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2351 products

  • 帝皇牌 澳洲清汤鲍鱼(425g) 帝皇牌 澳洲清汤鲍鱼(425g)

    帝皇牌 澳洲清汤鲍鱼(425g)

    帝皇牌 澳洲清汤鲍鱼 两头 罐装(425g)  罐頭鮑魚:將新鮮鮑魚製成入罐。由放罐中注湯,亦稱湯鮑。  Emperor Brand  Australian Abalone (425g) ● Contains 1 and 1/2 pcs● Canned in Australia The can contains 1 and 1/2 pieces of large abalone (marine snail.) It is canned in Australia and known as soup abalone. You can use the abalone and sauce in the can to make a delicious soup.  Abalone (marine snail), fresh and rich, are extremely delicious and nutritious. Abalone is a yin nourishing food which means it supports the health of internal organs. It moisturizes lungs, which improves breathing and complexion. It clears inflammation and nourishes the liver and improves eyesight. Long-term consumption has been shown to help prevent cancer. The most recent research has found abalone provides a good source of:  Protein Iron essential for building red blood cells  Vitamin B12  Magnesium  Selenium  Omega-3 Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that can not be produced by our body. So, Omega-3 is important as essential fatty acids. Omega-3 itself is formed of fatty acids like EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and ALA (a-linolenic acid). Omega-3 consumed regularly assists in the development of the brain and memory, prevents heart disease because it can make arterial organs becomes more elastic and reduces the risk of high blood pressure.  Pregnant women who consume Omega-3 may have healthy and intelligent children and it also improves the quality of breast milk. Omega-3 is essential for improving mental and physical health of the baby. When compared to protein sources such as beef, tuna, salmon or eggs, snail protein content is higher than all sources except mutton. Snail contains vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B1, B3, B6 and B12. Vitamin A is beneficial for the health of the eyes, while vitamin E may act as an antioxidant. Vitamin B1, B3, B6 and Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that is needed to prevent and control diabetes. Snail provides choline which is an essential component of the nervous system and is a high source of iron. Snail contains high levels of magnesium. Magnesium plays important roles in the body, which is needed for more than 325 enzymatic reactions, including involved in the synthesis of fats, proteins and nucleic acids, neural activity, muscle contraction and relaxation, cardiac activity and bone metabolism. Chinese cooks add canned snails to soups and stir fries along with pork, dried scallops, mushrooms, chicken or goose meat or prepared sea cucumber. Do not overcook them. They will be tender and delicious.


  • 1 車輪牌 野生墨西哥鲍鱼 罐裝清汤鮑魚

    車輪牌 野生墨西哥鲍鱼 罐裝清汤鮑魚

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    車輪牌 野生 墨西哥鲍鱼 清汤鲍鱼 罐装 车轮鲍 产品罐身为金属材质,在邮递过程中可能会轻微变形,如果介意请勿购买。 商品規格: 01 = 1粒太大,切掉一小塊10 = 1整粒11 = 1粒半20 = 2整粒21 = 2粒半3T = 3個切塊 墨西哥「車輪鮑」有近百年歷史,可謂風行超過半個世紀的最老牌罐頭鮑。「車輪鮑 Calmex」並不是贏在老,而是贏在其鮑魚品質。 近數年,市場出現同名同姓卻不同產地的車輪鮑,包裝九成相似,只是傳統墨西哥地圖印記,換上了澳洲版圖,其他不變。「不能說分家,只能說近年墨西哥濫捕情況嚴重,鮑魚供不應求,只好發牌給澳洲公司,提升產量。」做法如一,但鮑魚品種有差別,墨西哥產的還是較為優勝。 Calmex Brand Wild Mexican Abalone (16oz/454g) The product can is made of metal material, which may be slightly deformed in the delivery process. Please order if you do not mind. The Mexican "Calmex Brand Abalone" has a history of nearly a hundred years and has been popular for more than half a century. The "Calmex" brand is not ancient but is valued for its high quality. abalones are produced in Mexico and Australia. The main difference between them is that the wild abalone is produced in Mexico whereas the abalone produced in Australia are farmed. Both are produced by the same company. Abalone meat is tender and nutritious, high in protein 24%, and low fat 0.44% with many vitamins and trace elements that are very beneficial to our health. Abalone is rich in glutamic acid and tastes very delicious. Abalone is a yin nourishing food which means it supports the health of internal organs. It moisturizes lungs, which improves breathing and complexion. It clears inflammation and nourishes the liver and improves eyesight. Long-term consumption has been shown to help prevent cancer. The most recent research has found abalone provides a good source of:  Protein Iron essential for building red blood cells  Vitamin B12  Magnesium  Selenium  Omega-3 Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that can not be produced by our body. So, Omega-3 is important as essential fatty acids. Omega-3 itself is formed of fatty acids like EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and ALA (a-linolenic acid). Omega-3 consumed regularly assists in the development of the brain and memory, prevents heart disease because it can make arterial organs becomes more elastic and reduces the risk of high blood pressure.  Product specifications, grades:  10 = 1 whole grain  01 = 1 grain is too big, cut a small piece  11 = 1 and a half  20 = 2 whole grains  21 = 2 and a half grains  3T = 3 cuts  

