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  • 包

    乌枣/熏枣 16 oz/包

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    乌枣/熏枣 16 oz/包 此乌枣是鲜枣的干制品,它选用熟鲜的红枣,经水煮、窑熏、阴凉等工艺精制而成。其色泽乌紫明亮,花纹细密,带有特殊的香甜味。含氨基酸、蛋白质、膳食纤维、总糖、黄胴、胡萝卜素等人体所需元素,有防癌补血之功效。乌枣性热,为滋补珍品。它营养丰富,含有蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、多种维生素等。以含维生素C和钙质、铁质最多。有很高的药用价值。多用于补血和作为调理药物,对贫血、血小板减少、肝炎、乏力、失眠有一定疗效。    

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  • 雲南 特級 野生雪蓮子

    雲南 特級 野生雪蓮子

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    云南 特级 野生 雪莲子(16 oz) 雪莲子又名皂角米。果实粘稠,色泽晶莹,口味鲜美富含胶原蛋白,蛋白质、藻角质、氨基酸。 具有养心通脉、清肝明目、健脾滋肾、祛痰开窍、疏肠利尿、润肤养颜、提神补气等功效。老少皆宜,特别适合糖尿病患者食用。 《本草纲目》中记载雪莲子有辛温、祛痰、抗菌活血、降血压、养心性之作用是保肝润肺养颜美容的食品。 食用方法 1、可加入燕窝,人参放入盅内蒸煮可成为燕窝或人参雪莲盅,雪莲银耳汤、雪哈莲子汤、冰糖莲子汤、红枣枸杞莲子汤。 2、高极甜品木瓜翅.糖水饮料等,煮成的产品具有粘度高,口感好.微甜润口,营养丰富的特点 3、可烹饪养颜椰汁雪莲、雪莲果浓汤、银杏天山雪莲粥、天山雪莲子汤、银耳雪莲子煲冰糖、蛤炖雪莲子 4、煮粥。取适量皂仁,淘净,温水浸泡2-3小时后,再加(如:糯米,花生米,大枣,薏米,莲子,绿豆等)合煮为稀粥,加冰糖。 5、清炖。按每人5克皂仁,淘净,温水浸泡2-3小时,和莲汁一起盛入盘中,在锅里炖熟兑2-3倍冷开水,加糖。 6、煮鸡肉汤或排骨汤。可按每只鸡配10-15克皂仁,淘净后直接与鸡肉或排骨煮熟,加食盐食用。 7、煮鸡肝或猪肝。按每斤肝配10克皂仁煮熟,加食盐即可食用,可清肝明目。 8、可用保温壶泡饮。取15-20克皂仁,淘净,放入八磅保温壶里,注入刚烧开的开水,6小时后,即可加糖食用。 9、茶杯饮用。取10克,放入茶杯或保温杯中,开水泡饮,皂角仁熟透后,可直接食用,此方法可治牙痛、咽喉痛、解烟酒等。    Snow lotus seed/Xue lian zi (16 oz) Snow lotus seed (aka Saussurea involucrate, acacia rice) The fruit is sticky, shiny and delicious, rich in collagen, protein, algal cutin and amino acid. Compendium of Materia Medica records that snow lotus seeds have the functions of warming, removing phlegm, antibacterial and activating blood circulation, lowering blood pressure, and nourishing the heart, which is a food for protecting the liver, moistening the lungs and nourishing the face. Snow lotus seeds are soaked and cooked with birds nest or used as an ingredient in dishes such as Snow lotus wine. Women also soak it and apply it topically to the face to reduce aging, dryness and wrinkles.  In TCM “Herbs that invigorate the Blood” are used to help the circulation of blood in cardiovascular conditions or menstrual irregularities as well as to treat acute pains caused by “blood stagnation.” They can also be used to treat “blood stasis” in the case of certain tumors, cysts and hardened clots. Furthermore snow lotus are plants that are warm in nature but not over-healing.  Studies have found that crude ethanolic extract of Snow Lotus possess anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity and support the rationale behind the traditional use of these plants in inflammatory conditions. Phytomedicine. 