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45 products

  • 20% OFF
    印度 蜜桃 紅茶#1392 印度 蜜桃 紅茶#1392

    印度 蜜桃 紅茶#1392

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶 WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 印度 Indian 品名Name: 印度蜜桃红茶 Indian Peach Black Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 36 months 分类Sort: 红茶 Black Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆☆ 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place   A perfectly peachy tea that will delight your taste buds! Robust black tea is infused with not only real peach flavors but also little pops of peach flavor for a delicious cup of tea that's great over ice with a little sugar or honey. Peaches have been symbolic of long life and unity in China. This tea is a CTC, which stands for “Crush Tear Curl." CTC is a processing method where Assam black tea leaves are machine processed and usually fully oxidized. It's considered lesser quality to orthodox Assam but produces a more robust and rich brew. Brewing Method: Teacup Water volume: 8oz  Temperature: 210℉  Tea Quantity: 3 g Tea Brewing time:  2 - 5 mins  

    $12.00 - $46.40

  • 20% OFF
    野生古樹 滇紅 紅茶#1501

    野生古樹 滇紅 紅茶#1501

    1 review

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 云南 凤庆 Yunnan, China 品名Name: 野生古树滇红  Wild Ancient Tree Dianhong 保质期Shelf Life: 36 months 分类Sort: 红茶 Black Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆☆ 干茶 Body: 条索粗壮,乌黑有光泽, Tightly twisted strip, glossy black 茶汤 Liquor: 汤色红润,花果香浓郁醇厚,鲜爽持久 Sweet red potatoes aroma, savory cocoa, and black pepper flavors. Smooth and full-bodied, slightly sweet 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 等级Level: 特级 Super   此款古树红茶采用三百年以上野生乔木古茶树鲜叶为原料,在传统红茶工艺基础上,引入工夫红茶工艺精心研制而成的一款独具特色的滇红茶。具有特优滇红茶的条索紧秀乌润、汤色金黄透亮、滋味醇厚饱满、香气较为沉稳,悠长、叶底红匀鲜亮等特点外,更具古乔木茶山野之气强烈,出汤迅速、经久耐泡、唇齿生香、杯底留香的气韵,回干生津的持久。 Dianhong, black tea from Yunnan province is generally called Dianhong Tea. This is a type of relatively high-end, gourmet Chinese black tea sometimes used in various tea blends and grown in Yunnan Province, China. The main difference between Dianhong and other Chinese black teas is the number of fine leaf buds, or "golden tips," present in the dried tea. Dianhong teas produce a brew that is brassy golden orange in color with a sweet, gentle aroma and no astringency. Cheaper varieties of Dianhong produce a darker brownish brew that can be very bitter.    Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 194℉ / 90℃ 194℉ / 90℃ Tea Quantity: 3 g Tea 5 g Tea Brewing time:  2 - 5 mins  7 steeps: 10s, 15s, 25s, 35s, 50s, 70s, 100s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds    

    $46.00 - $168.00

  • 20% OFF

    大紅柑 紅茶(8 oz/包)

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 大红柑 红茶 Mandarin Orange Peel Black Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 阴凉、干燥下可长久保存 分类Sort: 红茶 Black Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆☆ 等级Level: 特级 Super 茶汤Liquor: 红润通透,柑果清香扑鼻,通窍怡人Rosy and translucent with the fragrance of citrus fruit 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 大红柑 红茶(8 oz/包) 配料:九曲紅梅紅茶、新会大红柑 储存:阴凉、干燥下可长久保存,且越陈越香。 使用方法: 1.取一颗大红柑,掰开取适量茶与柑皮一起放入杯中,加入100度开水冲泡30秒,将第一泡茶水倒掉; 2. 再加入90度开水冲泡两分钟即可饮用。 泡大红柑的注意要点是在饮用的时候要先把大红柑掰开一半,再加入茶叶,一起放入盖碗后再用沸水冲泡。至于投茶量,大红柑可按喜好投入适量的茶叶和柑皮或整颗冲泡,用沸水快速洗茶一到两道后,香气顿显。 泡好的大红柑茶汤红润通透,有柑果的清香,香气扑鼻,通窍怡人。然后把茶水分别倒入杯中开始品尝。分杯后汤色红润明亮略偏棕,清澈温润。入口后柔和顺滑,汤香饱满直接,果香、甜香、陈香浑然一体,带来全身从头到脚的舒畅感。回味悠长有甜感,回甘生津强烈,余韵久久不散。在口腔内充满活力,给人一种圆满舒适的感觉。   Xinhui Red Orange Peel Black Tea(8 oz/bag) Dried citrus peel added to quality aged tea is tasty, digestive, and astringent and has been used to reduce bloating, indigestion, and belly fat. The steeped red citrus tea soup is rosy and translucent with the fragrance of citrus fruit that is tangy, and pleasant. The soup is rosy, bright, slightly brownish, clear, and moist. The first taste is soft and smooth, the soup is full and direct, and the fruity, sweet, and scented aromas blend together, bringing the entire body a sense of comfort from head to toe. The aftertaste is sweet, strong, and lasts for a long time. It is full of vitality in the mouth, giving people a feeling of completeness and comfort. Ingredients: Jiuqu Hongmei Black tea, Xinhui big orange Storing: Can be preserved long-term in a cool and dry place while aging. Preparation: 1. Take an orange peel Pu-Er, and put some tea with orange peel into a cup, steep with boiling water for thirty seconds, throw away the first tea soup. 2. Pour in 90°C water and consume it after two minutes. Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 194℉ / 90℃ 194℉ / 90℃ Tea Quantity: 3 g Tea 5 g Tea Brewing time:  2 - 5 mins 15 steeps: rinse, 15s, 25s, 40s, 70s, 100s, 130s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds  


