
Herbs are valuable to prevent illness for over five thousand years. Wing Hop Fung features bulk herbs, including famous tonics such as cordyceps and reishi, also classic combined herbal formulas.


Traditional Herbal Remedies Traditional Herbal Remedies Boost your health and mental power with thousands of years old herbalism tradition

Herbs are valuable to prevent illness for over five thousand years. Wing Hop Fung features bulk herbs, including famous tonics such as cordyceps and reishi, also classic combined herbal formulas.

39 products

  • 藿香 16oz

    藿香 16oz

    藿香 广藿香 16oz Cablin Patchouli Herb /Wrinkled Giant Hyssop Herb 广藿香 大叶薄荷 兜娄婆香 猫尾巴香 山茴香 土藿香 排香草 水蔴叶 藿去病 火香 It is called huò xiāng (Chinese: 藿香) in Chinese and it is one of the 50 fundamental herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is used interchangeably with guang huo xiang. It was traditionally used to relieve nausea, vomiting and poor appetite. It contains methyl chavicol, anethole, anisaldehyde, limonene, pinene and linalool. 性味 味辛;性微温 经脉 入心经、肺经、胆经、胃经。 功效 本品为唇形科植物广藿香的干燥地上部分。芳香化湿,和胃止呕,祛暑解表。主湿阻中焦之脘腹痞闵,食欲不振,呕吐,泄泻,外感暑湿之寒热头痛,湿温初起的发热身困,胸闵恶心,鼻渊,手足癣。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,5~10g,鲜者加倍,不宜久煎;或入丸散。 外用:适量,煎水含漱,或浸泡患部;或研末调敷。 注意禁忌 ①《本草经疏》:阴虚火旺,胃弱欲呕及胃热作呕,中焦火盛热极,温病热病,阳明胃家邪实作呕作胀,法并禁用。 ②《本经逢原》:其茎能耗气,用者审之。 食疗方 1.藿香扁豆饮 鲜藿香30克,鲜荷叶30克,鲜扁豆汁30克。将上3味药用开水浸泡,代茶频饮。 功效:清暑热,爽神志。主治中暑或因暑热引起的恶心呕吐。 2.藿香粥 藿香末10克,粳米50克。先将粳米入锅中,加水煮粥,待米花将开时,加入藿香粉,再炖至粥熟即成。每日早晚各服1剂。 功效:解暑祛湿,开胃止呕。主治夏季感觉暑湿之邪,发热胸闷,食欲不振,呕恶吐泻,精神不振等症。   Cablin Patchouli Herb/Huo Xiang (16oz) It is called huò xiāng in Chinese and it is one of the 50 fundamental herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is used interchangeably with Guang Huo Xiang. It was traditionally used to relieve nausea, vomiting, and poor appetite. It contains methyl chavicol, anethole, anisaldehyde, limonene, pinene, and linalool. The acrid and slightly warm herb has been used in TCM to treat weak digestion, lack of appetite, diarrhea/vomiting, dysentery, coughing, bad breath, vomiting, and diarrhea, etc., as it transforms dampness, disperses Summer-Heat, stops vomiting, etc., by enhancing the functions of spleen, stomach and lungs channels. Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 5~10g; or into pills. External use: appropriate amount, decocted and rinsed, or soaked the affected part; or grind and apply.  Cautions: Avoid use with Yin deficiency and fire, stomach weakness, vomiting and stomach heat nausea, moderate scorching fire, febrile fever, and bloating. Diet therapy  Cablin Patchouli and Lentil Drink   Ingredients:  30 grams of fresh Cablin Patchouli, 30 grams of fresh lotus leaves, 30 grams of fresh lentil juice. Soak the ingredients in boiling water and drink frequently. Efficacy: clearing heat, refreshing mind. Indications of heatstroke or nausea and vomiting caused by heat. 


