
196 products

  • 罐) 罐)

    山東平陰 大紅玫瑰 (4oz/罐)



  • 永合豐 即溶 蜂蜜薑茶 (25 包裝) 永合豐 即溶 蜂蜜薑茶 (25 包裝)

    永合豐 即溶 蜂蜜薑茶 (25 包裝)



  • 永合豐即溶薑茶 (10包裝) 永合豐即溶薑茶 (10包裝)

    永合豐即溶薑茶 (10包裝)

    永合豐即溶薑茶 (10包裝) 永合豐品牌速溶天然生薑茶是由精選特級生薑和蜂蜜混合而成。已知生薑可以增加身體的能量水平,並且具有抗氧化和抗炎作用。成分:特級姜,蔗糖,純蜂蜜。 (包含:10包x 18g)   Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (10 sachets) Wing Hop Fung brand instant natural ginger tea combines selected premium ginger and pure natural honey. Ginger tea can increase energy and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.  (Contains: 10 sachets x 18g) Ingredients: premium ginger, natural honey.  Ginger tea contains a variety of active ingredients and traditional health benefits which include: Improves natural detoxification Anti-inflammatory Promotes blood circulation Warms digestion, helps relieve vomiting and motion sickness Possible cancer prevention Improves cardiovascular health  Improves chronic discomforts such as arthritis and migraines. Contains oleoresin which helps lower blood fat and cholesterol.   Fights colds: improves runny nose, cough, fever, sore throat, and headache; useful for cold prevention Fights free radicals; gingerol reduces oxygen free radicals.


  • 盒) 盒)

    永合豐 经典速溶薑茶 (12包/盒)

    永合豐品牌速溶天然生薑茶 永合豐品牌速溶天然生薑茶是由精選特級生薑和蜂蜜混合而成。生薑可以增加身體的能量水平,並且具有抗氧化和抗炎作用。成分:特級老姜,天然蜂蜜。 (包含:10包x 18g) 1.姜茶含多种活性成分,具有解毒、消炎、去湿活血、暖胃、止呕、消除体内垃圾等作用。 2.科学证实,生姜还有抑制癌及预防心血管疾病的作用。 从姜中提取的精华素,还可以被用来治疗偏头痛、行动障碍和关节炎。 3.姜茶:含有一种含油树脂,具有明显的降血脂和降胆固醇的作用。 4.驱寒:我国民间早就有喝姜茶的习惯 , 姜茶可能喝一次即驱走轻微的感冒,症状较重者一连三天每日喝一次,就不再流鼻水、咳嗽、发烧、喉咙痛、头痛;容易患感冒者也可以每三天喝一次以起预防之效。 5.人到老年,面部常布满“老年斑”,现代医学研究表明,这种“体锈”是由于体内氧自由基过度活跃所致。药理研究发现,生姜内含淀粉、挥发油及人体所需的多种氨基酸,尤其是辣味成分的姜辣素有很强的对付氧自由基的本领。 6.如果你频频便秘,动不动疲倦不堪,喝姜茶可以通便,而且精力充沛。 7.姜茶可以缓解晕车船、恶心的症状。建议乘车船之前喝一杯姜茶。   Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (12 sachets) Wing Hop Fung brand instant natural ginger tea is made by mixing selected premium ginger and honey. Ginger can increase the energy level of the body and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Ingredients: premium ginger, natural honey.  Ginger tea contains a variety of active ingredients, which have the functions of detoxification, anti-inflammatory, dehumidifying, promoting blood circulation, warming the stomach, relieving vomiting, and eliminating toxins in the body.   It is scientifically proven that ginger can also inhibit cancer and prevent cardiovascular diseases. The essence extracted from ginger can also be used to treat migraines, mobility disorders, and arthritis.   Ginger tea: Contains oleoresin, which has obvious effects of lowering blood fat and cholesterol.   Fighting colds: The folks in our country have long had the habit of drinking ginger tea. Ginger tea may drive away mild colds once you drink it. If you drink it once a day for three consecutive days, you will no longer have a runny nose, cough, fever, etc. sore throat, and headache; people who are prone to catching colds can also drink it every three days as a preventive effect. When people reach old age, the face is often covered with "age spots". Modern medical research has shown that this "body rust" is caused by overactive oxygen free radicals in the body. Pharmacological studies have found that ginger contains starch, volatile oil, and a variety of amino acids required by the human body, especially the spicy ingredient gingerol has a strong ability to deal with oxygen-free radicals. If you have frequent constipation and are tired at every turn, drinking ginger tea can be laxative and energetic. Ginger tea can relieve the symptoms of motion sickness and nausea. It is recommended to drink a cup of ginger tea before boarding the boat.


