Search results for "枸杞"
特選 寧夏 西枸杞子(12 oz/盒)
精选 宁夏 西枸杞(12 oz/盒) 性味 味甘;性平 性状 ①西枸杞 为植物宁夏枸杞的干燥成熟果实。呈椭圆形或纺锤形,略压扁,长1.5~2厘米,直径4~8毫米。表面鲜红色至暗红色,具不规则的皱纹,略有光泽,一端有白色果柄痕。肉质柔润,内有多数黄色种子;扁平似肾脏形。无臭,味甜,嚼之唾液染成红黄色。以粒大、肉厚、种子少、色红、质柔软者为佳。主产宁夏。甘肃有少量生产。 ②津枸杞 又名:津血杞、杜杞子。为植物枸杞的干燥成熟果实。呈椭圆形或圆柱形,两端略尖,长1~1.5厘米,直径3~5毫米。表面鲜红色或暗红色;具不规则的皱纹,无光泽。质柔软而略滋润,内藏多数种子,种子形状与上种略同。无臭,味甜。以粒大、肉厚、种子少、色红、质柔软者为佳。粒小、肉薄、种子多、色灰红老质次。主产河北。此外,河南、陕西、四川、山西、江苏等地亦产。 经脉 归肝经;肾经;肺经 功效 滋肾,润肺,补肝,明目。治肝肾阴亏,腰膝酸软,头晕,目眩,目昏多泪,虚劳咳嗽,消渴,遗精。 ①陶弘景:补益精气,强盛阴道。 ②《药性论》:能补益精诸不足,易颜色,变白,明目,安神。 ③《食疗本草》:坚筋耐老,除风,补益筋骨,能益人,去虚劳。 ④王好古:主心病嗌干,心痛,渴而引饮,肾病消中。 ⑤《纲目》:滋肾,润肺,明目。 ⑥《本草述》:疗肝风血虚,眼赤痛痒昏翳。治中风眩晕,虚劳,诸见血证,咳嗽血,痿、厥、挛,消瘅,伤燥,遗精,赤白浊,脚气,鹤膝风。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,5~15g;或入丸、散、膏、酒剂。 注意禁忌 外邪实热,脾虚有湿及泄泻者忌服。 【食疗方】 1.参杞酒 党参15克,枸杞子15克,米酒500毫升。将党参、枸杞子洗净,干燥后研为粗末,放入细口瓶内,加入米酒,密封瓶口,每日振摇1次,浸泡7天以上。每次服15毫升,早晚各服1次。 功效:益气补血、宁心安神。主治心脾两虚、心悸失眠、夜寐多梦、食欲不振、肢体倦怠等。 2.杞圆膏 枸杞子、龙眼肉各等份。加水,用小火多次煎熬至枸杞子、龙眼肉无味,去渣继续煎熬成膏,每次1~2汤匙,沸水冲服。 主治肝肾不足,血不养心,腰膝痿软,头昏耳鸣,心悸健忘等症。 3.山楂枸杞饮 山楂、枸杞各15g。二者加沸水冲泡。每日频饮。 功效:适用于病后体虚乏力,食欲不振,消化不良,腰膝酸软,目暗昏花等症。枸杞含有多种不饱和脂肪酸、氨基酸、维生素等成分,具有养阴补血,益精明目之功效,还可保肝、降血压、降血糖,与山楂共用,具有补肝益肾,补血益脑功能。 4.杞味茶 枸杞子、五味子各等份。干燥后研为粗末,每次9~15克,沸水浸泡,代茶饮。 主治气阴不足的人,不能适应夏季的炎热气候,常于春夏之交,眩晕体倦,两脚竣软,心烦自汗,饮食减少,脉浮乏力,亦即古时所称"疰夏"(或作"注夏")的病证。 NingXia Gou Qi/Barbary Wolfberry Fruit (12 oz) Goji [aka gou qi tse] is the dried and mature fruit of the plant Ningxia Lycium barbarum. It is oval or fusiform, slightly flattened, 1.5-2 cm long and 4-8 mm in diameter. The surface is bright red to dark red, with irregular wrinkles, slightly shiny, and white fruit stalk marks on one end. The flesh is soft and moist, with many yellow seeds inside; it is flattened like a kidney. The ones with large grains, thick flesh, few seeds, red color and soft texture are better. Mainly produced in Ningxia and Hebei. In addition, it is also produced in Henan, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Shanxi, Jiangsu and other places. It enters the Meridians of Liver, Kidney, Lung Channels Traditional Uses: Nourishes the kidneys, the lungs, the liver, and improves eyesight. It has been used to “Cure liver and kidney yin deficiency, weakness in waist and knees, dizziness, dizziness, faint and teary eyes, cough due to fatigue, diminished thirst, and nocturnal emission.” Diet Therapy Gou Qi wine Ingredients: 15 grams of Codonopsis, 15 grams of wolfberry, 500 ml of rice wine. Wash Codonopsis and Chinese wolfberry fruits, dry them and grind them into powder, put them into a narrow-mouth bottle, add rice wine, seal the mouth of the bottle, shake once a day, and soak for more than 7 days. Take 15 ml each time, once in the morning and once in the evening. Efficacy: To replenish qi and blood, calm the mind and calm