  • 云南安宁 金边玫瑰 #1328

    云南安宁 金边玫瑰 #1328

    云南安宁 金边玫瑰 #1328  玫瑰花茶是一種清新淡雅的花茶,美容功效非常好,所以它非常受女性朋友的歡迎。只要加入開水,浸泡5分鐘後即可飲用。 玫瑰花茶的味道清香幽雅,能令人緩和情緒、紓解抑鬱中醫認為,玫瑰花具有疏肝解鬱、健脾降火、潤腸通便、行氣活血和消除疲勞的功效。長期飲用,對治療口臭及改善睡眠也有很好效果。   Dried Chinese Rose #1328 Chinese Rose Tea is made from buds specially selected and handpicked when they are young to preserve the natural shape of the flowers when being dried. As a result, they retain the full flavors and aroma within each rosette, emanating the natural rose essence. Enjoyable when brewed by itself or lightly sprinkled over other teas, Chinese Rose is traditionally enjoyed in Asia and is believed to beautify the complexion. Rose tea is a fresh and elegant scented tea with very good beauty benefits, so it is very popular with female friends. Just add boiling water, steep for 5 minutes, inhale the delicious aroma, and drink it any time of day. Rose tea has a delicate fragrance and elegant taste, which can help treat emotional upset and prevent depression. Chinese medicine believes that roses soothe the liver and relieve depression, strengthen the spleen and reduce inflammation, help soothe stomach upset and constipation, promote qi and blood circulation and eliminate fatigue. Long-term drinking prevents bad breath and improves sleep.

    $11.99 - $41.99

  • 山東 精选大紅玫瑰花 #1107 山東 精选大紅玫瑰花 #1107

    $15.99 - $56.99

  • 絞股藍茶 #1332 絞股藍茶 #1332

    絞股藍茶 #1332

    绞股蓝茶#1332 绞股蓝茶是我国一种古老的中草药和常饮茶,采摘绞股蓝嫩叶和嫩芽,经由现代中药加工工艺与古法炒茶工艺相结合炮制而成绞股蓝茶,茶汤碧绿,稍带清香、微苦,入喉回甘。具有降血压、降血脂、降血糖、延缓衰老等功效。   Jiao Gu Lan Tea / Gynostemma Pentaphyllum #1332 Jiao Gu Lian, also known as miracle grass, is an herbaceous vine indigenous to southern China, Korea, and Japan. It is best known as a herbal medicine reputed to have powerful antioxidant and adaptogenic effects that increase longevity. It contains no caffeine and has been used to help lower high blood pressure. Its taste is sweet like stevia and can be slightly bitter and sour. Jiaogulan (Gynostemma Pentaphyllum) is a climbing vine native to China believed to have healing properties. Used in traditional Chinese medicine, the herb is said to offer anti-aging benefits and aid many common health conditions, including diabetes, high cholesterol, and anxiety. . . Jiaogulan is generally regarded as safe, though it may cause side effects including nausea and an increase in bowel movements. People with diabetes who are taking insulin or other blood-sugar-lowering medications should use jiaogulan with caution, as it may lead to hypoglycemic episodes.  

    $8.99 - $32.99

  • 雲南田七花#1207


    云南 田七花茶#1207 田七花可降血压、血脂、减速肥、防癌、咽喉炎等,生津止渴、提神补气、提高心机供氧能力,增强机体免疫功能。每次取10至13朵,开水冲泡,可反复浸泡,直至无甘苦味后换用。或用10至20朵花浸泡20分钟可炒肉。 性味 味甘;性凉 功效 本品为五加科植物三七的干燥花。清热生津;平肝降压。主津伤口渴;咽痛音哑;高血压病 用法用量 内服:适量,开水泡服。   Notoginseng flower/Tian Qi Flower Tea #1207 Tian qi Flower tea has a distinctive look and taste. Its appearance is a small greenish bud that looks like dried broccoli flowers. The taste is vegetal, cooling, and slightly minty. It has similar taste and benefits as American ginseng. Tian Qi is highly prized throughout Asia for its traditional use of relieving pain, its healing properties, and in aiding in retaining fluid levels. It is used to make Essence of Tienqi Flower instant beverage recommended for easing headache, hypertension, stiff jaw and tooth-grinding during sleep, also facial acne and nervousness.  Tianqihua can lower blood pressure, blood lipids, and help maintain a normal weight.  It has been shown to help prevent cancer, pharyngitis, etc., It promotes body fluids and quenches thirst, refreshes energy, improves oxygen supply capacity which enhances the body's immune function. Take 10 to 13 flowers each time, brew in boiling water. It can be steeped repeatedly many times until there is no bitterness and sweetness. Or use 10 to 20 flowers to steep for 20 minutes and add them to cook meat. The taste is sweet; It is cooling in nature. This product is the dried flower of the Araliaceae plant Panax notoginseng.  It is used to clear away heat and produce fluids; calms the liver and lowers blood pressure. It is used for chronic thirst; sore throat; dull voice; and hypertension. Dosage Oral administration: Take proper amount, steep in boiled water.