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    $168.00 - $178.00

  • 20% OFF
    澳洲 極品 維多利亞 清湯鮑魚 (425g) 澳洲 極品 維多利亞 清湯鮑魚 (425g)

    澳洲 極品 維多利亞 清湯鮑魚 (425g)

    澳洲极品 维多利亚清汤鲍鱼 二头/罐 (425g) 鲍鱼是名贵的“海珍品”之一,味道鲜美,营养丰富,被誉为海洋“软黄金”。鲍鱼是名贵的海洋食用贝类,被誉为“餐桌黄金,海珍之冠”,其肉质细嫩、营养丰富。 鲜品可食部分蛋白质24%、脂肪0.44%;干品含蛋白质40%、糖元33.7%、脂肪0.9%以及多种维生素和微量元素,是一种对人体非常有利的高蛋白、低脂肪食物。鲍鱼因富含谷氨酸,味道非常鲜美。 罐头鲍鱼,亦称汤鲍,因其便于携带、食用方便、保质期长,能在一定程度上保持鲜活鲍鱼的风味,因此成为欧美、澳洲等国鲍鱼的主要加工和销售方式。 成分:鮑魚、水、鹽、復合磷酸、抗氧劑罐頭净重:425g 鲍鱼肉净重:213g 產品有效日期:03/24/2025  


  • 盒)

    墨西哥 生曬鮑螺片(8oz/盒)

    精装 墨西哥 生晒鲍螺片(8oz/盒) 鲍螺片清补凉煲瘦肉 材料:干鲍螺片3两左右,清补凉一包,瘦肉8两左右,姜片3片 做法:干鲍螺片洗净,略泡一会,清补凉也用水冲净,瘦肉飞水,然后将所有材料加入瓦煲,加够水,用大火煮开后转小火慢煲3小时,加盐调味即可。鲍螺片有助健脾开胃,养阴除烦,清毒去湿。瘦肉可以滋阴补肌,健体营养,加上清补凉的温和清凉降火功效,此汤清甜滋补,有去湿开胃,除痰健肺,特别适宜身体瘦弱,虚不受补者饮用,是夏秋季节的合时汤水。 建议:清补凉可以买配好的包装成品,也可以自己配齐,有淮山,杞子,党参,玉竹,百合,莲子,红枣,芡实,薏米等,每种材料大概15-20克左右。    MEXICAN DRIED ABALONE TOPSHELL SLICE Abalone meat is tender and nutritious, high in protein 24%, and low fat 0.44% with many vitamins and trace elements that are very beneficial for our health. Abalone is rich in glutamic acid and tastes very delicious. Abalone is a yin nourishing food which means it supports the health of internal organs. It moisturizes lungs, which improves breathing and complexion. It clears inflammation and nourishes the liver and improves eyesight. Long-term consumption has been shown to help prevent cancer. The most recent research has found abalone provides a good source of:  Protein Iron essential for building red blood cells  Vitamin B12  Magnesium  Selenium  Omega-3 Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that can not be produced by our body. So, Omega-3 is important as essential fatty acids. Omega-3 itself is formed of fatty acids like EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and ALA (a-linolenic acid). Omega-3 consumed regularly assists in the development of the brain and memory, prevents heart disease because it can make arterial organs becomes more elastic and reduces the risk of high blood pressure.   Abalone Tonic Soup Ingredients:  3 taels (4 oz) of dried abalone slices  1 package Sweet Soup-清補涼 (Qing Bu Liang Herbal Soup) 8 taels (1/2 pound) of lean meat  3 slices of ginger   Instructions:  Rinse the dried abalone slices with warm water, soak them in fresh cold water for three hours or overnight. Rinse off the lean meat with water, and add all the ingredients to the clay pot. Add enough water to cover, and bring it to a boil over high heat then turn to low heat for 3 hours. When the ingredients are cooked and soft, add salt to taste.  Sweet Soup 清補涼 (Qing Bu Liang Herbal Soup) helps to invigorate the spleen and improve appetite, nourish yin and relieve chronic discomforts, clear toxins and remove dampness (edema.) Lean white meat without fat or skin can nourish yin and improve muscles and nourish the body. The mild cooling, anti-inflammatory effects are cleansing and replenish vitality. This tonic soup is tasty and nourishing, improves appetite and digestion, removes phlegm and strengthens the lungs. It is especially suitable for those who are thin and weak. It is a timely soup for summer and autumn.


