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48 products

  • 菊花 迷你熟沱 普洱黑茶#1454 菊花 迷你熟沱 普洱黑茶#1454

    菊花 迷你熟沱 普洱黑茶#1454

    菊花 迷你熟沱 普洱熟茶#1454 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶                      WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 云南 Yunnan, China 品名 Name: 菊花迷你熟沱茶  普洱熟茶  Chrysanthemum Tuo Cha Ripe Pu'er Dark Tea 分类 Sort: 普洱熟茶 Pu-erh Ripen Tea 产品配料: 普洱散茶、黄山贡菊 茶汤Liquor: 茶汤红润,口感香醇,整叶压制,条索分明Red, mellow and smooth Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 保质期 Shelf Life: The aged the better 整叶压制,沱型分明,拼配贡菊,花香浓郁。无需长时间存放汤色即红润诱人,叶底条索分明,绝非碎茶压制。 Chrysanthemum Tuo Cha Ripe Pu-Erh Dark Tea #1454 Chrysanthemum flowers are naturally sweet and delicious. Their effect is cooling and relaxing and the tea is often used to avoid headaches, eye strain, and fever. This tea combines delicate chrysanthemum flowers with ripe digestive Pu-Erh tea from Yunnan. Ripe (aka cooked) Pu-Erh tastes earthy, sweet, and mellow. It soothes stomach upset and eases digestion. It contains a natural statin to help regulate cholesterol.  This Chrysanthemum tea’s flowers, from the Yellow Mountain in China, are of the species Chrysanthemum morifolium or Chrysanthemum Indicum, which are most popular in East Asia. The tea has adenine, choline, vitamins A, B, amino acids, glycosides, volatile oil, and more. Chrysanthemum tea has many traditional medicinal uses, including as an aid in recovery from influenza, acne and as a "cooling" herb. According to traditional Chinese medicine, tea can aid in the prevention of sore throat and promote the reduction of fever. In Korea, the chrysanthemum is known well for its medicinal use in making people more alert and is often used as a pick-me-up to render the drinker more awake. In western herbal medicine, Chrysanthemum tea is drunk or used as a compress to treat circulatory disorders such as varicose veins and atherosclerosis.  In traditional Chinese medicine, chrysanthemum tea is also said to clear the liver and the eyes. It is believed to be effective in treating eye pain associated with stress or yin/fluid deficiency. It is also used to treat blurring, spots in front of the eyes, diminished vision, and dizziness. The liver is associated with the element Wood which rules the eyes and is associated with anger, stress, and related emotions.


  • 15% OFF
    永合丰 老班章茶餅 龍年米色禮盒 357g 永合丰 老班章茶餅 龍年米色禮盒 357g

    永合丰 老班章茶餅 龍年米色禮盒 357g

    1 review

    永合丰 老班章茶餅 龍年米色禮盒(普洱生茶)357g 茶中王者   霸氣十足 老班章茶树大多种植于1476年,距今五百多年岁月,千年以上的高龄古树茶的茶叶极为珍稀。位于西双版纳世界茶王之乡勐海县布朗山乡,布朗族后裔(属古代濮人的后代),是世界上最早栽培、制作和饮用茶叶的民族。海拔1700米至1900米,山峦起伏连绵,沟谷纵横交错,北部因有哀老山和无量山的屏障作用,天成“冬无严寒,夏无酷署,四季如春”、“冬春两季多雾”的气候特点,原生态植被多样性保存完好,特别适合古茶树的生长。从古至今,老班章村民一直沿用传统古法、人工养护古茶树,手工采摘鲜叶,日光晒青毛茶,石磨土法压制各种紧压茶。 老班章古树茶,因其生长的天时地利条件,造就口感丰富的香气,独特的兰香引人入胜,浓厚润滑、喉韵深、回味悠长的普洱茶。 永合丰龙年礼盒,采用选料上乘老班章古树茶,米色礼盒精美雅致,无论品饮、鉴赏、馈赠或收藏,都是顶级珍茗佳品最佳选择。


