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2311 products

  • 大雪山 古树明前 普洱茶 2013年生茶 茶饼 357克

    大雪山 古树明前 普洱茶 2013年生茶 茶饼 357克

    大雪山 古樹明前 2013年普洱生茶 茶餅 357克 傳統工藝  石磨壓制 勐庫大雪山坐落於雲南省臨滄市勐庫縣,其山頂勐庫大雪山野生茶保護區是目前世界上最高最古老的野生茶茶林,是勐庫鎮最具代表性的茶區。  大雪山古樹選用海拔高度一千八百公尺且樹齡四百年以上的古樹茶製成,高海拔的香氣,搭配最古老的勐庫大葉種,能感受到古樹茶最迷人的香甜魅力。 此茶餅由雲南 臨滄 永德秀林普洱茶業出品 推薦三步醒茶法: 1.茶罐醒茶:茶餅拆開後,在醒茶罐中放置一周左右,這個過程中跟空氣接觸,慢慢蘇醒,茶性逐步追上實際年份。 2.溫壺醒茶:這個過程可以喚醒茶葉内質,激發老茶的香氣。紫砂壺溫壺後直接投茶加蓋,茶葉在溫度和壺内水汽的作用下身段變軟,細胞舒展,做好迎接冲泡的準備。 3.冲泡醒茶:第一道醒茶可以適當放緩出湯時間,讓茶葉靜置10秒左右,第二道起正常出湯,至十道以上再逐步增加悶泡時長。 冲泡老茶需用100°C沸水冲泡,只有高溫才能逼出老茶的内質與香氣,泡茶剛性韻味。


  • 勐库 古树普洱茶砖 2005年熟茶 250g 勐库 古树普洱茶砖 2005年熟茶 250g

    勐库 古树普洱茶砖 2005年熟茶 250g

      勐库 古树普洱茶砖 2005年熟茶 250g 普洱熟茶養胃、抗氧化、降脂,是養生茶飲好選擇 文化經典老茶磚,以4磚為一紮,每磚重量約為250g,以竹筍葉包裝,上印有【老茶磚】字樣,此茶磚以傳統工藝渥堆,發酵程度透徹,香味馥郁且溫醇,甜滑柔順,可長期儲存,越陳越香。古樸大氣,現飲收藏送禮皆可。 普洱茶是一種發酵的消化茶。 “生”普洱的味道和健康特性類似於綠茶。熟普洱則經過更長時間的陳放,擁有更強烈的獨特熟味、土味和微甜的口感。它被用來改善消化和血液循環,並含有一種天然的他汀類物質,已知可以幫助降低有害膽固醇並促進減肥。 這款茶口感非常順滑,沒有任何澀味或苦味。清新的木質風味中帶有柔和、奶油般的核桃土味。總體而言,這是一款令人舒適的茶,味道易於接受,非常適合作為熟普洱茶的入門選擇。我們建議根據您的口味在90°C下沖泡3-5分鐘。

    $81.99 - $310.99

  • 白蘭氏 虫草鸡精(68ml*6瓶)

    白蘭氏 虫草鸡精(68ml*6瓶)

    白蘭氏 虫草鸡精(68ml*6瓶) 白蘭氏®虫草鸡精以100%野生虫草配白蘭氏®鸡精墩制,令味道更佳。 主要成分 鸡精、野生虫草、当归、甘草 建议饮用方法 建议早上饮用,功效更佳 保存方式 保存期限: 三年  保存方式:存放于干爽阴凉处,并避免阳光直接曝晒。     BRAND'S Essence of Chicken Drink with Cordyceps Extract(6*68ml) Ingredients: Essence of Chicken, Wild Cordyceps, Tang kwei and Chinese Licorice BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken Drink with Cordyceps is made with BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken and 100% wild Cordyceps. The addition of Cordyceps and other herbs makes the drink even more palatable.   Cordyceps is used to treat coughs, chronic bronchitis, respiratory disorders, kidney disorders, nighttime urination, male sexual problems, anemia, irregular heartbeat, high cholesterol, liver disorders, dizziness, weakness, ringing in the ears, unwanted weight loss, and opium addiction.  When winter comes, the Cordyceps fungus attacks the caterpillars which live in the high mountain region of China. The mycelium invades and replaces the host and becomes an herb in summer. Cordyceps are very sensitive to the optimal temperature and humidity, and they can't be cultivated in an artificial environment. The lower growth rate makes it very rare and expensive. The best cordyceps are grown in Tibet, Sichuan, and Qinghai in China. Cordyceps has a very long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine for strengthening the immune system, improving athletic performance, reducing the effects of aging, promoting longer life, and improving liver function. BRAND'S® Essence of Chicken Drink may be consumed straight from the bottle at room temperature, chilled or warm according to one's preference. Consume immediately upon opening. Storage Shelf Life:3 YearsStorage Instructions: Keep in a cool, dry place, and avoid direct sunlight for best quality.    


