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  • 包)

    特級 去芯 白蓮子 (16 oz/包)

    5 reviews

    特級 去芯 白蓮子(16oz/包) 蓮子被譽為「脾之果」,可益腎、健脾、安神;性平,味甘、澀,入脾、腎、心經。蓮子不寒涼不溫燥,且功效較全面,蓮子也是三焦並補的中藥材,上焦可養心安神,中焦可健脾益胃,下焦可補腎固精,較適合用於久病體虛及虛不受補者。臨床上多用於治療脾虛久瀉,食欲不振等症。此外,蓮子還可以強心、降壓、鎮靜、抗衰老等功效。 《本草綱目》提到:「蓮子,交心腎,厚腸胃,固精氣,強筋骨,補虛損,利耳目,除寒濕。」 現代醫學顯示,蓮子含高碳水化合物、蛋白質及脂肪、鈣、磷、鐵、維生素B、胡蘿蔔素等人體所需營養成分,是男女老少皆宜的補品。 食用方法: 先用水清洗一下,除去表面灰塵,建議煮前可先浸泡1小時,明火煲2小時左右,壓力煲45-60分鐘即可。 **蓮子適合煲湯、煲粥或煲糖水 ** 食療推介: 牛蒡芡實蓮子百合蘿蔔湯 材料:牛蒡1支、白蘿蔔1個、蓮子30克、芡實30克、百合30克,瘦肉或排骨半斤、清水1500cc、酒適量、鹽1茶匙(此爲6人份食用,人多少可依比例加減) 做法: 1.牛蒡以刀背或刷子輕刷去外皮,清洗後切段泡入冷水中10分鐘去澀和防氧化變色;白蘿蔔切滾刀塊;蓮子、芡實、百合浸泡10分鐘瀝乾;瘦肉或排骨洗净後,入滾水中川燙去血水和雜質。 2. 將所有材料放入鍋中,用大火煲滾後,轉小火續煲5-2小時左右,最後加鹽調味即成。 牛蒡其獨特的味道,並搭配蓮子、芡實、百合,用來煲湯令湯品更鮮甜清香,除了有降血壓、血脂、血糖,還能降低體内膽固醇,調理脾胃等功效。此湯適宜新陳代謝差、失眠、火氣大及消化不良的人士飲用。 銀耳蓮子羹 原料;蓮子50克,銀耳30克,冰糖100克。 做法:将將蓮子、銀耳分别用清水泡發,撈起。把蓮子、銀耳、冰糖放入燉盅中,加清水適量,入蒸籠隔水用武火蒸1小時即可。 蓮子花膠烏雞湯 材料:蓮子30克、淮山20克、黑豆20克、花膠90克、烏雞一隻、陳皮一角、生薑3片、紅棗(去核)3粒、紹酒及鹽適量 製法:烏雞洗淨去頭尾,斬件汆水;其他材料洗淨,與烏雞加水12碗入煲,以大火煲滾後轉文火煲2.5小時,加鹽調味即可 功效:健脾補腎,補血安神,滋補養顏,潤澤肌膚,消除黑眼圈;外感未清者不宜。


  • 純天然 整枝 散裝 無柄 黑靈芝(16oz) 純天然 整枝 散裝 無柄 黑靈芝(16oz)

    純天然 整枝 散裝 無柄 黑靈芝(16oz)