  • 20% OFF
    永合丰 珍藏孔雀 普洱熟茶饼 357g 永合丰 珍藏孔雀 普洱熟茶饼 357g

    永合丰 珍藏孔雀 普洱熟茶饼 357g

    1 review

    永合豐 珍藏孔雀 普洱熟茶饼 357g 日常自飲口感上佳   傾情禮贈品味不俗   款待貴客心意十足 珍藏孔雀 普洱熟茶餅,該款茶葉輕發酵後經傳統工藝壓制而成,乾倉存放,原料在壓制成餅前,經過多年陳放,味醇甘滑,口齒留香。同時也是一款具代表性的熟餅茶,發酵適度,茶品色澤褐紅,滋味醇厚,湯色紅亮,綜合品質高,為大眾所推崇。 優質的茶源,由製作師精心篩選,鮮葉晾晒攤放1-2小時,分級揉捻,在無污染環境通過透氣晾晒,嚴格控制發酵溫度,壓制好檢查厚度、餅型、重量。再精確包裝成列,放在干燥、清潔、無異味的倉庫儲存。 此款 永合豐 精選珍藏孔雀普洱茶餅,是一款備受歡迎普洱茶品,孔雀象徵著 “高貴、幸福、吉祥”,挑選優質茶芽,經傳統蒸壓工藝發酵乾燥提香而成,由於其獨特的明顯豐富口感,其色澤紅潤透亮、陳香純正、味醇厚且順滑,成為茶葉愛好者們喜愛的滋味首選。搭配高貴御禮納福紅禮盒,更顯貴氣隆重,是一款日常自飲口感上佳、傾情禮贈品味不俗、款待貴客心意十足的最佳選擇。 產品名稱:珍藏孔雀 普洱茶(熟茶) 配料:雲南大葉種曬青毛茶 產地:雲南 勐海 存儲條件:在清潔、通風、乾燥、無異味、避免陽光直曬,無污染的環境下儲存。 保質期:在符合儲存條件下,普洱茶適宜長期保存 生產廠家:西雙版納 金福茶業有限公司


  • Box)(Bogo) (100% off)

    » Xiaguan Tuocha Raw Pu-Erh Dark Tea(100g/Box)(Bogo) (100% off)

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  • 20% OFF
    老仓 淘福七子 普洱 熟茶#1507 老仓 淘福七子 普洱 熟茶#1507

    老仓 淘福七子 普洱 熟茶#1507

    老仓 淘福七子 普洱 熟茶  采用人工发酵加工制成的普洱茶,俗称为普洱熟茶 茶味特色  紅濃透亮醇厚綿稠 ,適度發酵造就油潤茶底,香甜順滑 回甘悠長,對於喜歡濃和陳香的瘦身口感,可以選擇普洱熟茶


  •  华美博物馆 x 永合丰 茶话会 茶叶礼盒  华美博物馆 x 永合丰 茶话会 茶叶礼盒

    华美博物馆 x 永合丰 茶话会 茶叶礼盒

    华美博物馆 x 永合丰 茶话会 茶叶礼盒 同时享用四款不用韵味口感的茶香,自用送礼两相宜 内有下列四款精选茶叶礼盒: 热带风情花果茶 ,有机毛峰 ,荔枝红茶 ,高山乌龙茶 可选择带茶巾或/含橙皮白茶

