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    宜兴紫砂6頭手工茶具 Size(Inch) 茶壶 Tea pot: 5.5* 3.5 * 2.6 茶杯 Tea cup: 2.5 * 2.5 * 1.3 (4Pc) 茶盘 Tray: 3.2 * 3.2 * 0.4    YIXING PURPLE CLAY (ZI SHA) TEA SET 2 PIECES  The Yixing pronounced (E-Shing) teapot was the first vessel designed specifically for brewing tea during the Ming dynasty (1368 – 1644). The first Yixing teapots originated west of Taihu, the great lake in the Jiangsu province around 100 miles from Shanghai. ... Pottery has been produced in Yixing since neolithic times. Yixing teapots are intended for Pu-Erh, black, and oolong teas. They can also be used for green or white teas, however, the heat retention characteristics of Yixing make the brewing process extremely difficult; and in such cases, the water must be heated to no greater than 85 °C (185 °F), before pouring into the teapot. A famous characteristic of Yixing teapots is their ability to absorb trace amounts of brewed tea flavors and minerals into the teapot with each brewing. Over time, these accumulate to give each Yixing teapot its own unique interior coating that flavors and colors future brewings. It is for this reason that soap is never recommended for cleaning Yixing teapots, but instead, fresh distilled water and air drying. Many tea connoisseurs will steep only one type of tea in a particular Yixing teapot so that future brewings of the same type of tea will be optimally enhanced. Yixing teapots are smaller than their western counterparts as the tea is often brewed using the gongfu style of brewing: shorter steeping durations with smaller amounts of water and smaller teacups (compared to western-style brewing). Traditionally, the tea from the teapot is poured into either a small pitcher, from which it is then poured into a teacup that holds approximately 30 ml or less of liquid, allowing the tea to be quickly and repeatedly ingested before it becomes cooled or into several teacups for guests. (Wikipedia)

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    紫砂套組(一壺二杯碟) 紫砂套組(一壺二杯碟)


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    紫砂套組(一壺二杯碟) Size(Inch) 茶壶 Tea pot: 4.5 * 3.5 * 2.2  茶杯 Tea cup: 2.7 * 2.7 *1.4 (2Pc) 茶盘 Tray: 3.2 * 3.2 * 0.4 (2Pc)   YIXING PURPLE CLAY (ZI SHA) TEA SET 2 PIECES  The Yixing pronounced (E-Shing) teapot was the first vessel designed specifically for brewing tea during the Ming dynasty (1368 – 1644). The first Yixing teapots originated west of Taihu, the great lake in the Jiangsu province around 100 miles from Shanghai. ... Pottery has been produced in Yixing since neolithic times. Yixing teapots are intended for pu-erh, black, and oolong teas. They can also be used for green or white teas, however, the heat retention characteristics of Yixing make the brewing process extremely difficult; and in such cases, the water must be heated to no greater than 85 °C (185 °F), before pouring into the teapot. A famous characteristic of Yixing teapots is their ability to absorb trace amounts of brewed tea flavors and minerals into the teapot with each brewing. Over time, these accumulate to give each Yixing teapot its own unique interior coating that flavors and colors future brewings. It is for this reason that soap is never recommended for cleaning Yixing teapots, but instead, fresh distilled water and air drying. Many tea connoisseurs will steep only one type of tea in a particular Yixing teapot so that future brewings of the same type of tea will be optimally enhanced Yixing teapots are smaller than their western counterparts as the tea is often brewed using the gongfu style of brewing: shorter steeping durations with smaller amounts of water and smaller teacups (compared to western-style brewing). Traditionally, the tea from the teapot is poured into either a small pitcher, from which it is then poured into a teacup that holds approximately 30 ml or less of liquid, allowing the tea to be quickly and repeatedly ingested before it becomes cooled or into several teacups for guests. (Wikipedia)

