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日本鹿儿岛 有机抹茶 GJ05190
日本鹿儿岛 有机抹茶 #1168 This organic matcha has a crisp, astringent character with an aroma like a breeze through a field. As usucha, pair this brisk matcha with sweets at teatime. Or, add milk and use it for your daily matcha latte. This tea is great for everyday, light-hearted matcha use. Matcha is finely ground powder of specially grown and processed green tea leaves. It is special in two aspects of farming and processing: the green tea plants for matcha are shade-grown for about three weeks before harvest and the stems and veins are removed in processing. During shaded growth, the plant Camellia sinensis produces more theanine and caffeine. The powdered form of matcha is consumed differently from tea leaves or tea bags and is dissolved in a liquid, typically water or milk. How to Brew Start with filtered water for the best brew. You will need: a matcha whisk, a tea bowl, a matcha spoon or teaspoon, and a matcha strainer (optional) Add 2 scoops or 1 teaspoon of matcha to the bowl. A strainer may be used to sift the matcha free of clumps. Adjust amount of matcha to your preferences. Slowly add 1/3 cup of hot water (~175°F). Lightly press the matcha whisk into the bowl and whisk in a quick back and forth motion until a smooth layer of foam is created. Enjoy immediately! Note: The method above is to make usucha, or thin tea. The way to prepare matcha for the tea ceremony is known as koicha, or thick tea.
$24.99 - $94.99
日本 蠔豉 蚝豉 牡蛎干 特大#384
日本 3L大蠔豉 蚝豉 牡蛎干 #384 需要保持冷藏 蚝豉,也称“蛎干”,一种海味,牡蛎(也称蚝)肉的干制品。是广东人民春节必食的菜肴。春节是吃蚝好时机,蚝肉肥美,富含蛋白质,但忌豪吃,每天最好只吃一餐蚝肉,蚝豉的烹饪要注意食物的配伍原则。购买蚝豉要注意几个原则:第一,看产地,一般认为日本产的最佳;湛江、潮汕等地的居次;珠海、深圳的也不错,但广州产的就不值得恭维。第二,手捏蚝豉的感觉要干和饱满,这意味着蚝肉新鲜、肉质丰富。第三,闻起来要有蚝香味。第四,观察颜色,金黄色蚝豉才是上品。买好食材后,如果不是立即食用,就要注意保管问题,最好冷藏,并且一个月内吃掉,否则一旦空气侵蚀了蚝干,不仅流失了美味,而且对身体也不好。 Japanese Dried Oyster 3L #384 KEEP REFRIGERATED Dried oysters are famous for regulating body organs and supplementing weak functions, nourishing the Yin and the blood, invigorating the kidneys and strengthens male functions. Rich in proteins and various nutrients, and is a precious food for improving skin and beauty. Oysters are extremely rich in zinc, which is essential for testosterone production and maintenance of healthy sperm. And even though women have much less testosterone than men, it also plays a key part in the female libido. Oysters also boost dopamine, a hormone that increases libido in both men and women. Dried oysters, or ho see, are small, glossy and slightly shriveled, with a chewy texture and intense, salty-sweet flavour that is vastly different from the briny, light, refreshing taste of fresh bivalves. The flavour can be overwhelming, so the oysters should be used in small quantities. Dried oysters need to be rinsed and soaked in warm water. The soaking liquid has a lot of flavour and can be included in the dish in place of broth or plain water. If the oysters are to be used whole in a stir-fry, steam them to soften further. Here is a healthy recipe useful for breakfast or for recovery from illness or fatigue: Rice congee with dried scallops and dried oysters Seafood Rice CongeeIngredients: 1 cup medium grain rice soaked for 30 minutes 12 cups filtered water 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil 1 carrot, diced 4 Xlarge dried oysters, pre-soaked 4 dried scallops, pre-soaked 2 scallions (aka spring onions), chopped Soak dried oysters and scallops in cold water separately for at least 2 hours to soften them. Retain the soaking liquid. Shred the scallops, and cut oysters into small pieces.Peel carrot and dice into small cubes.Wash and rinse the rice several times. Place rice in a pot, add water and seafood liquid (used to soak the dried seafood), and bring to a boil.Add oysters, carrots and 1 tsp oil.Let