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    特大 芡实/鸡头米(16oz/包)

    特大 芡实/鸡头米(16oz/包) 卵菱、鸡癕、鸡头实、雁喙实、鸡头米、雁头、蔿子、鸿头、水流黄、水鸡头、肇实、刺莲藕、刀芡实、鸡头果、苏黄、黄实、鸡咀莲、鸡头苞、刺莲蓬实 性味 甘、涩,平。 经脉 归脾经、肾经。 主治 益肾固精,补脾止泻,祛湿止带。用于梦遗滑精,遗尿尿频,脾虚久泻,白浊,带下。 【食疗方】 神仙粥 山药30g,芡实30g,韭菜30g,粳米100g。将韭菜切成细末,芡实煮熟去壳并捣碎,山药捣碎,以上三味与粳米相和,慢火煮粥。每日2次,温热服之。 功效:壮阳补虚,益气强志,丰肌,润肤,明目,聪耳。主治虚损羸瘦,皮肤粗糙,耳目不聪。  Gordon Enryale Seed/Qian Shi(16oz/Bag) Euryale seed, also called fox nuts, is considered sweet, astringent and neutral (neither too heating nor cooling.) It tonifies the spleen and kidney meridians. Its main functions are to stop diarrhea, strengthen the kidney/adrenal energy and control the (jing) our vitality; and to dispel dampness (sluggish digestion, bloating, gas and edema.) It is said to be especially useful for childhood diarrhea.  Euryale seed enters the meridians of the spleen and kidney. Indications include, tonifying the spleen to stop chronic diarrhea, dampness leukorrhea (either a watery or thick vaginal discharge.) It is used for spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, incontinence and frequent urination. Recipes as below- Porridge : Ingredients: 30g of Chinese yam discorea, 30g of Gorgon fox nuts, 30g of sliced leek, and 100g of japonica rice.  Cut the leeks into fine slices. Boil and mash the white yam. The above three flavors are compatible with japonica rice. Cook the porridge slowly. Take it warm twice a day. Efficacy: aphrodisiac tonic, for qi deficiency. It improves strong muscles, skin quality, eyesight, and hearing.


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    炒制 白扁豆(8oz/包)

    炒制 白扁豆(8 oz/包) 为豆科植物扁豆的白色成熟种子。 性味 甘,微温。 经脉 归脾经、胃经。 主治 健脾化湿,和中消暑。用于脾胃虚弱,食欲不振,大便溏泻,白带过多,暑湿吐泻,胸闷腹胀。 炒扁豆:健脾化湿。用于脾虚泄泻,白带过多。 【食疗方】 山药扁豆粥 ①原料 淮山药30克,扁豆10克,粳米100克。将山药洗净去皮切片,扁豆煮半熟加粳米,山药煮成粥。每日2次,早、晚餐食用。 ②功效 肝癌食疗方——具有健脾化湿,用于晚期肝癌病人脾虚,泄泻等症。 (dolichos lablab bean, hyacinth bean) The preliminary pharmacological studies revealed that Dolichos lablab possessed antidiabetic, antiinflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, cytotoxic, hypolipidemic, antimicrobial, insecticidal, hepatoprotective, antilithiatic, antispasmodic effects and also used for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia.Lablab is a mature white seed of a legume. They are also called dolichos bean, seim bean (India), Egyptian bean, bonavist bean/pea, dolico lablab, fagiolo indiano, and hyacinth bean.Traditional Chinese medical description:Their taste is sweet and effects are slightly warming.Lablab enters the meridians of the spleen and stomach. Indications include weak spleen and stomach dampness, and heat stroke. It is used for poor appetite, loose stools, excessive leucorrhea, vomiting and diarrhea in summer, chest tightness and abdominal distension. Recipe: Yam Lentil Porridge Ingredients: Huai Yam (dioscurea) 30 grams, lablab 10 grams, japonica rice 100 grams. Wash and peel the yam and slice it, lentils are boiled and half-cooked, add the japonica rice, and the yam is boiled into porridge. Dosage: 2 times a day, breakfast and dinner. Possible use: “Efficacy Liver Cancer Diet Therapy-with spleen and dampness, used for spleen deficiency and diarrhea embolism in patients with advanced liver cancer.”