    纯天然 野生黑灵芝#3128(16oz) LingZhi /Ganoderma Lucidum/reishi 16oz Size:18-25cm 免费切片,切块,如需服务请留言。 黑灵芝,又名黑芝,别名玄芝、黑云芝、味甘及性平。黑芝益肾、利尿、通九窍、聪察、消积;主治急性肾炎、慢性肾炎、消化不良。 性味 甘;平;无毒 经脉 肺经;心经;脾经;肾经 主治 益气血,安心神,健脾胃。主虚劳,心悸失眠,头晕,神疲乏力,久咳气喘,冠心病,矽肺,肿瘤。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g;研末,2~6g;或浸酒。 注意禁忌 实证慎服。 《本草经集注》:恶恒山。畏扁青、茵陈蒿。 【食疗方】 1.灵芝黑白木耳汤 灵芝6克,黑木耳(云耳)6克,白木耳(银耳)6克,蜜枣6枚,瘦猪肉200克。滋补肺、胃,活血润燥,强心补脑,防癌抗癌,降血压血脂,预防冠心病。 2.灵芝鹌鹑蛋汤 鹌鹑蛋12个,灵芝60克,红枣12个,将灵芝洗净, 切成细块;红枣(去核)洗净;鹌鹑蛋煮熟,去壳。把全部用料放入锅内,加清水适量,武火煮沸后,文火煲至灵芝出味,加白糖适量,再煲沸即成。具有补血益精、悦色减皱功效。   3.灵芝银耳羹 灵芝9克,银耳6克,冰糖15克,用小火炖2~3小时,至银耳成稠汁,取出灵芝残渣,分3次服用,治咳嗽,心神不安,失眠梦多、怔忡、健忘等症。 4.灵芝莲子清鸡汤 灵芝6克,莲子50克,陈皮一角,鸡一只。购买最好的天然灵芝健脾开胃,补益身体,病后体虚,产后,手术后,脾胃虚弱,血气不足,头晕眼花,可常饮此汤。     Lucid Ganoderma/Black LingZhi /Reishi  (16oz) Size:18-25cm Black ganoderma can boost immunity, fight fatigue, improve memory, increase energy stamina, lower cholesterol, reduce inflammation, relieve stress, reverse the aging process, and stimulate circulation. Ganoderma is also touted as a top source of antioxidants. ( Lucidum is a popular supplement taken by healthy individual to boost the immune system and by cancer patients along with conventional therapies. In this section, the scientific studies of G. lucidum on its anticancer properties are summarized.  [liver-protective, diabetes, anti-viral, and antioxidant actions]   From the manufacturer:  Black Ganoderma lucidum, also known as black zhi, also known as Xuanzhi, Black Yunzhi, and Heizhi The taste is sweet and neutral temperature. Heizhi nourishes the kidney. It regulates diuresis, improves nine orifices, and eliminates accumulation [edema and stones]; It is mainly used for acute nephritis, chronic nephritis and indigestion.  It enters the Lung, Heart, Spleen, and Kidney meridians. Indications: To replenish qi and blood, calm the mind and strengthen the spleen and stomach. It improves weakness mainly due to fatigue, palpitations, insomnia, dizziness, chronic cough, asthma, coronary heart disease, silicosis, tumors.  Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 10~15g; ground powder, 2~6g; or soaking in wine.  Cautions: "Materia Medica Collection Notes": Do not use with wormwood [or other herbs that might eliminate it from the body] 【Diet Therapy】   Ganoderma Black and White Fungus Soup   Ingredients: 6 grams of Ganoderma lucidum, 6 grams of black fungus (cloud ear fungus), 6 grams of white fungus (tremella), 6 candied dates, 200 grams of lean pork.  Nourishes the lungs and stomach, promotes blood circulation and moisturizes dryness, strengthens the heart and replenishes the brain, prevents cancer, lowers blood pressure and lipids, and prevents coronary heart disease.   Lingzhi Quail Egg Soup   Ingredients: 12 quail eggs, 60 grams of Ganoderma lucidum, 12 red dates wash the Ganoderma lucidum and cut into thin pieces; wash the red dates (with pits). Boil the quail eggs and remove their shells. Put all the ingredients into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water. Bring it to a boil, then simmer until the Ganoderma lucidum releases its taste [about 30-45 minutes]. Add an appropriate amount of sugar and boil again to dissolved the sugar. It has the effects of nourishing blood, nourishing essence, improving sallow complexion and reducing wrinkles. Ganoderma lucidum white fungus soup   Ingredients: 9 grams of Ganoderma lucidum, 6 grams of white fungus, 15 grams of rock sugar, simmer for 2 to 3 hours on low heat, until the white fungus becomes a thick juice. Strain out the residue of Ganoderma lucidum.  Dosage: 3 times daily to treat cough, restlessness, insomnia, forgetfulness, etc.  Ganoderma lotus seed chicken soup   Ingredients: 6 grams of Ganoderma lucidum, 50 grams of lotus seeds, a piece of tangerine peel (chen pi), one chicken cut in pieces. Add enough water to make soup.  Simmer all the ingredients for 2 – 3 hours until the lotus seeds are soft.  Functions: This is the best natural Ganoderma lucidum soup for invigorating the spleen and improving appetite, nourishing the body, for after illness, physical weakness, postpartum fatigue, weakness after surgery, weak spleen and stomach, insufficient blood circulation, dizziness. Anyone can often drink this soup.  