the congee boil, then lower heat to let it bubble for 20 minutes.Add the shredded scallops, and let congee simmer for 20-30 minutes. Do stir occasionally to prevent the rice from sticking to the bottom of the pot.Turn heat off, and serve garnished with sliced spring onion. From the manufacturer: Oyster, also called "dried oyster" is dried seafood, (also called oyster meat.) It is a must-eat dish for the people of Guangdong during the Spring Festival [Chinese New Year]. The Spring Festival is a good time to eat oysters. Oyster meat is plump and rich in protein, but avoid excessive consumption. It is best to eat only one meal a day. When cooking oyster, pay attention to the principle of food compatibility. There are a few principles to pay attention to when buying oysters: First, look at the place of production. Generally speaking, the best are produced in Japan; after that Zhanjiang, Chaoshan and other places are second; Zhuhai and Shenzhen are also good, but Guangzhou produced is not worthy of compliment. Second, the oyster sauce should feel dry and full by hand, which means that the oyster meat is fresh and rich. Third, it should smell of oysters [fresh, mild and tasty]. Fourth, observe the color, golden oyster sauce is the top grade. After buying the ingredients, if you don't eat them immediately, you must pay attention to storage. It is best to refrigerate and eat them within one month, otherwise once the air erodes the dried oysters, it will not only lose the deliciousness, but also be bad for the body.
$29.99 - $56.99
純天然 牛角茶鏟
純天然牛角 茶勺 Introduction:1.Never throw it or break it off with hand. Don't put it near the place of high temperature. Clean it with cool water.2.Our ox horn things are 100% natural horn material, you can burn it to smell for testing. Size: about 11-12cm Length Color: Natural. Send at random. Material: Natural Ox Horn. Usage: Tea Spoon ,Body Points Massager ,Guasha Tool
德慶 精選何首烏片(8 oz/盒)
德庆 精选何首乌片(8oz) 性味 苦、甘、涩,温。 功效 本品为蓼科植物何首乌的干燥块根,其藤茎称夜交藤。 治肝肾阴亏,发须早白,血虚头晕,腰膝软弱,筋骨酸痛,遗精,崩带,久疟,久痢,慢性肝炎,痈肿,瘰疬,肠风,痔疾。制首乌补肝肾,益精血,乌须发,壮筋骨;用于眩晕耳鸣、须发早白、腰膝酸软、肢体麻木、神经衰弱、高血脂症。 经脉 归肝经、心经、肾经。 用法用量 内服:煎场,10~20g;熬膏、浸酒或入丸、散。 外用:适量,煎水洗、研末撒或调涂。 注意禁忌 大便清泄及有湿痰者不宜。 Fleeceflower Root / He Shou Wu (8oz) Fo-ti [shou wu] is an herb. The processed (cured) root of the plant is used to make medicine. Fo-ti is commonly used by mouth to help treat or prevent conditions related to aging, including cancer, heart disease, and memory problems. Fo-ti is also applied directly to the skin for sores, carbuncles, skin eruptions, and itching. Fo-ti is also used for high cholesterol and other elevated blood fats, trouble sleeping (insomnia), limb numbness, lower back and knee soreness or weakness, premature graying, hair loss, and dizziness with ringing in the ears (tinnitus). From the manufacturer: The taste is bitter, sweet, astringent, and it is warming in effect. This product is the dry tuber of Polygonum multiflorum, and its root is called Yejiao vine. It has been used to cure liver and kidney yin deficiency, premature white hair and beard, blood deficiency, dizziness, waist and knee weakness, muscle aches, nocturnal emission, collapse, chronic malaria, chronic dysentery, chronic hepatitis, carbuncle, scrofula, bowel wind, hemorrhoids. Shouwu nourishes liver and kidney, nourishes essence and blood, black hair, strengthens muscles and bones; used for dizziness, tinnitus, waist and knees, numbness, neurasthenia, hyperlipidemia. It enters the Liver, Heart, and Kidney meridians. Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 10-20g; boiled for at least 45 minutes, soaked in wine or made into pills or powder; External use: appropriate amount, decocted, washed, ground powder, or blended. Cautions: Avoid use with watery diarrhea, bloating and excess phlegm conditions
菊花 迷你熟沱 普洱黑茶#1454
