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2349 products

  • 20% OFF
    永合豐 老仓 紫芽贡饼2018年 普洱生茶茶饼 357克 永合豐 老仓 紫芽贡饼2018年 普洱生茶茶饼 357克

    永合豐 老仓 紫芽贡饼2018年 普洱生茶茶饼 357克

    永合豐 老仓 紫芽贡饼2018年 普洱生茶茶饼 357克 普洱茶紫芽是云南大叶种随气候变化导致的变异芽体,数量非常稀有,因其具有生于茶树呈紫红色,制成干茶成品呈墨绿色,置于杯中冲泡后呈青绿色的神奇变化,即便是千年古茶树,也少有发现紫芽的。 野生紫芽茶树嫩叶为紫红色,老叶呈绿色。野生紫芽茶制成晒青毛茶,干茶色泽半青半紫,紫叶部分浸泡叶底为紫色,此是野生紫芽茶的明显特点。野生紫芽茶制成的七子饼茶饼身满披金毫,光泽油亮,冲泡,有一股独特的“人参”清香,滋味鲜甜爽口,汤色黄亮,香气及口感皆有别于普通晒青茶。 产品特点: 香气柔和, 花蜜香。 果糖清甜, 泡初开后甜香不减。 苦昧淡。 3-5秒就会有生津回甘的口感。 茶中珍品, 稀缺宝贵。 臻品限量发行, 顶极珍藏品质。  WHF Twin birds Lao Cang Ziya Gong Bing 2018 Pu'erh Tea Tea Cake 357g Tea treasures are scarce and precious. This limited edition ultimate collector quality tea treasure has a soft, fresh aroma and floral nectar with a sweet aftertaste. The hallmark of a top quality tea is that it may be brewed several times never losing its captivating flavor and aroma. After 3-5 seconds, you will enjoy the rejuvenating taste and effects. Brewed longer you can enjoy a hint of bitterness. Pu’erh is a delicious fermented tea named for the area in Yunnan where it was traditionally gathered to ship across the rest of China. It was already ancient when discovered by the troops of Kublai Khan sent to annex Yunnan to his empire. The fermentation process renders a rich flavor and health benefits. Pu’erh contains a natural statin that reduces harmful cholesterol and improves digestion of rich, fat foods.  


  • 永合豐 清韵 家藏普洱茶禮盒 永合豐 清韵 家藏普洱茶禮盒

    永合豐 清韵 家藏普洱茶禮盒

    永合豐 清韵 家藏老树普洱茶礼盒  精选 20年家藏老树普洱茶,搭配手绘景德镇烧制茶罐。 茶叶罐子会随机款式(tea container will be random style). WHF Premium Pu'erh Tea Love of Butterfly Gift Box This tea set has “Laoshu Jiacang” Pu'erh tea *4oz a quality tea for daily health and beauty , a special collectable Pu’erh.   Green Pu’erh tea is processed like green teas we know but has a distinct flavor. Raw/green) Pu’erh tea has a very unique bitter-and-sweet taste and the “cha chi” (tea energy) is very strong, but it leaves a balanced and long-lasting sensation in the mouth and throat. The distinct bitter taste dissolves within seconds and turns into a sweet after-taste or “hui gan”.  Another special characteristic is its mild sweetness that becomes more and more apparent after multiple infusions. In China, Pu’erh teas are as valuable and expensive as collectible wines. Ancient tea trees, originating in Yiwu mountain range in Yunnan province, maybe 100 – 200 years old. Pu’erh tea is green (short aged) or “cooked” meaning long-aged, the longer the better. The aging process peaks at about 60 years. Drinking Pu-erh tea on a regular basis may help relieve symptoms of metabolic syndrome. It's been shown to lower blood sugar, reduce obesity, and boost immunity. Plus, it lowers cholesterol and prevents free radical damage. In other words, it helps tackle all five of the syndrome's factors.   