  • 純天然 散裝 整枝赤靈芝(16 oz) 純天然 散裝 整枝赤靈芝(16 oz)

    純天然 散裝 整枝赤靈芝(16 oz)

    纯天然 散装 整枝赤灵芝(16 oz)   免费切片,切块,如需服务请留言。 本品为多孔菌科真菌赤芝的干燥子实体。 性味 甘;平;无毒 经脉 肺经;心经;脾经;肾经 主治 益气血,安心神,健脾胃。主虚劳,心悸失眠,头晕,神疲乏力,久咳气喘,冠心病,矽肺,肿瘤。   Lucid Ganoderma/Red Ling Zhi (16 oz) Size:18-24cm A large study published in 2018 in Molecules reprinted by NIH found reishi (aka lingzhi, Ganoderma luc.) polysaccharides to have significant beneficial effects for tumors, HIV, depression, anxiety, numerous health issues and life expectancy. Red Reishi has been proven to be the most effective in improving one’s overall health by enhancing the immune system, many bodily functions, and vital organs. Black Reishi (Ganoderma sinensis), is fairly common and can be found in most Chinese herbal shops. While it still possesses some value as a moderate herbal tonic, black Reishi is considered to be inferior to red Reishi because of its lower polysaccharide content. From the manufacturer:  This product is the dried fruiting body of the fungus Ganoderma lucidum of the Polyporaceae family. The taste is sweet; It is neutral in effect and non-toxic. It enters the Lung, Heart, Spleen, and  Kidney meridians.  Indications: To replenish qi and blood, calm the mind and strengthen the spleen and stomach. It has been used to correct chronic weakness mainly due to fatigue, also palpitations, insomnia, dizziness, fatigue, chronic cough, asthma, coronary heart disease, silicosis, and tumors.


  • 辛夷花 16oz

    辛夷花 16oz

    辛夷花 16oz Magnolia Flower 木笔花、望春花、春花、木兰、紫玉兰、白玉兰、二月花、广玉兰 性味 辛;性温 功效 为木兰科植物望春玉兰、玉兰、武当玉兰等的干燥花蕾。 祛风,通窍。治头痛,鼻渊,鼻塞不通,齿痛。 经脉 肺经;胃经 用法用量 内服:煎汤 ,3~10g,宜包煎;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,研末搐鼻;或以其蒸馏水滴鼻。 注意禁忌 阴虚火旺者忌服。 ①《本草经集注》:芎藭为之使。恶五石脂。畏菖蒲、蒲黄、黄连、石膏、黄环。 ②《本草经巯》:凡气虚人忌,头脑痛属血虚火炽者忌,齿痛属胃火者忌。 ③《本草汇言》:气虚之人,虽偶感风寒,致诸窍不通者,不宜用。 出自:   Magnolia Flower/ Xin Yi Hua 16oz Magnolia bud tea is used for stuffy nose, runny nose, common cold, sinus pain, hay fever, headache, and facial dark spots. Drink it between meals to ease cold/flu season and allergy discomforts. It is an ingredient in Bi Yan Pian pills. The taste is pungent and it is warming in nature   It is the dried flower buds of Wangchun Magnolia, Wudang Magnolia, of the Magnoliaceae.  It is used to Dispel the wind, clear the orifice [sinus] cure headache, nasal passages deep congestion, toothache.  It enters the Meridians of Lung and Stomach Meridian  Dosage Oral administration: Decoction, 3~10g, suitable for decoction; or into pills or powder. External use: grind and apply into the nose, or use its distilled drip into the nose.  Cautions: Avoid use with fever, chronic thirst, night sweats, palpitations Avoid use with deficiency of qi, blood deficiency, and fire in brain pain,  Avoid use with stomach fire caused by toothache.  People with a deficiency of qi, even though they may feel cold should not use it