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    特大沙爆鱼肚/ 桂花肚 筒状 (16oz/bag)

    特大沙爆鱼肚/桂花肚 筒狀(16oz/bag) Sha Bao Dried Fish Maw (16oz/bag)   花膠含有豐富蛋白質及骨膠原 滋陰養顏 性質溫和,適合所有人士食用  Fish maw contains rich proteins and nutrients such as phosphor and calcium. It nourishes 'yin', replenishes kidneys, and boosts stamina. ... Furthermore, fish maw does not contain cholesterol and therefore it is a very valuable health-enhancing ingredient suitable for long time consumption. 沙爆鱼肚羹的做法   沙爆鱼肚用冷水浸泡30分钟后冲洗干净,挤干水份,切小条备用 高汤煮滚后用幼盐调味,加入玉米粒同煮至玉米粒熟.(大概15分钟就可以了) 把处理好的鱼肚加入汤中,炖10分钟,撒少许白胡椒粉.然后用水淀粉勾芡 关火后马上把鸡蛋打碎后倒入羹中,用筷子快速搅拌.(羹的温度很高,快速把蛋液搅拌开来一是为了蛋花熟,二是为了蛋花细密匀称) 撒上葱花即可享用了   How to make sand fried fish maw soup  1. Soak the fish maw in cold water for 30 minutes, then rinse off, squeeze the water out, and cut the fish maw into small strips for later use. 2. After the stock is boiled, season with salt, add the corn kernels and cook until the corn kernels are cooked. (About 15 minutes will do)  3. Add the processed fish maw to the soup, simmer for 10 minutes, sprinkle a little white pepper. Then thicken the starch with water  4. After turning off the heat, immediately break the eggs and pour them into the soup, and stir quickly with chopsticks. (The temperature of the soup is very high, quickly stir the egg mixture, one is for the eggs to be cooked, and the other is for the eggs to be fine and even)  5. Sprinkle with chopped green onion and enjoy


  • 日本 純天然 整枝赤靈芝(16 oz) 日本 純天然 整枝赤靈芝(16 oz)

    日本 純天然 整枝赤靈芝(16 oz)