9 (5): 433–7. doi:10.1078/09447110260571689. From the manufacturer:  Snow lotus seeds are also known as saponified rice. The fruit is viscous, the color is crystal clear, and the taste is delicious. It is rich in collagen, protein, algal cutin, and amino acids.      It has the functions of nourishing the heart and blood, clearing the liver and improving eyesight, strengthening the spleen and kidney, eliminating phlegm and resuscitation, soothing the intestines and diuresis, moisturizing the skin, nourishing the skin, refreshing and replenishing qi. Suitable for all ages, especially suitable for diabetics.      The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that Saussurea seeds have the functions of pungent warming, expectorant, antibacterial and activating blood circulation, lowering blood pressure, and nourishing the heart. Cooking Directions for snow lotus seed Soups:  Add bird's nest, ginseng can be steamed in the cup to become bird's nest or ginseng snow lotus cup; snow lotus white fungus soup; snow lotus seed soup; rock sugar lotus seed soup; or red date, wolfberry, lotus seed soup.  High-quality desserts, such as cooked with papaya; syrup drinks, etc.  The cooked products have the characteristics of high viscosity, good taste, slightly sweet and moist, and rich in nutrition.    It can be used for cooking beauty coconut milk snow lotus; snow lotus soup; Ginkgo snow lotus porridge; Snow lotus seed soup; white fungus snow lotus seeds in rock sugar; or clam stewed snow lotus seeds  Cooking porridge:  Take an appropriate amount of snow lotus seeds), wash them off, soak them in warm water for 2-3 hours, then add (such as: glutinous rice, peanuts, jujubes, barley, lotus seeds, mung beans, etc.) and cook into a gruel, add rock sugar.  Clear stew:  Take 5 grams of Snow lotus seeds, wash them, soak them in warm water for 2-3 hours, put them in a plate with lotus juice, simmer in a pot, add 2-3 times cold water, add sugar.  Boiled chicken soup or rib soup:  You can mix 10-15 grams of Snow lotus seeds for each chicken, and cook them directly with chicken or ribs after washing, and eat with salt.  Boil chicken liver or pork liver:  With 10 grams of Snow lotus seeds per catty of liver, cooked, add salt to taste: it can clear the liver and improve eyesight.  It can be used to soak in a heat preservation pot.  Take 15-20 grams of soap kernels, wash them out, put them in an eight-pound heat-preserving pot, and pour in freshly boiled water. After 6 hours, you can add sugar and eat.  Drink in a teacup.  Take 10 grams, put it in a teacup or a thermos, and soak in boiling water. After the Snow lotus seeds are ripe, they can be eaten directly. This method can cure toothache, sore throat, anti-smoking and alcohol.  