  • 精選 桐鄉胎菊 6oz 精選 桐鄉胎菊 6oz

    精選 桐鄉胎菊 6oz

    杭州桐乡 精选胎菊(6oz/包) 胎菊是杭白菊中最上品的一种。是在杭白菊花朵未完全张开的时候摘收下来的为胎菊,经干燥加工制成。永合豐精选的这一批胎菊花选用的是头采花蕾初开的嫩芽,精心的蒸制,烘焙而成.具有独特的味道.以它的稀少而颇为珍贵。 性味 味甘;苦;性微寒 经脉 归肺经;肝经 主治 疏风,清热,明目,解毒。治头痛,眩晕,目赤,心胸烦热,疔疮,肿毒。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g;或入丸、散;或泡茶。 外用:适量,煎水洗;或捣敷。 注意禁忌 《本草汇言》:气虚胃寒,食少泄泻之病,宜少用之。凡阳虚或头痛而恶寒者均忌用。 【食疗方】 1.鸡蛋菊花汤 鸡蛋1个,菊花5克,藕汁适量,陈醋少许。 鸡蛋液与菊花、藕汁、陈醋调匀后,隔水蒸炖熟后即成,每日1次。 功效:具有止血活血,消肿止痛。适用于食管癌咳嗽加重、呕吐明显者。 2.红花桑叶菊花汤 红花3克,桑叶、菊花各10克。将桑叶、菊花、红花共置杯中,开水冲泡,盖焖片刻,先熏患眼,薰后温服。每日2次,连用3日。 功效:散热消肿,止痛明目。主治急性传染性结膜炎等症。 3.菊花甘草汤 白菊花(或菊花)120克,甘草12克。加水煎汤,分3~4次服。 功效:清热解毒。主治疔疮肿痛。 Chrysanthemum Bud/ Tai Ju (6oz/bag) Wing Hop Fung brand Chrysanthemum bud Tea is prepared from selected 100% pure dried Chrysanthemum buds. Mellow and naturally sweet in flavor, this refreshing drink is caffeine-free and can be enjoyed at any time. Tai Ju chrysanthemum is one of the highest-grade chrysanthemums. The chrysanthemum morifolium is harvested when the chrysanthemum flowers are not fully opened and is made by drying. This batch of chrysanthemum buds selected by Yonghefeng Company selects the first shoots of the first flower buds, which are carefully steamed and baked. It has a unique flavor and is rare and quite precious.Pleasant tasting: Sweet; bitter; slightly cold in nature. The cooling tea affects the lung and liver channels.Indications: angina (chest pains), high blood pressure, (Shufeng,) anti-inflammatory, eyesight problems, and detoxification. It treats headache, dizziness, red eyes, palpitations (inflamed and upset heart,) boils, swelling and poisons, bronchitis. Dosage: Oral: Heat stroke (Jiantang,) 10~15g; or pill, loose; or bubble tea. Topical: Appropriate amount, decoction and washing; or tamping. Cautions: "Compendium of Materia Medica" warms against use if there is Qi deficiency with “cold stomach” diarrhea and chronic diarrhea or it should used less often. “Fanyang deficiency” headaches and people with aversion to cold are contraindicated.Therapeutic recipes: 1. Egg Chrysanthemum Soup: Ingredients:1 egg, 5 grams of chrysanthemum buds, lotus root juice, a little vinegar. After mixing the egg liquid with chrysanthemum, lotus root juice, and vinegar, steam and simmer in water to serve, once a day. Efficacy: It is useful for hemostasis and poor blood circulation, swelling and pain relief. It is suitable for people with esophageal cancer who have increased coughing and obvious vomiting. 2. Red Flower (safflowers), Mulberry Leaf - Chrysanthemum Soup:Ingredients: 3 grams of dried safflowers, 10 grams each of mulberry and chrysanthemum. Place the mulberry leaves, chrysanthemums, and safflowers in a cup, brew in boiling water, cover and steep for a while. Dosage is 2 times a day for 3 days. Efficacy: Anti-inflammatory and reduces swelling, used for pain relief and improves eyesight. Indications for acute infectious conjunctivitis embolism. 3. Chrysanthemum licorice soupIngredients: 120 grams of white chrysanthemum (or chrysanthemum), 12 grams of licorice root. Add water and cook 30 minutes for a decoction; Dosage: 3 to 4 times. Efficacy: Clears away heat (inflammation) and detoxifying. Reduces boils and swelling. 