  • 20% OFF
    勐库戎氏 特级青饼 2007普洱生茶 茶饼 400克 勐库戎氏 特级青饼 2007普洱生茶 茶饼 400克

    勐库戎氏 特级青饼 2007普洱生茶 茶饼 400克

    勐库戎氏 特级青饼 2007普洱生茶 茶饼 400克 云南双江勐库茶业有限责任公司出品 由名厂精选2007年勐库春茶为原料,精心压制。茶条显毫,肥硕润泽,汤色黄亮晶莹,滋味醇厚生津,香气纯高持久。   Meng Ku Rong Shi 2007 Pu-Erh Raw Tea (400g) Pu-Erh tea is made from Yunnan large-leaf Camellia Sinensis. Its taste and effects are similar to green tea, although it is more digestive and known to reduce harmful cholesterol. It is typically processed into compressed cakes, bricks and tuos. Pu-Erh is particularly special because it can be aged for decades or longer, always changing and (in most cases) developing more depth and texture. Raw Pu-Erh is the traditional form of Pu-Erh and is sun-dried and compressed. Ripe Pu-Erh is fermented during a 40-50 day period undergoing a mellowing process that changes the tea into an earthy, dark red-brown color.


  • 20% OFF
    易武正山 野生茶老茶 生茶茶饼 08年普洱茶(357g)

    易武正山 野生茶老茶 生茶茶饼 08年普洱茶(357g)

    易武正山 野生茶老茶 生茶茶饼 08年普洱茶(357g) Pu-Erh Tea is unique in that it gets better with age, much like a fine wine. It initially starts out as a green tea but is not fully fired. Instead, the moist leaves are loosely stacked on top of each other to allow them to dry and age. The result is a fresh, vegetal taste and sweet aftertaste. Pu’erh is digestive and contains a natural statin that helps to reduce harmful cholesterol.  Yi Wu Mountain area teas are among the early classic Yi Wu pressings. The tea is spicy, with an almost perfume-like aroma that is thick and pungent.  It's very complex with its unique character.  Very enjoyable premium quality Yi Wu, aged to perfection!  


  • 品品香福鼎白茶 晒白金精装版1422白牡丹老白茶2014年原料已陈3年 品品香福鼎白茶 晒白金精装版1422白牡丹老白茶2014年原料已陈3年

    品品香福鼎白茶 晒白金精装版1422白牡丹老白茶2014年原料已陈3年

    品品香福鼎白茶 晒白金精装版1422白牡丹老白茶2014年原料已陈3年 Aroma: Pekoe and aged flavor, accompanied with a light jujube fragrance Liquor: Bright orange-yellow Taste: A prominent sweetness, honey aroma coupled with jujube flavor, smooth and soft, producing saliva and leading to the sweet aftertaste Brewing Method Teacup: 12oz / 355ml Temperature: 203℉ / 95℃ Weight: 5g Tea Brewing time: 3 - 5 mins   White Tea Health Benefits:  Rich in Antioxidants.  May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease.  Improves Weight Loss.  Help Protect Teeth from Bacteria.  Contains Compounds That May Fight Cancer.  May Lower the Risk of Insulin Resistance.  Compounds in White Tea May Protect Against Osteoporosis.  May Help Combat Skin Aging  


  • 田七 片L(4 oz) 田七 片L(4 oz)

    三七/田七 片L(4 oz)

