

2259 products

  • Lb) Lb)

    深海 鲍鱼仔(45~50头/Lb)

    珍珠 鲍鱼仔 野生小鲍鱼(45~50头/Lb) 色泽金黄,肉质肥厚,味道鲜美,颗粒饱满 。 保存方法:放在冰箱冷冻,只要不受潮,约可存放半年到一年。 泡发方法 鲍鱼干用清水洗净,取有盖子的干净容器,倒入纯净水浸泡,放入冰箱冷藏室。每隔12小时换一次水,浸泡48小时。可根据自己口感灵活掌握浸泡时间。 Golden color, thick meat, delicious taste, full-grain (45~50Pieces/Lb) Diving for abalone is a time-honored tradition in Japan. The Ama (sea women), wearing only a loin cloth, holding their breath for up to sixty seconds, dived 40 feet down to the cold ocean bottom to collect pearls and abalone “the sweet golden treasure of the ocean.” Historical records show it back at least 2,000 years. Women were preferred because they tend to have an extra layer of fat which helped insulate them against the cold. Today’s Ama. wearing black wetsuits. continue the tradition.  Abalone meat is tender and nutritious, high in protein 24%, and low fat 0.44% with many vitamins and trace elements that are very beneficial to our health. Abalone is rich in glutamic acid and tastes very delicious. Abalone is a yin nourishing food which means it supports the health of internal organs. It moisturizes lungs, which improves breathing and complexion. It clears inflammation and nourishes the liver and improves eyesight. Long-term consumption has been shown to help prevent cancer. The most recent research has found abalone provides a good source of:  Protein Iron essential for building red blood cells  Vitamin B12  Magnesium  Selenium  Omega-3 Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that can not be produced by our body. So, Omega-3 is important as essential fatty acids. Omega-3 itself is formed of fatty acids like EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and ALA (a-linolenic acid). Omega-3 consumed regularly assists in the development of the brain and memory, prevents heart disease because it can make arterial organs becomes more elastic and reduces the risk of high blood pressure. 

    $76.99 - $145.00

  • 高山雲霧 綠茶 #1183 高山雲霧 綠茶 #1183

    高山雲霧 綠茶 #1183

      永合豐 雀石茗茶 高山雲霧綠茶#1183 品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 產地Origin: 浙江 Zhejiang, China 品名Name: 高山雲霧綠茶 High Mountain Fog Green Tea 保質期Shelf Life: 18個月 18months 分類Sort: 炒青绿茶  Green Tea 等级Level: 一級 Premium 采摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 干茶Body:  绿润多毫,條索緊凑秀麗Tender buds and leaves with tightly curled shape, glossy jade color 茶湯Liquor: 香氣鲜爽持久,滋味醇厚甘甜,湯色清澈明亮Mellow, roasted chestnuts with an underlying note of bitterness 儲存方法Storage: 常温、陰涼、乾燥、可長期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place  高山雲霧茶產自著名的中國有機茶之鄉-浙江省武義縣,有機茶園建立在海拔800多米的高山上,自然生態條件優越,風景俊秀,空氣清新,終年雲霧繚繞,氣候溫和,雨量充沛,土壤富含有機質,遠離任何污染,非常適合茶樹生長。 原料采摘一芽一葉或二葉,外形匀整翠綠,條索緊結捲曲,一經冲泡,湯色嫩綠明亮,滋味鮮醇悠長,口留餘香,因其清香持久,可謂茶中極品。高山雲霧茶采于春分前後,全年春、夏、秋三季均可采製,品質以明前茶為最優。 高山雲霧茶多採用透明玻璃杯泡飲品茗,觀察茶在水中的緩慢舒展、翻滾、舒展、游動,變幻過程,稱為“茶舞”,趁熱嗅聞茶香,令人心曠神怡。