  • 補骨脂 16oz

    補骨脂 16oz

    补骨脂 16oz Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit, Fruit of Malaytea Scurfpea 婆固脂 胡韭子 破故纸 补骨鸱 黑故子 胡故子 吉固子 故子 固子 固脂 川故子 怀故子 故脂 破故子 补骨子 破固脂 盐故子 性味 味辛;苦;性温 功效 为豆科植物补骨脂的果实。补肾助阳。治肾虚冷泻,遗尿,滑精,小便频数,阳痿,腰膝冷痛,虚寒喘嗽。外用治白癜风。 经脉 肾经;心包经;脾经;胃经;肺经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~15g;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,酒浸涂患处。 注意禁忌 1.阴虚火旺者忌服。 2.《本草经疏》:凡病阴虚火动,梦遗,尿血,小便短涩及目亦口苦舌干,大便燥结,内热作渴,火升目赤,易饥嘈杂,湿热成痿,以致骨乏无力者,皆不宜服。 3.《得配本草》:阴虚下陷,内热烦渴,眩晕气虚,怀孕心胞热,二便结者禁用。 出自:   Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit/ Bu Gu Zhi 16oz English Name: Psoralea Fruit Bu Gu Zhi is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb used to tonify the kidneys, strengthen the yang and warms the spleen yang. Bu Gu Zhi benefits the urinary system and supports the digestive system, rids parasites, boosts the immune system, relaxes smooth muscle and stops bleeding. ( Bu Gu Zhi Usages and Indications Tonify Kidney, strengthen yang - impotence, premature ejaculation, cold and painful lower back. Stabilizes jing and reserves urine - enuresis, incontinence of urine, frequent urination, spermatorrhea. Tonify and strengthen spleen yang - cold deficient spleen diarrhea, borborygmus, abdominal pain. Aids kidneys to grasp lung qi - wheezing, asthma. Apply topically for alopecia, psoriasis, vitiligo. ( Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 6~15g; or into pills or powder. External use: appropriate amount, soak the affected area in wine.


  • 厚朴 16oz

    厚朴 16oz

    厚朴 16oz Mangnolia officinalis 厚皮、重皮、赤朴、烈朴、川朴、紫油厚朴 性味 苦;辛;性温。 功效 本品为木兰科植物厚朴或凹叶厚朴的干燥干皮、根皮及枝皮。 温中,下气,燥湿,消痰。治胸腹痞满胀痛,反胃,呕吐,宿食不消,痰饮喘咳,寒湿泻痢。 经脉 脾经;胃经;大肠经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~10g;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 孕妇慎用。 出自:   Mangnolia Officinalis/ Hou Pu 16oz Mangnolia bark appears to have many potential benefits, including anti-cancer properties, improved sleep, treatment of menopause symptoms, relief of stress and anxiety, and protection against oxidation and inflammation. (  Taking magnolia bark along with drugs that promote sleep or treat anxiety, such as sedatives, sleep medications, and barbiturates, may cause drowsiness. (  Magnolia Officinalis [aka thick-skinned, heavy-skinned, red pu, Lie pu, Chuan pu, purple oil magnolia] The taste is Bitter; pungent; it is warm in nature.  This product is the dried bark, root bark, and branch bark of Magnolia Officinalis or Magnolia Officinalis.  Traditional Chinese medicine uses: Warms middle, dries dampness, eliminates phlegm.  It has been used to “cure chest and abdomen fullness, pain, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, phlegm, asthma and cough, cold dampness and diarrhea.” It enters the Meridians of Spleen, Stomach, and Large Intestine Channels Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 3~10g; or into pills or powder. Cautions: Pregnant women should use it with caution.  From:


  •  Siraitia grosvenorii 包)

    羅漢果 大(3個/包)

    罗汉果 大(3枚/包) Fruit of Grosvenor Momordica Lo Han Guo (羅漢果), also known as "Monk Fruit", used in TCM over thousand years. Chinese loves to use it to make herbal tea or stew soup for the treatment of cough, sore throat caused by lung infection or by a cold due to seasonal weather variations. 1. Crush 1 pc Lo Han Gou shell 2. Add about 1 liters of water in the pot, 3. Put in the crushed Lo Han Gou (shell and seeds) into the the water and bring to boil under high heat 4. Once boiled, turn to medium heat and boil another 20 ~ 30 minutes. 5. After cold down, filter with strainer, the dross can be boil for the second time from 45 to 1 hour. 6. You can enjoy when it warm, or you can store in refrigerator, it can keep about 2 ~ 3 weeks. 7. Please note that the Lo Han Gou is sweeter than the sugar. If you find it's still too sweet, you can add hot or cold water to dilute. 8. Some people will boil it with other herbs, such as goji berries, dried longan, chrysanthemum. 为葫芦科植物罗汉果的果实。 性味 味甘;性凉 经脉 归肺经;脾经 主治 清肺利咽,化痰止咳,润肠通便。主肺热痰火咳嗽,扁挑体炎,急性胃炎,咽痛失音,肠燥便秘。 注意禁忌 脾胃虚寒者忌服。


