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18 products

  • 虎標 紅色 強力萬金油(18克)

    虎標 紅色 強力萬金油(18克)

    虎标 红色 强力万金油(18g) Tiger Balm has been used for nearly100 years and sold throughout the world. It offers soothing relief for aches and pains due to overexertion, joint pains, backache, arthritis, stiffness, and sprains. . . Do not apply to sensitive areas or use internally.  Active ingredients:  Camphor 11.0% w/w,  Levomenthol 10.0% w/w,  Cajuput Oil 7.0%w/w,  Clove Oil 5.0% w/w.  Other ingredients: Cinnamon Oil, Dementholised Mint Oil, Yellow Soft, and Hard Paraffin.


  • 盒) 盒)

    北京同仁堂 热磁前列腺貼(1贴/袋 X 2袋/盒)

    北京同仁堂 热磁前列腺貼(1贴/袋 X 2袋/盒) 【产品名称】热磁前列腺貼【规 格】135mm×103mm±10mm【包 装】1贴/袋×2袋/盒【结构及组成】由塑料袋密封和无纺布袋及袋内含有的天然发热材料和磁性材料四部分构成的外用贴剂。【适用范围】该产品用于改善微循环,促进血液循环,防止组织缺氧、缓解局部器官组织的疼痛。主要适用于腰痛、前列腺炎、脓肿、尿急、尿频。【使用方法】取出热磁前列腺贴,贴于内衣外侧,无纺布面朝外,固定在疼痛部位。不发热后弃去。【提示】1、将无纺布袋内含有的天然发热材料和磁性材料摊平,室内放置2-3分钟后使用。2、勿贴于皮肤, 以免灼伤。3、一次性使用面。【禁 忌 症】高热患者忌用、孕妇使用遵医嘱。【注意事项】1.勿入口。2、勿固定太紧,以免灼伤。3、皮肤有出血点或溃烂现象禁用。4.对温度不敏感者慎用。5.若衣物有轻微着色,清水去除。使 藏]通风、干燥、避光处保存。【有效期】三年


  • 860986 Wong To Yick Wood Lock Medicated Oil (50ml)

    黃道益 活絡油 50ml

    黃道益 活絡油 50ml 功能舒筋活絡  作用暫時緩解因下列症狀引起的肌肉和關節輕微疼痛:普通背痛丶關節炎丶損傷丶瘀傷丶扭傷 用法 找出患處最痛之痛點 (痛點多位於骨隙或腫實之肌肉間) 搽上2-3滴黃道益活絡油於痛點之上,用拇指尖在痛點上按壓15-20分鐘,力度由輕至重,以患者不過度痛楚為宜 每天按壓三至五次,直至痊癒   Wong To Yick Wood Lock Medicated Oil (50ml)  Traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and martial arts clubs make highly effective remedies for chronic pain,  injuries, and broken bones. Do a skin test by applying a drop of the oil to the skin near the inner wrist. The oil may feel cooling and refreshing because of camphor and menthol. Avoid the eyes, open cuts, and sensitive areas. Deep heat from turpentine oil penetrates for lasting relief. Avoid use during pregnancy or for small children. Apply with a cotton ball. Store the bottle tightly closed in a dark, cool area.   Temporary relief of muscle aches and pain; For relief of sprains and bruises, Shoulder and Back Pain Soothes, alleviate, reduce, and ease sore muscles and joints, ankle, feet, hand, arm, etc.... 1x 50ml Bottle, Medicated Balm/Oil Massage Rub for Muscular Ache and Pain, Sprain and Bruise For External Use Only Active Ingredients: Camphor 4.5g. Menthol 17.0g. Methyl Salicylate 15.0g. Turpentine Oil 6.0g. Apply this Chinese herbal medicated oil to temporarily relieve minor aches and pains of muscles and joints due to simple backache, arthritis, strains, bruises, and sprains.  