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  • 總統牌廿四味涼茶 總統牌廿四味涼茶


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    总统牌二十四味涼茶(16包*10G) 对各种病毒(热毒)性感冒、上呼吸道感染等有显著的预防和治疗效果。 主要成份为金银花、山芝麻、菊花具有清热解毒,凉血消暑、降火利咽、生津止渴、清除风热感冒、热血毒痢、痛肿疔疮、温病发热等功效。选用纯中药精制而成,具有清热解毒、生津止渴、解酒去湿、健胃消滞等作用。储存方法:存放于阴凉干燥处,避免阳光直射。 用法用量:开水冲服。 1-2袋一次,每日3-4次。 最佳时间:2023 年 8 月 19 日   President Brand Nian Si Wei Herbal Tea (16Bags*10G) Functions and indications: A traditional herbal supplement that helps maintain healthy circulation by establishing the body's natural balance. Nian Si Wei Herbal Tea is a health drink product made from extracts of combinations of herbal plants such as Honeysuckle Flowers, Flowers Chrysanthemum, Polygonati Root, and other herbal roots that have efficacy in helping to relieve inner heat accompanied by dry throat, improve the immune system, reduce the temperature of heat and excessive toxins in the body (detoxification), and increase the production of fluid in the body. Ways of working: Nian Si Wei Herbal Tea works by removing excess heat and toxins in the body (detoxification) so that a fever accompanied by pain in the throat is reduced. Benefits: Helps relieve heartburn accompanied by a dry throat, improves the body's immune system, reduces the temperature of heat and excess toxins in the body (detoxification), increases the production of fluid in the body, maintains digestive health, improves the immune system, reduce symptoms of flu and runny nose, relieve heartburn accompanied by the dry throat. Storage method: Store in a cool and dry place, Avoid direct sunlight. Usage and dosage: Taken after being mixed with boiled water. 1-2 bags once, 3-4 times daily. Best before 08/19/2023

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  • 原木冬菇3-4CM 原木冬菇3-4CM


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     原木冬菇3-4CM(16oz/包)  Size: 3cm-4cm 原木香菇又叫野生香菇,在野外依靠吸收天然养分,自然的气温,自然的空气湿度,自然的阳光生长,中间没人为的干涉。一般生长缓慢,一年只摘一次,所以原木香菇的味道很香很浓,有嚼头,更滑溜,炖不烂。而且这种香菇的营养价值非常高,没有任何人工添加的化肥和激素等有害物质,属于纯天然有机食品。 Shiitake mushroom benefits:  Fights obesity Supports immune function Destroys cancer cells Supports cardiovascular health Contains antimicrobial properties Boosts energy and brain function Provides vitamin D Promotes skin health Wild shiitake mushrooms, rely on the absorption of natural nutrients, natural temperature, natural air humidity, and natural sunlight to grow in the wild without human interference. Generally, it grows slowly and is only picked once a year, so the log mushrooms are very fragrant and strong, chewy, more slippery, and not rotten when stewed. And the nutritional value of this mushroom is very high, without any artificially added chemical fertilizers and hormones, and other harmful substances, it is a pure natural organic food.

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  • 桂茗玉竹茶匙


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    桂茗玉竹茶匙 在茶道文化中,选择器具是一门学问,茶具是品茶悟道的媒介,用对茶具也能在泡茶、品茗时更加得心顺手。 茶匙又称「茶扒」,因其形状像汤匙,所以叫茶匙,主要是用来挖取茶壶内泡过的茶叶,茶叶冲泡过后,往往会紧紧塞满茶壶,加上一般茶壶的口都不大,使用茶匙可方便清理泡过的茶叶及茶壶出水孔。