  • 410277  Tibetan Cordyceps Gift Box

    西藏 野生極品 冬蟲夏草 1兩

    西藏 野生极品 冬虫夏草礼盒 1两 性味 甘;温;香 归经 归肺、肾经。 功效 为麦角菌科真菌冬虫夏草菌的子座及其寄主蝙蝠蛾科昆虫虫草蝙蝠蛾等的幼虫体(菌核)的复合体。  补虚损,补肺益肾,止咳化痰。治痰饮喘嗽,虚喘,痨嗽,咯血,自汗盗汗,阳痿遗精,腰膝酸痛,病后久虚不复。 主治 1、阳痿遗精,腰膝酸痛:本品补肾益精,有兴阳起痿之功。用治肾阳不足,精血亏虚之阳痿遗精、腰膝酸痛。 2、久咳虚喘,劳嗽痰血:本品甘平,为平补肺肾之佳品,功能补肾益肺、止血化痰、止咳平喘,尤为劳嗽痰血多用。 【食疗方】 1.清蒸虫草白花鸽 白花鸽2只(约重250克),冬虫夏草3克,水发香菇15克,笋片15克,火腿片10克。将冬虫夏草洗净备用。鸽子宰杀,退去毛桩,剖腹,取出内脏,清洗干净,投入沸水锅略氽,洗净血污。将鸽腹向上,放在大碗内,虫草、香菇、笋片、火腿片铺在鸽面上,加入适量料酒、味精、精盐和清汤,上笼蒸2小时左右,以鸽肉酥烂为度。当菜或点心食用。 功效:功能补肾滋阴。用治肾阴亏虚,阳萎,遗精,腰膝酸软,气短乏力,记忆力衰退,自汗盗汗和病后久虚不复者。 2.灵草鸭子 净鸭子1000克,土豆100克,灵芝10克,冬虫夏草10克。鸭子宰杀洗净。入水氽透,插上虫草。将土豆和灵芝上笼蒸透提出药液,倒在鸭子上,用盐、料酒腌好,上笼蒸烂即可。 功效:补气强身,健胃安神。主治虚劳咳喘,头晕失眠,消化不良等。 3.蛤蚧虫草散 蛤蚧1对,冬虫夏草50g。将蛤蚧去除头、足和鳞,与冬虫夏草分别用文火焙干,并研成细粉,混合均匀。每次用温开水送服5g,1日2次,30天为一疗程。 功效:补肺益肾,纳气平喘。主治肺肾两虚所致的呼吸喘促、呼多吸少、动则加重、形体消瘦、精神衰疲、肢冷汗出等。   When winter comes, the Cordyceps fungus attacks the catepillars which live in the high mountain region of China. The myceliem invades and replaces the host and became a herb in summer. The Cordyceps are very sensative to the optimal temperature and humidity, it can't be cultivated in artificial environment. The lower growth rate makes it became very rare and expensive. The best of the cordyceps are grown in Tibet (西藏), Sichuan (四川) and Qinghai (青海) in China.Cordyceps has a very long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is used for strengthening the immune system, improving athletic performance, reducing the effects of aging, promoting longer life, and improving liver function.Note : This statement has not been evaluated by FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and prevent any disease. (Contains : about 55-65 pcs) (1 Tael is about 37.50 grams or 1.33oz)