  • 磅) 磅)

    特級 南非 溏心鮑魚 (15-20头/磅)

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    特级 南非糖心干鲍(15-20头/磅)   “南非鲍”顾名思义,产于南非,边缘毛刺非常多,南非鲍因为个头大、品质高,一直在国际市场上颇受青睐。顶级南非溏心鲍,色泽新鲜油亮,每磅15-20头,足干,味道极其鲜美。鲍鱼有补虚、滋阴、润肺、清热,养肝明目等功效,长期食用更可以防癌抗癌。  The top South African abalone (marine snail), fresh and oily, are extremely delicious. 15-20 pieces per pound. Abalone is a yin nourishing food which means it supports the health of internal organs. It moisturizes lungs, which improves breathing and complexion. It clears inflammation and nourishes the liver and improves eyesight. Long-term consumption has been shown to help prevent cancer. The most recent research has found abalone provides a good source of:  Protein Iron essential for building red blood cells  Vitamin B12  Magnesium  Selenium  Omega-3 Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that can not be produced by our body. So, Omega-3 is important as essential fatty acids. Omega-3 itself is formed of fatty acids like EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and ALA (a-linolenic acid). Omega-3 consumed regularly assists in the development of the brain and memory, prevents heart disease because it can make arterial organs becomes more elastic and reduces the risk of high blood pressure.  Pregnant women who consume Omega-3 may have healthy and intelligent children and it also improves the quality of breast milk. Omega-3 is essential for improving mental and physical health of the baby. When compared to protein sources such as beef, tuna, salmon or eggs, snail protein content is higher than all sources except mutton. Snail contains vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B1, B3, B6 and B12. Vitamin A is beneficial for the health of the eyes, while vitamin E may act as an antioxidant. Vitamin B1, B3, B6 and Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that is needed to prevent and control diabetes. Snail provides choline which is an essential component of the nervous system and is a high source of iron. Snail contains high levels of magnesium. Magnesium plays important roles in the body, which is needed for more than 325 enzymatic reactions, including involved in the synthesis of fats, proteins and nucleic acids, neural activity, muscle contraction and relaxation, cardiac activity and bone metabolism. The French love snails sautéed with butter, garlic and fresh parsley. The Chinese add snails to soups and stir fries along with pork, dried scallops, mushrooms, chicken or goose meat or prepared sea cucumber. First soften the dried abalone this way: Rinse the dried abalone briefly with water. Bring some mineral water to a boil in a saucepan then add the dried abalone. Let it come to a boil again. Take the saucepan off the heat and cover the saucepan. Let the abalone soak for a minimum of 8-10 hours or preferably overnight. The soaking water can be used for cooking. Do not overcook them. They will be tender and delicious.

