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台灣阿里山烏龍茶 #1259
品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 台湾 Taiwan 品名Name: 阿里山极品乌龙 Ali Mountain Supreme Oolong Tea 等级Level: 一級 Premium 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 香型 Aroma: 清香型 faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 颗粒饱满,色泽墨绿,软枝带梗Rolled into a tight tiny ball shape, sand-green in color 茶汤Liquor: 色香味甘,韵味饱满,Bright and clear, yellowish-green color 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 台湾高山茶是指海拔1000米以上茶园所产制的半球型包种茶。台湾各产茶区内,海拔高度在1000米以上的地区。主要产地为嘉义县 、南投县 内海拔1000~1300公尺新兴茶区。高山气 候冷凉,早晚云雾笼罩,平均日照短,致茶树芽叶所含儿茶素类等苦涩成分降低,茶胺酸及可溶氮等对甘味有贡献之成分含量提高,芽叶柔软,叶肉厚,果胶质含量高。色泽翠绿鲜活,滋味甘醇,滑软,厚重带活性,香气淡雅,水色蜜绿显黄及耐冲泡。 Grown on A-Li Shan Mountain, one of the most famous oolong growing areas in Taiwan, A-Li Shan Oolong Tea is made from hand-picked tea that boasts two or three leaves per stem from the top of the tea bush. These leaves are then hand-processed and rolled, resulting in their round, slightly crumpled look that unfurls when brewed, imparting a fragrant aroma and distinct creamy and nutty tones. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 2 Teaspoons / 5g Tea 7g Tea Brewing time: 3 - 5 mins 7 steeps: rinse, 15s, 25s, 35s, 45s, 55s, 75s, 85s
$50.99 - $199.00
低咖啡因 高山烏龍茶 #1268
品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 台湾 Taiwan 品名Name: 低咖啡因 高山乌龙 Premium Decaf High Mountain Oolong Tea 等级Level: 一级 Premium 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆ 干茶 Body: 颗粒饱满,色泽乌黑带黄Dark green and brown pellets 茶汤 Liquor: 香气浓而不涩,蜜香扑鼻,醇厚甘滑,回味持久Amber orange. Smoky, woodsy, nutty notes with a delicate toasty finish 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place High Mountain Oolong Tea is synonymous with the finest Oolong teas in the world. It is a semi-fermented tea that contains all the benefits of green tea, but does not have its grassy taste or the tannins present in black tea. The very brief fermentation process also creates the subtle fragrances and flavors that distinguish this tea from all other varieties. Royal High Mountain Decaf Oolong Tea is from Sun-Link-Sea mountain area which is located in Nantou county, Taiwan. The tea farms are located at 3200~4600 feet, and winter is the harvested season. The cultivation and appreciation of High Mountain Oolong is somewhat similar to fine wine, with each plantation and each mountain producing its own unique bouquet of flavors, and each year's harvest yielding its own special character. This tea is decaffeinated by exposing moistened tea leaves to pressurized carbon dioxide, which acts as a solvent to remove the caffeine. Because nothing else is affected during this process, the tea retains its flavors and beneficial antioxidants. Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 5g Tea 7g Tea Brewing time: 3 - 5 mins 7 steeps: rinse, 15s, 25s, 35s, 45s, 55s, 75s, 85s
$25.00 - $94.00
精選 西湖龍井 绿茶#1323