  • 410257  Tibetan Cordyceps Gift Box

    精選 西藏 冬蟲夏草 三兩/盒

    西藏 珍品 冬虫夏草 礼盒 3两 性味 甘;温;香 归经 归肺、肾经。 功效 为麦角菌科真菌冬虫夏草菌的子座及其寄主蝙蝠蛾科昆虫虫草蝙蝠蛾等的幼虫体(菌核)的复合体。  补虚损,补肺益肾,止咳化痰。治痰饮喘嗽,虚喘,痨嗽,咯血,自汗盗汗,阳痿遗精,腰膝酸痛,病后久虚不复。 主治 1、阳痿遗精,腰膝酸痛:本品补肾益精,有兴阳起痿之功。用治肾阳不足,精血亏虚之阳痿遗精、腰膝酸痛。 2、久咳虚喘,劳嗽痰血:本品甘平,为平补肺肾之佳品,功能补肾益肺、止血化痰、止咳平喘,尤为劳嗽痰血多用。 【食疗方】 1.清蒸虫草白花鸽 白花鸽2只(约重250克),冬虫夏草3克,水发香菇15克,笋片15克,火腿片10克。将冬虫夏草洗净备用。鸽子宰杀,退去毛桩,剖腹,取出内脏,清洗干净,投入沸水锅略氽,洗净血污。将鸽腹向上,放在大碗内,虫草、香菇、笋片、火腿片铺在鸽面上,加入适量料酒、味精、精盐和清汤,上笼蒸2小时左右,以鸽肉酥烂为度。当菜或点心食用。 功效:功能补肾滋阴。用治肾阴亏虚,阳萎,遗精,腰膝酸软,气短乏力,记忆力衰退,自汗盗汗和病后久虚不复者。 2.灵草鸭子 净鸭子1000克,土豆100克,灵芝10克,冬虫夏草10克。鸭子宰杀洗净。入水氽透,插上虫草。将土豆和灵芝上笼蒸透提出药液,倒在鸭子上,用盐、料酒腌好,上笼蒸烂即可。 功效:补气强身,健胃安神。主治虚劳咳喘,头晕失眠,消化不良等。 3.蛤蚧虫草散 蛤蚧1对,冬虫夏草50g。将蛤蚧去除头、足和鳞,与冬虫夏草分别用文火焙干,并研成细粉,混合均匀。每次用温开水送服5g,1日2次,30天为一疗程。 功效:补肺益肾,纳气平喘。主治肺肾两虚所致的呼吸喘促、呼多吸少、动则加重、形体消瘦、精神衰疲、肢冷汗出等。   Tibetan Cordyceps Gift BoxI(3 Taels/box) 6 Benefits of Cordyceps, All Backed by Science May Boost Exercise Performance. ...  Anti-Aging Properties. ...  Potential Anti-Tumor Effects. ...  May Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes. ...  Possible Benefits for Heart Health. ...  May Help Fight Inflammation. When winter comes, the Cordyceps fungus attacks the caterpillars which live in the high mountain region of China. The mycelium invades and replaces the host and becomes an herb in summer. Cordyceps are very sensitive to the optimal temperature and humidity, and it can't be cultivated in an artificial environment. The lower growth rate makes it very rare and expensive. The best of the cordyceps are grown in Tibet, Sichuan, and Qinghai in China. Cordyceps has a very long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine for strengthening the immune system, improving athletic performance, reducing the effects of aging, promoting longer life, and improving liver function.Note: This statement has not been evaluated by FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and prevent any disease. (Contains : about 160-170 pcs) (1 Tael is about 37.50 grams or 1.33oz) From the manufacturer:  The main active ingredient of Cordyceps Sinensis is cordycepin, which has many functions such as regulating immune system function, anti-tumor, anti-fatigue, nourishing lung, and kidney, stopping bleeding and resolving phlegm, enhancing essence, and nourishing qi. Edible methods include powder, soaking in wine, and soaking in water. Cordyceps is mainly produced in the alpine regions and snow-capped grasslands of Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu, Guizhou, and other provinces and autonomous regions in mainland China.  Cordyceps Sinensis is warm in nature and sweet in taste. It has the effects of replenishing deficiency and loss, replenishing vital energy, relieving cough and reducing phlegm, anti-cancer, and anti-aging, as well as anti-bacterial, anti-asthmatic, strengthening heart, and lowering blood pressure. Stewed spareribs with cordyceps can treat osteoporosis. Folks often use Cordyceps stewed fish or chickens and ducks to treat yang deficiency and weakness and post-illness.