    大号 三七/ 田七 片 L(4oz/ 包) Panax notoginseng / San Qi 为五加科人参属植物三七的块根。 尺寸 28-32片/ 4 oz 性味 甘微苦,温。 经脉 入肝经、胃经、大肠经。 主治 止血,散瘀,消肿,定痛。治吐血,咳血,衄血,便血,血痢,崩漏,癥瘕,产后血晕,恶露不下,跌扑瘀血,外伤出血,痈肿疼痛。 注意禁忌 孕妇忌服。 【食疗方】 1.鱼鳔田七方 黄花鱼鳔适量、三七末3克、黄酒适量,黄花鱼鳔用香油炸脆,压碎为末,每次5克,与田七末一同用黄酒冲服。每天1剂,连服15~20剂为1疗程。 本方可用于食道癌患者之血瘀内结型。 2.鸡蛋三七汤 三七末3克,鸡蛋1只。藕汁1小杯,料酒半小杯。鸡蛋打入碗内,加入三七末、藕汁、料酒,搅匀,加水搅拌稀释,放锅内隔水炖熟。当点心食用。 功效:补血活血止血。主治血虚血瘀所致的吐血衄血、血色紫、夹血块等。 3.灵芝三七饮 灵芝15g,三七粉4g。将灵芝洗净,放入砂锅,加清水适量,浸泡2小时,煎煮60分钟,取汤送服2g三七粉。锅中再加清水适量,煎煮40分钟,送服剩下的2g三七粉。每日1剂,早晚各服1次。 功效:益养心,活血能脉。主治心虚夹瘀所致的心悸心痛、形寒肢冷、唇舌发紫、脉涩或结代等。   Panax notoginseng Slice Large / San Qi (30 pcs/4 oz) During the Ming Dynasty, Sanqi was worth more than gold. It is a Chinese medicinal treasure. Panax notoginseng is used to stop or slow down bleeding. It is sometimes taken by people who have nosebleeds, vomit up or cough up blood, or find blood in their urine or feces. Panax notoginseng is also used to relieve pain; and to reduce swelling and blood pressure. ( Panax notoginseng is used for chest pain (angina), strokes and bleeding in the brain, buildup of fat in the blood vessels, heart attacks, and some kinds of liver disease. From the manufacturer:  It is the root tuber of Panax notoginseng in the genus Araliaceae. Size:  28-32pcs/4 oz  The taste is sweet and bitter. It is warm. It enters the Liver, Stomach and Large Intestine meridians.  Indications:  It is used to stop bleeding, dispel blood stasis, reduce swelling, and relieve pain. It has been used to cure vomiting blood, hemoptysis [coughing up blood], epitasis, hematochezia [fresh blood through the anus], bloody dysentery, uterine bleeding, symptom, postpartum hemorrhage, stasis, traumatic bleeding, carbuncle pain. Sanqi is also used for lochia. [In the field of obstetrics, lochia is the vaginal discharge after giving birth, containing blood, mucus, and uterine tissue. Lochia discharge typically continues for four to six weeks after childbirth, a time known as the postpartum period or puerperium.] Cautions: Avoid use during pregnancy.  Diet Therapy Yellow Croaker Maw Panax notoginseng  Ingredients: Right amount of yellow croaker maw, 3 grams of panax notoginseng powder, appropriate amount of rice wine,  Fry the yellow croaker maw until it is fragrant. Crush it to make a powder. Gradually add 5 grams fish maw powder mixed with Tianqi powder and add yellow wine.  Dosage: 1 dose a day, and take 15-20 doses continuously as a course of treatment.   This prescription can be used for blood stasis in patients with esophageal cancer.  Egg Panax notoginseng soup   Ingredients: 3 grams of panax notoginseng, 1 egg. 1 small cup of lotus root juice, half a small cup of cooking wine.  Beat the eggs into a bowl, add the powdered panax notoginseng, lotus root juice, and cooking wine, stir well, add water and stir to dilute. Put it in a pot and simmer in water. Serve as a snack.  Efficacy: Enriching blood and promoting blood circulation, also used to stop bleeding.  Indications: for blood deficiency and blood stasis caused by vomiting blood, purple blood, bruises, blood clots, etc. Lingzhi Panax notoginseng Drink   Ingredients:  Ganoderma 15g, Panax notoginseng powder 4g.  Wash the Ganoderma lucidum, put it in a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, soak for 2 hours, decoct for 60 minutes, and drink the soup. Add 2g of Panax notoginseng powder and appropriate amount of water to the pot, cook for 40 minutes, and serve the remaining 2g of Panax notoginseng powder.  Take 1 dose a day, 1 time each morning and evening.   Efficacy: It is used to nourish the heart, invigorate blood circulation.  Indications: for heart palpitations, angina, cold limbs, purple lips and tongue, irregular pulse or congestion caused by heart deficiency and blood stasis.  


  • 盒)

    永合豐 美國野生花旗參(4 oz/盒)

    1 review

    永合豐美國天然野生花旗參(4盎司/盒) 美國野山花旗參原產於北美洲,為五加科植物花旗參(Panax Quinquefolium LL.)的干燥根部。野山花旗參釀造野泡參,以天然山林中自然野生極為稀有。最好的野生參產自美國紐約北面接加拿大的大山CATSKILL MT。 (加士基大山),其次是北卡羅萊納州的BLUE RIDGE MT。 (藍脊山),兩地產的野生參,參齡達十年以上,有的上至百年,參質較輕,參面橫紋較顯著,人參皂苷含量最高。 花旗參禮盒(4盎司/盒) 西洋參被推薦用於治療糖尿病、慢性口渴和飢餓、更年期潮熱、壓力性頭痛、皮膚過早老化和慢性乾燥。 野生花旗參原產於北美,是五加科植物西洋參 (Panax Quinquefolium LL) 的干燥根。野生山西洋參又稱野生西洋參,是原始山林中發現的最稀有的天然野生保健滋補品。最好的野山參來自紐約北部至加拿大的卡茨基爾山脈(加斯基山),其次是北卡羅來納州的藍岭山脈。其根系已有十幾年,有的可達一百年。人參品質較輕,表面顆粒較突出,人參皂甙含量最高。 據研究分析,西洋參含有:人參、人參酸、甙、人參皂甙等多種有益成分。花旗參味甘辛,性涼,具有潤肺消炎、養胃強身的功效。體內氣機陰虛、疲乏無力、久咳咳血、肺胃虛弱者,適量食用花旗參可緩解這些不適。