品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 浙江杭州 Zhejiang, China 品名Name: 精选 西湖龙井 Premium Dragon's Well Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 18 months 分类Sort: 炒青绿茶 Green Tea 等级Level: 一级 Premium 采摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 扁平光洁,匀长挺直, 绿中带黄,糙米色Flattened tea leaves, with one bud and one or two leaves 茶汤Liquor: 香气浓郁,豆香、栗香,鲜甜甘爽,回味悠久Sweet and nutty, smooth and rich with slight vegetal undertones 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place Longjing Green Tea originates from the mountains surrounding West Lake in the Zhejiang province of China. Today, Longjing Green Tea remains a specialty of this region even though it is now also grown in other parts of China. The leaves are hand-fired in a large wok immediately after picking and have an appearance of smooth flat green leaves with pointed ends, resembling a sparrow's tongue. The name was given according to legend of a dragon that lived in a well near West Lake Village. It is said that it saved the village from a long drought by bringing rain. Longjing Green Tea is pure and delicate and has can be infused more times than other dragon's well green teas. Recommend Brewing Method Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 8.8oz / 250ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 185℉ / 85℃ 185℉ / 85℃ Tea Quantity: 2 g 4 g Brewing time: 5 - 8 mins 5 steeps: 30s, 30s, 45s, 60s, 80s
$29.99 - $109.99
品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 福建 宁德 Fujian China 品名Name: 茉莉曲芽 Jasmine Quya 保质期Shelf Life: 18 months 分类Sort: 花茶 绿茶 Green Tea 等级Level: 特级 Supreme 采摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 干茶Body: 白毫显露,条索肥壮重实,见香不见花Tightly curled strips covered with abundant white fuzz, 茶汤Liquor: 清澈明亮,香气醇厚,甘甜爽口Citrus-like aroma with a smooth, crisp finish 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 此茶香气鲜灵持久、滋味醇厚鲜爽、汤色黄绿明亮、叶底嫩匀柔软。经过一系列工艺流程窨制而成,具有安神、解抑郁、健脾理气、抗衰老、提高机体免疫力的功效。 Jasmine Quya Green Tea is made with select quality tea leaves blended up to five times with the aroma of Jasmine. The flowers are gathered in the morning, kept cool and when they “pop” open in the evening, they are mixed in with the leaves so that their fragrance can be absorbed. This tea brews very smooth and gentle compared to other lower-grade Jasmine teas. This tea has a long-lasting aroma, a mellow and refreshing taste, a bright yellow-green liquor, and a soft and even leaf bottom. It is made through a series of technological processes and has the effects of calming the nerves, relieving depression, strengthening the spleen and regulating qi, anti-aging, and improving the body's immunity. Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 185℉ / 85℃ 185℉ / 85℃ Tea Quantity: 2 g 4 g Brewing time: 5 - 8 mins 7 steeps: rinse,15s, 25s, 35s, 45s, 55s, 65s, 80s Rinse time is around 5 seconds
$31.50 - $119.95
黃山毛峰 綠茶 #1137
黄山毛峰是中国十大名茶之一,屬於綠茶。產于安徽省黄山(徽州)一带,所以又稱徽茶。 此黄山毛峰產自黄山景區毗鄰的桃花峰產區,於每年清明谷雨時,選摘良種茶樹“黃山大葉種”的肥壯嫩芽,手工炒製,此茶外形微捲,狀似雀舌,綠中汎黃,銀毫顯露;乾茶翠綠中略泛微黄,色澤油潤光亮,尖芽緊偎葉中,酷似雀舌,全身白色細絨毫,匀齊壯實。 冲泡後湯色清澈明亮,清碧微黃,滋味醇甘,香氣如蘭,香高而持久,沁人心肺,品嘗来滋味鲜濃而不苦,回味甘爽,生津潤喉,冲泡去湯後留下的葉底嫩黃肥壯,厚實飽滿,均匀成朵,通體鮮亮。由於新製茶葉白毫披身,芽尖似鋒,鮮葉採自黃山高峰,遂將該茶取名為“黃山毛峰”。
$32.99 - $125.99
雪花螺 茉莉花茶 綠茶#1471
品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 福建 Fujian, China 品名Name: 雪花螺 茉莉花茶Snow Conch Jasmine Green Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 18months 分类Sort: 茉莉花茶 Green Tea 等级Level: 一级 Premium 采摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 颗粒圆紧,白毫满披,花香沁人Tightly curled into snail shape, covered with abundant white hair 茶汤Liquor: 馥郁香醇,花果香清雅悠长,汤色透亮Citrus-like aroma with a smooth, crisp finish 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 此茶采用福建白毫绿茶和茉莉花窨制而成,干茶外形卷曲,身披白毫,颗粒饱满,芽头肥壮,茶汤通透明亮,色泽黄绿,持久耐泡,花香馥郁,叶底芽头柔嫩,质感鲜润。 Sweet floral melody of jasmine flowers with delightfully pleasant bittersweet moments. Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Taiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 185℉ / 85℃ 185℉ / 85℃ Tea Quantity: 1.5 Teaspoon / 2g 4g Brewing time: 3 - 5 mins 7 steeps: rinse,15s, 25s, 35s, 45s, 55s, 65s, 80s Rinse time is around 5 seconds