  • 410250  Tibetan Cordyceps Gift Box

    西藏 精选 冬虫夏草 3两/盒 (140-160条)

    西藏 精选 冬虫夏草 3两/盒 (140-160条) 性味 甘;温;香 归经 归肺、肾经。 功效 为麦角菌科真菌冬虫夏草菌的子座及其寄主蝙蝠蛾科昆虫虫草蝙蝠蛾等的幼虫体(菌核)的复合体。  补虚损,补肺益肾,止咳化痰。治痰饮喘嗽,虚喘,痨嗽,咯血,自汗盗汗,阳痿遗精,腰膝酸痛,病后久虚不复。 主治 1、阳痿遗精,腰膝酸痛:本品补肾益精,有兴阳起痿之功。用治肾阳不足,精血亏虚之阳痿遗精、腰膝酸痛。 2、久咳虚喘,劳嗽痰血:本品甘平,为平补肺肾之佳品,功能补肾益肺、止血化痰、止咳平喘,尤为劳嗽痰血多用。 【食疗方】 1.清蒸虫草白花鸽 白花鸽2只(约重250克),冬虫夏草3克,水发香菇15克,笋片15克,火腿片10克。将冬虫夏草洗净备用。鸽子宰杀,退去毛桩,剖腹,取出内脏,清洗干净,投入沸水锅略氽,洗净血污。将鸽腹向上,放在大碗内,虫草、香菇、笋片、火腿片铺在鸽面上,加入适量料酒、味精、精盐和清汤,上笼蒸2小时左右,以鸽肉酥烂为度。当菜或点心食用。 功效:功能补肾滋阴。用治肾阴亏虚,阳萎,遗精,腰膝酸软,气短乏力,记忆力衰退,自汗盗汗和病后久虚不复者。 2.灵草鸭子 净鸭子1000克,土豆100克,灵芝10克,冬虫夏草10克。鸭子宰杀洗净。入水氽透,插上虫草。将土豆和灵芝上笼蒸透提出药液,倒在鸭子上,用盐、料酒腌好,上笼蒸烂即可。 功效:补气强身,健胃安神。主治虚劳咳喘,头晕失眠,消化不良等。 3.蛤蚧虫草散 蛤蚧1对,冬虫夏草50g。将蛤蚧去除头、足和鳞,与冬虫夏草分别用文火焙干,并研成细粉,混合均匀。每次用温开水送服5g,1日2次,30天为一疗程。 功效:补肺益肾,纳气平喘。主治肺肾两虚所致的呼吸喘促、呼多吸少、动则加重、形体消瘦、精神衰疲、肢冷汗出等。   Tibetan Cordyceps Gift Box II(3 Taels/Box) 6 Benefits of Cordyceps, All Backed by Science May Boost Exercise Performance. ...  Anti-Aging Properties. ...  Potential Anti-Tumor Effects. ...  May Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes. ...  Possible Benefits for Heart Health. ...  May Help Fight Inflammation. When winter comes, the Cordyceps fungus attacks the caterpillars which live in the high mountain region of China. The mycelium invades and replaces the host and becomes an herb in summer. Cordyceps are very sensitive to the optimal temperature and humidity, and it can't be cultivated in an artificial environment. The lower growth rate makes it very rare and expensive. The best of the cordyceps are grown in Tibet, Sichuan, and Qinghai in China. Cordyceps has a very long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine for strengthening the immune system, improving athletic performance, reducing the effects of aging, promoting longer life, and improving liver function.Note: This statement has not been evaluated by FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and prevent any disease. (Contains: about 140-160 pcs)  (1 Tael is about 37.50 grams or 1.33oz) From the manufacturer:  The main active ingredient of Cordyceps sinensis is cordycepin, which has many functions such as regulating immune system function, anti-tumor, anti-fatigue, nourishing lung and kidney, stopping bleeding and resolving phlegm, enhancing essence and nourishing qi. Edible methods include powder, soaking in wine, and soaking in water.  Cordyceps is mainly produced in the alpine regions and snow-capped grasslands of Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu, Guizhou and other provinces and autonomous regions in mainland China.  Cordyceps sinensis is warm in nature and sweet in taste. It has the effects of replenishing deficiency and loss, replenishing vital energy, relieving cough and reducing phlegm, anti-cancer and anti-aging, as well as anti-bacterial, anti-asthmatic, strengthening heart, and lowering blood pressure. Stewed spareribs with cordyceps can treat osteoporosis. Folks often use Cordyceps stewed fish or chickens and ducks to treat yang deficiency and weakness and post-illness.    