    $26.00 - $96.00

  • 30% OFF
    蘇州 碧螺春 綠茶#1110 蘇州 碧螺春 綠茶#1110

    蘇州 碧螺春 綠茶#1110

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 江苏苏州 太湖 洞庭山  Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 品名Name: 苏州 碧螺春 Bi Luo Chun/Pi Lo Chun 保质期Shelf Life: 18months 分类Sort: 烘青绿茶  Green Tea 等级Level: 特级 Supreme 采摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 银绿卷曲,白毫显露Curly buds and tiny leaves covered in abundant white fuzz, spiral-shaped like a snail’s shell, tender and thin 茶汤Liquor: 馥郁香醇,花果香清雅悠长,汤色碧绿Sweet, fruity, floral aroma. Light yellowish-green with floating fuzz 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place   永合豐的碧螺春选自苏州太湖洞庭山原始产区,是谷雨前的春茶,由专业制茶师精心制作。 太湖水面,水气升腾,雾气悠悠,空气湿润,土壤呈微酸性或酸性,质地疏松,极宜于茶树生长,由于茶树与果树间种,所以碧螺春茶叶具有特殊的花朵香味。 Bi Luo Chun Spring Snail Green Tea #1110 Bi Lo Chun, originates from the west side of the Dong Ting Mountains in the Jiang Su province of China. The area provides an ideal environment of mist and clouds all year round for the growing tea trees and is harvested only once a year in early spring. The name comes from a 17th century Emperor of China who noted that the spiral-shaped leaves looked like tiny snail shells. According to the manufacturer:  Biluochun from Wing Hop Fung is selected from the original producing area of ​​Dongting Mountain in Taihu Lake. It is tea leaves picked in early Spring, carefully made by professional teamakers.  On the surface of Taihu Lake, the water vapor rises, the mist is lingering, the air is humid, the soil is slightly acidic or acidic, and the soil texture is loose. It is very suitable for growing tea trees. Because of the interplanting of tea trees and fruit trees, Biluochun tea has a special flower fragrance. The tea taste is described as: Sweet, fruity, floral aroma, the color Light yellowish-green with floating foam. Store the dry tea leaves in airtight, opaque packaging; in acool, dry place. The shelf life is 18 months.  Tea brewing: the Chinese Gaiwan or Gongfu method of brewing using a small yixing tea pot and little tasting cups. It is a time-honored tea ceremony to be enjoyed with friends. First the pot and cups are warmed by pouring boiling water in them which is discarded. Then dry tea leaves are placed in the empty warm teapot, keeping the lid on for 10-20 seconds to awaken the aroma. Lift the lid to enjoy the fragrance. Then add boiling water to the pot, swish it around, rinse the tea for 5 seconds and discard the water. That prepares the tea leaves. Finally boiling water is added and briefly steeped as shown: Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 8.8oz / 250ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 176℉ / 80℃ 176℉ / 80℃ Tea Quantity: 3g  4g Brewing time:   2 - 4 mins 3 steeps: 15 s, 20 s, 25 s

    $29.40 - $109.55

  • 优质 花胶粒 鱼肚粒 永合丰 Bag)

    優質花膠粒 (16oz/Bag)

    花膠含有豐富蛋白質及骨膠原 滋陰養顏 性質溫和,適合所有人士食用


  • 包)

    特大 芡实/鸡头米(16oz/包)

    特大 芡实/鸡头米(16oz/包) 卵菱、鸡癕、鸡头实、雁喙实、鸡头米、雁头、蔿子、鸿头、水流黄、水鸡头、肇实、刺莲藕、刀芡实、鸡头果、苏黄、黄实、鸡咀莲、鸡头苞、刺莲蓬实 性味 甘、涩,平。 经脉 归脾经、肾经。 主治 益肾固精,补脾止泻,祛湿止带。用于梦遗滑精,遗尿尿频,脾虚久泻,白浊,带下。 【食疗方】 神仙粥 山药30g,芡实30g,韭菜30g,粳米100g。将韭菜切成细末,芡实煮熟去壳并捣碎,山药捣碎,以上三味与粳米相和,慢火煮粥。每日2次,温热服之。 功效:壮阳补虚,益气强志,丰肌,润肤,明目,聪耳。主治虚损羸瘦,皮肤粗糙,耳目不聪。  Gordon Enryale Seed/Qian Shi(16oz/Bag) Euryale seed, also called fox nuts, is considered sweet, astringent and neutral (neither too heating nor cooling.) It tonifies the spleen and kidney meridians. Its main functions are to stop diarrhea, strengthen the kidney/adrenal energy and control the (jing) our vitality; and to dispel dampness (sluggish digestion, bloating, gas and edema.) It is said to be especially useful for childhood diarrhea.  Euryale seed enters the meridians of the spleen and kidney. Indications include, tonifying the spleen to stop chronic diarrhea, dampness leukorrhea (either a watery or thick vaginal discharge.) It is used for spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, incontinence and frequent urination. Recipes as below- Porridge : Ingredients: 30g of Chinese yam discorea, 30g of Gorgon fox nuts, 30g of sliced leek, and 100g of japonica rice.  Cut the leeks into fine slices. Boil and mash the white yam. The above three flavors are compatible with japonica rice. Cook the porridge slowly. Take it warm twice a day. Efficacy: aphrodisiac tonic, for qi deficiency. It improves strong muscles, skin quality, eyesight, and hearing.