$21.99 - $82.99
永合豐 五窨 龍團珠茉莉花茶(8oz/罐)
永合豐 龍團珠 茉莉花茶皇(8oz) 品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 產地Origin: 福建 福州 Fujian, Fuzhou, China 品名Name: 龍團珠 茉莉花茶皇 Queen Pearl of Jasmine Tea 保質期Shelf Life: 18個月 18months 分類Sort: 花茶 綠茶 Green Tea 等級Level: 特級 Supreme 採摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 乾茶Body: 卷如绣球,圆潤匀整,白毫滿披Hand rolled into pearl shape, with obvious white tips 茶湯Liquor: 香氣鮮靈清雅,口感馥郁香醇,湯色清亮, 回甘佳Citrus-like aroma with a smooth, crisp finish, sweet after taste 儲存方法Storage: 陰凉、乾燥、防異味Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 暢銷三十年,品質保證! 永合豐珍珠茉莉花茶皇又名龍團珠茉莉花茶,產於福建福州,選用了谷雨前的福建大白毫春茶和盛夏時節的單瓣茉莉。品質特點:外形圓緊重實、匀整;内質香氣鮮濃,滋味醇厚,湯色黄亮,葉底肥厚。 永合豐的此款龍珠團茉莉花茶先後共窨製五次,窨(yin)制,意為将茶與花按1:1的比例拼合熏製後,再將茶與花分離,此为一窨。使茶葉充分吸收茉莉花的香氣,又不至掩蓋了茶香,少一次則不足,多一次則有餘,成茶後只聞香不見花。 存放建議:茉莉花茶的香氣是芳烃類物質,易揮發。保管時需注意防潮,建議存放在陰涼,乾燥,透氣無異味的環境中。
台灣梨山 烏龍茶#1317
品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 台湾 Taiwan 品名Name: 台湾梨山乌龙茶 Taiwan Lishan Oolong Tea 等级Level: 一级 Premium 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶 Body: 颗粒饱满,色泽墨绿 Large leaves handmade rolled into tightly even ball shape,glossy and dark green 茶汤 Liquor: 清醇滑润,茶韵持久,耐冲泡 Smooth and robust with nutty notes and a buttery finish 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 此茶芽叶柔软,叶肉厚,果胶质含量高,香气淡雅,茶水色蜜绿显黄,滋味甘醇,滑软耐冲泡,茶汤冷后更能凝聚香甜。每年产期:春茶五月下旬、六月上旬;秋茶八月上旬;冬茶十月下旬为最佳时期。一年才采收两到三次所以叶面大而肥厚,其茶水长而柔软,回甘后劲强。同时因常年云雾笼罩,温度寒冷又冬季下雪之故,生长期长,造就茶叶叶肉肥厚特色。其口味甘醇,冷矿味特别重,味道带有水果香,得天独厚的色,香,味甘特色。 Grown on the mountains of Li Shan in Taiwan, this tea is picked from the top of the tea bush and consists of two or three leaves to a stem. The processed leaves are dried in a way so that the leaves are crumpled up. When infused, the leaves well unfurl to release its fragrant aroma and distinct creamy and nutty tones for the most satisfying cup of tea. Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 5g Tea 7g Tea Brewing time: 3 - 5 mins 7 steeps: rinse, 15s, 25s, 35s, 45s, 55s, 75s, 85s Rinse time is around 5 seconds
$36.99 - $139.99
JAS有機認證 日本鹿兒島抹茶#1491
日本鹿儿岛 JAS有机 抹茶#1491 经日本有机认证(又称JAS认证), 在日本是代表对食品农产品最高级别的认证。 绿茶是首先对茶叶进行蒸青,接着反复揉捻使茶叶干燥,通过加工使茶叶的滋味与香气更容易被冲泡出来。而抹茶的原料则是先对名为碾茶的茶叶进行蒸青,未经揉捻直接烘干而成的茶叶。用于在茶道中沏茶等的高级抹茶所采用的原料,是用苇帘子和稻草等传统材料,或珠罗纱这样的材质覆盖茶园,遮挡阳光培育而成的碾茶,其特点是涩味小,味道层次丰富,具有青海苔般的独特香味。 抹茶起源于中国的隋朝,九世纪末(日本的平安中期)抹茶随日本遣唐使进入日本,被日本人民所接受并推崇,发展成为今天的日本茶道。 The JAS (Japanese Agricultural Organic Standard) organic seal ensures food safety with the highest Japanese certification standards, giving consumers confidence. Matcha is finely ground powder of specially grown and processed green tea leaves. It is special in two aspects of farming and processing: the green tea plants for matcha are shade-grown for about three weeks before harvest and the stems and veins are removed in processing. During shaded growth, the plant Camellia sinensis produces more theanine and caffeine. The powdered form of matcha