  • 410245  Tibetan Cordyceps Gift Box

    西藏 珍品 冬蟲夏草 二兩/盒

    西藏 珍品 冬虫夏草 2两/盒 (110-130条) 性味 甘;温;香 归经 归肺、肾经。 功效 为麦角菌科真菌冬虫夏草菌的子座及其寄主蝙蝠蛾科昆虫虫草蝙蝠蛾等的幼虫体(菌核)的复合体。  补虚损,补肺益肾,止咳化痰。治痰饮喘嗽,虚喘,痨嗽,咯血,自汗盗汗,阳痿遗精,腰膝酸痛,病后久虚不复。 主治 1、阳痿遗精,腰膝酸痛:本品补肾益精,有兴阳起痿之功。用治肾阳不足,精血亏虚之阳痿遗精、腰膝酸痛。 2、久咳虚喘,劳嗽痰血:本品甘平,为平补肺肾之佳品,功能补肾益肺、止血化痰、止咳平喘,尤为劳嗽痰血多用。 【食疗方】 1.清蒸虫草白花鸽 白花鸽2只(约重250克),冬虫夏草3克,水发香菇15克,笋片15克,火腿片10克。将冬虫夏草洗净备用。鸽子宰杀,退去毛桩,剖腹,取出内脏,清洗干净,投入沸水锅略氽,洗净血污。将鸽腹向上,放在大碗内,虫草、香菇、笋片、火腿片铺在鸽面上,加入适量料酒、味精、精盐和清汤,上笼蒸2小时左右,以鸽肉酥烂为度。当菜或点心食用。 功效:功能补肾滋阴。用治肾阴亏虚,阳萎,遗精,腰膝酸软,气短乏力,记忆力衰退,自汗盗汗和病后久虚不复者。 2.灵草鸭子 净鸭子1000克,土豆100克,灵芝10克,冬虫夏草10克。鸭子宰杀洗净。入水氽透,插上虫草。将土豆和灵芝上笼蒸透提出药液,倒在鸭子上,用盐、料酒腌好,上笼蒸烂即可。 功效:补气强身,健胃安神。主治虚劳咳喘,头晕失眠,消化不良等。 3.蛤蚧虫草散 蛤蚧1对,冬虫夏草50g。将蛤蚧去除头、足和鳞,与冬虫夏草分别用文火焙干,并研成细粉,混合均匀。每次用温开水送服5g,1日2次,30天为一疗程。 功效:补肺益肾,纳气平喘。主治肺肾两虚所致的呼吸喘促、呼多吸少、动则加重、形体消瘦、精神衰疲、肢冷汗出等。   When winter comes, the Cordyceps fungus attacks the catepillars which live in the high mountain region of China. The myceliem invades and replaces the host and became a herb in summer. The Cordyceps are very sensative to the optimal temperature and humidity, it can't be cultivated in artificial environment. The lower growth rate makes it became very rare and expensive. The best of the cordyceps are grown in Tibet (西藏), Sichuan (四川) and Qinghai (青海) in China.Cordyceps has a very long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is used for strengthening the immune system, improving athletic performance, reducing the effects of aging, promoting longer life, and improving liver function.Note : This statement has not been evaluated by FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and prevent any disease. (Contains : about 110-130 pcs) (1 Tael is about 37.50 grams or 1.33oz)