  • 酸棗仁 16oz

    酸棗仁 16oz

    酸枣仁 16oz spina date seed 山枣仁、山酸枣 性味 甘;平 功效 本品为鼠李科植物酸枣的干燥成熟种子。 养肝,宁心,安神,敛汗。治虚烦不眠,惊悸怔忡,烦渴,虚汗。 经脉 心经;脾经;肝经;胆经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~15g;研末,每次3~5g;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 凡有实邪郁火及患有滑泄症者慎服。 ①《本草经集注》:恶防己。 ②《本草经疏》:凡肝、胆、脾三经有实邪热者勿用,以其收敛故也。 ③《得配本草》:肝旺烦躁,肝强不眠,禁用。 ④《本草求真》:性多润,滑泄最忌。 【食疗方】 1.养心三丝汤 酸枣仁10克,花旗参10克,鸡蛋3个,火腿、香菇、食盐、黄酒、葱、姜汁、味精、麻油适量。取酸枣仁和花旗参煎煮取汁;将鸡蛋煮熟去壳及蛋黄,将鸡蛋白切成丝,水发香菇与火腿均切成细丝;锅中清水煮沸后先倒入火腿及香菇丝煮10分钟,再倒入蛋白丝和药液及调料煮熟勾芡,淋麻油即可。早晚空腹食用。 功效:宁心安神,益气健脾。主治体虚乏力、食少纳差、失眠多梦者。 2.枣仁粥 将酸枣仁炒熟,放入铝锅内,加水适量,煎熬,取其药液备用番米洗净,放入锅内,倒入药液煎煮,待米熟烂时即成。日服3次。每次1小碗。 功效:养阴,补心,安神。主治适用于心脾两虚之心烦、不眠等症。 3.酸枣仁饮 炒酸枣仁15克,蜂蜜10~20克。将酸枣仁研为细末,蜂蜜加温开水半杯搅匀,然后送服。每日1次,连服7~10天。 功效 补血安神。 4.远志枣仁粥 远志肉10g,炒枣10g,粳米50g。将粳米放入锅内,加水适量,煮粥,开锅后即放入远志、枣仁,煮熟即可。晚间睡前作为夜宵食之。 功效:宁心安神。主治心血不足,痰扰于神而引起的惊悸健忘、不寐多梦等症。 5.龙眼酸枣仁饮 龙眼肉10克,炒枣仁10克,芡实12克。炒枣仁捣碎,用纱布袋装。芡实加水500毫升,煮半小时后,加入龙眼肉和炒枣仁,再煮半小时。取出枣仁,加适量白糖,滤出汁液。不拘时饮,并吃龙眼肉及芡实。 功效:养血安神,益肾固精。主治凡因心阴血虚、虚火内扰不能下济肾阴,出现心悸、怔忡、失眠、健忘、神倦、遗精等症者,皆可服用。 出自:   This product is the dried mature seeds of Rhamnus jujube date. It nourishes the liver, calms the heart, calms the nerves, and controls sweat. Treats sleeplessness, palpitations, polydipsia, and excess sweating. Sweet, Sour, (Acrid) taste, neutral in temperature It enters the Gallbladder, Heart, Liver, and Spleen meridians         Actions:                                                              Indications Nourishes Heart Yin, tonifies Liver Blood and calms the Spirit Liver Blood Deficiency or Heart Yin Deficiency with Deficiency Fire Rising with irritability, insomnia and palpitations with anxiety Astringes sweat and generate fluids  Abnormal sweating, either spontaneous sweating or night sweats  CONTRAINDICATIONS Use caution in cases of severe diarrhea. Use caution in cases of Heat from Excess [fevers, infections].  Use caution in cases of insomnia due to Excess Heat or Hot Phlegm. Use caution for those with an Exterior condition [colds/flu] Use caution during pregnancy.  Diet Therapy Date porridge  Stir-fry the jujube kernels, put them in a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, simmer, keep the medicinal solution. Wash the rice, put it into the pot, pour the medicinal solution on the rice, cook, and serve when the rice is cooked.  Take a small bowl 3 times a day.  Efficacy: nourishes yin, nourishes the heart, calms the nerves.  Indications are suitable for upset and insomnia with deficiency of the heart and spleen.  Jujube Seed Drink  Ingredients: 15 grams of jujube kernels and 10-20 grams of honey.  Rinse wild jujube seeds and grind them into a fine powder, stir in half a cup of warm boiled water with honey, and then serve.  Take it once a day for 7-10 days.  Efficacy Nourishes blood and calms the nerves.  


  • 甜杏仁(6 oz)

    南杏仁/甜杏仁(6 oz)

