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  • 包)

    智利 生晒 特大圆鲍片 响螺片(16 oz/包)

    智利 生晒 特大圆鲍片 响螺片(16 oz/包) 尺寸:直径 11cm-12cm 鲍螺片不是把鲍鱼切片,而是以响螺的肉切片晒干而成,所以鲍螺片又叫响螺片。上等鲍螺片干度足,片薄,每一块都差不多厚度。其味道鲜美似鲍鱼。 鲍螺片的营养价值 响螺片是有名的滋阴海产品。 响螺是名贵海产食用贝类,体大肉嫩,营养丰富,清香甘美,是煲汤的上好材料。 含有丰富蛋白质、多种矿物质、维生素,及微量元素。 鲍螺片清补凉煲瘦肉 材料:干鲍螺片3两左右,清补凉一包,瘦肉8两左右,姜片3片 做法:干鲍螺片洗净,略泡一会,清补凉用也用水冲净,瘦肉飞水,然后将所有材料加入瓦煲,加够水,用大火煮开后转小火慢煲3小时,加盐调味即可。鲍螺片有助健脾开胃,养阴除烦,清毒去湿。瘦肉可以滋阴补肌,健体营养,加上清补凉的温和清凉降火功效,此汤清甜滋补,有去湿开胃,除痰健肺,特别适宜身体瘦弱,虚不受补者饮用,是夏秋季节的合时汤水。 建议:清补凉可以买配好的包装成品,也可以自己配齐,有淮山,杞子,党参,玉竹,百合,莲子,红枣,芡实,薏米等,每种材料大概15-20克左右。 花旗参响螺片生鱼汤 材料: 花旗参20克切片、响螺片60克、生鱼一条重约380克、猪展300克、红枣十粒去核、姜一片。 做法: 1、花旗参、红枣洗净。响螺片用清水浸约一小时。 2、把适量之水煲滚,放下姜一片,下响螺片、猪展煮五分钟捞起洗净。 3、生鱼刽后,洗净抹干水。 4、烧热镬,下油一汤匙,放下生鱼,煎至两面皆微黄色铲起。 5、水十二杯或适量放入煲内煲滚,放入生鱼、花旗参、猪碾、响螺片、红枣煲滚,慢火煲三小时半,下盐调味。 功效: 花旗参益血补脾肺。生鱼生肌涧肤。响螺片滋补润燥、明目。红枣补脾和胃、益气生津。 Snail meat contains protein, fat (mainly polyunsaturated fatty acid), iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, vitamins A, B6, B12, K and folate. The high-protein, low-fat content of snail meat makes it a healthy alternative to industrially raised foods. Snails possess anti-cancer properties and boost the immune system due to their antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects. An average snail is comprised of 80% water, 15% protein and 2.4% fat. They contain selenium and are a rich source of vitamins E, A, K and B12.Pork, tonic herbs and sea snails in a stew pot Ingredients: 3 dried sea snail slices a pack of tonic herbsabout 8 pieces of lean meat 3 ginger slices Directions: Wash the dried sea snail slices and soak them for 20 minutes, rinse with cold water and discard the water. Rinse the lean meat, then add all the ingredients to the clay pot. Add enough water to cover the ingredients. Boil on high heat for 10 minutes, remove the foam from the boiling water to reduce the fat content and turn to low heat for 3 hours to make a rich tasting, nuttritious soup. Season with salt. Chinese tonic herbs can improve spleen/pancreas function and appetite, nourish yin body fluids, eliminate toxins, reduce inflammation, and help prevent infection and water retention. Spleen/pancreas tonic herbs improve poor digestion. Lean meat nourishes internal organs and muscles, strengthens resistence to illness and nourishes the blood. The mild anti-inflammatory effects of a Qing Bu Liang sweet cold soup mix is especially enjoyable in summer and autumn. We suggest cooking the above ingredients with our Sweet Soup / Qing Bu Liang SoupOr you can make a Qing Bu Liang soup yourself with 15-20 grams each of White Yam, Goji berry, Codonopsis, Solomon’s seal (Yuzhu,) Lily flower, Lotus Seed, Jujube Red Date, Fox Nuts (Gorgon,) Barley, etc.