菊花 迷你熟沱 普洱熟茶#1454 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶 WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 云南 Yunnan, China 品名 Name: 菊花迷你熟沱茶 普洱熟茶 Chrysanthemum Tuo Cha Ripe Pu'er Dark Tea 分类 Sort: 普洱熟茶 Pu-erh Ripen Tea 产品配料: 普洱散茶、黄山贡菊 茶汤Liquor: 茶汤红润,口感香醇,整叶压制,条索分明Red, mellow and smooth Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 保质期 Shelf Life: The aged the better 整叶压制,沱型分明,拼配贡菊,花香浓郁。无需长时间存放汤色即红润诱人,叶底条索分明,绝非碎茶压制。 Chrysanthemum Tuo Cha Ripe Pu-Erh Dark Tea #1454 Chrysanthemum flowers are naturally sweet and delicious. Their effect is cooling and relaxing and the tea is often used to avoid headaches, eye strain, and fever. This tea combines delicate chrysanthemum flowers with ripe digestive Pu-Erh tea from Yunnan. Ripe (aka cooked) Pu-Erh tastes earthy, sweet, and mellow. It soothes stomach upset and eases digestion. It contains a natural statin to help regulate cholesterol. This Chrysanthemum tea’s flowers, from the Yellow Mountain in China, are of the species Chrysanthemum morifolium or Chrysanthemum Indicum, which are most popular in East Asia. The tea has adenine, choline, vitamins A, B, amino acids, glycosides, volatile oil, and more. Chrysanthemum tea has many traditional medicinal uses, including as an aid in recovery from influenza, acne and as a "cooling" herb. According to traditional Chinese medicine, tea can aid in the prevention of sore throat and promote the reduction of fever. In Korea, the chrysanthemum is known well for its medicinal use in making people more alert and is often used as a pick-me-up to render the drinker more awake. In western herbal medicine, Chrysanthemum tea is drunk or used as a compress to treat circulatory disorders such as varicose veins and atherosclerosis. In traditional Chinese medicine, chrysanthemum tea is also said to clear the liver and the eyes. It is believed to be effective in treating eye pain associated with stress or yin/fluid deficiency. It is also used to treat blurring, spots in front of the eyes, diminished vision, and dizziness. The liver is associated with the element Wood which rules the eyes and is associated with anger, stress, and related emotions. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ /100℃ 212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time: 1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s Rinse time is around 4 seconds
$14.99 - $57.99
广西 桂峰牌 寄生茶 桑寄生(500克/盒)
广西 桂峰牌 正地道 寄生茶 桑寄生 Mistletoe(500克/盒) 性味 苦;甘;性平 功效 为桑寄生科植物桑寄生、四川寄生、红花寄生、毛叶钝果寄生的枝叶。 补肝肾,强筋骨,除风湿,通经络,益血,安胎。治腰膝酸痛,筋骨痿弱,偏枯,脚气,风寒湿痹,胎漏血崩,产后乳汁不下。 经脉 肝经;肾经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g;或入丸、散;或浸酒;或捣汁服。 外用:适量,捣烂外敷。 食疗方 桑寄生煲鸡蛋 桑寄生15 g,鸡蛋2枚。精盐适量。将桑寄生、鸡蛋各洗净,共入砂锅,加水用文火煎煮,至鸡蛋熟后去壳再煮10分钟,稍加精盐即成。饮汤吃蛋。功效:补益肝肾,强壮筋骨,养血安胎。主治肝肾亏虚所致的腰膝酸痛、四肢麻木、筋骨痿弱、胎动不安或胎漏等。 Kweifeng Ji Sheng Cha / Dried Ramulus Taxilli (500g/Box) Ji Shen Cha is known in many Chinese medical classics as preserving health and increasing lifespan. (AKA Mulberry Mistletoe, Chinese Stem & Leaf, mulberry mistletoes, Chinese Taxillus Twig, Herba Taxilli; Ramulus, White Mulberry Twig; Botanical Name: Taxillus chinensis) Function: Sang Ji Sheng expels wind and dampness, invigorates the liver and kidney, strengthens tendons and bones and prevents miscarriage. Application: Sang Ji Sheng is used for joint pain due to rheumatoid arthritis, especially useful in the treatment of pain and weakness in waist and knees. Sang Ji Sheng supports cardiovascular health, promotes circulation and relieves heat-wind symptoms such as joint pain. The taste is bitter, and it is considered neutral. It enters the Liver and Kidney meridians. Components: flavonons, avicullarin, quercetin, d-catechol, quertitrin, hyperin, oleanolic acid, beta-amyrin, mesoinositol lupeol, myristic acid, flavonas, arobinose, resveratrol, moracin.