the nerves. Indications of heart and spleen deficiency, palpitations, insomnia, sleepless nights, loss of appetite, fatigue, etc. 2. Gou Qi Tea Ingredients: Chinese wolfberry and schisandra in equal parts. After drying, grind into powder, 9-15 grams each time, brewing with boiling water and be ready to drink. Indications: For people with insufficient Qi and Yin who cannot adapt to the hot summer weather. Often dizzy and tired at the turn of spring and summer and feel dizzy and tired.
有機枸杞 沃福百瑞 德国BCS有机认证 (8 oz/包)
有机枸杞 8 oz/包 沃福百瑞 德国BCS有机认证 全美枸杞销量第一 性味 味甘;性平 经脉 归肝经;肾经;肺经 主治 滋肾,润肺,补肝,明目。治肝肾阴亏,腰膝酸软,头晕,目眩,目昏多泪,虚劳咳嗽,消渴,遗精。 【食疗方】 1.参杞酒 党参15克,枸杞子15克,米酒500毫升。将党参、枸杞子洗净,干燥后研为粗末,放入细口瓶内,加入米酒,密封瓶口,每日振摇1次,浸泡7天以上。每次服15毫升,早晚各服1次。 功效:益气补血、宁心安神。主治心脾两虚、心悸失眠、夜寐多梦、食欲不振、肢体倦怠等。 2.红杞乌参鸽蛋 枸杞子15克,水发乌参2只,鸽蛋12个。将乌参内壁膜去除干净,用沸汤氽两遍,冲洗干净,再用尖刀在腹壁刺成菱形花刀;鸽蛋凉水时下锅,用文火煮熟,捞出投入凉水内,剥壳,放在碗内;枸杞子洗净;葱切段,姜拍破。在锅中注入花生油,烧沸,鸽蛋滚满干豆粉,放人油锅内炸,炸至黄色时捞出。将锅烧热,注入猪油,烧沸,下葱、姜煽炒,随后倒入鸡汤,略煮,捞去姜、葱。投入乌参和适量酱油、料酒、胡椒粉,烧沸后,撇去浮沫,改用文火煨40分钟左右,投入鸽蛋和枸杞子,再煨10分钟,取出乌参和鸽蛋。汁内加入味精调味,用水豆粉勾芡,再淋沸猪油,浇在乌参和鸽蛋上。当点心食用。 功效:功能补肾滋阴,养肝明目。用治精血亏损,虚劳劳怯,阳萎,遗精。 3.杞圆膏 枸杞子、龙眼肉各等份。加水,用小火多次煎熬至枸杞子、龙眼肉无味,去渣继续煎熬成膏,每次1~2汤匙,沸水冲服。 主治肝肾不足,血不养心,腰膝痿软,头昏耳鸣,心悸健忘等症。 4.山楂枸杞饮 山楂、枸杞各15g。二者加沸水冲泡。每日频饮。 功效:适用于病后体虚乏力,食欲不振,消化不良,腰膝酸软,目暗昏花等症。枸杞含有多种不饱和脂肪酸、氨基酸、维生素等成分,具有养阴补血,益精明目之功效,还可保肝、降血压、降血糖,与山楂共用,具有补肝益肾,补血益脑功能。 USDA Organic Goji Berries / Barbary Wolfberry Fruit (8oz) Goji berries, also known as wolfberries or snowberries, are prized in Asia for their health benefits as well as their unique, satisfying flavor. These berries have been used in traditional Chinese medicine and cuisine for centuries. They can also be infused with hot water to make a nutrient-rich drink. Recently named as one of the top ten super-fruits, Goji berries are high in antioxidants and known to promote healthy vision and immune system. From the manufacturer: The taste is sweet. It enters the Liver, Kidney and Lung meridians. Indications: Nourishes the kidneys, the lungs, the liver, and improves eyesight. It has been used to cure liver and kidney yin deficiency, soreness of waist and knees, dizziness, poor vision and teary eyes, cough due to fatigue, thirst, and nocturnal emission. Diet Therapy Ginseng wine Ingredients: 15 grams of Codonopsis, 15 grams of wolfberry, 500 ml of rice wine. Wash the Codonopsis and Chinese wolfberry fruit, dry them and grind them into coarse powder, put them into a narrow-necked bottle, add rice wine. Seal the mouth of the bottle, shake it once a day, and soak it for more than 7 days. Take 15 ml each time, 1 time in the morning and evening. Efficacy: To replenish qi and blood, calm the mind and spirit. Indications are for deficiency of the heart and spleen, palpitations, insomnia, sleepless