  • 盒)

    廣西 大羅漢果(20枚/盒)

    Out of stock

    广西 罗汉果 大(20枚/盒) Lo Han Guo (羅漢果), also known as "Monk Fruit", used in TCM over thousand years. Chinese loves to use it to make herbal tea or stew soup for the treatment of cough, sore throat caused by lung infection or by a cold due to seasonal weather variations. 1. Crush 1 pc Lo Han Gou shell 2. Add about 1 liters of water in the pot, 3. Put in the crushed Lo Han Gou (shell and seeds) into the the water and bring to boil under high heat 4. Once boiled, turn to medium heat and boil another 20 ~ 30 minutes. 5. After cold down, filter with strainer, the dross can be boil for the second time from 45 to 1 hour. 6. You can enjoy when it warm, or you can store in refrigerator, it can keep about 2 ~ 3 weeks. 7. Please note that the Lo Han Gou is sweeter than the sugar. If you find it's still too sweet, you can add hot or cold water to dilute. 8. Some people will boil it with other herbs, such as goji berries, dried longan, chrysanthemum. 为葫芦科植物罗汉果的果实。 性味 味甘;性凉 经脉 归肺经;脾经 主治 清肺利咽,化痰止咳,润肠通便。主肺热痰火咳嗽,扁挑体炎,急性胃炎,咽痛失音,肠燥便秘。 注意禁忌 脾胃虚寒者忌服。

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  • 包) 包)

    精選 巴戟天 (3 oz/包)