is consumed differently from tea leaves or tea bags and is dissolved in a liquid, typically water or milk. Matcha used in ceremonies is referred to as ceremonial-grade, meaning that the powder is of a high enough quality to be used in the tea ceremony. Lower-quality matcha is referred to as culinary-grade, but no standard industry definition or requirements exist for matcha. How to Brew Start with filtered water for the best brew. You will need: a matcha whisk, a tea bowl, a matcha spoon or teaspoon, and a matcha strainer (optional) Add 2 scoops or 1 teaspoon of matcha to the bowl. A strainer may be used to sift the matcha free of clumps. Adjust amount of matcha to your preferences. Slowly add 1/3 cup of hot water (~175°F). Lightly press the matcha whisk into the bowl and whisk in a quick back and forth motion until a smooth layer of foam is created. Enjoy immediately! Note: The method above is to make usucha, or thin tea. The way to prepare matcha for the tea ceremony is known as koicha, or thick tea.
$38.99 - $150.00
特級 武夷大紅袍 烏龍茶#1243
品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 福建 武夷山市 Fujian, China 品名Name: 極品大红袍 Royal Big Red Robe (Da Hong Pao) 等级Level: 特级 Supreme 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索紧结壮实,乌润有光泽Neat and tight, glossy fat strips in dark brown 茶汤Liquor: 汤色橙黄,岩韵醇厚,回味甘爽,香气悠长Orange red, Toasty and nutty with mild creamy notes 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 大红袍,是武夷岩茶的一种,产于福建武夷山,属乌龙茶,品质优异。中国特种名茶。大红袍很耐冲泡,冲泡七、八次仍有香味。品饮“大红袍”茶,必须按“工夫茶”小壶小杯细品慢饮的程式,才能真正品尝到岩茶之颠的禅茶韵味。注重活 、甘、清、香。 The name Big Red Robe originates from a story during the Ming Dynasty that the mother of an Emperor was cured of an illness by a tea. As a result, the Emperor sent men to Mount Wuyi to cover the bushes with big red robes. Those shrubs are still present today and only available in limited quantities. This tea is not to be missed when available. Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 4 g Tea 8 g Tea Brewing time: 3 - 5 mins 8 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s Rinse time is around 5 seconds
$51.99 - $199.99
$31.99 - $119.99
日本鹿兒島 抹茶#1446
日本鹿儿岛 抹茶#1446 Matcha is finely ground powder of specially grown and processed green tea leaves. It is special in two aspects of farming and processing: the green tea plants for matcha are shade-grown for about three weeks before harvest and the stems and veins are removed in processing. During shaded growth, the plant Camellia sinensis produces more theanine and caffeine. The powdered form of matcha is consumed differently from tea leaves or tea bags and is dissolved in a liquid, typically water or milk. How to Brew Start with filtered water for the best brew. You will need: a matcha whisk, a tea bowl, a matcha spoon or teaspoon, and a matcha strainer (optional) Add 2 scoops or 1 teaspoon of matcha to the bowl. A strainer may be used to sift the matcha free of clumps. Adjust amount of matcha to your preferences. Slowly add 1/3 cup of hot water (~175°F). Lightly press the matcha whisk into the bowl and whisk in a quick back and forth motion until a smooth layer of foam is created. Enjoy immediately! Note: The method above is to make usucha, or thin tea. The way to prepare matcha for the tea ceremony is known as koicha, or thick tea.
$19.99 - $77.99