  • 20% OFF
    茉莉九曲紅梅 紅茶 #1511 茉莉九曲紅梅 紅茶 #1511

    茉莉九曲紅梅 紅茶 #1511

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 浙江杭州 Zhejiang, China 品名Name: 茉莉九曲红梅  Jasmine Jiu Qu Hong Mei 保质期Shelf Life: 36 months 分类Sort: 红茶 Black Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆☆ 干茶 Body: 卷曲紧致,乌黑油亮, Black twists with golden tips. 茶汤 Liquor: 鲜亮红艳,花香蜜韵,独特的甜香Mahogany juice. Rich jasmine aroma and pekoe flavor. 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 等级Level: 一级 Premium   传统花茶里,常见的有茉莉花茶、玫瑰花茶、珠兰花茶,其中茉莉花茶一般采用绿茶为茶胚。近年来,出现了茉莉红茶比如茉莉九曲红梅, 单单从制作工艺上来讲,茉莉九曲红梅是茉莉花茶里最难窨制的一类。 九曲红梅是全发酵茶,想要引入茉莉的香味,必须反复尝试, 在漫长的发酵过程中,寻找一个恰当的节点,邂逅茉莉的芳香。  由于九曲红梅茶底全发酵的缘故,比不经发酵的绿茶底更具有锁香能力,因而香味更加悠长,茶性更为温润,不刺激肠胃。当 九曲红梅的鲜甜与茉莉浓香在杯中相遇,香气缱绻缠绕,悠然吐芳,茶汤红亮透明,温和顺滑,味道甘醇,回味无穷。  茉莉九曲红梅是集茶味之美、鲜花之灵于一体的茶品,冲泡方式也十分简单,且一年四季都适合饮用。   Jasmine Jiu Qu Hong Mei Black Tea #1511 The dry leaves of a fine Jiuqu Hongmei are tightly twisted into thin, brittle curls, matte black, with a hint of the distinctive citric smell of red plum. Using a traditional process, this fine-quality black tea is infused with the delicate fragrance of jasmine flowers.  A very rare and famous tea from the Zhejian Province of China, Jiuqu Hongmei black tea was first developed in 1926. It is called "red plum"/"Hong Mei" because of the reddish brew that it produces. It is a fine tea that rivals other high-quality teas since it is picked using the "two leaves and one bud" principle. This results in a brew that is warm and pleasing to the stomach.  It is medium amber in color, with a clear, smooth texture, and a sweetly fruity, flowery citrus taste. The bright red infusion has an appetizing honeyed sweet aroma while the taste is wonderfully smooth. fresh black tea with delicate hints of pine, orchid, and a jasmine-sweet underlying taste. It has a richer flavor and higher caffeine than green or white tea.    Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 194℉ / 90℃ 194℉ / 90℃ Tea Quantity: 3g Tea 5g Tea Brewing time:  2-4mins  5 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s,15s, 25s, 40s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds

    $22.40 - $88.00

  • 20% OFF
    西子紅顏 九曲紅梅 紅茶禮盒 121033 Jiu Qu Hong Mei Black Tea Gift Set

    西子紅顏 九曲紅梅 紅茶禮盒

    西子红颜 九曲红梅 红茶礼盒 九曲红梅简称“九曲红”,是西湖区另一大传统拳头产品,是红茶中的珍品。九曲红梅因其色红香清如红梅,故称九曲红梅,滋味鲜爽、暖胃。九曲红梅茶生产已有近200年历史,一百多年前就成名,早在1886年,就获巴拿马世界博览会金奖,但名气逊于西湖龙井茶。   Jiu Qu Hong Mei Black Tea Gift Set Jiuquhongmei is referred to as "Jiuquhong", which is another major traditional product in Xihu District and a treasure among black teas. The tea’s red color and exciting fragrance offer a refreshing taste and digestive benefit that warms the stomach. Jiuqu Hongmei Tea has been produced for nearly 200 years. It became famous more than 100 years ago. As early as 1886, it won the Panama World Expo Gold Medal. Named after its unique red brew, this tea is characterized by long, brittle, twisted leaves that resemble fish hooks. Jiu Qu Hong Mei is famous for its rarity and has been prized since around 1850. It finally gained notice worldwide in 1995 when this tea was mentioned in Wang Zufeng's popular novel, "A Magnificent Tree of the South." Brew Color: Mahogany Benefits: May increase alertness and decrease blood pressure Flavor Profile: Mellow and light with a simple sweetness and slight, dry finish  


  • 盒)

    金帆牌 英德紅茶(16oz/盒)

    金帆牌 英德紅茶(16oz/盒) 英德红茶出产於广东省英德市,「英红」是与「祁红」丶「滇红」丶「宜红」和「川红」齐名的五大红茶之一,是粤省相当引以为傲的一款省产茶品。英德产茶的历史悠久,早在唐代就已盛行喝茶,到明代该地产茶更是列入贡品。   Yingteh Black Tea (16oz) Yingteh black tea is produced in Yingted City, Guangdong Province. "Yinghong" is one of the top five black teas with the same name as "Qihong", "Dianhong", "Yihong" and "Chuanhong". A proud provincial tea product. Yingteh has a long history of producing tea. Tea drinking was popular as early as the Tang Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, the local tea was included as a “tribute” gift given by the local ruler to visiting officials.  The main characteristics are “strong soup, rich flavor, and lasting aroma”; the leaf shape is tight and fine, the body is fat, even, and beautiful, the color and luster is bright, the liquor color is red, and bright. When infused, the leaves turn the water into brilliant red color and the brew has a peppery taste with a hint of sweetness at the end. Brewed tea delivers amazing full, mellow, and thick taste with hints of dark chocolate, caramel, nuts, and port wine and lingering long-lasting sweet aftertaste and honey-like aroma. No matter how long it is brewed, it maintains its smoothness and mellowness. Mixed with milk and white sugar, the black tea enjoys fascinating color, taste, and aroma.


  • 天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 精选特级100g罐装 工夫红茶 天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 精选特级100 g罐装 工夫红茶

    天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 精选特级100 g罐装 工夫红茶

    天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 精选特级100g罐装 工夫红茶 Named after its unique red brew, this tea is characterized by long, brittle, twisted leaves that resemble fish hooks. Jiu Qu Hong Mei is famous for its rarity and has been prized since around 1850. It finally gained noticed worldwide in 1995, when this tea was mentioned in Wang Zufeng's popular novel, "A Magnificent Tree of the South."


  • 天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 100 g罐装 工夫红茶

    天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 100 g罐装 工夫红茶

    天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 100g罐装 工夫红茶 TX Jiu Qu Hong Mei Black Tea (100g/ Tin) Named after its unique red brew, this tea is characterized by long, brittle, twisted leaves that resemble fish hooks. Jiu Qu Hong Mei is famous for its rarity and has been prized since around 1850. It finally gained notice worldwide in 1995, when this tea was mentioned in Wang Zufeng's popular novel, "A Magnificent Tree of the South."


  • 15% OFF
    正山小種茶茶包3g*30包 正山小種茶茶包3g*30包


    正山小種茶茶包(3g*30包) 正山小种红茶,又称立山小种(Lapsang Souchong)是中国生产的一种红茶,被称为红茶鼻祖。茶叶经松木熏制而成,有着非常浓烈的松烟香。正山小种产地在福建省武夷山市桐木关。茶叶呈黑色,条形紧索,但茶汤为深红色,有特有的桂圆汤味。正山小种红茶非常适合于咖喱和肉的菜肴搭配。后来在正山小种的基础上发展了功夫红茶。 Lapsang Souchong Black Tea Lapsang Souchong is a black tea produced in China and is known as the originator of black tea. The tea is smoked from pine wood and has a very strong pine smoke aroma. Zhengshan Souchong is produced in Tongmuguan, Wuyishan City, Fujian Province. The tea leaves are black with tight strips, but the tea soup is dark red with a unique longan soup flavor. Lapsang Souchong black tea is very suitable for curry and meat dishes. Later, on the basis of Zhengshan Souchong, Kung Fu black tea was developed.