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  • 响螺片 12oz 响螺片 12oz

    响螺片 12oz

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    响螺片 12oz 尺寸:直径 13cm-15cm 响螺片是水产市场上最常见的干货食材,他是把海螺肉切成片状以后风干得到的干品,它保留了新鲜响螺肉中的大部分营养,用清水浸泡以后可以煲汤也可以炒食,营养价值特别高,能滋补强壮身体,但响螺片虽好在食用时却有一些禁忌,建议大家在食用以前能对它多做了解。 响螺片的功效 1、保护眼睛 响螺片是一种营养丰富的海产食材,它含有丰富的维生素a和一些核黄素,卵磷脂等营养成分,这些物质对人类的眼部发育有十分积极的作用,而且能提高视网膜功能,防止视力下降,它对人类的夜盲症和角膜炎也有良好预防功效。 2、延缓衰老 响螺片中含有丰富的维生素e和维生素c还有一些天然蛋白质,它们被人体吸收以后,能促进人体代谢,可以提高身体各器官功能,而且能滋养细嫩肌肤,能让人体保持一种年轻健康的状态,可以延缓多种衰老症状发生。 3、清热明目 响螺片是一种性质寒凉的食材,它味甘无毒,人们食用以后能清热明目,也能清热解毒,它对人类经常出现的目赤肿痛和双目昏花以及心腹热痛等不良症状,都有一定预防和缓解作用,另外人们出现肺热肺燥咳嗽等不良症状时,也可以多吃些响螺片,它能让症状明显好转。 响螺片的食用禁忌 响螺片虽好食用时禁忌却很多,因为这种食材性质寒凉,生活中,那些患有脾胃虚寒和寒性体质的人群都禁止吃响螺片,另外,那些腹泻便溏的人和患有感冒以及正处于月经期间的女性,也仅只吃响螺片。 Futuma Dried Conch 12oz Snails possess anti-cancer properties and boost the immune system due to their antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects. An average snail is comprised of 80% water, 15% protein, and 2.4% fat. They contain essential fatty acids, calcium, iron, selenium, magnesium and are a rich source of vitamins E, A, K, and B12...Why we should eat it: Virtually fat-free, carbohydrate-free, and sugar-free, escargot is an excellent source of lean protein. They're rich in iron, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Like other mollusks, snails are a good source of tryptophan, an amino acid that helps the brain produce serotonin.

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  • 江船长瑶柱蚝皇鲍鱼


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    Braised Abalone in Scallop Sauce What is Abalone? Abalone is a mollusk that clings to rocks and grazes on seaweed. The taste of abalone is similar to scallops when tenderized before cooking. Abalone Health Benefits: Expert believes that abalone may help prevent and treat debilitating health conditions including arthritis. Abalone is highly regarded in Asian cultures for its health benefits and is believed to promote healthy eyes, alleviate colds, reduce fluid retention and improve circulation. Traditional Chinese Medicine Uses: Abalone is said to protect the immune system. Abalone can "nourish yin, calm liver, strengthen the kidney/adrenal energy." It can adjust adrenal gland secretion, regulate blood pressure, moisten dryness and invigorate intestines, treat irregular menstruation, constipation and other diseases. Research: Abalone provides:High ProteinAnti-oxidantAnti-thromboticAnti-inflammatoryAnti-microbialAnti-cancer activities   产品简介 鲍鱼是海洋中的单壳软体动物,是一种原始的海洋贝类,只有半面外壳,壳坚厚,扁而宽,形状有些像人的耳朵,所以也叫它“海耳”。 鲍鱼是中国传统的名贵食材,位居四大海味之首。日本、南非、越南、澳洲等沿海国家都是盛产鲍鱼的好地方。 鲍鱼是以1斤为标准计算的,将同一品种的鲍鱼放在一起,1斤鲍鱼称出几只就算几头鲍,如“3头鲍”就是3个鲍鱼为1斤,“16头鲍”就是16个鲍鱼为1斤,而且通常这些都是以干鲍来论的。 此外,鲍鱼又有干鲍和鲜鲍之分,干鲍经过名师的晒制之后,肉身起了重要的化学变化,产生“糖心”的效果,品尝起来更为甘甜、鲜香、柔韧,有着鲜鲍所不具备的特殊风味。而鲜鲍口感上则较为鲜嫩、脆滑一些,多用作刺身、卤水、打边炉等。 药用价值 中医认为鲍鱼具有滋阴补阳,止渴通淋,功效是一种补而不燥的海产,吃后没有牙痛,流鼻血等副作用。《食疗本草》记载,鲍鱼『入肝通瘀,入肠涤垢,不伤元气。壮阳,生百脉』。主治肝热上逆,头晕目眩,骨蒸劳热,青肓内障,高血压,眼底出血等症。 现代研究表明,鲍鱼肉中能提取一种被称作鲍灵素的生物活性物质III。实验表明,它能够提高免疫力,破坏癌细胞代谢过程,提高抑瘤率,却不损害正常细胞,有保护免疫系统的作用。鲍鱼能『养阴,平肝,固肾』,可调整肾上腺分泌,调节血压,润燥利肠,治月经不调,大便秘结等疾患。