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  • 包) 包)

    天目湖苦瓜茶(4 oz/包)

    天目湖苦瓜茶(4 oz/包) Balsam Pear (or Bitter Melon), otherwise known as Ku Gua, Gohyah, or it’s the more literal name-- Bitter Melon tea, is made from dried slices of bitter melon. Its light bitter taste is rather relaxing and pleasant. Balsam Pear tea does not contain any caffeine and is very beneficial to the body. As a traditional Asian remedy, it is consumed to help detoxify and cool the body and has been known to potentially reduce cholesterol and blood pressure levels. 苦瓜茶是以採自山清水秀、無污染的天目湖自然保區。天然苦瓜經研碎後,混和綠茶拼配而成。入口茶味香濃,性涼微苦,清熱解毒。


  • 敵糖 番石榴茶 (94包)

    敵糖 番石榴茶 (94包)

    敵糖 番石榴茶 (94包) 自然回甘,代替甜飲        餐餐飲用,良好控制           關注血糖,家庭常備        消糖解渴,長輩最愛 純净原料--不添加任何人工香精、甜味劑,全球品質優良草本原料,保證純净天然 包材環保--使用天然茶濾紙及生物可降解濾紙茶包 科技把關--絕不滲入僞劣茶葉,無農藥殘留及重金屬污染問題,讓您喝的安心 敵糖由番石榴果實及嫩葉,配合特種茶葉配製而成,不含中藥及任何化學成份。保存番石榴含有的纖維素、維生素、礦物質和果糖。而在番石榴葉中,亦發現含有多種重要的多酚化合物,這些成份擁有多種輔助及調節功效。含有超強抗氧化幫助緩解糖分吸收,能夠有效降低血糖、血脂、膽固醇,防衰老,泡茶飲用對於三高人士來説益處多多。 番石榴葉能軟化血管;同時具有耐缺氧,迅速解除疲勞的功效;同時有助于延缓生物體的過氧化進程,可預防癌症、心臟病等慢性疾病。在番石榴葉中,發現含有多種重要的芳香類二級代謝產物如多酚化合物。實驗研究表明,正是這些酚類化合物赋予番石榴葉多種功效。番石榴性平,不寒熱、乾澀微苦,適合關注外食太甜人士使用。 成分:60%番石榴果實和葉、40%包種(烏龍)茶日常保健:每日三包加强效用:可每日4-6包 飲用方法:1.熱冲:在瓷杯中放置1-2茶包入約300ml的沸水冲泡2.燜泡:杯蓋燜蓋約5-7分鐘3.攪拌:掀開杯蓋用筷子輕輕攪拌釋放成分4.飲用:餐餐飲用(餐中或餐後)溫熱飲用,長期規律飲用,妙效甚多 **該聲明尚未經過FDA評估。本產品不用於診斷、治療和預防任何疾病。懷孕婦女或哺乳期間,請在使用前諮詢醫生


  • 好蓮沱茶 降糖 减脂 好蓮沱茶 降糖 减脂

    香港 好蓮沱茶 減脂降壓 (90+4 包)

    香港好莲沱茶富含茶多酚、茶黄素、儿茶素类、黄铜酵类、花白素和花青素类、芬酸等多种活性物质,其中以茶多酚含量最高,占多酚类总量的80%,活性极强,可使细胞活性增强,全面调理血管,增加血管弹性,稀释血液,从而使血压、血脂调节为正常状态。达到延年益寿、清洗血管、对抗三高、去脂减肥、秀身健美、延缓衰老的妙效。 【产品介绍】:好莲沱茶 三高克星健康源泉 【配料】:优质普洱茶,不含中药或任何化学成分,保留茶叶中天然成分 【规格】:90茶包×2.5克 【用法用量】:一日三餐,一餐一小袋,边吃饭边喝 【贮藏方法】:存放在阴凉避光无异味处 【注意事项】:100%天然本草复方茶,坚持餐餐饮用不中断,能调和营养,长期饮用必得妙效!袋泡茶,不带线、不带钉,绿色环保。每盒90小袋,一日三餐不中断,一个月分量。 【适 应 症】: 三高(高血压,高胆固醇,高血脂)人群


  • 三千金窈窕茶  三千金 窈窕茶

    三千金 窈窕茶

    3 Ballerina Herbal Tea Men And Women Dieters' Drink Regular Strength 三千金 窈窕茶  三千金窈窕茶是由各種天然草藥混合而成,有效地舒緩和放鬆,調整體重. 3 Ballerina Tea Dieters' Drink is blended with premium natural herbs. This special formula Dieters' Drink is all natural tea, soothing and relaxing especially delightful for those desiring to adjust the weight Note: This product contains Senna. Do not use if you have or develop diarrhea, loose stools, or abdominal pain. Consult your physician if you have frequent diarrhea. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product. This statement has not been evaluated by FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and prevent any disease.

