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30 products

  • 美国Senictrim天然草本 减脂茶 美国Senictrim天然草本 减脂茶

    美国Senictrim天然草本 减脂茶

    2 reviews

    Senictrim Herbal Slimming Tea Senictrim Herbal Slimming tea uses the finest natural ingredients to help you keep fit and feel healthy. With Senictrim, you will be able to keep fit without the use of artificial appetite suppressants or complex dieting plans. Enjoy the soothing taste of Senictrim Herbal Slimming tea after a meal or anytime during the day. (Net wt : 1.4oz/40g) Slimming, Detoxifying, and Beautifying  Helps eliminate dietary toxins Improves weight loss Prevents fat buildup  All-natural ingredients   No appetite suppressants No chemical additives   Drink this tea after meals to naturally lose weight and help clear complexion issues, improve and speed digestion, detoxify to help prevent chronic pain and illness. Avoid use during pregnancy or if diarrhea develops.  Ingredients:  Senna leaf Chickweed  Black walnut leaf Licorice root Rich eating and poor digestion build up toxins in the body that can harm digestion, energy, and appearance. Senictrim Herbal Slimming Tea contains ingredients that help clear toxins, improve complexion, reduce indigestion, IBS, and enhance weight loss.  Senna: stimulates bowel movements and alleviates constipation Chickweed is used for constipation, stomach and bowel problems, blood disorders, asthma, and other lung diseases, obesity, vitamin C deficiency (scurvy), and skin conditions, including psoriasis, itching, as well as muscle and joint pain. Black walnut leaf has astringent and antifungal properties. Recent studies suggest Black Walnut leaf extracts have antiviral activity and are effective against certain types of tumors. Licorice root has potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects. It also helps to prevent spasm pain. Research shows it may ease upper respiratory infections, treat ulcers, and aid digestion, among other benefits.


  • 石鼓山 绞股蓝茶(七葉膽) 200克 (2克*100 茶包) 石鼓山 绞股蓝茶(七葉膽) 200克 (2克*100 茶包)

    石鼓山 绞股蓝茶(七葉膽) 200克 (2克*100 茶包)

    石鼓山 绞股蓝茶(七葉膽)  2克*100 茶包 石鼓山牌 绞股蓝茶乃采用中国特优绞股蓝,由不发酵绿茶直接炒菁精制而成。因为绞股蓝茶的某些结构,类似人参但其品质更胜人参,因此被美誉为"神草"。此茶百分之百取之于天然,有几十种绞股蓝皂甙和有益人体所需的胺基酸、维他命、人参、钙、铁、钾等.。此茶是不含任何咖啡因的绿茶,有助于抗氧化、清热解毒、止咳清肺祛痰、养心安神、促进睡眠、护心肌、降三高、延缓衰老,此茶茶色金黄澄明,口感甘醇是血糖亚健康人仕的专用茶。 不含任何咖啡因成分 100% 纯天然成分 含 8% 人参生物碱


  • 15% OFF
    铁观音乌龙茶茶包3g*30包 铁观音乌龙茶茶包3g*30包


    铁观音乌龙茶(3g*30包) 铁观音茶介于绿茶和红茶之间,属于半发酵茶类,除具有一般茶叶的保健功能外,还具有抗衰老、抗动脉硬化、防治糖尿病、减肥健美、防治龋齿、清热降火,敌烟醒酒等功效。   Tie Kuan Yin Oolong Tea(3g*30Tea Bag) Tie Kuan Yin, a famous semi-fermented tea, possesses a long-lasting robust flavor, and large juicy leaves, and can be brewed gong fu style well over ten times.  Legends surround its discovery. The Iron Goddess of Mercy, (aka Kuan Yin), is the bodhisattva of Compassion in the Buddhist world. One legend is that many centuries ago, there was a poor farmer who lovingly cared for a run-down Kuanyin temple. One day the bodhisattva appeared to him in his dreams and told him to look into a cave upon waking and he would find a treasure. So he did and found a tiny tea tree which he planted and carefully tended.  The tea tree grew big and tall yielding an especially delicious type of tea. He called the tea Tie Guan Yin after the goddess and shared it with his community. The farmer lived a prosperous life while caring for the temple and the Goddess who inhabited it. Some of these ancient tea trees still grow in the Anxi region in China. Oolong Tea Benefits  Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease by lowering cholesterol levels Lowers Risk of Cancer Decreases Inflammation Helps Fight Obesity Diabetes Prevention Boosts Energy and Mood Anti-inflammatory Anti-aging benefits Helpful to Stop Smoking Reduces Hangover and Indigestion Improves Tooth and Skin Health.