  • 包) 包)

    墨西哥 深海鮑螺片 响螺片(16 oz/包)

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    墨西哥 深海鲍螺片 响螺片(16oz/包) 鲍螺片清补凉煲瘦肉 材料:干鲍螺片3两左右,清补凉一包,瘦肉8两左右,姜片3片 做法:干鲍螺片洗净,略泡一会,清补凉用也用水冲净,瘦肉飞水,然后将所有材料加入瓦煲,加够水,用大火煮开后转小火慢煲3小时,加盐调味即可。鲍螺片有助健脾开胃,养阴除烦,清毒去湿。瘦肉可以滋阴补肌,健体营养,加上清补凉的温和清凉降火功效,此汤清甜滋补,有去湿开胃,除痰健肺,特别适宜身体瘦弱,虚不受补者饮用,是夏秋季节的合时汤水。 建议:清补凉可以买配好的包装成品,也可以自己配齐,有淮山,杞子,党参,玉竹,百合,莲子,红枣,芡实,薏米等,每种材料大概15-20克左右。 Mexican Dried Sea Snail (16oz/Bag) Snail meat contains protein, fat (mainly polyunsaturated fatty acid), iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, vitamins A, B6, B12, K and folate. The high-protein, low-fat content of snail meat makes it a healthy alternative to industrially raised foods. Snails possess anti-cancer properties and boost the immune system due to their antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects. An average snail is comprised of 80% water, 15% protein and 2.4% fat. They contain selenium and are a rich source of vitamins E, A, K and B12.Pork, tonic herbs and sea snails in a stew pot Ingredients: 3 dried sea snail slices a pack of tonic herbsabout 8 pieces of lean meat 3 ginger slices Directions: Wash the dried sea snail slices and soak them for 20 minutes, rinse with cold water and discard the water. Rinse the lean meat, then add all the ingredients to the clay pot. Add enough water to cover the ingredients. Boil on high heat for 10 minutes, remove the foam from the boiling water to reduce the fat content and turn to low heat for 3 hours to make a rich tasting, nuttritious soup. Season with salt. Chinese tonic herbs can improve spleen/pancreas function and appetite, nourish yin body fluids, eliminate toxins, reduce inflammation, and help prevent infection and water retention. Spleen/pancreas tonic herbs improve poor digestion. Lean meat nourishes internal organs and muscles, strengthens resistence to illness and nourishes the blood. The mild anti-inflammatory effects of a Qing Bu Liang sweet cold soup mix is especially enjoyable in summer and autumn. We suggest cooking the above ingredients with our Sweet Soup / Qing Bu Liang SoupOr you can make a Qing Bu Liang soup yourself with 15-20 grams each of White Yam, Goji berry, Codonopsis, Solomon’s seal (Yuzhu,) Lily flower, Lotus Seed, Jujube Red Date, Fox Nuts (Gorgon,) Barley, etc.

    $34.50 - $68.99

  • 非洲一级鸭巴胶


    非洲一级鸭巴肚 花胶 规格:95-100 片/磅 世界各地均有出產,以非洲出產的「鴨巴肚」比較多,其次是巴基斯坦、孟加拉等水域出產的鰵魚肚;亦有在巴西、蘇里南、厄瓜多爾等出產的扎膠肚,及其他各地出產的陰陽肚、雙牙肚、紐西蘭肚等。 花胶补肾益精,滋养筋脉,止血,散瘀,消肿。治肾虚滑精,产后风痉,破伤风,吐血,血崩,创伤出血,痔疮。   Dried African Fish Maw #456 Fish maw is rich in protein, collagen, phosphorus and calcium. It is regarded as a treasure for women that nourishes the entire body. It is a precious food that is moisturizing and rejuvenating. Fish maw is sweet, mild and rejuvenating for kidney and liver and their meridians. It invigorates the kidney and is nourishing for muscles and veins. It reduces excess bleeding, regulates circulation to remove blood stasis, and reduces swelling. Fish maw is a delicacy served during special occasions like Chinese New Year. However its nutrition is valuable year-round: Rich in collagen, fish maw is a Chinese beauty secret for youthful skin. Fish maw replenishes the tissue, moisture and fluids of lung, stomach, liver and kidney. It boosts stamina and helps prevent burnout.  Furthermore, fish maw does not contain cholesterol and therefore it is a very valuable health-enhancing ingredient suitable for long time consumption. Fish maw is the dried form of fresh, high-quality air bladders of fish, which are rich in gelatin. Soak and Cook Fish Maw Boil the dried fish maw with slices of gingers and shallots to remove the fishy smell. Rinse. Simmer the Fish Maw for 30 seconds then let it cool with the lid on until it is softened, about 8-9 hours or overnight. Finally, rinse the puffed Fish Maw again and it is ready to cook. Cut it into pieces and cook it until tender in soup or stir-fry.