nights, loss of appetite, fatigue, etc. Wolfberry Fruit Paste Ingredients: The wolfberry fruit and longan fruit are equal parts. Add water, simmer for several minutes over low heat until the wolfberry and longan meat are soft, remove the residue and continue to simmer into a paste; Dosage: 1 to 2 tablespoons each time, taken with boiling water. Indications: for liver and kidney deficiency, blood does not nourish the heart, weak waist and knees, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations and forgetfulness. Hawthorn and wolfberry drink Ingredients: Hawthorn berry and wolfberry each 15g. Simmer them together and drink the tea frequently daily. Efficacy: It is suitable for symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, indigestion, weakness of waist and knees, and dim eyesight. Lycium barbarum (goji) contains a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and other ingredients. It has the effects of nourishing yin and blood, and improving eyesight. It can also protect the liver, lower blood pressure, and lower blood sugar. When mixed with hawthorn, it has the functions of nourishing liver and kidney, and nourishing blood and the brain.
精选 野生 黑枸杞
精選 野生 黑枸杞 黑果枸杞,别名:苏枸杞,俗称:黑枸杞。为中国西部特有的沙漠药用植物品种,产于中国青海省东部、新疆北部、甘肃、西藏等地。黑果枸杞是迄今为止确定的天然原花青素含量最高的野生植物,经测定,黑果枸杞含有17种氨基酸,13种微量元素,其中钙、镁、铜锌、铁的含量均高于红枸杞,营养价值也远远高于普通红枸杞,被誉为“软黄金”。 黑果枸杞味甘、性平,富含蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、游离氨基酸、有机酸、矿物质、微量元素、生物碱、维生素C、B1、B2等各种营养成分。而且含有丰富的黑果色素—天然原花青素(红果枸杞不含),其OPC含量超过蓝莓(黑果枸杞含OPC 3690mg/100g;蓝莓含OPC 330~3380mg/100g) 注意黑枸杞的保存方式:防潮防异味、低温冷藏。 适宜人群最适合吃黑枸杞的是体质虚弱、抵抗力差的人。而且,一定要长期坚持,每天吃一点,才能见效。 另外,需要注意,不是所有的人都适合服用的。由于它温热身体的效果相当强,正在感冒发烧、身体有炎症、腹泻的人最好别吃 。 Barbary Wolfberry Fruit /Black Gou Qi Zi (4 oz/16 oz) Black goji berry has the same qualities as the red goji berry with the added benefit of a huge amount of resveratrol. Protects the eyes. ... Provides immune system support. ... Protects against cancer. ... Promotes healthy skin. ... Stabilizes blood sugar. ... Improves depression, anxiety, and sleep. ... Prevents liver damage. The black goji fruit has been used as traditional Tibetan medicine for thousands of years. Recently, some investigations indicated that Lycium ruthenicum Murr. exhibits a wide range of pharmacological properties, such as anti-oxidation, anti-fatigue and hypoglycemic activity From the manufacturer: It is a unique desert and medicinal plant variety in western China, produced in the eastern part of Qinghai Province, northern Xinjiang, Gansu, Tibet, and other places. Lycium ruthenicum is the wild plant with the highest content of natural proanthocyanidins. It has been determined that Lycium ruthenicum contains 17 kinds of amino acids