
Father's Day - Holiday

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    2023 松针古树红茶(6g * 12 bags) 2023 松针古树红茶(6g * 12 bags)

    2023 松针古树红茶(6g * 12 bags)

    云南松针红茶是一种来自中国云南省的特色茶品。它以其独特的香气、口感和健康功效而闻名。这种红茶采用云南本地的松针作为原料,经过精心加工而成。以下是一些关于云南松针红茶的特点和优点: 独特的口感:云南松针红茶具有浓郁的香气和醇厚的口感,带有一丝松针的清香,令人回味无穷。 丰富的营养:松针红茶富含多种维生素和矿物质,如维生素C、氨基酸和儿茶素,有助于提高免疫力和保持健康。 滋润肌肤:松针红茶中的多酚等成分具有抗氧化和抗衰老的作用,可以帮助保持肌肤的健康和光滑。 消化调理:喝松针红茶有助于促进消化,减轻胃部不适和消化不良的症状。 放松神经:松针红茶中的茶多酚和咖啡碱能够起到提神醒脑、放松身心的作用,有助于缓解压力和焦虑。


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    云南古树绿茶 1Lb/Bag

    云南古树绿茶 1Lb/Bag 云南是著名的茶叶产区之一,生产的茶叶品种繁多,其中以古树绿茶最为著名。以下是一些关于云南古树绿茶的资料,供您参考:茶叶品种介绍:云南古树绿茶是以古茶树鲜叶为原料制作而成的绿茶,具有独特的香气和口感。云南的古茶树主要分布在西双版纳和临沧地区,树龄在百年以上,甚至有千年以上的古树。茶叶的特点:云南古树绿茶具有清香高爽、滋味鲜爽、叶底嫩绿等特点。其茶汤清亮透明,口感柔和清爽,回甘持久。茶叶的功效:云南古树绿茶含有多种人体必需的氨基酸和微量元素,对身体有多种保健功效,如增强免疫力、抗氧化、抗衰老等。茶叶的制作工艺:云南古树绿茶的制作工艺主要包括摘叶、萎凋、揉捻、发酵、干燥等环节。其中发酵环节决定了茶叶的口感和香气,而干燥环节则是为了保持茶叶的质量和保存期限。 Introduction to Tea Varieties: Yunnan Ancient Tree Green Tea is a type of green tea made from fresh leaves of ancient tea trees, and it has a unique aroma and flavor. The ancient tea trees in Yunnan are mainly distributed in the Xishuangbanna and Lincang regions, with some trees being over a hundred years old, and some even over a thousand years old. Characteristics of Tea: Yunnan Ancient Tree Green Tea has the characteristics of a clear, refreshing aroma, a fresh and crisp taste, and a tender green leaf base. Its tea soup is clear and transparent, with a soft and refreshing taste, and a long-lasting sweet aftertaste. Benefits of Tea: Yunnan Ancient Tree Green Tea contains various essential amino acids and trace elements for the human body, and has multiple health benefits, such as enhancing immunity, antioxidation, and anti-aging. Tea Manufacturing Process: The production process of Yunnan Ancient Tree Green Tea mainly includes plucking, withering, rolling, fermenting, drying, and other stages. Among them, the fermentation process determines the taste and aroma of the tea, while the drying process is to maintain the quality and shelf life of the tea. Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ /100℃  212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time:  1-2 mins 8 steeps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds


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    #2-3頭 特大黃花 花膠 (2-3頭/磅)

    #2-3頭 特大黃花 花膠 (2-3頭/磅)  花胶/鱼胶富含高级胶原蛋白和各种有益成分,是高级美容滋补品,和燕窝一样都是美容美白的. 黄花胶的营养极为丰富,据科学研究表明每500克黄花胶中含蛋白质442克,脂肪1克,钙250毫克,磷145毫克,铁13毫克,化学分析主要成分是高粘性胶体蛋白和粘多糖物质,具有强肾,益精、平火、补气等功能。具有强肾,益精、平火、补气等功能,具体为健腰腿,补肾虚的功效。  从中医角度,花胶极有滋补食疗作用,《本草纲目》记载:花胶能补肾益精,滋养筋脉,能治疗肾虚滑精及产后(产后食品)风痉。花胶含丰富的蛋白质及胶质,具滋阴养颜,补肾,强壮机能。腰膝酸软,身体虚弱,最适宜经常食用。   Fish maw is a delicacy served during special occasions like Chinese New Year. However its nutrition is valuable year-round: Rich in collagen, fish maw is a Chinese beauty secret for youthful skin. Fish maw replenishes the tissue, moisture, and fluids of lung, stomach, liver, and kidney. It boosts stamina and helps prevent burnout.  Furthermore, fish maw does not contain cholesterol and therefore it is a very valuable health-enhancing ingredient suitable for long time consumption. Fish maw is the dried form of fresh, high-quality air bladders of fish, which are rich in gelatin.    