    南杏仁/甜杏仁 6oz 性味 ①《本萆便读》:味甘,性平。 ②《四川中药志》:性平,味甘,无毒。 经脉 《四川中药志》:入肺经、大肠经。 功效 润肺,平喘。治虚劳咳喘,肠燥便秘。 食谱: 1.双仁糊 甜杏仁、核桃仁各15 g。二者微炒,共捣碎研细,加密或白糖适量。分2次用开水冲调食。 源于《杨氏家藏方》(杏仁煎)。甜杏仁、胡桃仁能滋养肺肾、止咳平喘,蜂蜜润肺止咳。用于久患喘咳,肺肾两虚,干咳无痰,少气乏力等。亦可用于阴血虚亏,肠燥便秘或老人大便秘结。 2.二杏粥 甜杏仁20克,白果15克(去皮壳),梗米100克。将杏仁与银杏加水共煎至五分熟,再放入梗米,煮熟成粥,即可食用。 功效:宣肺散寒、祛痰平喘。 3.杏仁粥 粳米50克 葱白、白糖各适量。将甜杏仁研成泥状,将大米淘洗干净,两味相和加适量煮水开,再用慢火煮烂即成。每日2次,可作早晚餐。温热随量服食。 功效:止咳平喘。适用于咳嗽、气喘。健康人经常食用能防病强身。  Nan Xing Ren /Sweet Apricot Kernels 6oz Sweet apricot kernel (aka sweet almond) is often cooked with pears in Autumn to help reduce dry cough. It moistens the intestines to relax the bowels. Nan Xing Ren translates to Southern Xing Ren. Nan Xing Ren is commonly used to relieve coughing and wheezing. It also benefits joint health, supports cardiovascular health and boosts the immune system. ( Northern apricot kernel is bitter. Apricot kernel is prepared by removing the skin which is toxic.    From the manufacturer:  According to "Ben Cao Bian Du": Sweet in taste and calm in nature.      According to "Sichuan Zhongyao Zhi": Flat in nature, sweet in taste, non-toxic. It entering Lung Meridian, Large Intestine Meridian. Effects: Moisturize the lungs and relieve asthma. Cures asthenia, cough and asthma, dry intestinal constipation. Recipes:  Two Nuts paste   Ingredients:  15 g each of sweet apricot kernel and walnuts.  The two are stir-fried, mashed and finely ground, add sugar or honey to taste. Mix the nuts with boiling water. Sweet apricot kernel and walnuts can nourish the lungs and kidneys, relieve cough and asthma, and honey can nourish the lungs and relieve cough. Used for chronic asthma and cough, deficiency of both lungs and kidneys, dry cough without sputum, qi deficiency and fatigue, etc. It can also be used for yin and blood deficiency, dry bowel constipation or constipation in the elderly.  Two apricot porridge   Ingredients: 20 grams of apricot kernel, 15 grams of ginkgo (peeled), 100 grams of steamed rice.  Simmer the apricot kernel and ginkgo biloba with water until they are half cooked, then add stalk rice and cook into porridge. When cooked it is ready to eat.  Efficacy: Xuanfei dispelling cold, expelling phlegm and relieving asthma. Apricot kernel porridge Ingredients: 50 grams of japonica rice, 20 grams sweet apricot kernel, white onion, and sugar.  Grind the apricot kernel into a puree, wash the rice well, add a proper amount of boiling water to the two-flavor phase, and boil it over a slow heat.  Dosage: 2 times a day; It can be used as breakfast and dinner. Take warm as needed. Efficacy: relieve cough and relieve asthma. Suitable for cough and asthma. Regular consumption of healthy people can prevent disease and strengthen the body.  


  • 包)

    草果(3 oz/包)

    草果(3oz/包) 性味 味辛;性温 归 经 归脾、胃经。 功效 本品为姜科植物草果的干燥成熟果实。 用于寒湿内阻,脘腹胀痛,痞满呕吐,疟疾寒热,瘟疫发热   Tsaoko Amomum Fruit/ Red Cardamom/ Cao Guo(3 oz/Bag) Red Cardamom - also known as Cau Guo or Chinese Black Cardamom, has an earthy and gently smoky aroma. It is popular in regional Chinese cuisines. Delicious in slow-cooked meat dishes and Vietnamese pho. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), tsaoko fruits belong to the 'Aromatic herbs that transform Dampness' category. This category of herbs resolves a TCM condition called 'Cold Damp Stagnation', especially as it affects the Stomach and Spleen. In modern Western medicine, this often translates into symptoms such as distended chest and abdomen, lack of appetite, nausea, and vomiting. As suggested by its category tsaoko fruits are plants that are Warm in nature. From the manufacturer:    The taste is pungent; warm in nature and effects. This product is the dry and mature fruit of the ginger family plant. Indications: For malaria, fullness of phlegm, cold pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, food accumulation.  