  • 竹荪 竹笙 竹荪 竹笙

    竹荪 竹笙

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    竹荪 竹笙 无硫 纯天然 八珍之一(3.5oz) Dried Bamboo Fungus  Bamboo Mushroom  竹荪(Dictyophora indusiata (Vent.ex Pers) Fisch)又名竹笙、竹参,是寄生在枯竹根部的一种隐花菌类,形状略似网状干白蛇皮,它有深绿色的菌帽,雪白色的圆柱状的菌柄,粉红色的蛋形菌托,在菌柄顶端有一围细致洁白的网状裙从菌盖向下铺开,被人们称为“雪裙仙子”、“山珍之花”、“真菌之花”、“菌中皇后”。 竹荪营养丰富,香味浓郁,滋味鲜美,自古就列为“草八珍”之一。湘菜中的“竹荪芙蓉”是我国国宴的一大名菜,此外,如竹荪响螺汤、竹荪扒风燕、竹荪烩鸡片等,都是很有名的美味佳肴,深受国内外宾客的喜爱。 营养价值 1. 竹荪含有丰富的多种氨基酸、维生素、无机盐等,具有滋补强壮、益气补脑、宁神健体的功效; 2. 竹荪的有效成分可补充人体必需的营养物质,提高机体的免疫抗病能力; 3. 竹荪能够保护肝脏,减少腹壁脂肪的积存,有俗称“刮油”的作用,从而产生降血压、降血脂和减肥的效果; 4. 云南苗族人患癌症的几率较低,这恐怕与他们经常用竹荪与糯米一同泡水食用有关。现代医学研究也证明,竹荪中含有能抑制肿瘤的成分。   Dried Bamboo Fungus Zhu Sheng (3.5oz) Bamboo fungus is high in protein, low fat, and has 8 kinds of amino acids that human body needs. It is good for eyes and lung. It could help lose weight, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol level and prevent cancer. Containing 20% protein, it’s a good choice for vegetarian/vegan friends. Dried bamboo fungus should be stored in a dry, cool place. ... Recommended Uses - Fish maw abalone soup - Mushroom fungus soup

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  •  7oz)

    白背黑木耳(6oz/ 7oz)

    永合豐 白背黑木耳(6oz/ 7oz) 白背黑木耳又稱毛木耳(不同於東北黑木耳),别名单葉蔓荆、蔓荆子葉、白背五指柑,正面是黑色,背面是灰白色,且有一層细小的绒毛,屬於低熱量低脂的食材,性平味甘,無毒、利五臟、潤肺益氣,同時含有豐富的B群維生素,鐵質、富含膳食纖維,對於控制體重、降低膽固醇有明顯的幫助,故一向有「血管清道夫」之稱,有補血及祛瘀功能,富含的膳食纖維,能夠吸水膨脹,對於潤腸通便有很好效果。 適量加入平時的飲食烹調中,可煮可炒可煲湯,是養生保持身材的好幫手。 食譜參考: 瘦肉白背黑木耳湯 材料:白背黑木耳10克、瘦肉50克、薑片3片、大棗5粒、清水6碗 做法: 1先把瘦肉飛水、木耳洗净泡至軟身。 2把各材料放入煲内,用文火煲至剩2-3碗汤,加鹽調味. 白背黑木耳減肥湯 材料:白背黑木耳3朶,紅棗10粒,生薑片4-5片,豬腱子肉2件。 做法: 1。先把黑木耳洗净,浸泡至軟身 2。下10碗清水,加入生薑片、红棗去核、黑木耳同煲滚,再下豬腱子肉,用大火煲滚,去除湯上面的浮沫,改中小火煲1個小时左右,加鹽調味即可,每隔天喝1次,連續三次.