    $27.99 - $104.99

  • 特級  霍山石斛

    特級 霍山石斛

    特级 霍山石斛 石斛(学名:Dendrobium nobile Lindl),又名仙斛兰韵、不死草、还魂草、紫萦仙株、吊兰、林兰、禁生等。茎直立,肉质状肥厚,稍扁的圆柱形,长10~60厘米,粗达1.3厘米。药用植物,性味甘淡微咸,寒,归胃、肾,肺经。益胃生津,滋阴清热 。用于阴伤津亏,口干烦渴,食少干呕,病后虚热,目暗不明。石斛花姿优雅,玲珑可爱,花色鲜艳,气味芳香,被喻为“四大观赏洋花”之一 。 性味 甘;微寒 经脉 胃经;肺经;肾经 功效 为兰科植物金钗石斛、美花石斛、铁皮石斛、束花石斛、马鞭石斛等的茎。 治热病伤津,口干烦渴,病后虚热,阴伤目暗。 用法用量 内服:煎汤6~15g,鲜品加倍;或入丸、散;或熬膏。鲜石斛清热生津力强,热津伤者宜之;干石斛用于胃虚夹热伤阴者为宜。 注意禁忌 温热病早期阴未伤者、湿温病未化燥者、脾胃虚寒者均禁服。 石斛甘蔗饮 鲜石斛20克,甘蔗汁250毫升。将洗净、切碎的鲜石斛放入锅内,加入清水适量,先浸渍2小时,再煎煮50分钟,滤取液汁。兑入甘蔗汁,稍沸。当茶频频饮用。 功效:清热滋阴,养胃生津。主治邪热伤阴所致的口渴欲饮和大肠液亏所致的大便秘积等。   Shi Hu Dendrobium Nobile Lindl #3630 Dendrobium is a member of the orchid (Orchidaceae) family and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for many centuries to treat thirst, fever, diabetes, infection, inflammation, cancer, protect eyesight, and improve appetite and digestion. (opss.org) It benefits the stomach and promotes fluid, nourishes yin, and clears away heat. It is used for fever, yin injury and loss of body fluid, dry mouth and polydipsia, loss of appetite and retching; deficiency and heat after illness, and dark eyes [dim vision]. Dosage Oral administration: decoction 6~15g, then drink; or pill, powder; or boil ointment. Fresh Dendrobium has a strong ability to clear heat and generate fluid, so it is suitable for those who suffer from heat and body injury. Dried Dendrobium is suitable for those with stomach deficiency and heat injury.  Cautions: Those with yin not injured in the early stage of febrile fever, those with damp-febrile disease not getting dry, [watery phlegm, nausea], and those with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold [for example watery diarrhea] should avoid using it.   Dendrobium sugarcane drink  Ingredients:  20 grams of fresh dendrobium, 250 ml of sugar cane juice.  Put the washed and chopped fresh dendrobium into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, soak for 2 hours, then decoct for 50 minutes, and filter the juice. Add sugar cane juice and bring to a boil.  When this tea is consumed frequently the efficacy is: clearing away heat and nourishing yin, nourishing stomach, and promoting body fluid. 

