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Wing Hop Fung has a Tea for every Season and Taste: White, Green, Pu’er, Oolong, Black teas, flower teas, and more from quality-controlled estates in China, Japan, England, Europe, and India.


Traditional Herbal Remedies Traditional Herbal Remedies Tea is serenity, medication, peace and everything a lover adore. Directly from our tea gardens in China and Japan.

Wing Hop Fung has a Tea for every Season and Taste: White, Green, Pu’er, Oolong, Black teas, flower teas, and more from quality-controlled estates in China, Japan, England, Europe, and India.

60 products

  • 20% OFF
    荔枝烏龍茶#1286 荔枝烏龍茶#1286


    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 台湾  Taiwan 品名Name: 荔枝乌龙茶  Lychee Oolong Tea  等级Level: 三级 third-level 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶 Body: 饱满颗粒状、墨绿色 Large leaves handmade rolled into tightly even ball shape,glossy and dark green 茶汤 Liquor: 清醇滑润,回甘若蜜、醇厚甘润 Sweet and mellow taste with obvious osmanthus fragrance; sweet aftertaste 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place Select fine oolong tea leaves infused with pure lychee fruit extraction. Lychee is naturally warming to the body according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, is particularly high in antioxidants, and is known to increase endurance during exercise. Combined with oolong tea, this blend is perfect for those who need a pick me up. Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 5g Tea 7g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 6 steeps: rinse, 25s, 25s, 30s, 60s, 70s, 80s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds

    $8.48 - $33.92

  • 20% OFF
    馬騮搣 鐵觀音 烏龍茶#1136

    馬騮搣 鐵觀音 烏龍茶#1136

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 中国 福建 Fujian, China 品名Name: 马骝搣 铁观音 Monkey's Pick Tie Guan Yin 等级Level: 二级Regular 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶 Body: 外形卷曲,呈砂绿色 Tightly curled into semi-ball, sand-green color 茶汤 Liquor: 汤如琥珀,花香醇厚 Complex, bright, full of vegetal & fruity notes 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place   马骝搣本是茶树的一种,生于岩石之间,采摘时须要人用绳吊往岩石上,情况好像猴子般,故称为马骝槭(“马骝”就是岭南人对猴子的俗称,“搣”就是摘的意思。即所谓的“猴王采茶”)。到了现代,马骝搣茶一词大多数用来形容一些高品质的乌龙茶。   Monkey's Pick Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea #1136 Monkey Picked uses firing (roasting) techniques reduced from high temperatures to a low-mid temperature setting. This is done to enhance the tea’s floral notes as well as to bring out fruitiness and preserves the tea’s jade green appearance. It enhances and concentrates the depth and richness of flavor, resulting in an extremely silky and thick textured mouth-feel with a surprisingly long finish. The unique process of partially oxidizing the tea leaves preserves the healthful benefits of the natural antioxidants. Monkey Pick Oolong Tea produces a rich, satisfying aroma. Greatest for gift and self-indulgence. It is fresh and nutty on the nose with a lingering finish of speckled peach. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 5g Tea 7g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 6 steeps: rinse, 25s, 25s, 30s, 60s, 70s, 80s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds  

    $22.40 - $87.20

  • 20% OFF
    特級 马骝搣鐵觀音 烏龍茶#1468

    特級 马骝搣鐵觀音 烏龍茶#1468

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 中国 福建 Fujian, China 品名Name: 马骝搣 铁观音 Monkey's Pick Tie Guan Yin 等级Level: 特级 Supreme 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶 Body: 外形卷曲,呈砂绿色,形如观音,重实如铁 Tightly curled into semi-ball, sand-green color 茶汤 Liquor: 金黄清亮,花香清幽,入口温厚醇滑,甘饴润喉 Complex, bright, full of vegetal & fruity notes 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place  马骝搣本是茶树的一种,生于岩石之间,采摘时须要人用绳吊往岩石上,情况好像猴子般,故称为马骝槭(“马骝”就是岭南人对猴子的俗称,“搣”就是摘的意思。即所谓的“猴王采茶”)。马骝搣茶茶叶香气芬芳鲜嫩,有非常明显的水蜜桃香,持久不散,性质顺和;茶汤碧绿带黄,香气清幽脱俗,入口温厚醇滑,甘饴润喉,令人心境舒畅。 Folklore tells of a man discovering a tea bush hanging off the side of a cliff. Unable to reach it, he trained a monkey to pick the leaves for him, and thus Monkey's Pick Oolong was born. While the usage of monkeys is not a normal harvesting procedure anymore, the name certainly has stuck. Monkey's Pick Oolong boasts earthy, unique aromas that are unveiled with each successive steeping as the leaves unfurl. Monkey Picked uses firing (roasting) techniques reduced from high temperatures to a low-mid temperature setting. This is done to enhance the tea’s floral notes as well as to bring out fruitiness and preserves the tea’s jade green appearance. It enhances and concentrates the depth and richness of flavor, resulting in an extremely silky and thick textured mouth-feel with a surprisingly long finish. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 5g Tea 7g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins  8 steeps: rinse, 25s,25s,30s,40s,60s,90s,120s,180s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds

    $68.00 - $206.40

  • 20% OFF
    台灣金萱 桂花烏龍茶#1133

    台灣金萱 桂花烏龍茶#1133

    3 reviews

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 台灣 南投县Taiwan 品名Name: 金萱 桂花 奶香乌龙茶Osmanthus Milk Oolong Tea 等级Level: 特级 Supreme 分类Sort: 调味乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 干茶 Body: 颗粒饱满,色泽墨绿,茶香飘逸 Rolled into tight tiny ball shape, sand-green in color 茶汤 Liquor: 蜜黄明亮,口感顺滑,花香奶香清雅 Silky, smooth, and buttery 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 所谓桂花乌龙茶,实际上是用桂花与乌龙茶拌合熏制而成的。制作时先铺一层茶叶,再用一层桂花铺匀,让茶叶吸收桂花香,密封窖藏。从制作工艺上,严格来说桂花乌龙算是花茶了,但却不失乌龙茶的风味。 From the high misty mountains in Taiwan comes a naturally rich and milky flavored tea. Just smell the tea leaves and you’ll know what we’re talking about! Surprisingly, no actual milk is used - the flavor is purely natural from the climate conditions the tea trees grow in. All we did was infuse this tea with the unforgettable sweet fragrance of Osmanthus flowers for a delightful cup of tea. Osmanthus flower is incredibly beautiful and has a unique sweet, creamy, peachy, and floral aroma, and flavor. In fact, this flower tea is unlike any other flower tea. . . ( This tea is really good for cold brew. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water Volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  2 Teaspoons / 5g Tea    7g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins  7 steeps: rinse, 15s, 25s, 35s, 45s, 55s, 75s, 85s

    $23.60 - $94.40

  • 20% OFF
    鳳凰單樅  黄枝香 烏龍茶#1118

    鳳凰單樅 黄枝香 烏龍茶#1118

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 潮州 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 凤凰单枞 黄枝香Phoenix Dan Cong Gardenia fragrance  等级Level: 二级Regular 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索粗壮,匀称挺直Tight and even strips, dark brown bloom glossy  茶汤Liquor: 橙黄明亮,清香浓郁,回甘佳Mellow and smooth taste with strong honey aroma 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place   Phoenix Yellow Stone Oolong Tea is cultivated from tea trees in Guangdong, China that have been there since the Song Dynasty. It is said they were once only reserved for royalty. Today, this tea is still rare due to its limited production but you can now enjoy its rich and complex flavor. Dan Cong is a special type of Oolong from Fenghuang shan (Phoenix mountains) in Guandong province, China. The Phoenix Mountains are elevated from 350 - 1560 meters above sea level. Niaoji shan (1560m) is the highest mountain while in Wudong shan (1391m) the main Dancong production is located. Dancong literally translated means "single bush". Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  3g Tea  8g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 10 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 210s, 280s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds

    $24.00 - $92.80

  • 20% OFF
    鳳凰單樅 黃枝香 烏龍茶#1094

    鳳凰單樅 黃枝香 烏龍茶#1094

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 潮州 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 凤凰单枞 黄枝香Phoenix Dan Cong Gardenia fragrance  等级Level: 一级 Premium 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索粗壮,匀称挺直Tight and even strips, dark brown bloom glossy  茶汤Liquor: 橙黄明亮,清香浓郁,回甘佳 Aromatic, earthy accents with peach and apricot notes 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place   黄枝香型的单丛茶最初因叶形宛如团树之叶,称为团树叶。后经过培育,叶形比同类诸茶之叶稍椭圆而阔大,称大叶香。再经过精工炒制后,仔细品尝,悟出栀子花香,更名为“黄栀香/黄枝香”。茶叶生化成分中,花香物质丰富;制成乌龙茶,汤色橙黄,清沏明亮,花香锐长,滋味清醇爽口,回甘力强。   Phoenix Dan Cong Gardenia fragrance Oolong Tea #1094 Phoenix Yellow Stone is cultivated from tea trees in Guangdong that are over 700 years old. These trees are actually quite tiny in size and have been around since the Song Dynasty. It is said this tea was once reserved only for royalty. Today, Phoenix Yellow Stone has still considered a rare and precious tea due to its limited production. In the world of oolong tea, there are four main types – Tie Guanyin from southern Fujian province; Wuyi Mountain oolongs from northern Fujian; Taiwanese oolongs; and Dan Cong from Guangdong province.  What makes Dan Cong special is the unique aroma sub-varieties available within Dan Cong. There are said to be at least 10 different aroma sub-varieties of Dan Cong, each with unique taste and flavor profiles. And in general, all these sub-varieties fall into 1 of 3 main categories – fruity, floral, and herbal aromas.  Dan Cong tea is amazing because there are no artificial flavors, additives, or essential oils added to create their vibrant flavors. All of the different varieties come straight from the tea leaves and no other additives. The tea flavors have been developed by generations of selective tea cultivation, tea plants chosen in order to bring out the naturally fragrant flavors.  The word "Dan Cong" literally means "single stem." If you look at an actual Dan Cong tea plant, it differs from your standard tea plant in that Dan Cong are all single trunk trees as opposed to long interconnected tea bushes. Dan Cong tea varieties stem from a series of ancient "mother trees."  From the manufacturer:  The yellow-branch-flavored Dancong tea was originally called the group leaf because the leaf shape resembled the leaf of a group tree. After cultivation, the leaf shape is slightly elliptical and wider than the leaves of similar teas, and it is called Da Ye Xiang. After being carefully toasted, tasted and matured for the fragrance of gardenia, it was renamed "Huangzhixiang". Among the biochemical components of the tea, there are rich floral aroma; when made into oolong tea, the soup is orange-yellow, clear and bright, the floral fragrance is sharp, the taste is refreshing, and the sweetness is strong. Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  3g Tea  8g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 10 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 210s, 280s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds

    $27.20 - $102.40

  • 20% OFF
    鳳凰單樅 芝蘭香 烏龍茶#1132

    鳳凰單樅 芝蘭香 烏龍茶#1132

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 潮州 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 凤凰单枞 芝兰香 Phoenix Dan Cong Honey Orchid  等级Level: 二级 Regular 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶 Body: 条索粗壮,匀称挺直 Tight and even strips, dark brown bloom glossy with honey aroma 茶汤 Liquor: 橙黄明亮,清香浓郁,回甘佳 Mellow and smooth taste with strong honey aroma, yielding a long lasting fragrance with unique mountain flavor 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 凤凰单丛茶,广东省潮州市潮安区特产,中国国家地理标志产品。成品茶外形条索粗壮,匀整挺直,色泽黄褐,油润有光,并有朱砂红点;冲泡清香持久,滋味浓醇鲜爽,润喉回甘,具独特的山韵。凤凰单丛茶形美、色翠、香郁、味甘,有诗云“愿充凤凰茶山客,不作杏花醉里仙”。 凤凰单丛茶现有80多个品系,有以叶态命名的,如山茄叶、柚叶、竹叶、锯朵仔等;有以香气命名的,如蜜兰香、黄栀香、芝兰香、桂花香、玉兰香、肉桂香、杏仁香、柚花香、夜来香、姜花香十大香型 Phoenix Honey Orchid Oolong Tea is a top grade tea made entirely by hand from 700 year old tea trees in the Phoenix Mountains. The leaves are carefully handled in a long process resulting in elegant, long, twisted dark leaves. The brew imparts complex flavors with apricot and honey scents. It can be steeped multiple times, maintaining its rich flavor and body with every infusion. Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  3g Tea  8g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 10 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 210s, 280s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds

    $23.52 - $48.70

  • 20% OFF
    鳳凰單樅 蜜蘭香 烏龍茶#1439 鳳凰單樅 蜜蘭香 烏龍茶#1439

    鳳凰單樅 蜜蘭香 烏龍茶#1439

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 潮州 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 凤凰单枞 蜜兰香Phoenix Dan Cong Mi Lan Xiang 等级Level: 一级 Premium 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索粗壮,匀称挺直Tight and even strips, dark brown bloom glossy with honey aroma 茶汤Liquor: 橙黄明亮,清香浓郁,回甘佳Bright orange color. Lasting orchid fragrance and strong honey aroma 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place   Mi Lan Xiang means ‘honey orchid fragrance’ and is one of the famous types of Phoenix dan cong, with a mother tree older than 600 years. The tea has a characteristic honey aroma and orchid flavor, giving it this name; these flavors are wonderfully blended together in the tea, making it an exceptional specimen. When we drink tea, our mouth is filled with the natural aroma of the leaves, like an elegant perfume. Because of this, many tea lovers say that dan cong is a kind of drinkable perfume; when savoring the tea, the taste is mellow and smooth with a strong, sweet aftertaste, the sweet honey and elegant orchid flavors mixing perfectly with the mountain minerality to build a totally unique drinking experience. Drinking this tea in a zisha teapot can better bring out the unique flavors of this tea, and make its aroma and flavor more vivid. Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  3g Tea  8g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 10 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 210s, 280s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds

    $29.60 - $59.20

  • 20% OFF
    鳳凰單樅 西岩  烏龍茶#1043

    鳳凰單樅 西岩 烏龍茶#1043

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 潮州 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 凤凰单枞 西岩 Phoenix Dan Cong Xiyan 等级Level: 二级Regular 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶 Body: 条索紧结匀称,茶香浓郁 Tight and even strips, dark brown bloom glossy with honey aroma 茶汤 Liquor: 金黄透亮,花香清爽,耐冲泡 Mellow and smooth taste with strong honey aroma, yielding a long-lasting fragrance with a unique mountain flavor 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 凤凰单枞,属乌龙茶类。主要产于广东省潮州市凤凰山。单丛茶系在凤凰水仙群体品种中选拔优良单株茶树,经培育、采摘、加工而成。因成茶香气、滋味的差异,当地习惯将单丛茶按香型分为黄枝香、芝兰香、桃仁香、玉桂香、通天香等多种。 Dan Cong (单枞) are special types of Oolong from Fenghuang shan (Phoenix mountains) in Guandong province, China. The Phoenix Mountains are elevated from 350 - 1560 meters above sea level. Niaoji shan (1560m) is the highest mountain while in Wudong shan (1391m) the main Dancong production is located. Dancong literally translated means "single bush". This variety is known to mimic different flavors. The shape of Xiyan oolong tea is tightly curled, the color is black and smooth; the inner aroma is long-lasting, the taste is mellow and refreshing, the aftertaste is smooth, the tea soup is orange and bright, and the green bottom of the leaf is red-rimmed and resistant to brewing. ( Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  3g Tea  8g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 10 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 210s, 280s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds

    $25.60 - $55.10

  • 20% OFF
    鴨屎香 烏龍茶#1180

    鳳凰單樅 銀花香/鴨屎香 烏龍茶#1180

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 潮州 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 凤凰单枞 银花香/鸭屎香 Phoenix Dan Cong Ya Shi Xiang 等级Level: 特级 Supreme 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索紧结匀称,茶香浓郁Tight and even strips, dark brown bloom glossy with honey aroma 茶汤Liquor: 金黄透亮,花香清爽,耐冲泡Mellow and smooth taste with strong honey aroma, yielding along lasting fragrance with unique mountain flavor 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 凤凰单丛银花香正宗产地以有"潮汕屋脊"之称的凤凰山东南坡为主,这是一种蜜兰春型的高档茶,其外形条索粗壮,匀整挺直,色泽黄褐,油润有光,并有朱砂红点;冲泡清香持久,有独特的天然兰花香,滋味浓醇鲜爽,润喉回甘;汤色清澈黄亮,叶底边缘朱红,叶腹黄亮,素有“绿叶红镶边”之称,具有独特的山韵品格。 茶农当初从乌岽引进,种在“鸭屎土”(黄壤)的茶园里,当地人喝过这种茶之后都大为叫好,称赞此茶好,纷纷问是何名丛,什么香型。茶农怕被人偷去,便谎称是鸭屎香。后来依然有人获得了茶树,并开始扩种,“鸭屎香”的别名便由此而来。在2014年5月,凤凰单丛茶“鸭屎香”已经更名为“银花香”。 Dan Cong (单枞) are special types of Oolong from Fenghuang shan (Phoenix mountains) in Guandong province, China. The Phoenix Mountains are elevated from 350 - 1560 meters above sea level. Niaoji shan (1560m) is the highest mountain while in Wudong shan (1391m) the main Dancong production is located. Dancong literally translated means "single bush". This variety is known to mimic different flavors. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  3g Tea  8g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 10 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 210s, 280s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds

    $32.80 - $128.00

  • 20% OFF
    鳳凰單樅 鴨屎香  烏龍茶#1417

    鳳凰單樅 鴨屎香 烏龍茶#1417

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 潮州 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 凤凰单枞 鸭屎香 Phoenix Dan Cong Ya Shi Xiang 等级Level: 一级 Premium 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索紧结匀称,茶香浓郁Tight and even strips, dark brown bloom glossy with honey aroma 茶汤Liquor: 金黄透亮,花香清爽,回甘十足Mellow and smooth taste with strong honey aroma, yielding along-lasting fragrance with a unique mountain flavor 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 凤凰单丛银花香正宗产地以有"潮汕屋脊"之称的凤凰山东南坡为主,这是一种蜜兰春型的高档茶,其外形条索粗壮,匀整挺直,色泽黄褐,油润有光,并有朱砂红点;冲泡清香持久,有独特的天然兰花香,滋味浓醇鲜爽,润喉回甘;汤色清澈黄亮,叶底边缘朱红,叶腹黄亮,素有“绿叶红镶边”之称,具有独特的山韵品格。 茶农当初从乌岽引进,种在“鸭屎土”(黄壤)的茶园里,当地人喝过这种茶之后都大为叫好,称赞此茶好,纷纷问是何名丛,什么香型。茶农怕被人偷去,便谎称是鸭屎香。后来依然有人获得了茶树,并开始扩种,“鸭屎香”的别名便由此而来。在2014年5月,凤凰单丛茶“鸭屎香”已经更名为“银花香”。 Dan Cong (单枞) are special types of Oolong from Fenghuang shan (Phoenix mountains) in Guandong province, China. The Phoenix Mountains are elevated from 350 - 1560 meters above sea level. Niaoji shan (1560m) is the highest mountain while in Wudong shan (1391m) the main Dancong production is located. Dancong literally translated means "single bush". This variety is known to mimic different flavors. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  3g Tea  8g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 10 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 210s, 280s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds

    $30.00 - $60.00

  • 20% OFF
    鳳凰單樅 宋種蜜香 烏龍茶#1385

    鳳凰單樅 宋種蜜香 烏龍茶#1385

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 潮州 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 宋种 凤凰单枞 Phoenix Dan Cong 等级Level: 特级 Supreme 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶 Body: 条索紧结匀称,茶香浓郁 Tight and even strips, dark brown bloom glossy with honey aroma 茶汤 Liquor: 金黄透亮,滋味醇爽,口感浓郁,回甘十足 Mellow and smooth taste with strong honey aroma, yielding a long-lasting fragrance with a unique mountain flavor 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 凤凰单丛茶,广东省潮州市潮安区特产,中国国家地理标志产品。凤凰单丛茶出产于凤凰镇,因凤凰山而得名。 成品茶外形条索粗壮,匀整挺直,色泽黄褐,油润有光,并有朱砂红点;冲泡清香持久,滋味浓醇鲜爽,润喉回甘,具独特的山韵。凤凰单丛茶形美、色翠、香郁、味甘,有诗云“愿充凤凰茶山客,不作杏花醉里仙”。 凤凰单丛茶现有80多个品系,有以叶态命名的,如山茄叶、柚叶、竹叶、锯朵仔等;有以香气命名的,如蜜兰香、黄栀香、芝兰香、桂花香、玉兰香、肉桂香、杏仁香、柚花香、夜来香、姜花香十大香型。 Dan Cong (单枞) are special types of Oolong from Fenghuang shan (Phoenix mountains) in Guandong province, China. The Phoenix Mountains are elevated from 350 - 1560 meters above sea level. Niaoji shan (1560m) is the highest mountain while in Wudong shan (1391m) the main Dancong production is located. Dancong literally translated means "single bush". This variety is known to mimic different flavors. Dancong tea leaf is beautiful in shape, green in color, fragrant, and sweet in taste. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  3g Tea  8g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 10 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 210s, 280s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds  

    $47.99 - $182.40


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