  • 20% OFF
    宫廷C级 2016年 普洱熟茶 #1055

    宫廷C级 2016年 普洱熟茶 #1055

    宫廷C级 2013年 普洱熟茶 #1055 Palace C Grade Pu-Erh Tea#1055 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶         WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 云南 Yunnan, China 品名 Name: 宫廷C级普洱熟茶  Palace C Grade Pu-erh Ripe tea 年份 Production Date: 2013 分类 Sort: 普洱熟茶 Pu-erh Ripe Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 保质期 Shelf Life: The aged the better 茶汤Liquor: 陈味十足,入口甘甜,香滑醇厚Smooth and creamy with earthy notes of walnuts.   Pu-Erh is a fermented, digestive tea. Dark (aka ripe pu’er) is aged longer than raw Pu-Erh and has a stronger distinctive earthy, semi-sweet flavor. It has been used to improve digestion and circulation and contains a natural statin known to help reduce harmful cholesterol and improve weight loss.  This tea has a very smooth character without any astringency or bitterness. The clean woody profile has soft, creamy, and earthy notes of walnuts. Overall this is a comforting tea with an accessible taste that is a great introduction to Pu-Erh teas. We suggest brewing at 90°C for 3-5 minutes according to your taste. ( How to Brew: Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  194℉ / 90℃  194℉ / 90℃ Tea Quantity: 5g  8g  Brewing time:  2-3 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds

    $7.20 - $27.19

  • 20% OFF
    1995年普洱熟茶 #1084

    1995年普洱熟茶 #1084

    1995年普洱熟茶 #1084 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶         WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 云南 Yunnan, China 品名 Name: 普洱熟茶  Pu-erh Ripe tea 年份 Production Date: 1995 分类 Sort: 普洱熟茶 Pu-erh Ripe Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 保质期 Shelf Life: The aged the better 茶汤Liquor: 汤色枣红明亮,香浓醇厚,經久耐泡,陳味十足Mellow and thick, natural earthy and wood taste with a lingering sweet aroma. This 1995 Pu-Erh is a post-fermented tea, that enhances its complex flavors and health benefits. Woody, earthy, with a lingering sweet aroma, Pu-Erh has been known to aid digestion, and skin health and contain high anti-oxidants. How to Brew: Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ /100℃  212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time:  1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds

    $20.00 - $40.00

  • 20% OFF
    烏龍戲珠 鐵觀音&普洱 茗茶禮盒 烏龍戲珠 鐵觀音&普洱 茗茶禮盒

    烏龍戲珠 鐵觀音&普洱 茗茶禮盒

    乌龙戏珠 铁观音&家藏普洱  茗茶礼盒 Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea (24 g) & Pu-Erh Tea (24 g) Oolong tastes bracing, exciting, fragrantly delicious Pu-Erh is earthy, grounding, digestive and comforting Oolong Tea Benefits You Didn't Know About Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease. Researchers have found a connection in drinking oolong tea and lowering cholesterol levels. ...  Lowers Risk of Cancer. ...  Decreases Inflammation. ...  Helps Fight Obesity. ...  Diabetes Prevention. ...  Boosts Energy. ...  Improves Tooth and Skin Health. ( Health Benefits of Pu-Erh Tea Increases Energy. Thanks to the caffeine in Pu-erh tea, drinking a cup a day can help to increase your energy levels and focus. ...  Promotes a Healthy Heart. ...  Cleanses Toxins and Free Radicals. ...  Prevents Cancer. ...  Protects Bone Health. ...  Aids in Weight Loss. ...  Reduces Stress. ...  Prevents Illness. (


  • 20% OFF
    壹捌青餅 陳國義先生作品 2018普洱生茶 茶餅(388 g) 壹捌青餅 陳國義先生作品 2018普洱生茶 茶餅(388 g)

    壹捌青餅 陳國義先生作品 2018普洱生茶 茶餅(388 g)

    壹捌青餅 陳國義先生作品 2018普洱生茶 茶餅(388 g)   Master Chan 2018 Raw Pu-Erh Tea Cake (388g) No wonder tea is a preferred gift for Chinese friends and family: The taste appeal, health benefits, the tea legends and carefully processing that has remained traditional throughout its long history. Raw Pu-Erh resembles other green teas in flavor and health benefits. It is digestive, slimming, and refreshing. In China, Pu-Erh tea has long been sipped to achieve a variety of health benefits, such as improvements in heart health and reductions in cholesterol levels. It's also said that Pu-erh tea can help promote weight loss, enhance eyesight, stimulate circulation, and soothe hangovers. ( Cleanses Toxins and Free Radicals.  Pu-erh tea uses its oxidative properties to deliver increased levels of oxygen, which enhances circulation and blood flow. By delivering more oxygen to the brain, Pu-erh tea can help combat headaches and migraines and reduces free radicals that can cause serious illnesses. (


