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虎標 紅色 強力萬金油(18克)
虎标 红色 强力万金油(18g) Tiger Balm has been used for nearly100 years and sold throughout the world. It offers soothing relief for aches and pains due to overexertion, joint pains, backache, arthritis, stiffness, and sprains. . . Do not apply to sensitive areas or use internally. Active ingredients: Camphor 11.0% w/w, Levomenthol 10.0% w/w, Cajuput Oil 7.0%w/w, Clove Oil 5.0% w/w. Other ingredients: Cinnamon Oil, Dementholised Mint Oil, Yellow Soft, and Hard Paraffin.
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杏林牌 黄连上清片(8片x12支) 96粒
杏林牌 黄连上清片(8片x12支) 96粒 规格: (8片x12支) 96粒 功效: 散风清热,泻火止痛.用于风热上攻,肺胃热盛所致的头晕目眩,爆发火眼,牙齿疼痛,口舌生疮,咽喉肿痛,耳痛耳鸣,大便秘结,小便短赤。 成分: 黄连,栀子,连翘,菊花,薄荷,旋覆花。 用法用量: 口服。每日2次,每次4粒,温水送服。
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神農牌 桂枝茯苓丸(200粒/瓶)
神農牌 桂枝茯苓丸(200粒濃縮丸/瓶) 溫經散寒 活血化瘀 月經不調 祛濕排毒 產後調理 规格: 200粒濃縮丸/瓶 功效: 桂枝茯苓丸是中國傳統方劑。常用于活血化瘀,於婦女行經腹痛,孕后漏下不止,產後惡露不盡而腹痛之症狀 成分: 桂枝、茯苓、桃仁、牡丹皮、白芍 用法用量: 口服。每日2-3次,每次8粒,温水送服。 **此聲明尚未經過食品和藥物管理局(FDA)的評估,本產品不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病.
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大洋强效減肥茶 30包/盒
Green Fresh Extra Strength Herbal Dieters Tea 30 Tea Bags 大洋强效減肥茶 30包/盒 No Caffeine No Chemical Additives 30 Tea Bags Per Package Natural Packaging May Be Slightly Different Than Shown In Picture Green Fresh dieter’s tea is formulated from an ancient Chinese blend of the highest quality tea and herbs. Dating back to the 1500s, this formula from Lee Se-Zhens’s Detailed Outlines on Chinese Herbs has been helping the Chinese stay slim for centuries. This tea is 100% natural with no added preservatives, additives, or caffeine. Teabags inside the sealed box were arranged in opposite directions. It may look like 15 pcs from the outside sealed plastic bag but there were 30 pcs inside. Please always count piece by piece.
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唐龍 柴胡舒肝丸(200粒/瓶) 规格: 200粒/瓶 功效: 疏肝理气,解郁消胀。 成分: 柴胡、白芍(酒制)、香附(醋制)、枳壳(炒)、川芎、甘草、陈皮 用法用量: 每次6粒、每日3次。或遵医嘱。警告:孕妇忌服。避免儿童接触。 Size: 200pills/bottle Effect: A classic Chinese herb formulated to help maintain health in liver system. Component: Chinese thorowax root(chai hu)White Peony rootNutgrass Galingate rhizomeImmature Bitter Orange fruitChuanxiong ligesticum rhizomeLicorice root Dried tangerine peel Direction to use: Take 6 pills each time, 3 times daily. Or consult your herbalist. Do not use if pregnant. Keep out of reach of children. Chai Hu is bupleurum (aka Chinese thorowax root) which has been used to regulate the action of digestive organs and ease discomforts in liver, ribs, abdomen, and chest. Bupleurum has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years to help relieve numerous conditions, most particularly, infections with fever, liver problems, indigestion hemorrhoids, and uterine prolapse. The patent remedy ShuGan wan has been recommended for liver discomforts, to regulate liver and spleen/stomach interaction, and for emotional balance, including treatment of frustration, pent-up emotions, and liver pain described as “stuck liver Qi.” Stuck circulation and emotions may eventually increase problems such as palpitations or breast fibroids. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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白蘭氏無糖燕窩 (6 瓶 X 68 ml)
