Search results for "黄芪"
山西 一等 黑金芪 黄芪片 16oz
山西 一等 大切 黑金芪 黄芪 北芪 切片(16 oz/包) 口芪 元芪 绵芪 绵黄芪 棉芪 北芪 生黄芪 炒黄芪 炙黄芪 黄耆 西芪 抽芪 卜奎芪 浑源芪 大岚芪 炮台芪 大有芪 炙耆 百本 芰草 本品为豆科植物蒙古黄芪的根。 尺寸 102-106片/ 磅 性味归经 味甘,性微温;归脾、肺经。 功能主治 补气固表,托毒排脓,利尿,生肌。用于气虚乏力、久泻脱肛、自汗、水肿、子宫脱垂、慢性肾炎蛋白尿、糖尿病、疮口久不愈合。 【食疗方】 1、黄芪茶 材料:生黄芪60~90克,大枣30克。 做法:加水煎煮30分钟后饮用,可反复使用。 功效:此方可抗压补气,利水退肿。 2、黄芪汤 做法:黄芪100克,人参、白术、肉桂各50克,捣成粗末,每次服用10克,加姜、枣,水煎后,去渣温服。 功效:此方以黄芪、人参补气,白术健脾,肉桂温阳;适用于中老年人脾属虚寒、中气不足、食少无味、大便溏泻者。 3、黄芪养生汤 做法:黄芪12克、枸杞9克、红枣9克,煎汤,每日服用。 功效:可调解免疫、防癌抗老;另可补气健脾、降压降脂。 4.补虚正气粥 做法:黄芪30克,人参10克,大米90克,糖适量。将黄芪、人参切片,用冷水浸泡半小时,入砂锅煎沸,煎出浓汁后将汁取出,再在参、芪锅中加入冷水如上法再煎,并取汁。 将上述药汁合并后分成两份,早晚各用一份,同大米加水煮粥,粥煮熟后加白糖食用。 服法:早、晚餐空腹食用,5 天为一疗程。 功效:补元气,健脾胃。适用于五脏虚衰、久病赢瘦、心慌气短、体虚自汗、慢性泄泻、脾虚久痢、食欲不振、气虚浮肿等一切气衰血虚之症。 如何鉴别黄芪品质 在选择黄芪时,首先看外表,优质黄芪色泽均匀,而加工过的劣质黄芪外表颜色偏白。尤其是黄芪在还未成熟便被采摘下来用硫熏过的,格外白净、好看,但这种黄芪不仅功效全无,而且还对人体有害。 其次,由于黄芪含有糖分,存放时间过长会略微变质,如果长期贮存仍旧不变质的黄芪,则很大可能是经过硫熏过的。 鉴别优劣黄芪还可以通过手抓的方式,好的黄芪抓在手上会团在一起,并且不会碎,松手之后又能够自然松散,这说明黄芪本身质量上佳、不干也不湿,且保存的也比较理想。 通过这三点可以快速鉴别优劣黄芪。当然,一分钱一分货,在购买黄芪时,一定不要贪图小便宜,只有选好黄芪,才能发挥出它的功效。 Radix Astragali/Huang Qi (16 oz) Astragalus has many proven health benefits including, immune-boosting, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects. Astragalus is believed to prolong life and used to treat a wide variety of ailments, such as fatigue, allergies and [prevent the] common cold. It's also used against heart disease, diabetes and other conditions. From the manufacturer: This product is the root of the legume Astragalus mongolia. size 102-106 pcs/lb The taste is sweet, it is slightly warm in nature. It enters the Spleen and Lung meridians. Indications: to Invigorate qi and solidify the surface [regulate sweating], supports detoxification and discharges pus, increases diuresis, and strengthens muscles. It is used for qi deficiency, fatigue, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of the anus, spontaneous sweating, edema, uterine prolapse, chronic nephritis, proteinuria, diabetes, and long-lasting sores. Diet therapy Astragalus tea Ingredients: 60-90 grams of raw astragalus, 30 grams of jujube. Add water and decoct for 30 minutes and drink it. It can be used repeatedly. Efficacy: This can resist pressure [adaptogen] and replenish qi, promote hydration and reduce swelling. Astragalus Soup Ingredients: 100 grams of astragalus, 50 grams each of ginseng, atractylodes, and cinnamon, pound into coarse powder, take 10 grams each time, add ginger and jujube, decoct in water, remove the residue and take it warm. Efficacy: This recipe uses astragalus and ginseng to invigorate qi, Atractylodes macrocephala to invigorate the spleen, and cinnamon to warm the yang; it is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people with deficiency of the spleen, insufficient qi, poor appetite and loss of taste, and loose stools. Astragalus health soup Ingredients: 12 grams of Astragalus, 9 grams of Chinese wolfberry, 9 grams of red dates; Cook as a decoction for daily consumption. Efficacy: It can mediate immunity, prevent cancer and anti-aging; in addition, it can invigorate qi, invigorate the spleen, lower blood pressure and reduce fat. Tonic Porridge Ingredients: 30 grams of astragalus, 10 grams of ginseng, 90 grams of rice, appropriate amount of sugar. Slice the astragalus and ginseng in cold water for half an hour, simmer in a casserole, and take out the juice after cooking. Then add cold water to the ginseng and ginseng pot and boil again as above, and take the juice. Combine the above concoctions and divide them into two portions. Use one portion each morning and evening. Add water to the same rice to cook the porridge. After the porridge is cooked, add sugar to eat. Dosage: Take breakfast and dinner on an empty stomach, 5 days as a course of treatment. Efficacy: Replenish vitality, invigorate the spleen and stomach. It is suitable for all symptoms of qi failure and blood deficiency, such as weakness of the five internal organs, chronic illness and thinness, palpitation, shortness of breath, physical weakness and spontaneous sweating, chronic diarrhea, chronic spleen deficiency, dysentery, loss of appetite, qi deficiency and edema.