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    仿古紫砂茶壺 320ml 仿古紫砂茶壺 320ml

    仿古紫砂茶壺 320ml

    茶壶 Tea pot: 16cm*10cm  


  • 15% OFF
    新会小青柑 新会小青柑


    新会小青柑 Mandarin Orange Pu-Erh Tea Pu-Erh tea dried in a whole mandarin orange peel. Flavor: Bold citrus and balanced earthy aroma. Brew: Break one pearl and place it in a teapot. Bring fresh boiling water and steep for 3-5 minutes, maybe brewed for several infusions.  Pu’er Orange Peel Tea Benefits:  High in antioxidants and vitamin C Improves digestion and increases metabolism. Beautifies the skin Protects teeth and gums Strengthens the body Refreshes the mind  Pu’er may improve heart health   口感:香甜醇滑,舒爽滋润;具有浓郁的柑皮香味 泡法:取一颗小青柑去盖放入杯中,用100摄氏度开水冲泡两分钟即可饮用 功效:降脂养颜,护齿强身,提神醒脑


  • 10% OFF
    壹捌青餅 陳國義先生作品 2018普洱生茶 茶餅(388 g) 壹捌青餅 陳國義先生作品 2018普洱生茶 茶餅(388 g)

    壹捌青餅 陳國義先生作品 2018普洱生茶 茶餅(388 g)

    壹捌青餅 陳國義先生作品 2018普洱生茶 茶餅(388 g)   Master Chan 2018 Raw Pu-Erh Tea Cake (388g) No wonder tea is a preferred gift for Chinese friends and family: The taste appeal, health benefits, the tea legends and carefully processing that has remained traditional throughout its long history. Raw Pu-Erh resembles other green teas in flavor and health benefits. It is digestive, slimming, and refreshing. In China, Pu-Erh tea has long been sipped to achieve a variety of health benefits, such as improvements in heart health and reductions in cholesterol levels. It's also said that Pu-erh tea can help promote weight loss, enhance eyesight, stimulate circulation, and soothe hangovers. ( Cleanses Toxins and Free Radicals.  Pu-erh tea uses its oxidative properties to deliver increased levels of oxygen, which enhances circulation and blood flow. By delivering more oxygen to the brain, Pu-erh tea can help combat headaches and migraines and reduces free radicals that can cause serious illnesses. (


  • 10% OFF
    古韻留芳 古樹春茶 陳國義先生作品 普洱生茶 茶餅(400 g) 古韻留芳 古樹春茶 陳國義先生作品 普洱生茶 茶餅(400 g)

    古韻留芳 古樹春茶 陳國義先生作品 普洱生茶 茶餅(400 g)

    古韵留芳 古树春茶 陈国义大师监制 普洱生茶 茶饼(400 g)   Rhythm of Vintage Aroma Raw Pu'erh Tea Cake (400 g) Smooth, crispy with a sweet aftertaste. Health Benefits of Pu-Erh Tea include:  Increases Energy and Mental Focus Promotes Heart Health Cleanses Toxins and Free Radicals. Prevents Cancer.  Protects Bone Health.  Aids Digestion Aids in Weight Loss. Reduces Stress. Prevents Illness


  • 20% OFF
    易武 2003年熟茶 普洱茶砖 易武 2003年熟茶 普洱茶砖

    易武 2003年熟茶 普洱茶砖

    易武 2003年熟茶 普洱茶砖 Yunnan Yiwu 2003 Ripe Pu'er Brick Tea Pu’er is a fermented tea with a flavor that deepens with age. Quality Pu'er teas are collected and traded for high prices like fine wine... Generally speaking, Pu’er can be sweet, bitter, floral, mellow, woody, astringent, sour, earthy, . . . A combination of tastes appears in one single steeping. Bear in mind that the taste also changes as the tea ages. ( In China, Pu-erh tea has long been sipped to achieve a variety of health benefits, such as improvements in heart health and reductions in cholesterol levels. It's also said that Pu-erh tea can help promote weight loss, enhance eyesight, stimulate circulation, and soothe hangovers.


  • 20% OFF
    雲南七子餅茶 青饼 中茶绿印 2004年

    雲南七子餅茶 青饼 中茶绿印 2004年

    雲南七子餅茶 青饼 中茶绿印 2004年  中國土產畜產進出口公司雲南省茶業分公司   Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha Raw Pu'er Tea Cake 2004(357g) The name "Chi Tse Beeng Cha" (or Seven Wafers of Yunnan) replaces the old name "Yuan Cha" (or Round Tea from Yunnan) and is now on the circumference tea cakes.  Yunnan Qizi Cake Tea, Chinese Tea Green Seal, 1990 Limited Edition Pu’er is a fermented tea with a flavor that deepens with age. Quality Pu'er teas are collected and traded for high prices like fine wine... Generally speaking, Pu'er can be sweet, bitter, floral, mellow, woody, astringent, sour, earthy, . . . A combination of tastes appears in one single steeping. Bear in mind that the taste also changes as the tea ages. ( Arbor tea trees are ancient with a complex root system that gives depth to the taste and health effects of Pu'er tea. In China, Pu-erh tea has long been sipped to achieve a variety of health benefits, such as improvements in heart health and reductions in cholesterol levels. It's also said that Pu-erh tea can help promote weight loss, enhance eyesight, stimulate circulation, and soothe hangovers.