白蘭氏無糖燕窩 (6 瓶 X 68ml ) 白蘭氏冰糖燕窩採用純正高級燕窩,經人手仔細清淨後,加入清純冰糖以傳統方法燉製而成。白蘭氏冰糖燕窩是以真空處理,確保新鮮。 ● 純天然● 不含脂肪或胆固醇● 不含人造色素,味精或防腐劑● 容易為人體吸收 內含 : 6 瓶 X 2.3 oz (68 ml) BRAND'S® Bird's Nest Drink Sugar Free is made of 100% genuine, premium quality bird's nest. It is formulated for those who want to or need to lower sugar and calorie intake. It is sweetened with two natural sweeteners, Sorbitol and Xylitol. Now keeping sugar out of the diet does not mean keeping sweetness out too.● It is all natural.● It contains no fats and cholesterol.● It is free of all artificial stimulants.● It is easily digested.Contains : 6 bottles X 2.3 oz (68 ml)
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云南白药酊 (50 ml)
云南白药酊 Yunnan Bai yao Tincture (50 ml) 功能主治 活血散瘀,消肿止痛。用于跌打损伤,风湿麻木,筋骨及关节疼痛,肌肉酸痛及冻伤。 用法用量 口服,按剂量杯所示刻度量取,常用量一次3格至5格(3~5毫升),一日3次,最大量一次10格(10毫升);外用,取适量擦揉患处,每次3分钟左右,一日3~5次,可止血消炎;风湿筋骨疼痛,蚊虫叮咬,一、二度冻伤可擦揉患处数分钟,一日3~5次。 禁忌 孕妇禁用;对云南白药过敏者忌用。 注意事项 1.皮肤破伤处不宜使用。2.用药后一日内,忌食蚕豆、鱼类、酸冷食物。3.皮肤过敏者停用。4.按照用法用量使用,小儿、年老患者应在医师指导下使用。5.对酒精及本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。。6.本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。7.儿童必须在成人的监护下使用。8.请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。9.如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。 Yunnan Baiyao Tincture(50 ml) Function Indications: Promotes blood circulation, dissipates blood stasis, reduces swelling, and relieves pain. Used for bruises, rheumatism, numbness, muscle and joint pain, muscle aches, and frostbite. Dosage Oral, measure according to the scale shown in the dose cup, the usual amount is 3 to 5 cells (3-5 ml), 3 times a day, the maximum amount is 10 cells (10 ml); for external use, take an appropriate amount and rub the affected area. It can stop bleeding and is anti-inflammatory; used for rheumatism, muscle pain, mosquito bites, first or second-degree frostbite, rubbing the affected area for a few minutes, 3 to 5 times a day. Contraindications: It is forbidden for pregnant women; and for those who are allergic to Yunnan Baiyao. Precautions It is not suitable to use on damaged skin. Avoid eating broad beans, fish, sour and cold foods within one day after taking the medicine. People with skin allergies should stop using it. Use in accordance with the usage and dosage, and children and elderly patients should use it under the guidance of a doctor. People who are allergic to alcohol and this product should not use it with caution. It is forbidden to use this product when its properties change. Children must use it under the supervision of adults. Please keep this product out of reach of children. If you are using other drugs, please consult your physician or pharmacist before using this product. This and all herbs must not be used prior to or following surgery according to the doctor’s directions
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海山 華陀活絡油 50ml