  • Hangzhou Chrysanthemum  永合丰 杭白菊

    精選 桐乡杭白菊 8oz

    精选 桐乡原产 杭白菊 (8oz) 桐乡是杭白菊原产地,被誉为“中国杭白菊之乡”,有300多年的种植历史,因其特殊的自然地理条件和不断改进的生产加工工艺,杭白菊在色香味形等多方面均明显优于其他地方同类商品菊,古时曾为贡品。味道清醇甘美,具有散风清热、平肝明目等功效。 性味 味甘;苦;性微寒 经脉 归肺经;肝经 主治 疏风,清热,明目,解毒。治头痛,眩晕,目赤,心胸烦热,疔疮,肿毒。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g;或入丸、散;或泡茶。 外用:适量,煎水洗;或捣敷。 注意禁忌 《本草汇言》:气虚胃寒,食少泄泻之病,宜少用之。凡阳虚或头痛而恶寒者均忌用。 【食疗方】 1.鸡蛋菊花汤 鸡蛋1个,菊花5克,藕汁适量,陈醋少许。 鸡蛋液与菊花、藕汁、陈醋调匀后,隔水蒸炖熟后即成,每日1次。 功效:具有止血活血,消肿止痛。适用于食管癌咳嗽加重、呕吐明显者。 2.红花桑叶菊花汤 红花3克,桑叶、菊花各10克。将桑叶、菊花、红花共置杯中,开水冲泡,盖焖片刻,先熏患眼,薰后温服。每日2次,连用3日。 功效:散热消肿,止痛明目。主治急性传染性结膜炎等症。 3.菊花甘草汤 白菊花(或菊花)120克,甘草12克。加水煎汤,分3~4次服。 功效:清热解毒。主治疔疮肿痛。     Premium Hangzhou Chrysanthemum (8oz) Chrysanthemum flowers have been grown in China as flowering herbs since the 15th century. They are harvested in the fall when they are in full bloom. When brewed as a beverage, Chrysanthemums produce honey-sweet scents and a soothing wintergreen-like flavor that instills a calming effect on the body. The resulting brew is fragrant, refreshing, mellow, and naturally sweet.According to the manufacturer:Hangbai chrysanthemum, a traditional Chinese tea, is the best variety in chrysanthemum tea. Researched by modern medicine, it has been used to stop diarrhea. It has anti-inflammatory effects for improving eyesight, lowering blood pressure, reducing fat, and strengthening the body. It can be used to treat damp-heat jaundice, stomach pain, lack of appetite, edema, oliguria, etc. Taking a bath with chrysanthemum decoction can remove itching and swelling to improve skincare and beauty.Chrysanthemum enters the Lung meridian and Liver meridian. Indications: It relieve wind [nerve pain,] clears heat [inflammation,] improves eyesight, and detoxifies the liver. It has been used to “cure headache, dizziness, red eyesight, irritability, boils, swelling and poison.”Diet Therapy1. Chrysanthemum licorice tea Ingredients:120 grams of white chrysanthemum (or chrysanthemum) and 12 grams of licorice. Add water and make a decoction by simmering for at least 45 minutes. Drink this 3 to 4 times daily. Efficacy: clears away heat [inflammation] and can be used for detoxification. Indications for boils, swelling, and pain. 2. Double Flower Tea Ingredients:50 grams of honeysuckle flower, 100 grams of Hangzhou chrysanthemum flower, appropriate amount of honey. Rinse the honeysuckle and chrysanthemum flowers to remove impurities. After draining them, put them in a pot and fry them. After cooling, they will be stored in a clean bottle. Take a small amount when used. Place the flowers in a cup with boiling water and add honey to taste. Drink this 2 to 3 times a day. Efficacy: clears away heat and wind [inflammatory pain], improves eyesight and reduces blood pressure. Indications: It has been used for heat polydipsia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, palpitations, insomnia, sore throat, cold and cough. It can also be used as a refreshing drink for preventing heatstroke in summer.