  • 20% OFF
    云南 千家寨紫芽茶饼 老仓监制 2006年 普洱茶饼

    云南 千家寨紫芽茶饼 老仓监制 2006年 普洱茶饼

    云南 千家寨紫芽茶饼 老仓监制 2006年 普洱茶饼 云南三合茶业出品


  • 20% OFF
    勐库 古树普洱茶砖 2005年熟茶 250g 勐库 古树普洱茶砖 2005年熟茶 250g

    勐库 古树普洱茶砖 2005年熟茶 250g

      勐库 古树普洱茶砖 2005年熟茶 250g 普洱熟茶養胃、抗氧化、降脂,是養生茶飲好選擇 文化經典老茶磚,以4磚為一紮,每磚重量約為250g,以竹筍葉包裝,上印有【老茶磚】字樣,此茶磚以傳統工藝渥堆,發酵程度透徹,香味馥郁且溫醇,甜滑柔順,可長期儲存,越陳越香。古樸大氣,現飲收藏送禮皆可。 普洱茶是一種發酵的消化茶。 “生”普洱的味道和健康特性類似於綠茶。熟普洱則經過更長時間的陳放,擁有更強烈的獨特熟味、土味和微甜的口感。它被用來改善消化和血液循環,並含有一種天然的他汀類物質,已知可以幫助降低有害膽固醇並促進減肥。 這款茶口感非常順滑,沒有任何澀味或苦味。清新的木質風味中帶有柔和、奶油般的核桃土味。總體而言,這是一款令人舒適的茶,味道易於接受,非常適合作為熟普洱茶的入門選擇。我們建議根據您的口味在90°C下沖泡3-5分鐘。

    $64.80 - $248.00

  • 30% OFF
    威州花旗蔘 短泡M #850 威州花旗蔘 短泡M #850

    威州花旗蔘 短泡M #850

    威州花旗蔘 短泡M #850  花旗參屬五加科,是多年生的植物根部,長于美國東北氣候寒冷的高原,為美國著名的特產。據研究分析花旗參含有:人參,人參酸,配糖體,人參皂甙等各種對人體有益成份。花旗蔘味甘辛,性涼,有補肺降火、養胃生津的功效。凡身體出現氣陰不足、疲乏無力、肺虛久咳、咳血、肺胃津虧等現象時,適量食用花旗蔘有助病情的緩解。值得一提的是,人蔘性溫熱,燥熱體質的人服用後會出現一些身體不適的現象,但花旗蔘較性涼,服用後則無此顧慮。  American ginseng has been recommended for diabetes, chronic thirst and hunger, menopausal hot flashes, stress headaches, premature aging skin and chronic dryness. American ginseng (Panax ginseng quinquefolius), sweet and cooling, clears internal heat (chronic inflammation,) nourishes the lungs and Yin (body fluids.) American ginseng is tonic and nourishing, has a very high health value, and is suitable for all ages and all seasons. It helps refresh internal organs and regulates the balance of physiological changes, it also improves immunity if used long-term. Our Washington Brand American Ginseng (panax quinquefolius) has been carefully selected, processed and packaged for your enjoyment from what is prized as one of the highest valued ginsengs in the world. They are 100% from Wisconsin, U.S.A. American ginseng belongs to the family of Araliaceae, and is an herbaceous perennial plant in the ivy family, commonly used as Chinese or traditional medicine. It grows on the cold plateau of the northeastern United States and is a famous specialty of the United States. According to research and analysis, American ginseng contains: ginseng, ginseng acid, glycosides, ginsenosides and other beneficial ingredients. Citi Ginseng tastes sweet and spicy, is cooling in nature, and has the effect of nourishing the lungs and reducing inflammation, nourishing the stomach and invigorating the body. Where there is insufficient qi vitality and yin (fluids) in the body, fatigue, weakness, chronic coughing, hemoptysis, and deficiency of the lungs and stomach, moderate consumption of Citi ginseng can help relieve these discomforts.  Cautions: People with chronic inflammation or fever should not use red Panax ginseng. Ginsengs and all tonics should be avoided during colds and flu. People with a “hot physique” (an inflammatory constitution) will experience some physical discomfort after taking stimulating and warming red Korean (Panax ginseng,) but Citi ginseng (American ginseng, panax quinquefolius) is colder and there is no such concern after taking it.

    $35.25 - $137.00


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