    $59.99 - $178.99

  • 淡竹葉 16oz

    淡竹葉 16oz

    淡竹叶 16oz 竹叶门冬青、迷身草、山鸡米、金竹叶、长竹叶、山冬、地竹、淡竹米、林下竹 性味 甘;淡;寒 功效 本品为禾本科植物淡竹叶的干燥茎叶。 治热病口渴,心烦,小便赤涩,淋浊,口糜舌疮,牙龈肿痛。 经脉 入心经、肺经、胆经、胃经。 主治 清心火,除烦热,利小便。治热病口渴,心烦,小便赤涩,淋浊,口糜舌疮,牙龈肿痛。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,9~15g。 注意禁忌 无实火、湿热者慎服,体虚有寒者禁服。   Common Lophatherum Herb, Common Lophatherum Some health benefits of bamboo leaves include: Balances body cholesterol. A bamboo leaf is rich in dietary fiber. Anti-tumor. ...  Soothes urination. ...  Promotes overall wellness and health. ...  Treatment of stomach disorders. ...  Keeps the skin healthy. ...  Promotes hair and nail health. ...  Prevents birth disorder. ...  https://bambooproductsdepot.com/health-benefits-bamboo-leaves/ Bamboo leaf tea:  Relieves symptoms of constant thirst resulting from major heat-related illnesses  Eases canker sores and painful urination      The taste is sweet and mild, and it is cold in nature. The dry stems and branches with leaves, 30 to 60 cm in length. The stem is yellowish, hollow, flattened, and cylindrical, with a diameter of 1 to 2 mm; it is knotted, sheathed in the stem, and has long white pilose along the edge. Leaf-blades are lanceolate, shrunken and curled, 5-20 cm long, 2-3.5 cm wide, cyan or yellow-green, glabrous or pubescent on both sides, parallel veins, with obvious small transverse veins, light and light weak. The ones with green color, large leaves, few stalks, no roots, and flower spikes are better. They enter the Heart, Lung, Gallbladder, and Stomach meridians.  Effects: To clear the heart and reduce inflammation, remove irritability, and facilitate urination. Bamboo leaf has been used to cure fever, thirst, upset, red and astringent urine, turbidity, mouth ulcers, swelling, and painful gums. Dosage: Oral administration: Decoction, 9~15g.  Cautions: Those who have no real fire or damp-heat should take it with caution, and those who are weak and cold should not take it.  


  • 旱蓮草 16oz

    旱蓮草 16oz

    旱莲草 16oz Yerbadetajo Herb 金陵草、莲子草、旱莲草、旱莲子、白旱莲、猪牙草、旱莲蓬、猢孙头、莲草、墨斗草、墨烟草、墨菜、白花草、白花蟛蜞菊、墨记菜、野水凤仙、黑墨草、黑头草、古城墨、水旱莲、冰冻草、墨汁草、节节乌、白田乌草、墨草、摘落乌、水葵花 性味 甘酸,凉。 功效 菊科植物鳢肠的全草。 主治吐血,咳血,衄血,尿血,便血,血痢,刀伤出血,须发早白,白喉,淋浊,带下,阴部湿痒。 经脉 入肝经、肾经。 主治 凉血,止血,补肾,益阴。治吐血,咳血,衄血,尿血,便血,血痢,刀伤出血,须发早白,白喉,淋浊,带下,阴部湿痒。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,9~30g;或熬膏;或捣汁;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,捣敷;或捣绒塞鼻;或研末敷。 注意禁忌 脾肾虚寒者忌服。《得配本草》:胃弱便溏。肾气虚寒者禁用   Yerbadetajo Herb/ Han Lian Cao 16oz The Chinese herb 'Han Lian Cao' (Eclipta) is Sweet, Sour, and Cooling goes to the Kidney, Liver, and is in 'Herbs that Tonify Yin'. The Latin name is: Herba Ecliptae Prostratae. Common Names: Eclipta Herb, Herba ecliptae, Eclipa alba, Bhringraja, False Fairy Traditional medicinal systems of the Indian subcontinent countries, as well as tribal practitioners, consider the plant to have diverse medicinal values and use it commonly for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory tract disorders (including asthma), fever, hair loss, and graying of hair, liver disorders. The taste is sweet and sour, It is cooling in effect. The whole plant of the chrysanths intestines of the Compositae.  Indications for vomiting blood, hemoptysis, hematuria, hematochezia, blood dysentery, stab hemorrhage, early white hair, diphtheria, drenching turbidity, vaginal discharge, wet and itchy genitals.  It enters the Meridians of the Liver and Kidney meridian. Indications: To Cool blood, stop bleeding, nourish the kidney, and benefit yin.  Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 9~30g; or boil ointment; or pound juice; or pill or powder. External use: appropriate amount, pound and apply; or pound down to stuff the nose; or grind and apply. Cautions: People with deficiency of the spleen and kidneys should not take it. [i.e., weak stomach and loose stools.


