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  • 南美 野生荔枝參#562

    南美 野生荔枝參#562

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    南美 野生 荔枝参 尺寸 Size:15~22 支/磅 特色 可發大5倍、彈牙、爽口、具高膠质、滋補養顏。 海参的营养价值 清朝赵学敏编的《本草纲目拾遗》有这样的叙述:“海参性温补,足敌人参,故名海参;味甘咸,补肾经,益精髓,消痰延,摄小便,壮阳疗痿,杀疮虫”。《药鉴》和《药性考》上,对于海参的药用价值有更详尽的记载。 1.海参含有较丰富的蛋白质,较少的脂肪和胆固醇。2.海参号称“精氨酸大富翁”。含有8种人体自身不能合成的必需氨基酸,其中精氨酸、赖氨酸含量最为丰富。3.参含有丰富的微量元素,尤其是钙、钒、钠、硒、镁含量较高。海参所含的微量元素钒居各种食物之首,可以参与血液中铁的运输,增强造血能力。4.含有特殊的活性营养物质,海参酸性粘多糖,海参皂甙(海参素、海参毒素),海参脂质,海参胶蛋白,牛磺酸等。 海参的食用禁忌  患急性肠炎、菌痢、感冒、咳痰、气喘及大便溏薄、出血兼有瘀滞及湿邪阻滞的患者忌食。 食谱 海参瘦肉汤 准备海参1条、瘦肉200克、红枣2粒、姜2片; 海参用水发至软身,清洗肚内杂质,取出内筋后切片,瘦肉切粒,红枣去核; 全部材料放进炖盅内炖一个半小时左右即可。 海参性温味咸,入心、肾二经,可补肾益精、养血润燥。本汤可帮助补肾健脑、益髓养血。 South America  Sea Cucumber#562 Size:15~22 pieces/pound Sea cucumbers are very low in calories and fat and high in protein, making them weight-loss food. They also contain many powerful substances, including antioxidants, which are good for your health. Sea cucumbers are high in protein, with most species comprising 41–63% protein. Sea cucumber is a marine invertebrate found all over the world. It is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat fatigue, impotence, constipation, frequent urination, and joint pain. It is also a rich source of mucopolysaccharides, especially chondroitin sulfate, commonly used for arthritis. Slowly cook the soaked sea cucumber in boiling water for 20 to 30 minutes. Turn off the heat afterwards, cover and let cool. Cut it open and remove the organs inside. If the sea cucumber still feels hard, repeat the boiling process for two or three times, until it turns completely soft. The medicinal value of sea cucumbers: Sea cucumbers are rich in protein, less fat, and cholesterol.  Sea cucumbers are known as "Arginine Monopoly". Contains 8 kinds of essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the human body, of which arginine and lysine are the most abundant.  Ginseng is rich in trace elements, especially calcium, vanadium, sodium, selenium, and magnesium. The trace element vanadium contained in sea cucumbers ranks first among various foods, which can participate in the transport of iron in the blood and enhance hematopoietic capacity.  Contains special active nutrients, sea cucumber acid mucopolysaccharide, sea cucumber saponin (sea cucumber, sea cucumber toxin), sea cucumber lipid, sea cucumber gel protein, taurine, etc. Contraindications of sea cucumber:  Patients suffering from acute enteritis, bacillary dysentery, colds, sputum expectoration, asthma, and loose stools, bleeding with stasis, and dampness blockage should avoid use.  Recipe  Sea Cucumber Lean Broth  Ingedients Prepared 1 sea cucumber, 200 grams of lean meat, 2 red dates, and 2 slices of ginger;  Rinse the sea cucumber with water and soak it for several hours and parboil to soften the body, clean the impurities from the belly, remove the internal tendons and slice the sea cucumber.  Cut the lean meat into cubes, and clean the red dates.  Put all the ingredients into the stewing pot and simmer for about one and a half hours.  Sea cucumber is warm and salty in nature; it enters the Heart and Kidney meridians and can nourish the kidney, blood and moisturize dryness. This soup can help to nourish the kidney/adrenal energy and brain, also nourish the marrow and blood.  

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