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40 products

  • 特選 槐花米 (12 oz)

    特選 槐花米 (12 oz)

    槐花米(12oz/包) 性味 味苦;性微寒 经脉 肝经;肺经;心经;大肠经 主治 凉血止血,清肝泻火。治肠风便血,痔血,尿血,血淋,崩漏,衄血,赤白痢下,风热目赤,痈疽疮毒。并用于预防中风。 注意禁忌 脾胃虚寒者慎服。 【食疗方】 决明槐花蒲黄茶 决明子10g,槐花6g,蒲黄6g。将上述三品共入保温瓶中,以沸水冲泡,盖焖10分钟即成。每日1剂,代茶频饮。 功效 降血压,降血脂。主治冠心病、高血压病、动脉硬化、胆固醇含量过高等。   Sophora japonica/Flos Sophorae (12oz/bag) The taste is bitter; it is slightly cold in nature. It enters the Liver, Lung, Heart, and Large Intestine meridians.  Indications:  Cooling [anti-inflammatory] for blood issues to stop bleeding, clears liver and purges fire [possible fever and inflammatory conditions.] It cures “intestinal wind,” [nerve, circulation or infection problems] blood in the stool, hemorrhoids, blood in the urine, uterine bleeding, epistaxis, red and white diarrhea, “wind-heat,” red eyes, and ulcer. And used to prevent stroke. Cautions: Those with deficiency of spleen and stomach [with weakness, chills, diarrhea, nausea etc] should use caution.  Diet Therapy Cassia, Sophora & Cattail Pollen Tea   Ingredients:  Cassia seed 10g, Sophora japonica 6g, Cattail Pollen/Puhuang 6g.  Put the above three products into a thermos, brew with boiling water, steep for 10 minutes and serve. Take 1 dose per day and drink frequently instead of tea.  Efficacy: Lowers blood pressure, lower blood fat. Indications of coronary heart disease, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, high cholesterol content, etc. Cassia seed is often used in conditions like painful and red eyes, teary eyes, eye sensitivity to light exposure, glaucoma, hypertension, headache, dizziness.  


  •  Oldenlandia diffusa 白花蛇舌草


  • 棉茵陈 茵陈蒿 8oz

    棉茵陈 茵陈蒿 8oz

    棉茵陈/茵陈蒿(8 oz) 性味 苦、辛,微寒 经脉 归脾经、胃经、肝经、胆经。 主治 清热利湿,退黄。治湿热黄疸,小便不利,传染性黄疸型肝炎,风痒疮疥。配栀子、大黄治阳黄;配附子、干姜治阴黄。 注意禁忌 非因湿热引起的发黄忌服。  Virgate Wormwood Herb/Mian Yin Chen  (8oz) People take Artemisia herba-alba for cough, stomach and intestinal upset, the common cold, measles, diabetes, yellowed skin (jaundice), anxiety, irregular heartbeat, and muscle weakness. It is also used for parasitic infections such as roundworms, pinworms, tapeworms, hookworms, and flukes. ( Yin chen is thought to contain chemicals that stimulate bile flow. This can help to treat gallstones. The oils in yin chen might also reduce fever, decrease swelling, increase urination, and kill fungus and bacteria. ( From the manufacturer: The taste is bitter, pungent, and it is slightly cold in nature. It enters the spleen, stomach, liver, and gall bladder meridians.  Indications: Use the tea to clear away heat and dampness, reduce yellowing. Cure damp-heat jaundice, poor urination, infectious jaundice hepatitis, wind itching sore scabies. With gardenia and rhubarb to treat yang jaundice; Use it with aconite and dried ginger to treat yin jaundice.  Cautions: Do not take it if it is not caused by damp heat [infectious jaundice, inflammation with edema]  


  • 旱蓮草 16oz

    旱蓮草 16oz

    旱莲草 16oz Yerbadetajo Herb 金陵草、莲子草、旱莲草、旱莲子、白旱莲、猪牙草、旱莲蓬、猢孙头、莲草、墨斗草、墨烟草、墨菜、白花草、白花蟛蜞菊、墨记菜、野水凤仙、黑墨草、黑头草、古城墨、水旱莲、冰冻草、墨汁草、节节乌、白田乌草、墨草、摘落乌、水葵花 性味 甘酸,凉。 功效 菊科植物鳢肠的全草。 主治吐血,咳血,衄血,尿血,便血,血痢,刀伤出血,须发早白,白喉,淋浊,带下,阴部湿痒。 经脉 入肝经、肾经。 主治 凉血,止血,补肾,益阴。治吐血,咳血,衄血,尿血,便血,血痢,刀伤出血,须发早白,白喉,淋浊,带下,阴部湿痒。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,9~30g;或熬膏;或捣汁;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,捣敷;或捣绒塞鼻;或研末敷。 注意禁忌 脾肾虚寒者忌服。《得配本草》:胃弱便溏。肾气虚寒者禁用   Yerbadetajo Herb/ Han Lian Cao 16oz The Chinese herb 'Han Lian Cao' (Eclipta) is Sweet, Sour, and Cooling goes to the Kidney, Liver, and is in 'Herbs that Tonify Yin'. The Latin name is: Herba Ecliptae Prostratae. ( . . . Common Names: Eclipta Herb, Herba ecliptae, Eclipa alba, Bhringraja, False Fairy Traditional medicinal systems of the Indian subcontinent countries, as well as tribal practitioners, consider the plant to have diverse medicinal values and use it commonly for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory tract disorders (including asthma), fever, hair loss, and graying of hair, liver disorders. The taste is sweet and sour, It is cooling in effect. The whole plant of the chrysanths intestines of the Compositae.  Indications for vomiting blood, hemoptysis, hematuria, hematochezia, blood dysentery, stab hemorrhage, early white hair, diphtheria, drenching turbidity, vaginal discharge, wet and itchy genitals.  It enters the Meridians of the Liver and Kidney meridian. Indications: To Cool blood, stop bleeding, nourish the kidney, and benefit yin.  Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 9~30g; or boil ointment; or pound juice; or pill or powder. External use: appropriate amount, pound and apply; or pound down to stuff the nose; or grind and apply. Cautions: People with deficiency of the spleen and kidneys should not take it. [i.e., weak stomach and loose stools.]



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