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  • 江船长黑松露口味鲍鱼


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    Black Truffle Abalone What is Abalone? Abalone is a mollusk that clings to rocks and grazes on seaweed. The taste of abalone is similar to scallops when tenderized before cooking. Abalone Health Benefits: Expert believes that abalone may help prevent and treat debilitating health conditions including arthritis. Abalone is highly regarded in Asian cultures for its health benefits and is believed to promote healthy eyes, alleviate colds, reduce fluid retention and improve circulation. Traditional Chinese Medicine Uses: Abalone is said to protect the immune system. Abalone can "nourish yin, calm liver, strengthen the kidney/adrenal energy." It can adjust adrenal gland secretion, regulate blood pressure, moisten dryness and invigorate intestines, treat irregular menstruation, constipation and other diseases. Research: Abalone provides:High ProteinAnti-oxidantAnti-thromboticAnti-inflammatoryAnti-microbialAnti-cancer activities   产品简介 鲍鱼是海洋中的单壳软体动物,是一种原始的海洋贝类,只有半面外壳,壳坚厚,扁而宽,形状有些像人的耳朵,所以也叫它“海耳”。 鲍鱼是中国传统的名贵食材,位居四大海味之首。日本、南非、越南、澳洲等沿海国家都是盛产鲍鱼的好地方。 鲍鱼是以1斤为标准计算的,将同一品种的鲍鱼放在一起,1斤鲍鱼称出几只就算几头鲍,如“3头鲍”就是3个鲍鱼为1斤,“16头鲍”就是16个鲍鱼为1斤,而且通常这些都是以干鲍来论的。 此外,鲍鱼又有干鲍和鲜鲍之分,干鲍经过名师的晒制之后,肉身起了重要的化学变化,产生“糖心”的效果,品尝起来更为甘甜、鲜香、柔韧,有着鲜鲍所不具备的特殊风味。而鲜鲍口感上则较为鲜嫩、脆滑一些,多用作刺身、卤水、打边炉等。 药用价值 中医认为鲍鱼具有滋阴补阳,止渴通淋,功效是一种补而不燥的海产,吃后没有牙痛,流鼻血等副作用。《食疗本草》记载,鲍鱼『入肝通瘀,入肠涤垢,不伤元气。壮阳,生百脉』。主治肝热上逆,头晕目眩,骨蒸劳热,青肓内障,高血压,眼底出血等症。 现代研究表明,鲍鱼肉中能提取一种被称作鲍灵素的生物活性物质III。实验表明,它能够提高免疫力,破坏癌细胞代谢过程,提高抑瘤率,却不损害正常细胞,有保护免疫系统的作用。鲍鱼能『养阴,平肝,固肾』,可调整肾上腺分泌,调节血压,润燥利肠,治月经不调,大便秘结等疾患。

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    石飄紫砂茶壺 250ML 石飄紫砂茶壺 250ML