  • 盒) 盒)

    雀石 茉莉花茶 茶包(100包/盒)

    雀石 茉莉花茶 茶包(100包/盒) 經科學工藝精製而成,品質上乘 獨立茶包,色味俱全,更多甘醇 雀石茉莉花茶--選用生長在高山雲霧繚繞之巔的高山綠茶,配以精選品質優良含苞欲放的茉莉花,結合傳統工藝與現代科技精制而成,為純净無污染的綠色天然產品。 此茶茶色碧綠清亮、滋味甘醇、花香濃郁,飲之令人心曠神怡、爽喉潤肺、煩熱皆消,實爲養生保健的佳品。 春、夏季節: 此季節飲用花茶最適宜,春夏兩季往往令人容易感到睏倦乏力,喝一杯茉莉花茶,可以緩解因氣候帶來困倦的影響。 上班一族 : 茉莉花茶的香氣和營養有對于振奮精神有著顯著的功效,能令人暫時放鬆繃緊心情,紓解壓力。 使用方法:每次一袋,以開水200毫升冲泡3-5分鐘即可飲用


  • 滇红)

    Vinis 国粹脸谱 三角茶包 (茉莉/龙井/铁观音/滇红)

    Vinis Peking Opera Mask Pyramid Tea Bag (Jasmine Tea / Longjing Green Tea/ Tieguanyin Oolong Tea/ Yunnan Black Tea) Vinis 国粹脸谱 三角茶包 (茉莉花茶/西湖龙井/铁观音/滇红)

  • 10% OFF
    Wuyi Cinnamon Oolong (8g*10bag) Wuyi Cinnamon Oolong (8g*10bag)

    Wuyi Cinnamon Oolong (8g*10bag)

    武夷肉桂岩茶 (8g*10bag) 武夷肉桂岩茶是一种优质的中国岩茶,产自福建省武夷山地区。它以其独特的肉桂香气和独特的岩韵而闻名。这种茶叶通常生长在高海拔、云雾缭绕的山区,受到当地独特的气候和土壤条件的影响。武夷肉桂岩茶的制作工艺独特,经历了炭焙、摊晒、揉捻等多道复杂工序。其茶汤颜色清澈明亮,滋味醇厚甘甜,回甘持久,具有独特的肉桂香气,让人回味无穷。 武夷肉桂岩茶常被视为一种高档的礼品茶,因其独特的口感和品质而备受赞赏。它也被认为具有一定的保健价值,常被人们认为有助于消化和调节体内能量. Wuyi Rougui Rock Tea is a premium type of Chinese rock tea, produced in the Wuyi Mountains region of Fujian Province. It is renowned for its unique cinnamon aroma and distinctive rock essence. This tea is typically grown in high-altitude, misty mountainous areas, influenced by the unique local climate and soil conditions. The production process of Wuyi Rougui Rock Tea is intricate, involving multiple steps such as charcoal baking, spreading, rolling, and twisting. The tea's liquor is clear and bright, with a mellow and sweet taste, long-lasting aftertaste, and a unique cinnamon aroma that leaves a lasting impression. Wuyi Rougui Rock Tea is often considered a high-end gift tea, appreciated for its unique flavor and quality. It is also believed to have certain health benefits, often thought to aid in digestion and regulate internal energy. If you are interested in this type of tea, you can try purchasing it to experience its distinctive taste. 好处/Benefits 有助于消化(Aid digestion) 促进新陈代谢(Boost metabolism) 具有抗氧化作用(Antioxidant properties) 缓解焦虑(Relieve anxiety) 有助于体重管理(Aid weight management)  



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