    $4.95 - $5.95

  • 美国Senictrim天然草本 减脂茶 美国Senictrim天然草本 减脂茶

    美国Senictrim天然草本 减脂茶

    Senictrim Herbal Slimming Tea Senictrim Herbal Slimming tea uses the finest natural ingredients to help you keep fit and feel healthy. With Senictrim, you will be able to keep fit without the use of artificial appetite suppressants or complex dieting plans. Enjoy the soothing taste of Senictrim Herbal Slimming tea after a meal or anytime during the day. (Net wt : 1.4oz/40g) Slimming, Detoxifying, and Beautifying  Helps eliminate dietary toxins Improves weight loss Prevents fat buildup  All-natural ingredients   No appetite suppressants No chemical additives   Drink this tea after meals to naturally lose weight and help clear complexion issues, improve and speed digestion, detoxify to help prevent chronic pain and illness. Avoid use during pregnancy or if diarrhea develops.  Ingredients:  Senna leaf Chickweed  Black walnut leaf Licorice root Rich eating and poor digestion build up toxins in the body that can harm digestion, energy, and appearance. Senictrim Herbal Slimming Tea contains ingredients that help clear toxins, improve complexion, reduce indigestion, IBS, and enhance weight loss.  Senna: stimulates bowel movements and alleviates constipation Chickweed is used for constipation, stomach and bowel problems, blood disorders, asthma, and other lung diseases, obesity, vitamin C deficiency (scurvy), and skin conditions, including psoriasis, itching, as well as muscle and joint pain. Black walnut leaf has astringent and antifungal properties. Recent studies suggest Black Walnut leaf extracts have antiviral activity and are effective against certain types of tumors. Licorice root has potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects. It also helps to prevent spasm pain. Research shows it may ease upper respiratory infections, treat ulcers, and aid digestion, among other benefits.


  • 罐) 罐)

    大紅袍 功夫泡茶(24g/罐)

    <h3>大紅袍 功夫泡茶(24g/罐)</h3><h2>Da Hong Pao Oolong Tea</h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The tea has peaty and earthy notes with hints of stone fruit, brown sugar, and molasses. It has a woody fragrance with mild notes of tobacco and the body is velvety smooth with mild notes of sandalwood. (</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Da Hong Pao (Big Red Robe, is grown in the Wuyi Mountains of Fujian, China. Da Hong Pao has a unique orchid fragrance and a long-lasting sweet aftertaste.</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Dry Da Hong Pao looks like tightly knotted ropes or slightly twisted strips and is green and brown in color. After brewing, the tea is orange-yellow, bright, and clear. The vibrant flavor is red-orange, toasty, and nutty with mild creamy notes.</span></p><p><br><span style="font-weight: 400;">Da Hong Pao contains caffeine, theophylline, tea polyphenols, and flavonoids. Many health benefits enhance the popularity of this rare tea. Drinking Da Hong Pao improves energy and helps blood circulation.</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">It also treats edema (water retention) and decreases the bad effects of drinking and smoking. Drinking Da Hong Pao regularly improves the complexion and helps to reduce cough and phlegm. </span></p> <p>大紅袍茶是武夷岩茶中品質最優異者,外形條索緊結,色澤綠褐鮮潤,沖泡後湯色橙黃明亮,葉片紅綠相間,典型的葉片有綠葉紅鑲邊之美感。</p>


  • 罐) 罐)

    普洱茶 功夫泡茶(24g/罐)

    普洱茶 功夫泡茶(24g/罐) Pu'er Tea, Kung Fu Tea (24g/can) Pu’erh is a delicious fermented tea that ages well and offers a rich flavor and many health benefits, including improved digestion and relief from hangovers.



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