黄芪片 /正北芪片 M (12 oz/盒)
黄芪片 /正北芪片 M (12oz/盒) 本品为豆科植物蒙古黄芪的根。 性味归经 味甘,性微温;归脾、肺经。 功能主治 补气固表,托毒排脓,利尿,生肌。用于气虚乏力、久泻脱肛、自汗、水肿、子宫脱垂、慢性肾炎蛋白尿、糖尿病、疮口久不愈合。 【食疗方】 1、黄芪茶 材料:生黄芪60~90克,大枣30克。 做法:加水煎煮30分钟后饮用,可反复使用。 功效:此方可抗压补气,利水退肿。 2、黄芪汤 做法:黄芪100克,人参、白术、肉桂各50克,捣成粗末,每次服用10克,加姜、枣,水煎后,去渣温服。 功效:此方以黄芪、人参补气,白术健脾,肉桂温阳;适用于中老年人脾属虚寒、中气不足、食少无味、大便溏泻者。 3、黄芪养生汤 做法:黄芪12克、枸杞9克、红枣9克,煎汤,每日服用。 功效:可调解免疫、防癌抗老;另可补气健脾、降压降脂。 4.补虚正气粥 做法:黄芪30克,人参10克,大米90克,糖适量。将黄芪、人参切片,用冷水浸泡半小时,入砂锅煎沸,煎出浓汁后将汁取出,再在参、芪锅中加入冷水如上法再煎,并取汁。 将上述药汁合并后分成两份,早晚各用一份,同大米加水煮粥,粥煮熟后加白糖食用。 服法:早、晚餐空腹食用,5 天为一疗程。 功效:补元气,健脾胃。适用于五脏虚衰、久病赢瘦、心慌气短、体虚自汗、慢性泄泻、脾虚久痢、食欲不振、气虚浮肿等一切气衰血虚之症。 如何鉴别黄芪品质 在选择黄芪时,首先看外表,优质黄芪色泽均匀,而加工过的劣质黄芪外表颜色偏白。尤其是黄芪在还未成熟便被采摘下来用硫熏过的,格外白净、好看,但这种黄芪不仅功效全无,而且还对人体有害。 其次,由于黄芪含有糖分,存放时间过长会略微变质,如果长期贮存仍旧不变质的黄芪,则很大可能是经过硫熏过的。 鉴别优劣黄芪还可以通过手抓的方式,好的黄芪抓在手上会团在一起,并且不会碎,松手之后又能够自然松散,这说明黄芪本身质量上佳、不干也不湿,且保存的也比较理想。 通过这三点可以快速鉴别优劣黄芪。当然,一分钱一分货,在购买黄芪时,一定不要贪图小便宜,只有选好黄芪,才能发挥出它的功效。 Radix Astragali M/ Zheng Qi Pian /Huang Qi (12 oz/Box) Astragalus has many health benefits, including immune-boosting, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory effects. Astragalus is believed to prolong life and used to treat a wide variety of ailments, such as fatigue, allergies, and the common cold. It's also used against heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions. Astragalus is a natural dietary supplement that's used for various health conditions. For instance, it's used to treat the common cold, upper respiratory infections, fibromyalgia, and diabetes. Some proponents of astragalus use it for its possible heart benefits. They claim it may protect against heart disease. It's also used to help improve overall weakness Astragalus is thought to stimulate the immune system. It has antioxidant effects that inhibit free radical production. In the body, free radicals damage cells and are linked to many health problems associated with aging. There is, though, no known way to stop free radicals completely. Proponents also say astragalus stimulates the spleen, liver, lungs, circulatory, and urinary system. It's also used to treat osteoarthritis, asthma, and nervous conditions as well as to lower blood sugar and blood pressure. From the manufacturer: This product is the root of the legume Astragalus mongolia. It is harvested in spring and autumn, cleaned and dried in the sun to 60% to 70% dryness, and sliced. The taste is sweet taste, it is slightly warm in nature; it enters the Spleen and Lung meridians. Function and Indications: It Invigorates qi and solidifies the surface [normalizes sweating], [supports detoxification] and discharge of pus, diuresis, and enhances muscle growth. It is used for qi deficiency and fatigue, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of the anus, spontaneous sweating, edema, uterine prolapse, chronic nephritis, proteinuria, diabetes, and long-term unhealing of sores. Diet Therapy Astragalus tea Ingredients: 60-90 grams of raw astragalus, 30 grams of jujube. Add water and decoct for 30 minutes and drink it. It can be used repeatedly. Efficacy: This can regulate blood pressure and replenish qi, promote hydration and reduce swelling. Astragalus Soup Ingredients: 100 grams of astragalus, 50 grams each of ginseng, atractylodes, and cinnamon, pound into powder, take 10 grams each time, add ginger and jujube, decoct in water, remove the residue, and drink. Efficacy: This