    $6.99 - $7.25

  • 野生 云耳 永合丰

    野生 雲耳(16 oz)

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    野生 黑木耳 云耳(16oz) 自古以来黑木耳就是我国著名的食用菌和药用菌,食用之上品,被誉为弥足珍贵的食用菌之王。黑木耳有降血脂、抗血栓、抗衰老、抗肿瘤等功能,无论是直接食用还是作为食品配方用料,都是一种较为理想的保健食品资源。 木耳可用凉水(冬季可用温水)泡发。经过3至4小时的浸泡,水慢慢地渗透到木耳中,木耳又恢复到半透明状即为发好。这样泡发的木耳,不但数量增多,而且质量好。   Dried Black Fungus (16oz) It is known as Mandarin Chinese: 云耳; pinyin: yún'ěr, lit. "cloud ear"[citation needed], Chinese: 毛木耳; pinyin: máomù'ěr, lit. "hairy wood ear"), and in Japanese, it is called ara-ge-ki-kurage (アラゲキクラゲ, lit. "rough-hair-tree-jellyfish"). It is also known as black fungus, black Chinese fungus (or mushroom), wood ear fungus, wood fungus, ear fungus, or tree ear fungus, an allusion to its rubbery ear-shaped growth.  Known for its jelly-like consistency and distinct chewiness, black fungus is a popular culinary ingredient across a range of Asian dishes. It has likewise been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years. Black fungus belongs to the Auricularia family, black fungus is also called cloud ear fungus or tree ear fungus. They have a jelly-like consistency and look like shriveled ear lobes. They are commonly sold dried but return to their original gelatin-like texture when reconstituted with water. . . Black fungus is high in [protein] and potassium a mineral and electrolyte required by all cells of the body. A 100-gram serving contains 754 milligrams of potassium. . . A diet rich in potassium can help prevent strokes, reduce hypertension and osteoporosis and reduce the formation of kidney stones. The black fungus also contains calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium — all-important minerals required by the body to properly function. Black fungus is also a good source of B vitamins with a 100-gram serving containing: 65 percent of your daily value (DV) for vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 39 percent of your DV for vitamin B3 (niacin) 10 percent of your DV for vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 10 percent of your DV for vitamin B9 (folate) 7 percent of your DV for vitamin B6  

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  • 吉林长白山 野生 小朵黑木耳 特級 長白山 無根小朵黑木耳(8oz)

    特級 長白山 無根小朵黑木耳(8oz)

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    吉林长白山 特级 无根 小朵黑木耳 (8oz) 永合豐精選長白山特產,椴木棒生長之小朵黑木耳,深秋人工采摘,精心挑選,去除雜質殘片,自然晾曬,小朵嫩滑,肉厚無根,脆彈爽口。小朵黑木耳容易泡發處理方便,肉質軟嫩富彈性、口感細膩、味道醇香;可煮可炒,涼拌木耳亦是食客們的首選。 食用方法:如需快速食用,用温水浸泡膨胀;不需快速食用,凉水浸泡6-8小时,口感更佳,營養更豐富。 儲存方法:存放於陰涼乾燥處


  • 上海 大山合 黑面菇 小香菇 16oz 上海 大山合 黑面菇 小香菇 16oz

    上海 大山合 黑面菇 小香菇 16oz

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    上海 大山合 黑面菇  小香菇 尺寸size: 1.5cm 黑面菇是香菇的一種,蛋白質含量約30%-45%,含有豐富的維生素以及碳水化合物和微量元素、礦物質, 口感好品質佳,泡發率高,泡發後有彈性。 泡發:清水洗淨, 放溫水浸泡1小時,然後洗淨再換水浸泡一小時即可。   Dried Black Mushroom 16oz size: 1.5cm Black-faced mushroom is a kind of shiitake mushroom with a protein content of about 30%-45%. It is rich in vitamins, carbohydrates, trace elements, and minerals. It has a good taste and good quality, high foaming rate, and elasticity after foaming.  Rinse with clean water, soak in warm water for 1 hour, then wash and soak in water for an hour.