    日本 纯天然 整枝赤灵芝(16 oz) 赤灵芝又名丹芝,性平。气味苦平无毒,主治胸中结、益心气。赤灵芝民间称灵芝草。多孔菌科,是一种药用真菌。 性味 甘;平;无毒 经脉 肺经;心经;脾经;肾经 主治 益气血,安心神,健脾胃。主虚劳,心悸失眠,头晕,神疲乏力,久咳气喘,冠心病,矽肺,肿瘤。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g;研末,2~6g;或浸酒。 注意禁忌 实证慎服。 《本草经集注》:恶恒山。畏扁青、茵陈蒿。 【食疗方】 1.灵芝黑白木耳汤 灵芝6克,黑木耳(云耳)6克,白木耳(银耳)6克,蜜枣6枚,瘦猪肉200克。滋补肺、胃,活血润燥,强心补脑,防癌抗癌,降血压血脂,预防冠心病。 2.灵芝鹌鹑蛋汤 鹌鹑蛋12个,灵芝60克,红枣12个,将灵芝洗净, 切成细块;红枣(去核)洗净;鹌鹑蛋煮熟,去壳。把全部用料放入锅内,加清水适量,武火煮沸后,文火煲至灵芝出味,加白糖适量,再煲沸即成。具有补血益精、悦色减皱功效。   3.灵芝银耳羹 灵芝9克,银耳6克,冰糖15克,用小火炖2~3小时,至银耳成稠汁,取出灵芝残渣,分3次服用,治咳嗽,心神不安,失眠梦多、怔忡、健忘等症。 4.灵芝莲子清鸡汤 灵芝6克,莲子50克,陈皮一角,鸡一只。购买最好的天然灵芝健脾开胃,补益身体,病后体虚,产后,手术后,脾胃虚弱,血气不足,头晕眼花,可常饮此汤。     Japanese Red LingZhi /Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) (16oz) Reishi mushroom extract (ganoderma lucid) offers immune balancing, anti-cancer and skin beauty benefits such as reducing skin inflammation, puffiness, wrinkles and free radical damage, while also promoting cell regeneration. A staple in traditional Chinese medicine, reishi, which translates to “spiritual potency,” is known as the herb of immortality. Red Ganoderma lucidum, also known as Danzhi, is mildly sweet and pleasant tasting with a slightly bitter aroma. It t is mainly used to treat chest discomfort and benefit the heart. Chinese folk medicine called Red Ganoderma lucidum grass. Polyporaceae is a medicinal fungus. It enters the meridians of Lung; Heart; Spleen; and Kidney Channels.  Indications:   Red ganoderma benefits qi vitality and blood by strengthening spleen and stomach. It is pleasantly calming. The main uses are for fatigue, palpitations, insomnia, dizziness, chronic fatigue, coughing and wheezing, coronary heart disease, silicosis (lund exposure to silicea), aging and prevention of tumors.  Oral Dosage: decoction, 10~15g; ground powder, 2~6g; or soaked in wine. Empirical Caution: from "Ben Cao Jing Ji Zhu” Chinese Classic medicine text: avoid use of lingzhi during colds/flu or with moxabustion   Ganoderma Therapeutic Recipes:     Ganoderma black and white fungus soup Ingredients:    6 grams of Ganoderma lucidum, 6 grams of black fungus (cloud ear), 6 grams of white fungus (white fungus), 6 jujube dates, 200 grams of lean pork. Soak the fungi at least 3 hours and rinse before cooking. Blanch the pork before cooking to remove excess fat. Simmer all ingredients until done.  This soup nourishes the lungs and stomach, promotes blood circulation and moistens dryness, strengthens the heart and nourishes the brain, prevents cancer, lowers blood pressure and lipids, and prevents coronary heart disease.   Lingzhi quail egg soup  Ingredients:   12 quail eggs, 60 grams of Ganoderma lucidum, 12 red dates jujube. Wash the Ganoderma lucidum and cut into fine pieces; wash the red dates (peeled); the quail eggs are cooked and shelled. Put all the ingredients in the pot, add the appropriate amount of water, after the soup is boiled, simmer until the Ganoderma lucidum is done about one hour, add the right amount of sugar, and then boil.  This soup is nourishing for blood and improves jing essence (beauty and longevity), useful for reducing skin inflammation and wrinkles. Quail eggs are very nourishing and higher in cholesterol than chicken eggs. They enrich the complexion.     Ganoderma fungus soup   Ingredients:  9 grams of Ganoderma lucidum, 6 grams of white fungus and 15 grams of rock sugar.   This soup is recommended to help prevent chronic fatigue and illness. Ganoderma lucidum, lotus seed clear chicken soup   Ingredients:  Ganoderma lucidum 6 grams, lotus seeds 50 grams, a piece of orange peel, a chicken cut in pieces. This soup strengthens digestion and corrects poor appetite. It is a tonic for the entire body. Useful for recovery from illness and physical weakness, post-partum fatigue and depression, weak spleen and stomach with bloating and indigestion, insufficient blood production, post-surgery, weak spleen and stomach chronic diarrhea, PMS, and dizziness. For men, women and children to enjoy often.