  • 豨莶草 16oz

    豨莶草 16oz

    豨莶草 16oz 粘金强子、粘为扎、珠草、棉苍狼 性味 辛、苦,寒。 功效 本品为菊科植物豨莶、腺梗豨莶或毛梗豨莶的干燥地上部分。 祛风湿,利筋骨,降血压。治四肢麻痹,筋骨疼痛,腰膝无力,疟疾,急性肝炎,高血压病,疔疮肿毒,外伤出血。 经脉 归肝经、肾经。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,9~15g,或入丸、散。 外用:煎水洗或熬膏敷。属热者当生用,属寒者宜制用,疮疡肿毒及湿疹瘙痒唯宜生用。 注意禁忌 阴血不足者忌服。   Siegesbeckia Herb / Xi Xian Cao 16oz Siegesbeckia (Xi Xian Cao): Its main functions are to clear heat and release toxins, to strengthen the sinews, and to dispel wind and dampness.  Damp Wind has effects similar to those of the common cold, with sore limbs, listlessness, nausea, anorexia, and diarrhea and can cause diseases like arthritis. An Endogenous Wind attacks the liver and causes dizziness, spasms, convulsions, and even coma.Its benefits include that it can help dispel wind, reduce high blood pressure and remove toxicity. This herb is also commonly known for it's effect to unblock fallopian tubes and it's effectiveness to treat bone and muscle pain due to rheumatism. The taste is bitter, and it is cold in effect  This product is the dry above-ground part of the Compositae plant Siegesbeckia Serrata or Sieges lanceolate.  It is used to eliminate rheumatism, strengthen bones and muscles, lower blood pressure. It has been used to cure limb paralysis, muscle and bone pain, waist and knee weakness, malaria, acute hepatitis, hypertension, boils, swollen toxin, traumatic bleeding.  It enters the Meridians of the Liver and Kidney meridians.  Dosage: Oral administration: Decoction, 9~15g, or into pills or powder. External use: decocted to wash or boil ointment. It is suitable for use when it is hot, and when it is cold. It is suitable for sores, swelling, toxin and eczema, and itching.  Cautions: Those with insufficient Yin blood should not take it. 


  • 艾葉 祈艾 16oz

    艾葉 祈艾 16oz

    艾叶 祈艾 16oz 艾、艾蒿、家艾 性味 辛、苦,温;有小毒。 功效 为菊科植物艾的叶。散寒止痛,温经止血。用于少腹冷痛,经寒不调,宫冷不孕,吐血,衄血,崩漏经多,妊娠下血;外治皮肤瘙痒。醋艾炭温经止血。用于虚寒性出血。 经脉 归肝经、脾经、肾经。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~10g;或入丸、散;或捣汁。 外用:适量,捣绒作炷或制成艾条熏灸;或捣敷;或煎水熏洗;或炒热温熨。 注意禁忌 1.阴虚血热者及宿有失血病者慎用。 2.《纲目》:苦酒、香附为之使。   Argy Wormwood Leaf / Ai Ye 16oz Artemisia vulgaris, the mugwort plant, is a tall shrub that is closely related to sunflowers, and its leaves, flowers and roots are all used for their nutrient content. The specific benefits of mugwort leaf tea are mainly due to the presence of flavonoids, triterpenes, and other antioxidant compounds, as well as vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin E, potassium, iron, calcium, and various B-family vitamins. Mugwort Tea The main benefits of mugwort tea include its ability to ease menstrual pain, improve digestion, reduce anxiety and depression, promote dream retention, help with weight loss efforts, strengthen the immune system, detoxify the body and help regulate diabetes. Drinking mugwort leaf tea is highly recommended for people suffering with insomnia, anxiety, painful menstruations, digestive issues, obesity, weak immunity, diabetes, depression, inflammation, colds, coughs, flu, respiratory infections and kidney problems. With its powerful nervine qualities, mugwort tea is very good for treating anxiety, depression and chronic stress levels. This can help relieve stress on the nervous and metabolic system, and improve quality of life. Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 3~10g; or into pills or powder; or pounding juice. External use: appropriate amount, pound velvet to make sticks or make moxa moxibustion; Cautions:Use with caution for those with yin deficiency [dehydration] and blood heat [rash, fever, etc] and those with hemorrhagic disease.