  • 磅)

    日本 北海道宗谷元貝 L(75-85顆/磅)

    日本北海道 宗谷元貝L(75-85颗/磅) 元貝也稱「乾貝」或稱「江瑤柱」,主要來自日本、中國及越南等地,當中以日本北海道元貝為最佳;因爲北海道的海水,由北半球阿拉斯加冰川融化後,向南流而來,其海水長期維持在零度左右,被日本人譽爲接近無菌的海水,再加上海床礦物質成分豐盈,故北海道所產的海鮮,在日本甚至是全球,是出名的高品質。 日本北海道宗谷元貝,是出產元貝最著名的地方,宗谷元貝體積較大,一般帶有少許裂紋、色澤金黃、表面乾爽、身少鹽霜、入口無渣,香味特別濃郁味道鮮甜。 元貝含有豐富蛋白質,磷酸鈣、維生素A、B、D,屬於一種營養豐富的海味,元貝性平,味甘鹹;具有滋陰補血、平肝清熱、調中下氣、利五臟等之功效,天然鮮味,加上營養豐富,對於肝腎虛弱、病後初愈體弱、精神不振、胃口欠佳、產後滋補者最適合食用。 元貝功效高而且味道特別鮮美,加上元貝的做法多樣,可與其他食材搭配更增添鮮美,因此廣受歡迎,是自用及饋贈親朋好友送禮的最佳選擇。 處理程序:只要將元貝略清洗後,以清水浸泡約半小時或以上(視元貝大小而定,浸泡至稍軟身即可),連水留用,便可進行烹調。 儲存方法:放於通風陰涼處,如預較長時間存放,建議密封好擺放入冰箱0-8℃為佳


  • 台灣金萱 桂花烏龍茶#1133

    台灣金萱 桂花烏龍茶#1133

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 台灣 南投县Taiwan 品名Name: 金萱 桂花 奶香乌龙茶Osmanthus Milk Oolong Tea 等级Level: 特级 Supreme 分类Sort: 调味乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 干茶 Body: 颗粒饱满,色泽墨绿,茶香飘逸 Rolled into tight tiny ball shape, sand-green in color 茶汤 Liquor: 蜜黄明亮,口感顺滑,花香奶香清雅 Silky, smooth, and buttery 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 所谓桂花乌龙茶,实际上是用桂花与乌龙茶拌合熏制而成的。制作时先铺一层茶叶,再用一层桂花铺匀,让茶叶吸收桂花香,密封窖藏。从制作工艺上,严格来说桂花乌龙算是花茶了,但却不失乌龙茶的风味。 From the high misty mountains in Taiwan comes a naturally rich and milky flavored tea. Just smell the tea leaves and you’ll know what we’re talking about! Surprisingly, no actual milk is used - the flavor is purely natural from the climate conditions the tea trees grow in. All we did was infuse this tea with the unforgettable sweet fragrance of Osmanthus flowers for a delightful cup of tea. Osmanthus flower is incredibly beautiful and has a unique sweet, creamy, peachy, and floral aroma, and flavor. In fact, this flower tea is unlike any other flower tea. . . ( This tea is really good for cold brew. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water Volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  2 Teaspoons / 5g Tea    7g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins  7 steeps: rinse, 15s, 25s, 35s, 45s, 55s, 75s, 85s

    $29.99 - $116.00

  • 桂圓肉 (16oz) 桂圆肉

    生晒 特级元肉/桂圓肉 (16oz)