  • 西藏 珍品 冬蟲夏草 禮盒 72條 西藏 珍品 冬蟲夏草 禮盒 72條

    西藏 珍品 冬蟲夏草 禮盒 72條

    西藏 珍品 冬蟲夏草 禮盒 72條 性味 甘,平。 归经 归肺、肾经。 功效 补肾益肺,止血化痰。 主治 1、阳痿遗精,腰膝酸痛:本品补肾益精,有兴阳起痿之功。用治肾阳不足,精血亏虚之阳痿遗精、腰膝酸痛。 2、久咳虚喘,劳嗽痰血:本品甘平,为平补肺肾之佳品,功能补肾益肺、止血化痰、止咳平喘,尤为劳嗽痰血多用。 相关配伍 1、治肾阳不足,精血亏虚之阳痿遗精、腰膝酸痛可单用浸酒服,或与淫羊藿、杜仲、巴戟天等补阳药配成复方用。 2、治劳嗽痰血多用。可单用,或与沙参、川贝母、生地、麦冬等同用。若肺肾两虚,摄纳无权,气虚作喘者,可与人参、黄芪、胡桃肉等同用。 3、治病后体虚不复或自汗畏寒,可以本品与鸡、鸭、猪肉等炖服,有补肾固本,补肺益卫之功。 Tibetan Cordyceps Gift Box (72 pcs/box) 6 Benefits of Cordyceps, All Backed by Science May Boost Exercise Performance. ...  Anti-Aging Properties. ...  Potential Anti-Tumor Effects. ...  May Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes. ...  Possible Benefits for Heart Health. ...  May Help Fight Inflammation. When winter comes, the Cordyceps fungus attacks the caterpillars which live in the high mountain region of China. The mycelium invades and replaces the host and becomes an herb in summer. Cordyceps are very sensitive to the optimal temperature and humidity, and it can't be cultivated in an artificial environment. The lower growth rate makes it very rare and expensive. The best of the cordyceps are grown in Tibet, Sichuan, and Qinghai in China. Cordyceps has a very long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine for strengthening the immune system, improving athletic performance, reducing the effects of aging, promoting longer life, and improving liver function.Note: This statement has not been evaluated by FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and prevent any disease. This product contains 72 pcs of cordyceps, weight might varies. From the manufacturer:  The main active ingredient of Cordyceps sinensis is cordycepin, which has many functions such as regulating immune system function, anti-tumor, anti-fatigue, nourishing lung and kidney, stopping bleeding and resolving phlegm, enhancing essence and nourishing qi. Edible methods include powder, soaking in wine, and soaking in water.  Cordyceps is mainly produced in the alpine regions and snow-capped grasslands of Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu, Guizhou and other provinces and autonomous regions in mainland China.  Cordyceps sinensis is warm in nature and sweet in taste. It has the effects of replenishing deficiency and loss, replenishing vital energy, relieving cough and reducing phlegm, anti-cancer and anti-aging, as well as anti-bacterial, anti-asthmatic, strengthening heart, and lowering blood pressure. Stewed spareribs with cordyceps can treat osteoporosis. Folks often use Cordyceps stewed fish or chickens and ducks to treat yang deficiency and weakness and post-illness.


  • 瓶)



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