  • 辛夷花 16oz

    辛夷花 16oz

    辛夷花 16oz 木笔花、望春花、春花、木兰、紫玉兰、白玉兰、二月花、广玉兰 性味 辛;性温 功效 为木兰科植物望春玉兰、玉兰、武当玉兰等的干燥花蕾。 祛风,通窍。治头痛,鼻渊,鼻塞不通,齿痛。 经脉 肺经;胃经 用法用量 内服:煎汤 ,3~10g,宜包煎;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,研末搐鼻;或以其蒸馏水滴鼻。 注意禁忌 阴虚火旺者忌服。 ①《本草经集注》:芎藭为之使。恶五石脂。畏菖蒲、蒲黄、黄连、石膏、黄环。 ②《本草经巯》:凡气虚人忌,头脑痛属血虚火炽者忌,齿痛属胃火者忌。 ③《本草汇言》:气虚之人,虽偶感风寒,致诸窍不通者,不宜用。   Magnolia Flower / Xin Yi Hua 16oz Magnolia bud tea is used for stuffy nose, runny nose, common cold, sinus pain, hay fever, headache, and facial dark spots. Drink it between meals to ease cold/flu season and allergy discomforts. It is an ingredient in Bi Yan Pian pills. The taste is pungent and it is warming in nature   It is the dried flower buds of Wangchun Magnolia, Wudang Magnolia, of the Magnoliaceae.  It is used to Dispel the wind, clear the orifice [sinus] cure headache, nasal passages deep congestion, toothache.  It enters the Meridians of Lung and Stomach Meridian  Dosage Oral administration: Decoction, 3~10g, suitable for decoction; or into pills or powder. External use: grind and apply into the nose, or use its distilled drip into the nose.  Cautions: Avoid use with fever, chronic thirst, night sweats, palpitations Avoid use with deficiency of qi, blood deficiency, and fire in brain pain,  Avoid use with stomach fire caused by toothache.  People with a deficiency of qi, even though they may feel cold should not use it


  • 荊芥 16oz

    荊芥 16oz

    荆芥 16oz Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb, Herb of Fineleaf Schizonepeta 假苏、鼠蓂、姜芥 性味 辛,温。 功效 为唇形科植物荆芥的全草。发表祛风,理血;炒炭后可止血。治感冒发热,头痛,咽喉肿痛,中风口噤,吐血,衄血,便血;崩漏,产后血晕;痈肿,疮疥,瘰疬。荆芥穗效用相同,但发散之力较强。 经脉 入肺经、肝经。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~10g;或临丸、散。 外用:适量,煎水熏洗;捣敷;或研末调散。 注意禁忌 表虚自汗、阴虚头痛忌服。 ①《药性论》:荆芥久服动渴疾。 ②《苇航纪谈》:凡服荆芥风药,忌食鱼。 ③《纲目》:反驴肉、无鳞鱼。 ④《本草经巯》:痛人表虚有汗者忌之;血虚寒热而不因于风湿风寒者勿用;阴虚火炎面赤,因而头痛者,慎勿误入。   Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb / Jing Jie 16oz Schizonepeta tenuifolia (Japanese Catnip) is a medicinal herb from China and Korea that appears to be selectively anti-inflammatory (to a moderate degree), and suppress allergic responses. It is a different herb from Common Catnip (The genera Nepeta).  Schizonepeta is used for the common cold, fever, sore throat, and heavy menstrual periods. It is also used for skin disorders including eczema, allergic rashes, and psoriasis.  Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb, AKA: Fake Su, Rattus, Ginger Mustard  The taste is bitter and warming in effect It is the whole plant of Nepeta, a plant of Lamiaceae. It is used to expel wind and regulate blood;  It is used to cure cold and fever, headache, sore throat, apoplexy, Bell’s Palsy, vomiting blood, epistaxis, blood in the stool; metrorrhagia, postpartum blood halo; carbuncle, scabies, scrofula. Nepeta ears have the same effect but have a stronger divergence.  It enters the Meridians of the Lung and Liver meridians.  Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 3~10g; or pro-pill, powder. External use: appropriate amount, fumigated and washed with water; pounded and applied; or powdered and dispersed. 



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