這款紅包底色為鮮艷紅色,正面有大大的 “福” 字,採用燙金工藝呈現金黃色,十分醒目。周圍還有 “萬事順意” 字樣,同樣是燙金工藝。紅色象徵喜慶,“福” 字寓意福氣,“萬事順意” 表達了對生活各方面美好的祝願。
紅包底色是紅色,正面有顯眼的 “吉” 字,一側有三個橙子圖案,橙子顏色與紅色背景形成對比。“吉” 字象徵吉祥,橙子諧音 “成”,三個橙子寓意吉祥如意接連不斷,結合文字與圖案傳遞美好祝願。
The red envelope with the word "Fu", the base color of this red envelope is bright red, and there is a large word "Fu" on the front, which is golden yellow by bronzing process, which is very eye-catching. There are also words "All the best" around, which is also bronzing process. Red symbolizes joy, the word "Fu" symbolizes blessing, and "All the best" expresses good wishes for all aspects of life.
"Ji" red envelope, the base color of the red envelope, the front has a conspicuous "Ji" word, and there are three orange patterns on one side. The orange color contrasts with the red background. " The word "Ji" symbolizes auspiciousness, and the homophonic "Cheng" of oranges. The three oranges symbolize good luck and good luck one after another, combining words and patterns to convey good wishes.
Peony red envelopes, the base color of the red envelopes is red, and the front is full of blooming peony flower patterns. The color of peonies is gold or matching colors, which are presented with a gorgeous feeling through bronzing and other processes. Peony is China's national flower, symbolizing wealth and prosperity. It means that the recipient of red envelopes has a prosperous life and a prosperous career. It is suitable for giving away on important occasions.