  • 白露 英紅九號禮盒 白露 英紅九號禮盒

    白露 英紅九號禮盒

    英红九号 英红九号既是茶树品种名,也是红茶产品名、更是茶叶区域公共品牌名。英红九号具有优质高产的品种特性、浓醇鲜爽的品质特点。是全国屈指可数的由一个茶树品种名发展成为红茶公共品牌名的业界典范。 英红九号是从云南大叶群体中系统选育出的无性系品种,植株高大,树姿半开张,分枝尚密,叶片稍上斜状着生。 Ying Hong, short for Yingde Hong Cha is a famous Chinese Black tea produced in Guangdong, China. Yinghong No. 9 is not only the name of the tea tree variety, but also the name of the black tea product and the public brand name of the tea region. Yinghong No. 9 has the characteristics of high-quality and high-yield varieties, and the quality characteristics of richness and freshness. It is one of the few industry models in the country that has developed the name of a tea tree variety into a public brand name of black tea.


  • 正山堂茶业 武夷山桐木关 正山小种红茶 金骏眉100克【2018新茶】 正山堂茶业 武夷山桐木关 正山小种红茶 金骏眉100克

    正山堂茶业 武夷山桐木关 正山小种红茶 金骏眉100克

    1 review

    正山堂茶业 武夷山桐木关 正山小种红茶 金骏眉100克 厂名:福建武夷山国家级自然保护区正山茶业有限公司 厂址:武夷山市星村镇桐木村庙湾 配料表:金骏眉红茶 储藏方法:干燥、防潮、防晒、避光、防异味 保质期:1095 天 食品添加剂:无 产品名称:元正正山堂 正山堂/金骏眉... 品牌: 元正正山堂 系列: 正山堂/金骏眉/100g/罐 包装方式: 包装 包装种类: 罐装 茶种类: 金骏眉 级别: 特级 生长季节: 春季 产地: 中国大陆 省份: 福建省 城市: 武夷山市 食品工艺: 小种红茶   ZST Jin Jun Mei Black Tea (100 g/TIN) Jin Jun Mei is a celebrated black tea from the Wuyi Mountains in Fujian Province, China developed in 2006. It is made exclusively from the buds plucked in early spring from the tea plant.  Jin Jun Mei is packed with flavors. Sweet, fruity, rich with a malty chocolate body, this tea mellows to a long, sweet aftertaste that will have you returning for cup after cup. Jin Jun Mei, or the “Golden Beautiful Eyebrow” is rapidly becoming the most highly sought-after black tea in the world.  


  • 正山堂茶业 武夷山桐木关正山小种荔枝香红茶妃子笑红茶100克 正山堂茶业 武夷山桐木关 正山小种 荔枝香红茶 妃子笑 100克

    正山堂茶业 武夷山桐木关 正山小种 荔枝香红茶 妃子笑 100克

    正山堂茶业 武夷山桐木关 正山小种 荔枝香红茶 妃子笑 100克 配料表:武夷红茶 储藏方法:干燥、防潮、防晒、避光、常温、防异味 保质期:1095 天 食品添加剂:无 品牌: 元正正山堂 系列: 妃子笑/100g/罐 包装方式: 包装 包装种类: 罐装 茶种类: 正山小种 级别: 特级 生长季节: 春季 产地: 中国大陆 省份: 福建省 城市: 武夷山市 食品工艺: 小种红茶   ZST Lychee fragrance/ Fei Zi Xiao Black Tea (100 g/TIN) This intriguing varietal is sometimes literally translated as Concubine’s Smile (or laugh), but in reality, the tea gets its name from the Feizi Xiao fruit, a type of lychee so loved by a royal consort that it always made her smile. The name couldn't be more accurate for this stunning tea, which truly tastes like lychee and peaches. “The first sips yield a balanced and elegant tea. The tropical lychee fruit flavor is astounding. This black tea is as perfumed as a Tieguanyin, but deep, dark and grounded. The aftertaste is full of not only lychee, but also orchid, like a wet tropical garden” (  



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