    石飄紫砂茶壺 250ML

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    茶壶 Tea pot: 15cm*11cm   Zisha teapots are very unique to Chinese tea culture and are an essential brewing vessel for gongfu tea. Zisha refers specifically to a special purple clay that originates from Yixing city of Jiangshu province, China. This is also known as a Yixing teapot.  The Yixing pronounced (E-Shing) teapot was the first vessel designed specifically for brewing tea during the Ming dynasty (1368 – 1644). The first Yixing teapots originated west of Taihu, the great lake in the Jiangsu province around 100 miles from Shanghai. ... Pottery has been produced in Yixing since neolithic times. Yixing teapots are intended for pu’er, black, and oolong teas. They can also be used for green or white teas, however, the heat retention characteristics of Yixing make the brewing process extremely difficult; and in such cases, the water must be heated to no greater than 85 °C (185 °F), before pouring into the teapot.  A famous characteristic of Yixing teapots is their ability to absorb trace amounts of brewed tea flavors and minerals into the teapot with each brewing. Over time, these accumulate to give each Yixing teapot its own unique interior coating that flavors and colors future brewings. It is for this reason that soap is never recommended for cleaning Yixing teapots, but instead, fresh distilled water and air drying. Many tea connoisseurs will steep only one type of tea in a particular Yixing teapot so that future brewings of the same type of tea will be optimally enhanced Yixing teapots are smaller than their western counterparts as the tea is often brewed using the gongfu style of brewing: shorter steeping durations with smaller amounts of water and smaller teacups (compared to western-style brewing). Traditionally, the tea from the teapot is poured into either a small pitcher, from which it is then poured into a teacup that holds approximately 30 ml or less of liquid, allowing the tea to be quickly and repeatedly ingested before it becomes cooled or into several teacups for guests.

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  • Domaine Huet Haut-Lieu Sec Vouvray 2019

    Domaine Huet Haut-Lieu Sec Vouvray 2019

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    The original Huët vineyard is nearly 9 hA. It has the richest soils of the domaine’s three crus - a deep limestone-clay - and the wines are generally the estate’s most approachable. In some vintages, small quantities from nearby estate parcels may be added to Le Haut-Lieu.

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  • 仙芝樓牌靈芝孢子油軟膠囊 仙芝樓牌靈芝孢子油軟膠囊