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  • 包) 包)

    白菜干(16 OZ/包)

    白菜干(16 OZ/包) 产品功效 1. 白菜干具有较高营养价值,含有丰富的多种维生素和矿物质,特别是维C和钙,膳食纤维含量非常丰富 2. 对于护肤、养眼、防止女性乳腺癌、润肠排毒、促进人体对动物蛋白的吸收等有着极大功效 3. 具有养胃生津、除烦解渴、利尿通便、清热解毒,能预防和治疗便秘、痔疮及结肠癌等疾病 4. 也可用于感冒、百日咳、消化性溃疡出血、燥热咳嗽、咽炎声嘶等 营养价值: 现代营养学认为它含粗纤维,可溶性蛋白、脂肪油、多种维生素,能养心调血,除烦止渴有消燥除热、通利 肠胃、下气消食的作用


  • 永合丰 大鲽鱼肚 磅)


  • 20% OFF
    永合丰 南美蝴蝶肚 鱼肚 花膠 永合丰 南美蝴蝶肚 鱼肚 花膠

    南美蝴蝶膠#421 (6-9头/磅)

    永合豐 南美蝴蝶膠#421 (6-9头/磅) 鱼肚食疗功效高,含有丰富的蛋白质、胶质、磷质及钙质,女士视为养颜珍品。对身体各部分均有补益能力,是补而不燥之珍贵佳品。 鱼肚味甘、性平,入肾、肝经; 具有补肾益精,滋养筋脉、止血、散瘀、消肿之功效;   Dried Fish Maw #421 (6-9 pcs/lb) Fish maw is a delicacy served during special occasions like Chinese New Year. However its nutrition is valuable year round: Rich in collagen and protein, fish maw is a Chinese beauty secret for youthful skin. Fish maw contains rich proteins and nutrients. It nourishes 'yin' which means it replenishes the tissue, moisture and fluids of lung, stomach, liver and kidney. It boosts stamina and helps prevent burnout. Furthermore, fish maw does not contain cholesterol and therefore it is a very valuable health enhancing ingredient suitable for long time consumption. Fish maw is the dried form of fresh, high-quality air bladders of fish, which are rich in gelatin. The air bladders are taken from large fishes and is graded according to sex: male bladders are considered better than female ones. Among them, there are shark's tripe, Pollock maw and premium fish maw. Fish maw (aka swim bladder, gas bladder, or air bladder) is an internal gas-filled organ that contributes to the ability of many bony fish (but not cartilaginous fish) to float, i.e., control their buoyancy, and thus to stay at their current water depth without having to waste energy in swimming. Fish maw is usually served braised, stewed or in soup. Here is a simple recipe for two. Fish Maw Soup Ingredients:  2 chicken thighs 1 clove of garlic cooking oil 1 tablespoon raw ginger 1 cup dried fish maw pieces chicken soup stock or low sodium bouillon  1 package Sweet Soup/Qing Bu Liang Soup Rinse the fish maw in cold water. If it is hard, soak it for 30 minutes. Brown the chicken in oil and set it aside, brown sliced garlic and ginger in the oil until they become fragrant. Add back the chicken. Add the dry Sweet Soup ingredients. Cover the ingredients with chicken stock and simmer for 30 minutes or until the dry ingredients are soft. Add the fish maw and simmer for another fifteen minutes or until the fish maw is spongy soft and tender not dissolved. Season with soy sauce and garnish with chopped scallions.  From the manufacturer:  Fish maw has a high therapeutic effect and is rich in protein, collagen, phosphorus and calcium. It is regarded as a treasure for women. It has the ability to nourish all parts of the body, and it is a precious product that is nourishing and moisturizing. Fish maw is sweet, mild and enters the kidney and liver meridians; It has the effects of invigorating the kidney and essence, nourishing muscles and veins, stopping bleeding, removing blood stasis, and reducing swelling;


  • 15% OFF
    磅 )