  • 象印Zojirushi NL-BAC05SB 3人份微電腦電子飯鍋

    象印Zojirushi NL-BAC05SB 3人份微電腦電子飯鍋

    Introducing the quinoa menu setting for delicious white, red, black or rainbow quinoa. The 3-cup Micom Rice Cooker & Warmer is also pre-programmed to cook healthy favorites like brown rice and steel cut oatmeal. Cook as little as 1/2 a cup of rice or grains for just-right proportions. Advanced fuzzy logic technology prepares perfect rice every time Multi-menu cooking functions: Special settings for white/sushi rice, brown rice, long grain white rice, steel cut oatmeal, quinoa, cake and quick cooking Automatic Keep Warm keeps rice at the perfect serving temperature; Extended Keep Warm keeps rice warm longer by maintaining a low temperature to prevent drying Reheat function reheats rice in Keep Warm to the best serving temperature Delay timer (2 settings) Easy-to-store detachable Power Cord Fold-down handle allows unit to be easily transported BPA-free (all surfaces that come into contact with food or beverage) ETLus listed Instruction manual in English, French, Japanese, Traditional Chinese and Korean Model No. NL-BAC05 Capacity* Up to 3 cups / 0.54 liter Dimensions (W x D x H) 9-3/8 x 12-7/8 x 7-7/8 Color Silver Black


  • SALE
    墨西哥刺參 #697 墨西哥刺參 #697

    墨西哥刺參 #697

    墨西哥刺參 南美刺参16oz 海参富含蛋白质,烟酸和核黄素,并含有影响人体健康的一些物质,包括:硫酸软骨素(存在于人类软骨中)腔积液(其功能类似于人白细胞)棕榈酸,硬脂酸和亚油酸(具有强抗氧化作用的脂肪酸)角鲨烯(充当类固醇前体的化合物)三萜类化合物(一类化合物被认为可以减缓癌症的生长)海参可预防多种疾病,包括关节炎,心血管疾病,便秘,勃起功能障碍,牙周炎,牙龈疾病和某些类型的癌症。海参可抵抗炎症,促进伤口愈合并减缓衰老过程。传统用途:海参具有滋阴养阳的功能,如滋补肾,精,滋血,润燥,滋养胎儿,促进劳动。它可以提高男性的内分泌能力,改善女性的新陈代谢,促进性激素的分泌,并改善性功能。注意事项:海参具有稀释血液的作用(它会降低有害的胆固醇)。对贝类过敏的人应避免食用。在怀孕和哺乳期间避免使用它或在医生的指导下使用。   Sea Cucumber #697(1Lb) Sea cucumbers have been on earth for 500 million years. Sea cucumbers are ocean dwellers, though some inhabit the shallows and others live in the deep ocean on or near the ocean floor—sometimes partially buried beneath it. The dish is a prized seafood delicacy throughout south Asia, the Philippines, Japan, Australia, the Pacific, the Caribbean, France (beche de mer) and Portugal (pepino do mar.) The preparation takes several days of soaking and cooking and their nutritional value is exceptional. Sea Cucumber is often cooked in elaborate Chinese New Year soups.  Sea cucumbers are rich in protein, niacin, and riboflavin and contain substances that influence human health, including:  Chondroitin sulfate (found in human cartilage) Coelomic fluid (which functions similarly to human white blood cells) Palmitic, stearic, and linoleic acid (fatty acids with potent antioxidant effects) Squalene (a compound that acts as the precursor to steroids) Triterpenoids (a class of compounds thought to slow cancer growth) Alternative practitioners prevent and treat a wide range of health disorders with sea cucumber, including arthritis, cardiovascular disease, constipation, erectile dysfunction, periodontitis gum disease and certain types of cancers. Sea cucumber fights inflammation, promotes wound healing, and slows the aging process.  Traditional Uses:  Because sea cucumber is warm in nature, it has the functions of nourishing yin and yang, such as nourishing kidney and essence, nourishing blood and moistening dryness, nourishing the fetus and promoting labor. It can improve the endocrine ability of men and improve the metabolism of women, promote the secretion of sex hormones, and improve sexual function. Cautions: Sea cucumber has blood thinning effects (It reduces harmful cholesterol) It should be avoided by persons who have shellfish allergies. Avoid it or use under the direction of a doctor during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


