetness of tea is improved. At the same time, due to the large temperature difference between day and night, the tea trees grow slowly, the tea leaves are soft, the leaf flesh is thick, and the pectin content is high. These are the characteristics of Alishan Mountain Tea. In addition, most of the tea produced here is irrigated with mountain spring water, which is sweet and delicious, with a strong, cold mountain tea flavor.  


  • 20% OFF
    台灣 阿里山 金萱烏龍茶#1101 台灣 阿里山 金萱烏龍茶#1101

    台灣 阿里山 金萱烏龍茶#1101

    2 reviews

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 台湾  Taiwan 品名Name: 阿里山金萱乌龙 Ali Mountain Jin Xuan Oolong Tea 等级Level: 一级 Premium 分类: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 香型 Aroma: 清香型 faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶 Body: 颗粒饱满,色泽翠绿,茶香飘逸 Rolled into tight tiny ball shape, sand-green in color 茶汤 Liquor: 蜜绿带金,清香爽口Light milky and sweet taste, with a subtle hint of cream aftertaste 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place   台湾高山茶是指海拔1000米以上茶园所产制的半球型包种茶。台湾各产茶区内,海拔高度在1000米以上的地区。主要产地为嘉义县 、南投县 内海拔1000~1300公尺新兴茶区。 金萱是以硬枝红心作父本,台农八号作母本,人工培育而成的第一代。试验所的代号为2027,也就是茶改场成功育种的排列顺序第12号。做成半发酵茶,滋味甘醇浓厚,具有特殊的品种香,是类似桂花香或牛奶香. Ali Mountain Jinxuan Oolong Tea #1101 Grown on A-Li Shan Mountain - one of the most famous oolong growing regions in Taiwan - this tea is picked from the top of the tea bush, boasting two or three leaves per stem. The leaves are then hand-processed and rolled, resulting in its rounded crumpled look that unfurls when brewed, imparting a fragrant aroma and creamy, nutty tones.  Recommend Brewing Method Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  2 Teaspoons / 5g Tea 7g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins  7 steeps: rinse, 15s, 25s, 35s, 45s, 55s, 75s, 85s  

    $19.50 - $78.40

  • 20% OFF
    台灣 阿里山烏龍茶#1057

    $15.80 - $79.20


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