  • 云南白药膏 膏药贴 5片 云南白药膏 膏药贴 5片

    云南白药膏 膏药贴 5片

    云南白药膏 膏药贴片 5片/盒 功能主治 活血散瘀,消肿止痛。用于跌打损伤,瘀血肿痛,肌肉酸痛及风湿疼痛。 禁忌 孕妇禁用;对云南白药过敏者忌用。   Yunnan Bai Yao Plaster 5 pcs Apply topically to bruises and aching muscles or insect bites, avoid sensitive areas Indications: To promote blood circulation, dissipate blood stasis, reduce swelling and relieve pain.  Used for bruises, blood stasis, swelling and pain, muscle aches, and rheumatic pain.  Warning: It is forbidden for pregnant women; or for those who are allergic to Yunnan Baiyao.  


  • 云南白药气雾剂 85g+30g

    云南白药气雾剂 85g+30g

    云南白药气雾剂 Yunnan Baiyao Aerosol (85g+30g) 功能主治 活血散瘀,消肿止痛。用于跌打损伤,瘀血肿痛,肌肉酸痛及风湿疼痛。 用法用量 外用,喷于伤患处。使用云南白药气雾剂,一日3~5次。凡遇较重闭合性跌打损伤者,先喷云南白药气雾剂保险液,若剧烈疼痛仍不缓解,可间隔1~2分钟重复给药,一天使用不得超过3次。喷云南白药气雾剂保险液间隔3分钟后,再喷云南白药气雾剂。 禁忌 孕妇禁用;对云南白药过敏者忌用。 注意事项 1.本品只限于外用,切勿喷入口、眼、鼻。2.皮肤过敏者停用。3.小儿、年老患者应在医师指导下使用。4.使用云南白药气雾剂保险液时先振摇,喷嘴离皮肤5~10厘米,喷射时间应限制在3~5秒钟,以防止局部冻伤。5.皮肤受损者勿用。6.使用时勿近明火,切勿受热,应置于阴凉处保存。7.对酒精及本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。8.本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。9.儿童必须在成人的监护下使用。10.请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。11.如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。


  • 云南白药酊   (50 ml)

    云南白药酊 (50 ml)

    云南白药酊  Yunnan Bai yao Tincture (50 ml) 功能主治 活血散瘀,消肿止痛。用于跌打损伤,风湿麻木,筋骨及关节疼痛,肌肉酸痛及冻伤。 用法用量 口服,按剂量杯所示刻度量取,常用量一次3格至5格(3~5毫升),一日3次,最大量一次10格(10毫升);外用,取适量擦揉患处,每次3分钟左右,一日3~5次,可止血消炎;风湿筋骨疼痛,蚊虫叮咬,一、二度冻伤可擦揉患处数分钟,一日3~5次。 禁忌 孕妇禁用;对云南白药过敏者忌用。 注意事项 1.皮肤破伤处不宜使用。2.用药后一日内,忌食蚕豆、鱼类、酸冷食物。3.皮肤过敏者停用。4.按照用法用量使用,小儿、年老患者应在医师指导下使用。5.对酒精及本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。。6.本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。7.儿童必须在成人的监护下使用。8.请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。9.如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。   Yunnan Baiyao Tincture(50 ml) Function Indications:  Promotes blood circulation, dissipates blood stasis, reduces swelling, and relieves pain. Used for bruises, rheumatism, numbness, muscle and joint pain, muscle aches, and frostbite.  Dosage Oral, measure according to the scale shown in the dose cup, the usual amount is 3 to 5 cells (3-5 ml), 3 times a day, the maximum amount is 10 cells (10 ml); for external use, take an appropriate amount and rub the affected area. It can stop bleeding and is anti-inflammatory; used for rheumatism, muscle pain, mosquito bites, first or second-degree frostbite, rubbing the affected area for a few minutes, 3 to 5 times a day.  Contraindications:  It is forbidden for pregnant women; and for those who are allergic to Yunnan Baiyao.  Precautions  It is not suitable to use on damaged skin.  Avoid eating broad beans, fish, sour and cold foods within one day after taking the medicine.  People with skin allergies should stop using it.  Use in accordance with the usage and dosage, and children and elderly patients should use it under the guidance of a doctor.  People who are allergic to alcohol and this product should not use it with caution. It is forbidden to use this product when its properties change.  Children must use it under the supervision of adults.  Please keep this product out of reach of children.  If you are using other drugs, please consult your physician or pharmacist before using this product. This and all herbs must not be used prior to or following surgery according to the doctor’s directions



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