    精选 巴戟天 (3 oz/包) 为双子叶植物药茜草科植物巴戟天的根。 尺寸 12-15片/包 性味 甘,辛,微温。 经脉 归肾经、肝经。 主治 补肾阳,壮筋骨,祛风湿。治阳痿,少腹冷痛,小便不禁,子宫虚冷,风寒湿痹,腰膝酸痛。 注意禁忌 阴虚火旺者忌服。 【食疗方】 1.猪肝益寿延年汤 猪肝50克,香菇20克,枸杞子30克,巴戟12克。巴戟、香菇、枸杞子洗净,猪肝洗净切片。共放入沙锅内,加清水适量,置文火上炖煮至猪肝熟透,加味精,酱油少许调味即可。 饮汤吃猪肝及香菇,每日一料。 功效 补肝益肾,强身壮体,益寿延年。用于久病体虚,肝肾不足或年老体衰者。 2.巴戟苁蓉鸡肠汤 巴戟天12克,肉苁蓉12克,鸡肠1具。将鸡肠剪开,清洗肠内、外壁,再用盐擦洗,洗净后切成段;将巴戟天,肉苁蓉用纱布袋包好,扎紧袋口,与鸡肠共入砂锅中,加水,放入精盐、姜片。先用武火煮沸,再用文火煎熬60分钟即成。喝汤食肠。 功效 温补肺肾,固精止遗。用治肺肾阳虚气弱,阳萎,早泄,遗精,滑精,遗尿,夜尿多,气短喘促。 3.杞子胡桃猪肾汤 猪肾2个,枸杞子15克,胡桃肉(核桃仁)30克,首乌(何首乌)60克,巴戟30克,生地(生地黄)15克,生姜三片。 枸杞子、首乌、巴戟、生地洗净,胡桃肉用开水烫去衣。猪肾洗净,切开去白脂膜,切片,下油起锅用姜片略炒。把全部中药放入锅内,加清水适量煮沸后,文火煲2小时。最后加入猪肾片,煮5分钟后,加盐少许调味,饮汤吃猪肾。每日1料。 服法 饮汤吃猪肾。 功效 补肾填精,乌须黑发。用于须发早白,腰膝酸软,筋骨无力,头晕耳鸣等。   Morinda Officinalis/Ba Ji Tian (3 oz/Bag) --Medicinal indian mulberry/Indianmulberry (root)   The root of Morinda Officinalis, a dicotyledonous plant medicine in Rubiaceae. It tastes  sweet, pungent, and is moderately warming. It enters the kidney and liver meridians to invigorate kidney yang, strengthen muscles and bones, and dispel rheumatism pain. It has been used to cure impotence, reduce abdomen pain, urinary incontinence, uterine deficiency that might lead to miscarriage, and “internal cold, wind-cold dampness,” and waist and knee pain.  Cautions: Those who suffer from Yin deficiency and “false fire” should not take it. Symptoms include diabetes, fever, chronic thirst with weakness, red dry tongue and fast pulse.  【Diet Therapy】  Pork Liver Soup   Ingredients: 50 grams of pork liver, 20 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 30 grams of medlar (or gojiberry aka wolfberry), 12 grams of Morinda Officinalis. Wash off Morinda Officinalis, shiitake mushrooms and wolfberry berries, wash and slice pig liver. Put it in a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, simmer on low heat until the liver is cooked through, (optional: add MSG,) add a little soy sauce to taste. Drink soup and eat pork liver and mushrooms, once daily. Efficacy: It nourishes the liver and kidney, strengthens the body and prolongs life. It is used for patients with chronic illness and physical weakness, liver and kidney insufficiency, or elderly and physical weakness.  Morinda Officinalis and chicken intestine soup   Ingredients: 12 grams of Morinda Officinalis, 12 grams of Cistanche, 1 chicken intestine.  Cut the chicken intestines, clean the inner and outer of the intestines, scrub with salt, and cut into sections after washing; wrap Morinda Officinalis and Cistanche in a gauze bag, tie the mouth of the bag tightly so the bag can be removed when the soup is cooked. Put the chicken intestines in a casserole, add water. Add refined salt and ginger slices. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 60 minutes and serve. Drink soup and eat the intestines.   Efficacy: Warming and nourishing for the lungs and kidneys, solidifying Jing essence. It can be used to treat lung and kidney yang deficiency, weak qi, impotence, premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission, hydration, enuresis, nocturia, shortness of breath and wheezing Wolfberry, walnut and pig kidney soup   Ingredients: 2 pig kidneys, 15 grams of Chinese wolfberry, 30 grams of walnut meat (walnut kernel), 60 grams of Shouwu (Polygonum multiflorum), 30 grams of Morinda officinalis, 15 grams of Radix Rehmanniae, 15 grams of ginger.   Wash the wolfberry, Shouwu, Morinda officinalis, raw rehmannia, and wash the walnut meat with boiling water. Wash pig kidney, cut them open to remove the white fat film. It can be soaked 2 hours in salt water to remove impurities. Slice, oil and stir-fry the kidneys with ginger slices. Set them aside. Put all the Chinese medicine in the pot. Add water to cover and bring it to a boil, then simmer for 2 hours. Finally add the pig kidney slices, cook for 5 minutes, add a little salt to taste, drink the soup and eat the pig kidney once per day.  Efficacy: Nourishes the kidney, builds up jing essence. The herbs, expecially shouwu are said to prevent premature grey hair and bring back black beard and black hair. Used for waist and knees weakness, dizziness, tinnitus, etc. A great nourishing soup for cold weather and winter. Especially useful longterm for people with chills, weakness, palor, aching back, premature aging, recovery from illness or post-partum.