  • 純天然 整枝 散裝 無柄 黑靈芝(16oz) 純天然 整枝 散裝 無柄 黑靈芝(16oz)

    純天然 整枝 散裝 無柄 黑靈芝(16oz)

    纯天然 野生黑灵芝#3128(16oz) LingZhi /Ganoderma Lucidum/reishi 16oz Size:18-25cm 免费切片,切块,如需服务请留言。 黑灵芝,又名黑芝,别名玄芝、黑云芝、味甘及性平。黑芝益肾、利尿、通九窍、聪察、消积;主治急性肾炎、慢性肾炎、消化不良。 性味 甘;平;无毒 经脉 肺经;心经;脾经;肾经 主治 益气血,安心神,健脾胃。主虚劳,心悸失眠,头晕,神疲乏力,久咳气喘,冠心病,矽肺,肿瘤。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g;研末,2~6g;或浸酒。 注意禁忌 实证慎服。 《本草经集注》:恶恒山。畏扁青、茵陈蒿。 【食疗方】 1.灵芝黑白木耳汤 灵芝6克,黑木耳(云耳)6克,白木耳(银耳)6克,蜜枣6枚,瘦猪肉200克。滋补肺、胃,活血润燥,强心补脑,防癌抗癌,降血压血脂,预防冠心病。 2.灵芝鹌鹑蛋汤 鹌鹑蛋12个,灵芝60克,红枣12个,将灵芝洗净, 切成细块;红枣(去核)洗净;鹌鹑蛋煮熟,去壳。把全部用料放入锅内,加清水适量,武火煮沸后,文火煲至灵芝出味,加白糖适量,再煲沸即成。具有补血益精、悦色减皱功效。   3.灵芝银耳羹 灵芝9克,银耳6克,冰糖15克,用小火炖2~3小时,至银耳成稠汁,取出灵芝残渣,分3次服用,治咳嗽,心神不安,失眠梦多、怔忡、健忘等症。 4.灵芝莲子清鸡汤 灵芝6克,莲子50克,陈皮一角,鸡一只。购买最好的天然灵芝健脾开胃,补益身体,病后体虚,产后,手术后,脾胃虚弱,血气不足,头晕眼花,可常饮此汤。     Lucid Ganoderma/Black LingZhi /Reishi  (16oz) Size:18-25cm Black ganoderma can boost immunity, fight fatigue, improve memory, increase energy stamina, lower cholesterol, reduce inflammation, relieve stress, reverse the aging process, and stimulate circulation. Ganoderma is also touted as a top source of antioxidants. Lucidum is a popular supplement taken by healthy individual to boost the immune system and by cancer patients along with conventional therapies. In this section, the scientific studies of G. lucidum on its anticancer properties are summarized.  [liver-protective, diabetes, anti-viral, and antioxidant actions]   From the manufacturer:  Black Ganoderma lucidum, also known as black zhi, also known as Xuanzhi, Black Yunzhi, and Heizhi The taste is sweet and neutral temperature. Heizhi nourishes the kidney. It regulates diuresis, improves nine orifices, and eliminates accumulation [edema and stones]; It is mainly used for acute nephritis, chronic nephritis and indigestion.  It enters the Lung, Heart, Spleen, and Kidney meridians. Indications: To replenish qi and blood, calm the mind and strengthen the spleen and stomach. It improves weakness mainly due to fatigue, palpitations, insomnia, dizziness, chronic cough, asthma, coronary heart disease, silicosis, tumors.  Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 10~15g; ground powder, 2~6g; or soaking in wine.  Cautions: "Materia Medica Collection Notes": Do not use with wormwood [or other herbs that might eliminate it from the body] 【Diet Therapy】   Ganoderma Black and White Fungus Soup   Ingredients: 6 grams of Ganoderma lucidum, 6 grams of black fungus (cloud ear fungus), 6 grams of white fungus (tremella), 6 candied dates, 200 grams of lean pork.  Nourishes the lungs and stomach, promotes blood circulation and moisturizes dryness, strengthens the heart and replenishes the brain, prevents cancer, lowers blood pressure and lipids, and prevents coronary heart disease.   Lingzhi Quail Egg Soup   Ingredients: 12 quail eggs, 60 grams of Ganoderma lucidum, 12 red dates wash the Ganoderma lucidum and cut into thin pieces; wash the red dates (with pits). Boil the quail eggs and remove their shells. Put all the ingredients into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water. Bring it to a boil, then simmer until the Ganoderma lucidum releases its taste [about 30-45 minutes]. Add an appropriate amount of sugar and boil again to dissolved the sugar. It has the effects of nourishing blood, nourishing essence, improving sallow complexion and reducing wrinkles. Ganoderma lucidum white fungus soup   Ingredients: 9 grams of Ganoderma lucidum, 6 grams of white fungus, 15 grams of rock sugar, simmer for 2 to 3 hours on low heat, until the white fungus becomes a thick juice. Strain out the residue of Ganoderma lucidum.  Dosage: 3 times daily to treat cough, restlessness, insomnia, forgetfulness, etc.  Ganoderma lotus seed chicken soup   Ingredients: 6 grams of Ganoderma lucidum, 50 grams of lotus seeds, a piece of tangerine peel (chen pi), one chicken cut in pieces. Add enough water to make soup.  Simmer all the ingredients for 2 – 3 hours until the lotus seeds are soft.  Functions: This is the best natural Ganoderma lucidum soup for invigorating the spleen and improving appetite, nourishing the body, for after illness, physical weakness, postpartum fatigue, weakness after surgery, weak spleen and stomach, insufficient blood circulation, dizziness. Anyone can often drink this soup.  