宫廷A级 2013年 普洱熟茶 #1399
宫廷A级 2013年 普洱熟茶 #1399 Palace A Grade Ripe Pu-Erh Tea#1399 Pu-Erh is a fermented, digestive tea. Dark (aka ripe pu’er) is aged longer than raw Pu-Erh and has a stronger distinctive earthy, semi-sweet flavor. It has been used to improve digestion and circulation and contains a natural statin known to help reduce harmful cholesterol and improve weight loss. This tea has a very smooth character without any astringency or bitterness. The clean woody profile has soft, creamy, and earthy notes of walnuts. Overall this is a comforting tea with an accessible taste that is a great introduction to Pu-Erh teas. We suggest brewing at 90°C for 3-5 minutes according to your taste. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ /100℃ 212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time: 1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s Rinse time is around 4 seconds
$11.99 - $43.99
唐龙 金匱腎氣丸(200粒/瓶)
唐龙 金匱腎氣丸(200粒/瓶) 规格: 200粒/瓶 功效: 溫補腎陽,化氣行水。幫助調理腎虛水腫,腰膝酸軟,畏寒肢冷。 成分: 地黃、山茱萸、山藥、牡丹皮、茯苓、澤瀉、桂枝、牛膝、車前子。 用法用量: 每次6粒、每日3次。或遵医嘱。警告:孕妇忌服。避免儿童接触。 Size: 200pills/bottle Effect: An herbal supplement to help maintain health in kidney system and promote the body's natural balance. Component: Rehmannia rootCommon Macrocarpium fruitChinese Yam rhizomeTree Peony barkIndia BreadOriental Waterplantain rhizomeTwig of CassiabarktreeTwotooth Achyranthes rootAsiatic Plantain seed Direction to use: Take 6 pills each time, 3 times dauly. Or consult your herbalist. Do not use if pregnant. Keep out of reach of children.
- 25% OFF
2023 龍塢村 明前西湖龍井(250克/包)
2023 龍塢村 明前西湖龍井(250克/包) 品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 產地Origin: 杭州 龍塢村產區 Zhejiang, Longwu Village Area, China 品名Name: 龍塢村 西湖龍井 Longwucun Longjing 保質期Shelf Life: 18個月 18months 分類Sort: 炒青綠茶 Green Tea 等級Level: 一級 Premium 採摘Season: 清明前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 乾茶 扁平光潔,匀長挺直, 嫩綠帶黄 茶湯 香氣濃郁,豆香、栗香悠長,鮮甜甘爽 Body: Flattened tea leaves, with one bud and one or two leaves Liquor: Sweet and nutty, smooth and rich with slight vegetal undertones 儲存方法 陰凉、乾燥、密封儲存在4~10℃ 的冰箱 Storage: Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place; refrigerator at 4~10℃ 此茶產自西湖龍井產區龍塢村,為手工炒製的明前西湖龍井。乾茶外形扁平光滑,芽長于葉,色澤嫩綠,體表無茸毛;湯色嫩綠黃明亮,清香潤喉,滋味清爽順滑,葉底嫩綠完整。 龍塢茶村位於杭州市西湖區轉塘鎮上城埭村,南面和北面都是大片的茶園連綿起伏,青翠連天,是政府認定西湖龍井茶的保護基地,浙江省唯一的茶產業特色小鎮,也是西湖龍井最大的產區,有“萬擔茶鄉“之稱。 龍井茶色澤翠綠,香氣濃郁、甘醇爽口,形如雀舌;龍井茶含氨基酸、葉綠素、維生素C等,成分均比其他茶葉多,營養豐富。 龍井茶不屬於發酵茶,其中富含兒茶素、茶多酚,具有很强的抗菌、抗氧化、抑制血管老化、净化血液的功效。 西湖龍井中含有咖啡碱、葉酸等物質,能促進脂肪代謝,其中的茶多酚和維生素C能有效降低膽固醇、降低血脂。 西湖龍井茶冲泡方法:水燒開後,開蓋晾一會兒,以降低水溫至80℃,先用開水將茶器冲洗一遍隨後倒掉,后向杯中加水至1/3,隨後投入約3克茶葉,輕度晃動,然後沿著杯壁再度加水至七分滿,等候兩分鐘上下,即可品嘗。龍井茶前兩泡用80℃水冲泡,口感更好,不要用沸水冲泡。 建議:為保證口感,請儘快飲用。