recipe uses astragalus and ginseng to invigorate qi, Atractylodes macrocephala to invigorate the spleen, and cinnamon to warm the yang; it is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people with spleen deficiency, insufficient qi, poor appetite, loss of taste, and loose stools. Astragalus Soup Ingredients: 12 grams of astragalus, 9 grams of medlar, 9 grams of red dates, decoction, daily consumption. Efficacy: It can mediate immunity, prevent cancer, and anti-aging; in addition, it can invigorate qi, invigorate the spleen, lower blood pressure, and reduce fat. Tonic Porridge Ingredients: 30 grams of astragalus, 10 grams of ginseng, 90 grams of rice, adequate sugar. Soak the astragalus and ginseng in cold water for half an hour, then simmer them in a casserole, and take out the juice after cooking. Then add cold water to the pot again and simmer as above, and take the juice. Combine the above concoctions and divide them into two portions. Use one portion each morning and evening. Add the herbal water to the rice to cook the porridge. After the porridge is cooked, add sugar to eat. Dosage: Take it for breakfast and dinner on an empty stomach, 5 days as a course of treatment. Efficacy: Replenishes vitality, strengthens the spleen and stomach. It is suitable for all symptoms of qi failure and blood deficiency, such as weakness of the five internal organs, chronic illness and thinness, palpitation, shortness of breath, physical weakness and spontaneous sweating, chronic diarrhea, chronic spleen dysentery, loss of appetite, qi deficiency and swelling.
黄芪片/大北芪片 (16 oz/盒)
黄芪片/大北芪片 (16 oz/盒) 本品为豆科植物蒙古黄芪的根。春、秋季采挖,除去泥土、须根及根头,晒至六七成干,理直扎捆后晒干。 性味归经 味甘,性微温;归脾、肺经。 功能主治 补气固表,托毒排脓,利尿,生肌。用于气虚乏力、久泻脱肛、自汗、水肿、子宫脱垂、慢性肾炎蛋白尿、糖尿病、疮口久不愈合。 【食疗方】 1、黄芪茶 材料:生黄芪60~90克,大枣30克。 做法:加水煎煮30分钟后饮用,可反复使用。 功效:此方可抗压补气,利水退肿。 2、黄芪汤 做法:黄芪100克,人参、白术、肉桂各50克,捣成粗末,每次服用10克,加姜、枣,水煎后,去渣温服。 功效:此方以黄芪、人参补气,白术健脾,肉桂温阳;适用于中老年人脾属虚寒、中气不足、食少无味、大便溏泻者。 3、黄芪养生汤 做法:黄芪12克、枸杞9克、红枣9克,煎汤,每日服用。 功效:可调解免疫、防癌抗老;另可补气健脾、降压降脂。 4.补虚正气粥 做法:黄芪30克,人参10克,大米90克,糖适量。将黄芪、人参切片,用冷水浸泡半小时,入砂锅煎沸,煎出浓汁后将汁取出,再在参、芪锅中加入冷水如上法再煎,并取汁。 将上述药汁合并后分成两份,早晚各用一份,同大米加水煮粥,粥煮熟后加白糖食用。 服法:早、晚餐空腹食用,5 天为一疗程。 功效:补元气,健脾胃。适用于五脏虚衰、久病赢瘦、心慌气短、体虚自汗、慢性泄泻、脾虚久痢、食欲不振、气虚浮肿等一切气衰血虚之症。 如何鉴别黄芪品质 在选择黄芪时,首先看外表,优质黄芪色泽均匀,而加工过的劣质黄芪外表颜色偏白。尤其是黄芪在还未成熟便被采摘下来用硫熏过的,格外白净、好看,但这种黄芪不仅功效全无,而且还对人体有害。 其次,由于黄芪含有糖分,存放时间过长会略微变质,如果长期贮存仍旧不变质的黄芪,则很大可能是经过硫熏过的。 鉴别优劣黄芪还可以通过手抓的方式,好的黄芪抓在手上会团在一起,并且不会碎,松手之后又能够自然松散,这说明黄芪本身质量上佳、不干也不湿,且保存的也比较理想。 通过这三点可以快速鉴别优劣黄芪。当然,一分钱一分货,在购买黄芪时,一定不要贪图小便宜,只有选好黄芪,才能发挥出它的功效。 Radix Astragali/ Da Bei Qi /Huang Qi (16 oz/Box) Astragalus has many health benefits, including immune-boosting, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory effects. Astragalus is believed to prolong life and is used to treat a wide variety of ailments, such as fatigue, allergies, and the common cold. It's also used against heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions. Astragalus is a natural dietary supplement that's used for various health conditions. For instance, it's used to treat the common cold, upper respiratory infections, fibromyalgia, and diabetes. Some proponents of astragalus use it for its possible heart benefits. They claim it may protect against heart disease. It's also used to help improve overall weakness. Astragalus is also called Huang qi or milk vetch. It comes from a type of bean or legume. While there are