and 13 kinds of trace elements, among which the contents of calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, and iron are all higher than those of red medlar. The value is much higher than that of ordinary red wolfberry, and is known as "soft gold". Lycium ruthenicum is sweet in taste and mild in nature. It is rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, free amino acids, organic acids, minerals, trace elements, alkaloids, vitamin C, B1, B2, and other nutrients. And it is rich in black fruit pigment-natural proanthocyanidins (red fruit wolfberry does not contain), and its OPC content exceeds blueberry (Black fruit wolfberry contains OPC 3690mg/100g; blueberry contains OPC 330-3380mg/100g) Pay attention to the storage method of black wolfberry: Store in a moisture-proof area in cold storage and discard any that have a peculiar smell. The most suitable for eating black wolfberry are people with weak physique and poor resistance. Moreover, you must persist for a long time and eat a little every day to get results. In addition, it should be noted that not everyone is suitable for taking it. Since it has a strong effect of warming the body, it is best not to eat it if you are catching a cold, fever, inflammation, or diarrhea.
$19.99 - $77.99
一級 寧夏 枸杞子 (16 oz)
宁夏 一级 枸杞子 (160-190粒 /磅) 性味 味甘;性平 性状 ①西枸杞 为植物宁夏枸杞的干燥成熟果实。呈椭圆形或纺锤形,略压扁,长1.5~2厘米,直径4~8毫米。表面鲜红色至暗红色,具不规则的皱纹,略有光泽,一端有白色果柄痕。肉质柔润,内有多数黄色种子;扁平似肾脏形。无臭,味甜,嚼之唾液染成红黄色。以粒大、肉厚、种子少、色红、质柔软者为佳。主产宁夏。甘肃有少量生产。 ②津枸杞 又名:津血杞、杜杞子。为植物枸杞的干燥成熟果实。呈椭圆形或圆柱形,两端略尖,长1~1.5厘米,直径3~5毫米。表面鲜红色或暗红色;具不规则的皱纹,无光泽。质柔软而略滋润,内藏多数种子,种子形状与上种略同。无臭,味甜。以粒大、肉厚、种子少、色红、质柔软者为佳。粒小、肉薄、种子多、色灰红老质次。主产河北。此外,河南、陕西、四川、山西、江苏等地亦产。 经脉 归肝经;肾经;肺经 功效 滋肾,润肺,补肝,明目。治肝肾阴亏,腰膝酸软,头晕,目眩,目昏多泪,虚劳咳嗽,消渴,遗精。 ①陶弘景:补益精气,强盛阴道。 ②《药性论》:能补益精诸不足,易颜色,变白,明目,安神。 ③《食疗本草》:坚筋耐老,除风,补益筋骨,能益人,去虚劳。 ④王好古:主心病嗌干,心痛,渴而引饮,肾病消中。 ⑤《纲目》:滋肾,润肺,明目。 ⑥《本草述》:疗肝风血虚,眼赤痛痒昏翳。治中风眩晕,虚劳,诸见血证,咳嗽血,痿、厥、挛,消瘅,伤燥,遗精,赤白浊,脚气,鹤膝风。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,5~15g;或入丸、散、膏、酒剂。 注意禁忌 外邪实热,脾虚有湿及泄泻者忌服。 【食疗方】 1.参杞酒 党参15克,枸杞子15克,米酒500毫升。将党参、枸杞子洗净,干燥后研为粗末,放入细口瓶内,加入米酒,密封瓶口,每日振摇1次,浸泡7天以上。每次服15毫升,早晚各服1次。 功效:益气补血、宁心安神。主治心脾两虚、心悸失眠、夜寐多梦、食欲不振、肢体倦怠等。 2.杞圆膏 枸杞子、龙眼肉各等份。加水,用小火多次煎熬至枸杞子、龙眼肉无味,去渣继续煎熬成膏,每次1~2汤匙,沸水冲服。 主治肝肾不足,血不养心,腰膝痿软,头昏耳鸣,心悸健忘等症。 3.山楂枸杞饮 山楂、枸杞各15g。二者加沸水冲泡。每日频饮。 功效:适用于病后体虚乏力,食欲不振,消化不良,腰膝酸软,目暗昏花等症。枸杞含有多种不饱和脂肪酸、氨基酸、维生素等成分,具有养阴补血,益精明目之功效,还可保肝、降血压、降血糖,与山楂共用,具有补肝益肾,补血益脑功能。 4.杞味茶 枸杞子、五味子各等份。干燥后研为粗末,每次9~15克,沸水浸泡,代茶饮。 主治气阴不足的人,不能适应夏季的炎热气候,常于春夏之交,眩晕体倦,两脚竣软,心烦自汗,饮食减少,脉浮乏力,亦即古时所称"疰夏"(或作"注夏")的病证。 