  • 枝) 枝)

    特大純天然 野生整枝 赤靈芝(5-7磅/枝)

    特大 纯天然 整枝 野生赤灵芝 #5091(5-7磅/整枝) 整枝售卖,起订量6磅,多退少补。 每枝5-7磅,直径45-60厘米. 性味 甘;平;无毒 性状 1.赤芝:外形呈伞状,菌盖肾形、半圆形或近圆形。皮壳坚硬,黄褐色至红褐色,有光泽,具环状棱纹和辐射状皱纹,边缘薄而平截,常稍内卷。菌肉白色至淡棕色。菌柄圆柱形,侧生,少偏生,红褐色至紫褐色,光亮。孢子细小,黄褐色。气微香,味苦涩。 2.紫芝:皮壳紫黑色,有漆样光泽。菌肉锈褐色。   XL Wild Red Reishi\Ganoderma Lucidum(5-7 lbs/ pcs) Minimum order:6 lbs. Sold in whole piece,  refund for any overpayment or a supplemental payment for any deficiency.  Size 45-60 cm, 5-7 lbs each pcs.  Many Benefits of Reishi Mushroom (Plus Side Effects and Dosage) Boost the Immune System. One of the most important effects of the reishi mushroom is that it can boost your immune system . ...  Anti-Cancer Properties. Many people consume this fungus due to its potential cancer-fighting properties...  Could Fight Fatigue and Depression. Heart Health Possible Blood Sugar Control Antioxidants Chi ganzhi, also known as Dan zhi,  The taste is sweet and slightly bitter and it is detoxifying. Traditional treatments include reduction of chest discomforts and improved mood and spirit. Chi ganzhi is also known as ganoderma. Poromycetaceae is a medicinal fungus. From the manufacturer:  Ganoderma lucidum: The shape is umbrella-shaped, the cap is kidney-shaped, semi-circular or nearly circular. The hull is hard, yellowish brown to reddish brown, shiny, with ring ribs and radial wrinkles, thin and truncated edges, often slightly inwardly rolled. The flesh is white to light brown. The stalk is cylindrical, laterally growing, less partial, reddish brown to purple-brown, bright. The spores are small and yellowish brown. Slight fragrance, bitter taste.    [Traditionally ganoderma is slow cooked at low heat for at least 10 hours to make a water extract. The mushroom may be cooked twice or as long as it has potency; and the juice may be kept refrigerated for up to 3 days. Few side-effects have been reported. . . In case of mushroom allergy, check with your health professional before use.]   


