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15 products

  • 好蓮沱茶 降糖 减脂 好蓮沱茶 降糖 减脂

    香港 好蓮沱茶 減脂降壓 (90+4 包)

    4 reviews

    香港好莲沱茶富含茶多酚、茶黄素、儿茶素类、黄铜酵类、花白素和花青素类、芬酸等多种活性物质,其中以茶多酚含量最高,占多酚类总量的80%,活性极强,可使细胞活性增强,全面调理血管,增加血管弹性,稀释血液,从而使血压、血脂调节为正常状态。达到延年益寿、清洗血管、对抗三高、去脂减肥、秀身健美、延缓衰老的妙效。 【产品介绍】:好莲沱茶 三高克星健康源泉 【配料】:优质普洱茶,不含中药或任何化学成分,保留茶叶中天然成分 【规格】:90茶包×2.5克 【用法用量】:一日三餐,一餐一小袋,边吃饭边喝 【贮藏方法】:存放在阴凉避光无异味处 【注意事项】:100%天然本草复方茶,坚持餐餐饮用不中断,能调和营养,长期饮用必得妙效!袋泡茶,不带线、不带钉,绿色环保。每盒90小袋,一日三餐不中断,一个月分量。 【适 应 症】: 三高(高血压,高胆固醇,高血脂)人群


  • 罐) 罐)

    普洱茶 功夫泡茶(24g/罐)

    普洱茶 功夫泡茶(24g/罐) Pu'er Tea, Kung Fu Tea (24g/can) Pu’erh is a delicious fermented tea that ages well and offers a rich flavor and many health benefits, including improved digestion and relief from hangovers.


  • 永合豐 雀石 古風 極品普洱茶禮盒 永合豐 雀石 古風 極品普洱茶禮盒

    永合豐 雀石 古風 極品普洱茶禮盒

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    永合豐 雀石 古风 极品普洱茶礼盒 WHF Premium Pu'erh Tea Classical Gift Box This valuable gift set contains premium Yunnan Pu'erh Tea and Yiwu Dingjiazhai Ancient Pu'erh Tea Pu’erh teas are as valuable and expensive as collectable wines. In China the ultimate in luxury, long aged Pu'erh tea sells for up to $10,000/kg. Ancient tea trees, originating in Yiwu mountain range in Yunnan province, may be 100 – 200 years old. Pu’erh tea is green (short aged) or “cooked” meaning long-aged, the longer the better. The aging process peaks at about 60 years.  Drinking Pu-erh tea on a regular basis may help relieve symptoms of metabolic syndrome. It's been shown to lower blood sugar, reduce obesity, and boost immunity. Plus, it lowers cholesterol and prevents free radical damage. In other words, it helps tackle all five of the syndrome's factors. This attractive tea set is reminiscent of Pu’erh tea’s origins when it was packed in burlap bags and sent by donkey from Yunnan to all parts of China and Tibet. During the journey the tea fermented which resulted in a rich, delicious, earthy flavor and enhanced the tea’s digestive benefits. It contains lovastatin, a natural organic statin that reduces harmful cholesterol. Pu’erh has been enjoyed by tea connoisseurs for the last 700 or 800 years. 特级云南普洱茶 易武丁家寨古树生茶普洱    

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