Gou qi zi / Barbary Wolfberry Fruit (16 oz) Gou gi berries, also known as goji, wolfberries or snowberries, are prized for their health benefits as well as their unique, satisfying flavor. These berries have been used in traditional Chinese medicine and cuisine for centuries. They can also be infused with hot water to make a nutrient-rich drink. Recently named as one of the top ten superfruits, Goji berries are high in antioxidants and known to promote healthy vision and immune system. From the manufacturer: The taste is sweet. It is the dry matured fruit of the plant Ningxia Lycium barbarum. It is oval or fusiform, slightly flattened, 1.5-2 cm long and 4-8 mm in diameter. The surface is bright red to dark red, with irregular wrinkles, slightly shiny, and white fruit stalk marks on one end. The flesh is soft and moist, with many yellow seeds inside; it is flat and kidney-shaped. Odorless and sweet, the saliva from chewing is dyed red and yellow. The ones with large grains, thick flesh, few seeds, red color and soft texture are better. It is mainly produced in Ningxia. There is a small amount of production in Gansu. ②Jin wolfberry, also known as Jinxue Qi, Du Qizi, is the dry mature fruit of the plant Lycium barbarum. It is oval or cylindrical, with slightly pointed ends, 1 to 1.5 cm in length and 3 to 5 mm in diameter. The surface is bright red or dark red; with irregular wrinkles and dull. The texture is soft and slightly moist, with many seeds inside, and the shape of the seeds is similar to the previous one. Odorless and sweet. The ones with large grains, thick flesh, few seeds, red color and soft texture are better. The grain is small, the flesh is thin, the seeds are many, and the color is gray, red and old. Mainly produced in Hebei. In addition, it is also produced in Henan, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Shanxi, Jiangsu and other places. Goji enters the Liver, Kidney and Lung meridians. It nourishes the kidneys, lungs, the liver, and improves eyesight. It has been used to cure liver and kidney yin deficiency, soreness of waist and knees, dizziness, faint vision and teary eyes, cough due to fatigue, diminished saliva and thirst, nocturnal emission. Classical References: ①Tao Hongjing: Replenishing vital energy and strengthening the vagina. ② "Medicinal Nature Theory": It can replenish all deficiencies in essence, jaundice, pallor, improves eyesight, and soothes the nerves. ③ "Diet Therapy Materia Medica": use for strong muscles and aging resistance, eliminates wind [nerve irritation], nourishes bones and muscles, can benefit people, and eliminate wasting. ④Wang Haogu: Main use for heart disease, dryness, heartache, thirst and drinking, kidney disease disappears. ⑤ "Compendium": nourishes the kidneys, nourishes the lungs, and improve eyesight. ⑥ "Materia Medica": treatment of liver wind and blood deficiency, red eyes, pain, itching, dizziness. Cures apoplexy, dizziness, asthenia, all kinds of blood syndrome, coughing blood, dysfunction, convulsion, contracture, swelling, dryness, nocturnal emission, red and white turbidity, athlete's foot, knee pain. Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 5~15g; or made into pills, powder, ointment, or steeped in alcohol. Cautions: People with excessive pathogenic heat [fever.colds, flu], wet spleen and diarrhea should not use it. Diet Therapy Ginseng and Wolfberry wine Ingredients: 15 grams of codonopsis, 15 grams of wolfberry, 500 ml of rice wine. Wash the codonopsis and Chinese wolfberry fruits, dry them and grind them into coarse powder, put them into a narrow-mouth bottle, add rice wine, seal the mouth of the bottle, shake once a day, and soak for more than 7 days. Take 15 ml each time, 1 time in the morning and evening. Efficacy: To replenish qi and blood, and calm the mind. Indications for deficiency of the heart and spleen, palpitations, insomnia, loss of appetite, fatigue, etc. Qiyuan paste Ingredients: The medlar fruit and longan fruits are equal parts. Add water, simmer over low heat until the medlar and longan are soft and tasteless, remove the slag and continue to simmer into a paste. Dosage: 1 to 2 tablespoons each time, and take it with boiling water. Indications: Used for liver and kidney deficiency, when “blood does not nourish the heart,” [palpitations, restlessness, insomnia, poor memory] weak waist and knees, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations and forgetfulness. Hawthorn and wolfberry drink Ingredients: Hawthorn and wolfberry each 15g. Combine both and add boiling water to brew. Drink frequently daily. Efficacy: It is suitable for symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, indigestion, weakness of waist and knees, and dim eyesight. Lycium barbarum contains a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and other ingredients. It has the effects of nourishing yin and blood, and improving eyesight. It can also protect the liver, lower blood pressure, and lower blood sugar. When shared with hawthorn, it has the functions of nourishing liver and kidney, and nourishing blood and brain. Wolfberry Tea Ingredients: Chinese wolfberry and schisandra [wu wei zi] in equal parts. After drying, grind into coarse powder. Dose: Take 9 to 15 grams each time, steep in boiling water to replace tea. [or steep 1 tsp. of each as tea.] People with insufficient Qi and Yin cannot adapt to the hot summer climate. They are often dizzy and tired at the turn of spring and summer. They feel dizzy and tired, their feet become weak, They become upset and have spontaneous sweating, and their nutrition is reduced. The pulse is weak.