  • 辣木籽 16oz

    辣木籽 16oz

    辣木籽 16oz 辣木籽是辣木树的种子。辣木树是多年生热带、云南辣木籽、亚热带落叶乔木,属被子门辣木科辣木属植物,起源于印度,已经有一千多年历史,在非洲及世界热带、亚热带地区均有种植。   食用方法 辣木籽要剥壳,壳可以泡水,每天吃5-8粒,每次吃完喝300-500毫升的温开水,因为其营养丰富,需要水来分解,否则会口干。 辣木籽是纯天然绿色食品,含有人体所需的全部营养物质,它可取代复合维生素、钙片、鱼肝油等。 特别对高血压、高血脂、糖尿病、痛风等有很好的效果。 辣木籽可协助改善、预防疾病,改善睡眠、增强记忆力、延缓衰老,还可用来治疗肝脏、脾脏、经络等特殊部位的疾病。它还具有治疗口臭和醒酒等作用。喝酒前嚼碎服冲四至五粒辣木籽,可以提高酒量的二~三倍   Moringa Seeds/ La Mu Zi 16oz Moringa oleifera is one of the most valuable plants known to mankind.  The Moringa tree has been popularly called  “The Miracle Tree in Asia.” It is rich in nutrients like vitamin B6, beta carotene, vitamin C, magnesium, and protein. Moringa seeds are obtained from the pods of the Moringa tree. They can be steamed, boiled, or roasted for various purposes Moringa seeds are nutrient-dense and come with many benefits: • Improves Sleep: Steep moringa leaves in hot water for 15 minutes and drink before you go to bed for a good night's rest. • Fiber: Moringa seeds are high in fiber, and help in moving food along your digestive system," • Blood Sugar: Moringa seeds are a great source of zinc and can regulate blood sugar levels which can help manage or even prevent diabetes." • Great Source of Iron: A single serving of moringa has almost three times the amount of iron as spinach • Reduces Joint Pain: Moringa seeds make for a great supplement of calcium and help those suffering from joint pain.  • Lowers Cholesterol: Some plants have been known to reverse bad cholesterol and according to research, moringa is among them, • Induces Death of Cancer Cells: The seeds are well known for their anti-carcinogenic effects. • Promotes Heart Health: Scientists have proved that moringa seeds can reduce the number of oxidized lipids in our body and take care of our cardiac health by safeguarding the heart tissues from constructional damages, • A Powerhouse of Antioxidants: The oil extracted from moringa seeds contains almost 30 antioxidants.  • Promotes Healthy Skin: Moringa seeds are packed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties and are thus, very beneficial for skin care. How to eat it:  Moringa seeds need to be peeled, the shell can be soaked in water, eat 5-8 grains a day, drink 300-500ml of warm water after each meal because it is rich in nutrients, it needs water to decompose, otherwise, it will dry mouth.  Moringa seeds are pure natural green foods that contain all the nutrients needed by the human body. It can replace multi-vitamins, calcium supplements, cod liver oil, etc.  It is especially useful for high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, gout, etc. Moringa seeds can help improve and prevent diseases, improve sleep, enhance memory, delay aging, and can also be used to treat diseases in the liver, spleen, meridians, and collaterals.  It also has the effects of treating bad breath and sobering up after drinking too much.  Moringa seed powder has been used to purify water: Soak, peel, dry, and powder 2 seeds and add them to 1 liter of water overnight then strain the purified liquid. 


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    益母草(16 oz/包)

    益母草(16 oz/包)  Motherwort Herb 益母 三角胡麻 四楞子棵 茺蔚草 益母蒿 益母艾 红花艾 坤草 茺蔚 益明 大札 贞蔚 苦低草 性味 苦、辛,微寒。 归经 归肝、心包、膀胱经。 功效 活血调经,利尿消肿,清热解毒。 主治 用于月经不调,痛经经闭,恶露不尽,水肿尿少,疮疡肿毒。   HERBA LEONURI/ Motherwort / Yi Mu Cao (16 oz/Bag) The tea Invigorates blood and regulates menses for gynecological issues - PMS, abdominal pain, irregular menses, abdominal masses, infertility, postpartum abdominal pain w/lochioschesis, stasis from blood deficiency. Promotes urination and reduces swelling - acute systemic edema. . . Avoid during pregnancy. [Women who are weak, anemic, have chronic chills and diarrhea should use caution and consult with a medical professional/herbalist.] From the manufacturer:  The taste is bitter, pungent, and it is slightly cold. It enters the Liver, Pericardium, and Bladder meridians. Effects: Promoting blood circulation, regulating menstruation, diuresis, and swelling, clearing heat, and detoxification. Indications: It has been used for irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, inexhaustible lochia, edema, oliguria, sore swelling, and toxicity.  