  • 包)

    沃福百瑞 有機枸杞 德国BCS有机认证 (8 oz/包)

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    沃福百瑞 有机枸杞 德国BCS有机认证 全美枸杞销量第一(8 oz/包) 性味 味甘;性平 经脉 归肝经;肾经;肺经 主治 滋肾,润肺,补肝,明目。治肝肾阴亏,腰膝酸软,头晕,目眩,目昏多泪,虚劳咳嗽,消渴,遗精。 【食疗方】 1.参杞酒 党参15克,枸杞子15克,米酒500毫升。将党参、枸杞子洗净,干燥后研为粗末,放入细口瓶内,加入米酒,密封瓶口,每日振摇1次,浸泡7天以上。每次服15毫升,早晚各服1次。 功效:益气补血、宁心安神。主治心脾两虚、心悸失眠、夜寐多梦、食欲不振、肢体倦怠等。 2.红杞乌参鸽蛋 枸杞子15克,水发乌参2只,鸽蛋12个。将乌参内壁膜去除干净,用沸汤氽两遍,冲洗干净,再用尖刀在腹壁刺成菱形花刀;鸽蛋凉水时下锅,用文火煮熟,捞出投入凉水内,剥壳,放在碗内;枸杞子洗净;葱切段,姜拍破。在锅中注入花生油,烧沸,鸽蛋滚满干豆粉,放人油锅内炸,炸至黄色时捞出。将锅烧热,注入猪油,烧沸,下葱、姜煽炒,随后倒入鸡汤,略煮,捞去姜、葱。投入乌参和适量酱油、料酒、胡椒粉,烧沸后,撇去浮沫,改用文火煨40分钟左右,投入鸽蛋和枸杞子,再煨10分钟,取出乌参和鸽蛋。汁内加入味精调味,用水豆粉勾芡,再淋沸猪油,浇在乌参和鸽蛋上。当点心食用。 功效:功能补肾滋阴,养肝明目。用治精血亏损,虚劳劳怯,阳萎,遗精。  3.杞圆膏 枸杞子、龙眼肉各等份。加水,用小火多次煎熬至枸杞子、龙眼肉无味,去渣继续煎熬成膏,每次1~2汤匙,沸水冲服。 主治肝肾不足,血不养心,腰膝痿软,头昏耳鸣,心悸健忘等症。 4.山楂枸杞饮 山楂、枸杞各15g。二者加沸水冲泡。每日频饮。 功效:适用于病后体虚乏力,食欲不振,消化不良,腰膝酸软,目暗昏花等症。枸杞含有多种不饱和脂肪酸、氨基酸、维生素等成分,具有养阴补血,益精明目之功效,还可保肝、降血压、降血糖,与山楂共用,具有补肝益肾,补血益脑功能。 Goji berries, also known as wolfberries or snowberries, are prized in Asia for their health benefits as well as their unique, satisfying flavor. These berries have been used in traditional Chinese medicine and cuisine for centuries. They can also be infused with hot water to make a nutrient-rich drink. Recently named as one of the top ten super-fruits, Goji berries are high in antioxidants and known to promote healthy vision and immune system. From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet. It enters the Liver, Kidney and Lung meridians. Indications: Nourishes the kidneys, the lungs, the liver, and improves eyesight. It has been used to cure liver and kidney yin deficiency, soreness of waist and knees, dizziness, poor vision and teary eyes, cough due to fatigue, thirst, and nocturnal emission. Diet Therapy Ginseng wine   Ingredients:  15 grams of Codonopsis, 15 grams of wolfberry, 500 ml of rice wine. Wash the Codonopsis and Chinese wolfberry fruit, dry them and grind them into coarse powder, put them into a narrow-necked bottle, add rice wine. Seal the mouth of the bottle, shake it once a day, and soak it for more than 7 days. Take 15 ml each time, 1 time in the morning and evening.   Efficacy: To replenish qi and blood, calm the mind and spirit. Indications are for deficiency of the heart and spleen, palpitations, insomnia, sleepless nights, loss of appetite, fatigue, etc. Wolfberry Fruit Paste Ingredients: The wolfberry fruit and longan fruit are equal parts.  Add water, simmer for several minutes over low heat until the wolfberry and longan meat are soft, remove the residue and continue to simmer into a paste; Dosage: 1 to 2 tablespoons each time, taken with boiling water.  Indications: for liver and kidney deficiency, blood does not nourish the heart, weak waist and knees, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations and forgetfulness.    Hawthorn and wolfberry drink   Ingredients: Hawthorn berry and wolfberry each 15g.  Simmer them together and drink the tea frequently daily.   Efficacy: It is suitable for symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, indigestion, weakness of waist and knees, and dim eyesight. Lycium barbarum (goji) contains a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and other ingredients. It has the effects of nourishing yin and blood, and improving eyesight. It can also protect the liver, lower blood pressure, and lower blood sugar. When mixed with hawthorn, it has the functions of nourishing liver and kidney, and nourishing blood and the brain.  