海山 華陀活絡油 50ml 暫時舒緩輕微肌肉痛、背痛、或因關節炎,損傷,扭傷及瘀傷所引起的疼痛 華陀活絡油是由海山堂出品,主要適用於各種跌打痛症,是家居常備良药。它含有樟脑、薄荷冰等成分,用後清凉消腫,醒腦開神。適合跌打腫痛、腰酸背痛、筋络抽痛、頭暈眼花、胸腹肚痛,用后能舒筋活络,及舒緩各种痛症。 用法用量:成年人及十二歲以上兒童,搽用適量於患處,用指尖緩和地在患处最酸痛的部位運壓力,以慢旋轉法,力度由輕至重,按壓十五至二十分鐘,直至完全滲透,要以患者不感痛苦為宜,每天塗抹於患處不超過三至四次。十二歲一下兒童,塗用前請先查詢醫生。 注意:1. 忌食,僅供外用,直接塗於患處,切勿塗於破損的傷口及皮膚,避免觸及眼睛,如用綳帶不可包紥太緊,使用後如症狀加劇或持續七日以上,或好轉後症狀在數天内再重新時,請立即停用並請醫生診治。2. 孕婦或哺乳期間的婦女,塗用前請先詢問醫生。3. 請將本藥油放置在兒童無法觸及之處所。 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理局(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。
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鸳江 鼻敏感丸 50片
鸳江 鼻敏感丸 50片 YK Breath Natural/Pe Min Kan Wan 50pills A traditional Chinese herbal formula that addresses sinus congestion, drainage, and headaches found with colds and allergies. Cooling, clarifying, improves breathing. Ingredients: Magnolia biondi flower, Xanthium sibiricum fruit, Isatis indigotica root, Pogostemon cablin herb, Chrysanthemum morifolium flower, Saposhniokovia divaricata root, Centepida minima herb, Mentha haplocalyx herb, Perilla frutescens leaf. Dosage: 3 – 4 pills between meals, three times daily or as directed by your herbal doctor
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汉宝牌 三蛇胆川贝液(浓缩) 6瓶入/60ml
汉宝牌 三蛇胆川贝液(浓缩) 6瓶入/60ml 三蛇胆川贝液,适用于肺弱痰多、伤风感冒咳嗽、急慢性支气管炎咳嗽、肺热干咳、以及喉咙声沙、咽干、虚火上升口臭、喉痒作咳等症。 药品名称:汉宝牌三蛇胆川贝液 是否处方药:非处方药 主要适用症:肺弱痰多、伤风感冒咳嗽等 用法用量:小儿每次服半樽,大人每次服壹樽 剂型:液体 规格:6支 x 10ml H.E.I. SAN SHE DAN CHUAN BEI YE Sanshedan Chuanbei Liquid is a medicine that is suitable for symptoms such as weak phlegm in the lungs, colds and coughs, acute and chronic bronchitis coughs, lung heat and dry coughs, as well as sandy throat, dry throat, rising bad breath, and itchy throat. Drug name: Hanbao Brand Sanshedan Chuanbei Liquid Whether prescription drugs: non-prescription drugs Main applicable symptoms: weak lungs, excessive phlegm, colds, coughs, etc. Usage and dosage: half a bottle each time for children, one bottle each time for adults Dosage form: liquid Specification: 6 pcs x 10ml
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均隆 驅風油 2oz
均隆驅風油 2oz. 功能与主治 頭暈頭痛、舟車暈浪、傷風鼻塞、肚子疼痛 蚊叮蟲咬、肌肉疼痛、腰酸背痛、扭傷挫傷 用法與用量--只限外用,需要時塗擦于患處,每天三至四次 注意事项--僅供外用,請勿用於破損的傷口或皮膚,避免觸及眼睛,孕婦或哺乳期婦女,用前先咨詢醫生,將本品放於兒童接觸不到的地方 儲存--密閉, 置陰涼處 成分--薄荷腦 、水楊酸甲酯 、樟腦 、桉油 、丁香油、穗薰衣草油等 性狀--均隆驅風油為無色或微黃色油狀液體,氣味清香
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强力田七杜仲丸 (200粒/瓶)
唐龙 强力田七杜仲丸 (200粒/瓶) 规格: 200粒/瓶 功效: 养血祛风、通络止痛 成分: 牛膝、桑寄生、羌活、独活、当归、地黄、杜仲、制附子、三七、党参、黄芪、制草乌 用法用量: 每次6粒、每日3次。或遵医嘱。警告:孕妇忌服。避免儿童接触。 Size: 200pills/bottle Effect: An herb supplement formulated to help nourish blood and dredge meridians Component: Adix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata (Extract), Chinese Taxillus Herb (Extract), Incised notopterygium Rhizome OR Root, Doubleteeth Pubescent Angelica Root (Extract), Chinese Angelica (Extract), Rehmannia Root (Extract), Eucommia Bark (Extract), Adix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata (Extract), Sanchi (Extract), Codonopsis Root (Extract), Milkvetch Root (Extract), Radic Aconiti Kusnezoffii Preparata (Extract) Direction to use: Take 6 pills each time, 3 times daily. Or consult your herbalist. Do not use if pregnant. Keep out of reach of children. Tonifies Qi, invigorates Blood, and clears Meridians This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.