    南美蝴蝶胶 #436(12-14头/磅 )

    南美 蝴蝶胶 #436(12-14头/磅 )  花胶的主要成分为高级胶原蛋白、多种维生素及钙、锌、铁、硒等多种微量元素。其蛋白质含量高达84.2%,脂肪仅为0.2%,是理想的高蛋白低脂肪食品。 从中医角度,花胶极有滋补食疗作用,《本草纲目》记载:花胶能补肾益精,滋养筋脉,能治疗肾虚滑精及产后(产后食品)风痉。花胶含丰富的蛋白质及胶质,具滋阴养颜,补肾,强壮机能。腰膝酸软,身体虚弱,最适宜经常食用。   Dried Fish Maw #436(12-14 pcs/Lb) Fish maw has a high therapeutic effects and is rich in protein, collagen, phosphorus and calcium. It is regarded as a treasure for women. It has the ability to nourish the entire body. It is a precious food that is nourishing, moisturizing and rejuvenating. Fish maw is sweet, mild and rejuvenating for kidney and liver and their meridians. It invigorates the kidney and Jing essence, nourishing muscles and veins, stopping excess bleeding, removing blood stasis, and reducing swelling Fish maw is a delicacy served during special occasions like Chinese New Year. However its nutrition is valuable year round: Rich in collagen, fish maw is a Chinese beauty secret for youthful skin. Fish maw contains rich proteins and nutrients. It nourishes 'yin' which means it replenishes the tissue, moisture and fluids of lung, stomach, liver and kidney. It boosts stamina and helps prevent burnout.  Furthermore, fish maw does not contain cholesterol and therefore it is a very valuable health enhancing ingredient suitable for long time consumption. Fish maw is the dried form of fresh, high-quality air bladders of fish, which are rich in gelatin. The air bladders are taken from large fishes and is graded according to sex: male bladders are considered better than female ones. Among them, there are shark's tripe, Pollock maw and premium fish maw. Fish maw (aka swim bladder, gas bladder, or air bladder) is an internal gas-filled organ that contributes to the ability of many bony fish (but not cartilaginous fish) to float, i.e., control their buoyancy, and thus to stay at their current water depth without having to waste energy in swimming. It is usually served braised, stewed or in soup. Fish maw comes dried in a non-fried or fried form. The non-fried form is hard and dry, whereas the fried form is all white, puffy and very light. The non-fried Fish maw needs to be soaked then boiled with ginger until they are soft. The fluffy white fried fish maw can be added to cook with soups. Here is a simple recipe for two. Fish Maw Soup Ingredients:  2 chicken thighs 1 clove of garlic cooking oil 1 tablespoon raw ginger 1 cup dried fish maw pieces chicken soup stock or low sodium bouillon  1 package Sweet Soup/Qing Bu Liang Soup Rinse the fish maw in cold water. If it is hard, soak it for 30 minutes. Brown the chicken in oil and set it aside, brown sliced garlic and ginger in the oil until they become fragrant. Add back the chicken. Add the dry Sweet Soup ingredients. Cover the ingredients with chicken stock and simmer for 30 minutes or until the dry ingredients are soft. Add the fish maw and simmer for another fifteen minutes or until the fish maw is spongy soft and tender not dissolved. Season with soy sauce and garnish with chopped scallions.  From the manufacturer:  The main components of fish maw are high-grade collagen, a variety of vitamins, calcium, zinc, iron, selenium and other trace elements. The protein content is as high as 84.2%, and the fat is only 0.2%. It is an ideal high-protein and low-fat food.  From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, fish maw has a nourishing and therapeutic effects. Compendium of Materia Medica records: “Fish maw can nourish the kidney and Jing essence, nourish the muscles and veins, and can treat kidney deficiency and smooth essence and postpartum (postpartum food) wind cramps.” That means it can support vitality, hormone balance and metabolism, balance yin/yang and reduce nerve pains. Fish maw is rich in protein and gelatine; it nourishes yin (internal organs and fluids) and skin, nourishes kidney/adrenal health, and has strengthening functions especially when the waist and knees are sore and weak, the body is weak. It is mild and most suitable for regular consumption.



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