TangLong MingMu QiJu DiHuang Wan 200 pills 唐龍 明目杞菊地黄丸 200粒 唐龍 蘭州太寳製藥有限公司 Lanzhou Taibao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd Exp: 01/31/2025 规格: 200粒濃縮丸/瓶 功效: 清頭明目, 滋腎養肝。 幫助調理肝腎陽虚, 羞明畏光, 事物模糊, 迎風流泪。 成分: 熟地黃、茯苓、當歸、山茱萸、澤瀉、白芍、牡丹皮、枸杞子、菊花、山藥、蒺藜 用法用量: 每次6粒,每日3次。或遵醫囑。警告:孕婦忌服。避免兒童接觸。 Size: 200pills/bottle Effect: An herbal supplement to help nourish the kidney and liver and maintain health in vision system. Component: Rehmannia(root)Indian BreadChinese Angelica(root)Common Macrocarpium(fruit)Oriental Waterplantain(rhizome)White Peony(root)Tree Peony barkWolfberry(fruit)Chrysanthemum FlowerChinese Yam (rhizome)Puncturevine Caltrop(fruit) Direction to use: Take 6 pills each time, 3 times daily. Or consult your herbalist. Do not use if pregnant.Keep out of reach of children. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
炖品汤料/药膳汤包 Meat Stew Formula 配料:元肉、枸杞、黑棗、黨參、北芪、淮山。 補氣養血,可用於煲肉或雞湯。 Meat Stew Formula 燉品湯料 Effect: This soup has the added advantage of tasty and nutritious Chinese herbs to enhance blood, energy, and immunity. Ingredients: Longan fruit, Wolfberry fruit/goji berry, Jujube Date, Codonopsis, Astragalus, Dioscoreae, white yamAccording to modern research, fresh longan has very high nutritional value containing carbohydrate, proteins, amino acids, vitamins B, C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, tartaric acid, adenine, etc. Modern pharmacological research shows that longan’s Vitamin P is especially helpful to the elderly since it is able to protect blood vessels, prevents hardening of the arteries and confirms an claim made by China’s first pharmacy monograph Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic that longan can help weight loss and keep people young. Wolfberry fruit, goji berry is praised as a rejuvenating tonic. Among its proven benefits are that goji protects the eyes, provides immune system support, protects against cancer and liver damage, promotes healthy skin, stabilizes blood sugar and improves depression, anxiety, and sleep. According to research, red jujube date enhances muscle strength, eliminates fatigue, dilates blood vessels, increases myocardial contractility, improves myocardial nutrition, and prevents and treats cardiovascular diseases. It tonifies deficiency and invigorates Qi, nourishes the blood and soothes the nerves, and strengthens the spleen and stomach. The Chinese dried white yam is used in Meat Stew Formula to tone digestion, especially symptoms known as weak spleen Qi such as general weakness, poor appetite, loose bowels. Chinese yam nourishes the lungs and replenishes lung qi to treat shortness of breath, general weakness, and a feeble voice.Used in combination, codonopsis and astragalus lift up and enhance defensive energy against colds, flu, allergies. Astragalus increases T and B cells to prevent chronic illness and fatigue. Suggestions: Quickly blanch the ingredients and add them to cook with chicken or vegetable soup. Please consult your physician before using this product.
武溪大補茶 / 药膳汤包 成分:黃精、白朮、茯神、當歸、枸杞、黨參、北芪、熟地 Ingredients : Huáng jīng, Báishù, Fú shén, Dāngguī, Qǐ zi, Dǎngshēn, Běi qí, ShúdìPlease consult your physician before using this product.
HYT Black Goji Berries Juice
华药堂黑枸杞原浆 210ml(30mlx7袋) 【配料】黑枸杞原浆【食用方法】开袋即食,冷藏口感更佳。【贮存条件】置于阴凉干燥处保存,避免阳光直射。【温馨提示】1.果汁中含有少量果肉,饮用前摇一摇。2.若胀包或渗漏请勿饮用。3.过敏体质者请谨慎使用本品。【保质期】18个月 HYT Black Goji Berries Juice 【Ingredients】 Goji Berries Juice【Suggested Use】 Ready to eat, refrigerated for better taste【Storage】 Store in a cool and dry place, keep away from direct sunlight.【Notes 】1.Juice contains a small amount of pub, please shake well before drinking.2.Please do not drink if the package is swollen leaking.3.Please consume this product with caution if you are allergic【Shelf Life】18 months
, by Sheldon Yang 冬日靚湯-蟲草花干貝玉米湯
, by Eric Yiliqi 不想做這個夏天最“涼”的仔?
, by Sheldon Yang 燕窩-推薦燕窩食譜
, by Web Admin 長壽禮物
長壽禮物 中醫以人參、黃芪、枸杞、靈芝等保健長壽滋補藥材而聞名。它們是適應原,可以幫助我們應對壓力和減緩衰老跡象。他們製作貼心的禮物以及明智的日常食物。