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    仙芝楼牌灵芝孢子油软胶囊优势 最后促销,不接受退换 exp: 11/23/2023 产品属性 【品 名】:仙芝楼牌灵芝孢子油软胶囊 【保健功能】:增强免疫力、对化学性肝损伤有辅助保护功能 【主要原料】:灵芝孢子粉、甘油、明胶、纯化水 【产品规格】:0.5g*20*粒*3瓶/盒 【成分含量】:每100g中含:总三萜20g 【用法用量】:每日2次,每次2粒、口服 【适宜人群】:免疫力低下者、有化学性肝损伤危险者 【不宜人群】:少年儿童、孕妇、乳母 【贮藏方法】:密封、置阴凉干燥处 【注意事项】:本品不能代替药物 【保 质 期】:24个月 灵芝基地 得天独厚的灵芝栽培基地——武夷山脉 连续15年获中、美、日、欧盟有机认证, 一木一芝、两作三休仿野生原木栽培。 有机栽培流程 灵芝菌种 仙芝楼从国内外百余种优良赤芝菌种中进行筛选和培育,选育药用价值最高的“芝102”和“芝120”菌种, 通过中国科学院微生物研究所鉴定;子实体朵大而肉厚;色泽好;孢子颗粒大而饱满。 生产车间 GMP认证的生产车间 自2005年以来,仙芝楼先后在福州和南平 建立了集中草药提取、孢子破壁、超微粉碎与 硬胶囊剂、软胶囊剂、粉剂、颗粒剂保健食品 车间、GMP中药饮片车间、固体饮料车间、含 茶制品车间、代用茶车间,全程掌握从原料到 产品的每个细节。 拥有空气净化达10万级、符合GMP标准 的现代化生产车间,并通过1022000:2005和  HACCP两大国际 上重要的食品安全管理系统 认证,确保“从农场到餐桌”的食品安全。 2017年通过中国医药保健品进出口商会 (CCMHPIE)与美国国家卫生基金会(NSF) 共同 认证,符合GEP质量管体系要求。 十万级洁净度生产车间 恒温恒湿车间:生产车间温度18-26℃,湿度45%-65%(特殊需求除外) 三级空气过滤系统:初效过滤、中效过滤、高效过滤 三级空气过滤 净化,净化效率达 99.95% ;可以过滤0.3微米的颗粒 相对压差:相对正压15Pa以上(国家标准≥10pa) 加工技术 领先行业的深加工技术 创新的灵芝孢子油超临界CO2  提取和分离纯化技术,实现孢子油 与杂质的在线分离纯化。(专利号: ZL201010203684.7) 质量控制实验室 建有功能齐全的质量控制实验室, 包括:感官品评、理化检测、功效成分检测、安全指标例如农药残留、重金属检测、微生物检测等。 质量保证与控制 美国、日本等进口的十几台精密仪器达到高速、精准分析。 包括:高效液相色谱仪(HPLC)、超高效液相色 谱仪、气相色谱仪(GC)、气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC-  MS)、原子吸收分光光度计(AA)、电感偶合等离子质 谱仪(ICP-MS) 低温物理破壁技术 萃取技术 三萜含量(灵芝总三萜≥20%) 仙芝楼灵芝孢子油软胶囊——牛骨胶 我们选用的是明胶行业顶尖生产企 业广东罗赛洛生产的牛骨胶, 大部份企 业采用的是猪骨胶, 牛骨明胶中胶皮蛋 白质含量高, 冻力好, 易吸收。   全程追溯码 微信扫描二维码即可查询产品信息、基地信息、产品检验报告 仙芝楼孢子油麦角甾醇含量 仙芝楼孢子油没有标麦角甾醇的 含量,但实际测量值中麦角甾醇 的含量很高。 麦角甾醇在储存过程中会降解,刚提取出来时一般都比较高 仙芝楼麦角甾醇含量平均值:0 . 89 mg/ g= 89 mg/ 100 g, 最高值:4 . 03 mg/ g= 403 mg/ 100 g   GanoHerb Ganoderma Lucidum Spore Oil Softgel Enhance immunity Protect against chemical liver damage Anti-cancer properties Fights fatigue and depression May improve heart health and blood sugar control Ganoderma Lucidum spore oil is an oily lipid extracted from broken Ganoderma spores by supercritical carbon dioxide fluid extraction technology, which integrates a variety of active ingredients of Ganoderma Lucidum spores. Raw materials: Ganoderma Lucidum spore powder, glycerin, gelatin, purified water. Each 100g contains: total triterpenes of 20g  Dosage: orally 2 times a day, 2 capsules each time Suitable for people with low immunity, those at risk of liver damage  Use with caution or avoid use for children, pregnant women, or nursing mothers. Precautions: This product cannot replace drugs Storage method: Sealed, placed in a cool and dry place  Shelf life: 24 months Ganoderma base  The unique cultivation base of Ganoderma Lucidum is Wuyi Mountains.  For 15 consecutive years, it has obtained organic certifications from China, the United States, Japan, and the European Union. Ganoderma Lucidum Xianzhilou is screened and cultivated from more than 100 kinds of excellent Ganoderma Lucidum strains at home and abroad, and the strains with the highest medicinal value are selected and identified by the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences... [This product] meets GMP standards and two important international food safety management systems, to ensure food safety from "farm to table".  

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  • Domaine Huet Vouvray Petillant Brut 2015

    Domaine Huet Vouvray Petillant Brut 2015

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    All grapes harvested by hand. Noël Pinguet was one of the first French vignerons to adopt biodynamic viticulture and credit biodynamics with enhancing the personalities of the estate's terroirs. Pétillant, also known as Methode Ancestrale, is a sparkling wine method where the wine is bottled before primary fermentation is finished, resulting in a lower pressure sparkling wine. It is called "pétillant" because only a portion of the fermentation occurs inside the bottle. Yeast is added to ensure the fermentation progresses smoothly.

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