  • 桑葚子 16oz

    桑葚子 16oz

    桑葚子 16oz Mulberry 桑实、葚、乌椹、文武实、桑粒、桑果 性味 甘、酸,寒。 功效 本品为桑科植物桑的干燥果穗。用于肝肾不足和血虚精亏的头晕目眩,腰酸耳鸣,须发早白,失眠多梦,津伤口渴,消渴,肠燥便秘。 经脉 归心经、肝经、肾经。 主治 滋阴养血,生津,润肠。主肝肾不足和血虚精亏的头晕目眩,腰酸耳鸣,须发早白,失眠多梦,津伤口渴,消渴,肠燥便秘。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g;或熬膏、浸酒、生啖;或入九、散。 外用:适量,浸水洗。 注意禁忌 脾胃虚寒便溏者禁服。 食療方 1.三子炖猪腰 菟丝子20克,桑椹子30克,韭子10克,主要2个,生姜1片。菟丝子、桑椹子、韭子、生姜洗净并用白纱布包扎;主要切开,去白脂膜洗净,切厚片。将全部用料放入炖盅内,加开水适量,炖盅加盖,文火隔水炖3小时,调味即可,饮汤吃猪腰。 服法:佐餐食。 功效:补益肝肾,黑发养颜,用于腰酸不适,夜尿多,妇女带下、耳鸣失眠,须发早白,视物不清者。 2.蜂蜜桑椹膏 鲜桑椹1000g(或干品500g),蜂蜜300g。桑椹除去杂质,洗净入锅,加水适量煎煮,武火煮沸后,文火煎煮30分钟,取煎液,加水再煮。如法煎熬3次,合并3次煎液过滤,加入蜂蜜,再煎。火势先武后文,煎熬至稠状,晾凉装入罐瓶中备用。每早晚空腹各服一汤匙,沸水冲代茶饮用。 功效:补肝益肾,明目,乌发。主治肝肾阴虚而目暗,耳鸣,须发早白。 3.桑椹饼干 桑椹子50g,白糖200g,面粉300g。将桑椹子入锅内,加水适量,置文火煮熬20分钟,滤去渣,留汁。再把白糖放入面粉中,加入药汁,揉成面团,做成饼干。将饼干烘烤即成。可供点心食用。 功效:厚肠胃,补肝益肾。主治老年便秘等病症。 4.桑椹糖 干桑椹碎末200g,白砂糖500g。先将白砂糖500g放在铝锅中,加水少量,用文火煎熬至较稠时,加入干桑椹碎末200g,调匀后再继续煎熬至用铲子挑起即成丝状却不粘手时,停火。将糖倒在涂抹食用熟油的盘中,摊平,稍冷后割成小块即可。每日食用2~3块。 功效:补益肝肾,乌发,明目,聪耳。主治须发早白、目暗、视弱、耳聋、耳鸣等。 5.桑椹糖水饮 鲜桑椹子60g,白砂糖适量。将桑椹子入锅内,加水适量,煎煮,去渣,取汁加白砂糖适量即可。饮服。 功效:补肝益肾,养阴润燥。主治神经衰弱、遗精、习惯性便秘等症。 6.桑椹粥 桑椹子30g,糯米100g,冰糖少许。将桑椹子、糯米入砂锅,加水适量煮粥,粥成时放入冰糖少许以调味,再煮1~2沸即可。每日食用1次。 功效:补肝滋肾,养血明目。主治肝肾血虚引起头晕目眩、视力减退、耳鸣、腰膝酸软、须发早白、肠燥便秘。 7.桑椹酒 鲜桑椹(或干桑椹)500g,白酒500g。鲜桑椹洗净榨汁,或将干桑椹子洗净,与白酒一起装入瓶内,和匀封固,半月后开始饮用。每日2次,每次10~15g。 功效:益五脏,补肝肾,明目,乌发。主治肝虚而目昏,肾虚而须发早白。 From:   Mulberry/ Sang Shen Zi 16oz White mulberry is recommended in order to help treat diabetes. It is also used for treating high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, the common cold and its symptoms, muscle and joint pain such as arthritis, constipation, dizziness, ringing in the ears, hair loss, and premature graying. ( The taste is sweet, sour, and it is cold in effect.  This product is the dried berry of Morus Vulgaris. It is used for dizziness due to liver and kidney deficiency and blood deficiency and essence deficiency, backache, tinnitus, early white hair, insomnia, and nightmares. It is used for thirst for lack of body fluids, intestinal dryness, and constipation. Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 10-15g; or boil ointment, soak in wine, re-hydrated food; or powder Cautions:  People with loose stools due to cold spleen and stomach should not take it.



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