    精选生晒 龙眼肉/ 桂圆肉 (16oz/包) 龙眼、比目、荔枝奴、亚荔枝、木弹、骊珠、燕卵、鲛泪、圆眼、蜜脾、桂圆、元眼肉、龙眼干 性味 甘,温。 经脉 入心经、脾经。 主治 益心脾,补气血,安神。治虚劳羸弱,失眠,健忘,惊悸,怔忡。 注意禁忌 内有痰火及湿滞停饮者忌服。 【食疗方】 1.百合桂圆红枣粥 百合六钱、桂圆一两、红枣15个、白米1杯。百合洗净泡软,红枣洗净拍裂去子,桂圆肉掰散。白米淘净沥干,晾约20分钟。白米入锅,加水约6碗熬粥,约待四分熟时即加入百合、红枣、桂圆,滚沸1分钟加入冰糖调味再续煮2至3分钟即可。 适宜夜睡不稳、精神不宁、意志不集中、多汗等,可调和经络循环、和颜润色并适合更年期妇女所患之精神焦虑症。 2.山药桂圆粥 鲜山药100g,桂圆肉15g,荔枝肉3~5个,五味子3g,白糖适量。先将山药去皮切成片,与桂圆、荔枝、五味子同煮,加入适量白糖。每日晚临睡前1小时食之。 功效:补益心肾,止渴固涩。主治心肾之阴不足而引起的消渴、小便频数、心悸失眠、腰部酸痛等症。   Dimocarpus /Premium Dried Longan/ Long Yan (16 oz) The Longan fruit is literally translated to “dragon eye” due to its resemblance to that of dragon’s eyeball when it is still in its shell. The berries are produced by a tropical tree that is native to southern China, but also grows in some other areas of Asia. Dried Longan is used in Chinese cuisine, and desserts, but is also infused in hot water to create a delicious drink. Longan, as an herbal medicine, is believed to have a relaxing effect on the body. Also, because of the fruit’s high Iron content, it is thought to help in improving concentration & memory. In addition, it is known to alleviate stomach-aches and help with insomnia. From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet. It enters the Heart and Spleen meridians.  Indications: It nourishes the heart and spleen, replenishes qi and blood, soothes the nerves. It has been used to cure asthenia, weakness, insomnia, forgetfulness, palpitations, and shock.  Cautions: Avoid use if there is phlegm, fire and damp stagnation [bloating or edema with inflammation] Diet Therapy   Dried Lily buds,  Longan and Red Date Congee   Ingredients: Appropriate amount of Dried Lily buds, one or two longan, 15 red dates, 1 cup of white rice.  Wash the lily and soak it until soft, wash and pat dry the red dates and remove the seeds, and break up the longan meat. Wash and drain the white rice and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Put the white rice into the pot, add water to make about 6 bowls of porridge, add lily, red dates, and longan when the rice is half cooked; boil for 1 minute, add rock sugar to taste, and continue to cook for 2 to 3 minutes.   It is suitable for unstable sleep [insomnia] at night, mental restlessness, poor concentration, hyperhidrosis, etc. It can regulate the circulation of the meridians, and it is suitable for menopausal women with mental anxiety.   Yam Longan Congee   Ingredients:  100g fresh white yam, 15g dried longan meat, 3 to 5 lychee meat, 3g schisandra, appropriate amount of sugar.  First peel and cut the yam into slices, cook with longan, lychee, and schisandra, and add appropriate amount of sugar.  Take it 1 hour before going to bed every night.   Efficacy: Replenishing the heart and kidney, quenching thirst and astringent. Indications are symptoms of thirst, frequent urination, palpitations, insomnia, and waist pain caused by insufficient heart and kidney yin.  


  • 敵糖 番石榴茶 (94包)

    敵糖 番石榴茶 (94包)

    敵糖 番石榴茶 (94包) 自然回甘,代替甜飲        餐餐飲用,良好控制           關注血糖,家庭常備        消糖解渴,長輩最愛 純净原料--不添加任何人工香精、甜味劑,全球品質優良草本原料,保證純净天然 包材環保--使用天然茶濾紙及生物可降解濾紙茶包 科技把關--絕不滲入僞劣茶葉,無農藥殘留及重金屬污染問題,讓您喝的安心 敵糖由番石榴果實及嫩葉,配合特種茶葉配製而成,不含中藥及任何化學成份。保存番石榴含有的纖維素、維生素、礦物質和果糖。而在番石榴葉中,亦發現含有多種重要的多酚化合物,這些成份擁有多種輔助及調節功效。含有超強抗氧化幫助緩解糖分吸收,能夠有效降低血糖、血脂、膽固醇,防衰老,泡茶飲用對於三高人士來説益處多多。 番石榴葉能軟化血管;同時具有耐缺氧,迅速解除疲勞的功效;同時有助于延缓生物體的過氧化進程,可預防癌症、心臟病等慢性疾病。在番石榴葉中,發現含有多種重要的芳香類二級代謝產物如多酚化合物。實驗研究表明,正是這些酚類化合物赋予番石榴葉多種功效。番石榴性平,不寒熱、乾澀微苦,適合關注外食太甜人士使用。 成分:60%番石榴果實和葉、40%包種(烏龍)茶日常保健:每日三包加强效用:可每日4-6包 飲用方法:1.熱冲:在瓷杯中放置1-2茶包入約300ml的沸水冲泡2.燜泡:杯蓋燜蓋約5-7分鐘3.攪拌:掀開杯蓋用筷子輕輕攪拌釋放成分4.飲用:餐餐飲用(餐中或餐後)溫熱飲用,長期規律飲用,妙效甚多 **該聲明尚未經過FDA評估。本產品不用於診斷、治療和預防任何疾病。懷孕婦女或哺乳期間,請在使用前諮詢醫生


  • Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa  京都念慈菴蜜炼川贝枇杷膏 念慈菴 蜜炼川贝枇杷膏 300ml

    念慈菴 蜜炼川贝枇杷膏 300ml

    名称:蜜炼川贝枇杷膏 品牌:京都念慈菴 制造商:京都念慈菴总厂有限公司 包装:盒装 主要成分:川贝母、枇杷叶、南沙参、伏苓、化橘红、桔梗、法半夏、五味子、瓜蒌子、款冬花、远志、苦杏仁、生姜、甘草、杏仁水、薄荷脑、蜂蜜 功能主治:本膏採用十数种名贵天然汉草及纯正蜂蜜炼製而成,功效显注,味道可口,闻名中外。现代人生活尽情忘我,深宵工作,交际应酬,容易引起各种喉部问题。要好好保养喉部健康,经常服用京都念慈菴蜜炼川贝枇杷膏,润肺养颜,生津清热,为全天候的健康宝物。 用法用量:成人 十二岁以上:每日三次,每次一汤匙(十五毫升) 小童 七至十二岁:每日三次,每次三份之二汤匙(十毫升) 四至六岁:每日三次,每次三份之一汤匙(五毫升)。或遵医嘱。 警告:孕妇,喂哺母乳者,长期病患者,正接受医生治疗或有任何问题,服用前请先向医生查询。 储存方法:密封,置阴凉处或雪柜。请将此药置于儿童不易触及之处。   Name: Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa (300 ml) Brand: NIN JIOM Origin: Hong Kong Manufacture: Nin Jiom Medicine Manufactory(H.K.) Ltd. Size/Net Weight: 10fl.oz. (300ml) Package: Boxed Component: Sichuan Fritillary, loquat, Adenophora, Poria, Pummelo Peel, Platycodon, Pinellia, Schisandra, Trichosanthes, Coltsfoot, Polygala, Apricot, ginger, Chinese licorice, Apricot licorice, menthol, honey Uses: Nin Jiom PEI PA KOA can nourish the lungs, balance heat, and help keep your skin radiant even when you are up late at night or fatigued due to overwork. It is guard for health all year round. Serving Size: Adult aged over 12: one tablespoonful (15ml), 3 times a day.Children aged 7-12: 2/3 tablespoonful (10ml), 3 times a day.Children aged 4-6: 1/3 tablespoonful (5ml), 3 times a day.Or taken according to the doctor's advice. Warnings: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking prescribed medication, under a doctor's care, or have questions, please consult a doctor before taking. Storage: Preserve in a tightly closed container. Place it in a cool area/refrigerator. Keep it out of reach of children.


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    雀石 茉莉花茶 茶包(100包/盒)

    雀石 茉莉花茶 茶包(100包/盒) 經科學工藝精製而成,品質上乘 獨立茶包,色味俱全,更多甘醇 雀石茉莉花茶--選用生長在高山雲霧繚繞之巔的高山綠茶,配以精選品質優良含苞欲放的茉莉花,結合傳統工藝與現代科技精制而成,為純净無污染的綠色天然產品。 此茶茶色碧綠清亮、滋味甘醇、花香濃郁,飲之令人心曠神怡、爽喉潤肺、煩熱皆消,實爲養生保健的佳品。 春、夏季節: 此季節飲用花茶最適宜,春夏兩季往往令人容易感到睏倦乏力,喝一杯茉莉花茶,可以緩解因氣候帶來困倦的影響。 上班一族 : 茉莉花茶的香氣和營養有對于振奮精神有著顯著的功效,能令人暫時放鬆繃緊心情,紓解壓力。 使用方法:每次一袋,以開水200毫升冲泡3-5分鐘即可飲用


  • 台灣 阿里山烏龍茶#1057

    $25.75 - $99.00


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