  • 盒) 盒)

    美國 野生 花旗參 20年生(4 oz/盒)

    永合豐 华盛顿牌 20年生美国野生花旗参 礼盒(4 oz/盒) 美國野山花旗參原產於北美洲,為五加科植物花旗參(Panax Quinquefolium LL.) 的幹燥根部。野山花旗參又稱野泡參,以天然山林中自然野生最為稀有。最好的野生參是產自美國紐約北面接加拿大的大山 CATSKILL MT. (加士基大山),其次是北卡羅萊納州的 BLUE RIDGE MT. (藍脊山) ,兩地產的野生參,參齡達十年以上,有些上至百年,參質較輕,參面橫紋較顯著,人參皂苷含量最高。 WHF American Wild Ginseng Gift Box (4 oz/Box) American ginseng has been recommended for diabetes, chronic thirst and hunger, menopausal hot flashes, stress headaches, premature aging skin and chronic dryness. Wild American Ginseng is native to North America and is the dry root of the Panax Quinquefolium LL. Wild mountain American ginseng, also known as wild American ginseng, is the rarest natural wild health tonic found in pristine mountain forests. The best wild ginseng comes from the Catskill Mountains (Gaskey Mountain) in northern New York to Canada, followed by the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. The roots are more than ten years old, some up to one hundred years. The quality of the ginseng is lighter, the surface grain is more prominent, and the content of ginsenoside is the highest. According to research and analysis, American ginseng contains: ginseng, ginseng acid, glycosides, ginsenosides and other beneficial ingredients. Citi Ginseng tastes sweet and spicy, is cooling in nature, and has the effect of nourishing the lungs and reducing inflammation, nourishing the stomach and invigorating the body. Where there is insufficient qi vitality and yin (fluids) in the body, fatigue, weakness, chronic coughing, hemoptysis, and deficiency of the lungs and stomach, moderate consumption of Citi ginseng can help relieve these discomforts.    


  • 中古茶堂 王中王 熟茶千年古树特制饼茶2001年珍稀原料 普洱茶饼 中古茶堂 王中王 熟茶千年古树特制饼茶2001年珍稀原料 普洱茶饼

    中古茶堂 王中王 熟茶千年古树特制饼茶2001年珍稀原料 普洱茶饼

    中古茶堂 王中王 熟茶 千年古树特制饼茶 2001年珍稀原料 普洱茶饼 龙泉枞运茶业有限公司出品 此茶选用特制的云南大叶种茶为原料,经传统工艺精心渥堆发酵,高温蒸压而成。高香持久,滋味顺滑,汤色红艳透亮,耐泡度高!性价比高!是品饮、馈赠、收藏之佳品!随着存放时间的延长,越陈越香!适合喜欢熟茶的朋友们收存或馈赠亲友! Zhong Gu Cha Tang Gu Shu 2001 Ripe Pu'er Tea Cake Pu’er is a fermented tea with a flavor that deepens with age. Quality Pu'er teas are collected and traded for high prices like fine wine... Generally speaking, Pu'er can be sweet, bitter, floral, mellow, woody, astringent, sour, earthy, . . . A combination of tastes appears in one single steeping. Bear in mind that the taste also changes as the tea ages. Arbor tea trees are ancient with a complex root system that gives depth to Pu'er tea's taste and health effects. In China, Pu-erh tea has long been sipped to achieve a variety of health benefits, such as improvements in heart health and reductions in cholesterol levels. It's also said that Pu-erh tea can help promote weight loss, enhance eyesight, stimulate circulation, and soothe hangovers.  


  • 易武正山 野生茶老茶 生茶茶饼 08年普洱茶(357g)

    易武正山 野生茶老茶 生茶茶饼 08年普洱茶(357g)

    易武正山 野生茶老茶 生茶茶饼 08年普洱茶(357g) Pu-Erh Tea is unique in that it gets better with age, much like a fine wine. It initially starts out as a green tea but is not fully fired. Instead, the moist leaves are loosely stacked on top of each other to allow them to dry and age. The result is a fresh, vegetal taste and sweet aftertaste. Pu’erh is digestive and contains a natural statin that helps to reduce harmful cholesterol.  Yi Wu Mountain area teas are among the early classic Yi Wu pressings. The tea is spicy, with an almost perfume-like aroma that is thick and pungent.  It's very complex with its unique character.  Very enjoyable premium quality Yi Wu, aged to perfection!  



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