  • 赤小豆(16oz)


    赤小豆(16oz/包) 赤小豆,别名:赤豆、红饭豆、饭豆、蛋白豆、赤山豆,主要用于中药材,常与红豆混用,具备利水消肿,解毒排脓等功效。赤小豆可整粒食用,或用于煮饭、煮粥、做赤豆汤。常用来做成豆沙作为馅料,美味可口。 性味 甘酸,平。 经脉 入心经、小肠经。 功效 利水除湿,和血排脓,消肿解毒。治水肿,脚气,黄疸,泻痢,便血,痈肿。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~30g;或入散剂。 外用:适量,生研调敷;或煎汤洗。 食疗方 赤小豆山楂粥 赤小豆60克,山楂30克,米50克、红糖30克。先把赤小豆60克浸泡半日後,与山楂30克,米50克、红糖30克共同煮粥。温服。慢性脾胃虚弱,经常大便稀薄的中老年人不宜服用。 功效 肥胖症、高血压、高血脂、水肿病、脚湿气、食积停滞,肉积不消等症。   Vigna umbellata/ Chi Xiao Dou/Rice Bean(16 oz) It is harvested in Summer or Autumn when the seeds have ripened. The flavor is slightly sour, sweet, pleasant. It enters the Heart, Spleen, Small intestine meridians. Actions: Diuretic. The nature of this herb is to move downward and relieve edema by causing the water or dampness [edema] to be drained from the body. ( Chì Xiăo Dòu  Translation: Dark Red Little Bean Promotes Urination and Reduces SwellingFor edema, ascites, abdominal swelling and fullness, urinary difficulty and leg qi edema due to water accumulation. It regulates the water circulation of the body.  Clears Damp Heat and Relieves JaundiceFor mild jaundice due to accumulation of damp heat.  Disperses Blood Stagnation, Reduces Swelling and Toxins, Drains Pus. . . For Erysipelas, carbuncles, furuncles, sores, lesions and toxic swellings. It will drain pus, reduces swelling and enhance recovery.  Chinese Herb Contraindications & Cautions It leaches the yin and yang fluids  Do not use in Yin Deficiency cases or those without dampness  Chinese Herb Toxicity & Overdose Overdose can lead to miscarriage. Allergic reactions are reported including pruritus, flushing, nausea and vomiting, palpitations, and urticaria Chinese Herb Dosage 10-30 grams in decoction. It can be used internally or topically  9-30 grams in decoction  ( From the manufacturer:  Chixiaodou, alias: adzuki bean, red rice bean, rice bean, meringue bean, chishan bean, mainly used in Chinese medicinal materials, often mixed with red beans, has the effects of hydration, reducing swelling, detoxification, and pus removal. Chixiaodou can be used to cook rice, porridge, and make red bean soup. It is often used to make red bean paste as a filling, which is delicious.  


  • 1两)

    野生 非洲海椰子/海底椰片(1.33 oz/1两)

    野生 非洲海椰子/海底椰片(1.33 oz/1两) 功效 清燥热、止咳、滋阴补肾、润肺养颜、强壮身体机能。可治热病之后,余热未清,虚烦不安,失眠多梦等症。    Wild Lodoicea Maldivica/Sea Coconut  (1.33 oz/1 Tael) Sea coconut (a palm tree) has been traditionally used as an aphrodisiac, heart tonic, and for jaundice and colic. From the manufacturer:  Effects: Clear dry heat, relieve cough, nourish yin and nourish kidney, moisturize lung and enhance beauty, strengthen body function. It can treat symptoms such as unclear residual heat, restlessness, insomnia, and dreaminess after fever.  



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