竹荪 竹笙
竹荪 竹笙 无硫 纯天然 八珍之一(3.5oz) Dried Bamboo Fungus Bamboo Mushroom 竹荪(Dictyophora indusiata (Vent.ex Pers) Fisch)又名竹笙、竹参,是寄生在枯竹根部的一种隐花菌类,形状略似网状干白蛇皮,它有深绿色的菌帽,雪白色的圆柱状的菌柄,粉红色的蛋形菌托,在菌柄顶端有一围细致洁白的网状裙从菌盖向下铺开,被人们称为“雪裙仙子”、“山珍之花”、“真菌之花”、“菌中皇后”。 竹荪营养丰富,香味浓郁,滋味鲜美,自古就列为“草八珍”之一。湘菜中的“竹荪芙蓉”是我国国宴的一大名菜,此外,如竹荪响螺汤、竹荪扒风燕、竹荪烩鸡片等,都是很有名的美味佳肴,深受国内外宾客的喜爱。 营养价值 1. 竹荪含有丰富的多种氨基酸、维生素、无机盐等,具有滋补强壮、益气补脑、宁神健体的功效; 2. 竹荪的有效成分可补充人体必需的营养物质,提高机体的免疫抗病能力; 3. 竹荪能够保护肝脏,减少腹壁脂肪的积存,有俗称“刮油”的作用,从而产生降血压、降血脂和减肥的效果; 4. 云南苗族人患癌症的几率较低,这恐怕与他们经常用竹荪与糯米一同泡水食用有关。现代医学研究也证明,竹荪中含有能抑制肿瘤的成分。 Dried Bamboo Fungus Zhu Sheng (3.5oz) Bamboo fungus is high in protein, low fat, and has 8 kinds of amino acids that human body needs. It is good for eyes and lung. It could help lose weight, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol level and prevent cancer. Containing 20% protein, it’s a good choice for vegetarian/vegan friends. Dried bamboo fungus should be stored in a dry, cool place. ... Recommended Uses - Fish maw abalone soup - Mushroom fungus soup
春意盎然 武陽春雨 茗茶禮盒
春意盎然 武阳春雨 春茶礼盒 “一夕轻雷落万丝”,武阳春雨茶产于浙中南“中国有机茶之乡”——武义县。其形似松针细雨,色泽嫩绿稍黄,滋味甘醇鲜爽,具有独特的兰花清香。茶叶自然品质“色、香、味、形”独特,在历史上享有盛誉。 Wuyang Spring Rain Green Tea Gift Set Wuyang Spring Rain, or Wuyang Chun Yu, is an organic tea grown in Wuyi County in Zhejiang, China. It may be named after an ancient Chinese poem that goes: “The one-night spring thunder falls ten thousand silk.” The high altitude, fresh air, and year-round clouds and mist of Wuyi produce a tea that is bright green in appearance and brews a beautiful aroma of roasted chestnuts. This tea is certified organic and grown with no pesticides, chemicals, or additives. Origin: Zhejiang, China Brew Color: Golden jade Flavor Profile: Mellow, roasted chestnuts with an underlying note of bitterness How to Brew Start with filtered water for the best brew. Use 1 teaspoon of tea for every 8 oz. of hot water. Adjust the amount to your preferences. The ideal water temperature is between 175-180°F. Brew this tea for 3 to 4 minutes. Enjoy!
$38.99 - $62.99