  • 20% OFF
    老班章 名山古树 2015生茶 普洱茶饼(357 g) 老班章 名山古树 2015生茶 普洱茶饼(357 g)

    老班章 名山古树 2015生茶 普洱茶饼(357 g)

    1 review

    老班章 名山古树 2015生茶 普洱茶饼(357 g) 雲南老倉古茶   喝山頭好茶  喝老倉古茶 老班章,一個號稱普洱茶王的山頭;它是普洱茶的一張耀眼的名片,普洱茶界公認的“茶王”。 老班章茶树大多种植于1476年,距今五百多年岁月,高龄古树茶的茶叶极为珍稀。位于西双版纳世界茶王之乡勐海县布朗山,布朗族后裔(属古代濮人的后代),是世界上最早栽培、制作和饮用茶叶的民族。海拔1700米至1900米,山峦起伏连绵,沟谷纵横交错,北部因有哀老山和无量山的屏障作用,天成“冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,四季如春”、“冬春两季多雾”的气候特点,常年云雾缭绕,原生态植被多样性保存完好,特别适合古茶树的生长。 从古至今,老班章村民一直沿用传统古法、人工养护古茶树,从鲜叶的萎凋,慢火手工杀青、揉捻等19道工序制作,古法精制而成。 普洱茶之王,老班章历经百年沧桑,造就口感丰富的香气,独特的兰香引人入胜,浓厚润滑、喉韵深、回味悠长的普洱茶。本品选料上乘,无论品饮、鉴赏或是收藏,都是顶级珍茗佳品。  


  • 20% OFF
    古树春茶 冰岛地界 2017生茶 普洱茶饼(357 g) 古树春茶 冰岛地界 2017生茶 普洱茶饼(357 g)

    古树春茶 冰岛地界 2017生茶 普洱茶饼(357 g)

    云南山头古树 古法匠心精制 [二品】状元 典藏级 冰岛普洱茶是一種生普洱茶,產自雲南省臨滄市勐庫附近2200-2300米的高山上的冰岛村。地势较高生态环境较好,使其在香气浓郁与滋味醇正度上表现突出,但因路途艰辛难走,故出产量较低,該批次是2017年3月生產。 茶餅用紙包著,並標記「冰岛地界古樹」。古樹,指古老的喬木。這些茶樹已完全成熟,樹齡200-300年,非常適合生產高品質的生普洱。高海拔和偏北緯度都使該地區的氣候涼爽,尤其是夜間。樹齡和環境條件結合,造就了年輕的生普洱,無論年齡大小,味道複雜、順滑,茶气也很好。 老寨地界古茶最为突出的滋味口感为香,甘,醇。其香味类型独特,带有淡淡的花果香,茶汤甜度好,回甘生津显著,苦涩微弱秒化,口感柔滑,地界古树茶气阳刚,苍劲有力,内含物资丰富,耐泡度高,茶香清扬余韵持久。 雖然大多數生普洱茶需要長時間儲存才能形成風味,但由於冰岛茶饼所用原料的品質優良,這種普洱茶既可以儲存更長時間,也可以立即享用。打開冰岛普洱餅,一股怡人的果香撲鼻而來。茶汤呈現清澈明亮的金黃色,帶有淡淡的果香。口感柔滑。這茶雖然沒有陳放很長一段時間,但已有足夠的甜味。餘韻持久、舒適,略帶澀味和乾燥感,隨著儲存時間的增加,這種感覺會進一步減弱。 建議沖泡温度為90-98℃,依個人口味沖泡2-3分鐘,可多次沖泡,轻嗅茶香挂杯持久。為獲得最佳效果,請採用功夫風格沖泡,建議短暫清洗葉子。



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