  • 白毫銀針 茶餅(250g) 白毫銀針 茶餅(250g)

    白毫銀針 茶餅(250g)

    产品信息 品牌: 永合豐 雀石茗茶 产地: 中国 福建 品名: 白毫银针 茶饼 保质期: 36个月 分类: 白茶 紧压茶 等级: 特级 保存年份: 2014年 储存方法: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 干茶: 茶饼平整,色泽银白带黄,白毫密布有光泽 茶汤: 浅黄透亮,汤毫显露,清甜糯香,蜜香悠长 叶底: 软嫩匀称,色泽黄亮 净重: 250克 白毫银针,创制于1796年,中国六大茶类之一的白茶,原产地在福建,主要产区为福鼎、政和、松溪、建阳等地,属有中国十大名茶的称号,素有茶中“美女”、“茶王”之美称。其外观特征挺直似针,满披白毫,如银似雪。 Baihao Yinzhen , also known as White Hair Silver Needle, is a white tea produced in Fujian Province in China.   As with all white teas, it is best prepared with water below boiling (at around 75 to 80 degrees Celsius or 167 to 176 degrees Fahrenheit) and produces a slightly viscous glittering pale yellow color with evidence of floating white hairs that reflect light. Baihao Yinzhen is said to smell of "fresh-cut hay", and the flavour is described as sweet, vegetal, and delicate. Steeping should be longer than other white teas; up to 5 minutes per brew, and the volume of tea to be used can be higher. There are few parallels to be drawn as the taste is not similar to any other teas but Bai Mu Dan, except the latter is fuller but not as sweet and delicate. Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 8.5oz / 250ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 185℉ / 85℃ 185℉ / 85℃ Tea Quantity: 5g Tea 5 g Tea Brewing time:  4-5 mins 5 steeps: rinse, 25s, 45s, 70s, 90s, 150s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds


  • 太姥 白牡丹 茶餅(小) 350g 太姥 白牡丹 茶餅(小) 350g

    太姥 白牡丹 茶餅(小) 350g

    太姥 白牡丹 茶餅(小) 350g 品牌: 永合豐 雀石茗茶 产地: 中國 福建 品名: 太姥 白牡丹 茶餅(小) 保质期: 36个月 分類: 白茶 緊壓茶 等級: 一级 年份: 2014年 儲存方法: 常温、陰涼、乾燥、可長期保存 干茶: 茶餅圓潤飽滿,鬆緊適度,灰綠帶黄,白毫顯露 茶湯: 橙黄明亮,口感甘爽順滑,香氣清雅,有毫味 葉底: 柔潤油亮 净重: 350克 白牡丹白茶產自中國福建太姥山茶園區,是白茶中品質優異的品種,由於白牡丹白茶不揉不炒,茶中的茶多酚和氨基酸含量較高,具有獨特的保健功效。乾茶帶有很清雅的花香,冲泡出來的茶湯清淡甘甜,湯色淺黃較亮,白茶適合陳放,味道會隨著時間的轉變更加醇厚。 餅茶是在散茶的基礎上,經過蒸製,使茶葉變軟,然後進行壓制,變成圓餅形状,因為白茶餅在製作過程中有了蒸壓工藝,加重了白茶的發酵,讓白茶的口感更加醇厚,湯色轉爲深沉,陳放後茶韻更加濃厚。


  • 850405 Zojirushi Micom Rice Cooker NS-ZCC18

    Zojirushi Micom Rice Cooker NS-ZCC18 (10 cups)

    The Neuro Fuzzy® Rice Cooker & Warmer features advanced Neuro Fuzzy® logic technology, which allows the rice cooker to 'think' for itself and make fine adjustments to temperature and heating time to cook perfect rice every time. ● Advanced Neuro Fuzzy® logic technology ● Automatic keep warm, extended keep warm and reheating cycle ● Spherical inner cooking pan and heating system ● Delay timer (2 settings) ● Built-in retractable power cord ● Menu settings include: white (regular/sushi, softer or harder), mixed, porridge, sweet, semi-brown, brown, rinse-free and quick cooking ● cETLus listed ● Made in Japan



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