multiple species of astragalus, most astragalus supplements contain Astragalus Membranaceus. The herb is said to offer multiple health benefits for multiple conditions, including heart benefits. Astragalus is thought to stimulate the immune system. It has antioxidant effects that inhibit free radical production. In the body, free radicals damage cells and are linked to many health problems associated with aging. There is, though, no known way to stop free radicals completely. Proponents also say astragalus stimulates the spleen, liver, lungs, circulatory, and urinary system. It's also used to treat osteoarthritis, asthma, and nervous conditions as well as to lower blood sugar and blood pressure. From the manufacturer: This product is the root of the legume Astragalus Mongolia. It is harvested in spring and autumn, cleaned and dried in the sun to 60% to 70% dryness, and sliced. The taste is sweet, it is slightly warm in nature; it enters the Spleen and Lung meridians. Function and Indications: It Invigorates qi and solidifies the surface [normalizes sweating], [supports detoxification] and discharge of pus, diuresis, and enhances muscle growth. It is used for qi deficiency and fatigue, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of the anus, spontaneous sweating, edema, uterine prolapse, chronic nephritis, proteinuria, diabetes, and long-term unhealing of sores. Diet Therapy Astragalus tea Ingredients: 60-90 grams of raw astragalus, 30 grams of jujube. Add water and decoct for 30 minutes and drink it. It can be used repeatedly. Efficacy: This can regulate blood pressure and replenish qi, promote hydration and reduce swelling. Astragalus soup Ingredients: 100 grams of astragalus, 50 grams each of ginseng, atractylodes, and cinnamon, pound into coarse powder, take 10 grams each time, add ginger and jujube, decoct in water, remove the residue and drink. Efficacy: This recipe uses astragalus and ginseng to invigorate qi, Atractylodes macrocephala to invigorate the spleen, and cinnamon to warm the yang; it is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people with spleen deficiency, insufficient qi, poor appetite, loss of taste, and loose stools. Astragalus soup Ingredients: 12 grams of astragalus, 9 grams of medlar, 9 grams of red dates, decoction, daily consumption. Efficacy: It can mediate immunity, prevent cancer, and anti-aging; in addition, it can invigorate qi, invigorate the spleen, lower blood pressure, and reduce fat. Tonic Porridge Ingredients: 30 grams of astragalus, 10 grams of ginseng, 90 grams of rice, adequate sugar. Soak the astragalus and ginseng in cold water for half an hour, then simmer them in a casserole, and take out the juice after cooking. Then add cold water to the pot again and simmer as above, then take the juice. Combine the above concoctions and divide them into two portions. Use one portion each morning and evening. Add the herbal water to the rice to cook the porridge. After the porridge is cooked, add sugar to eat. Dosage: Take it for breakfast and dinner on an empty stomach, 5 days as a course of treatment. Efficacy: Replenishes vitality, strengthens the spleen and stomach. It is suitable for all symptoms of qi failure and blood deficiency, such as weakness of the five internal organs, chronic illness and thinness, palpitation, shortness of breath, physical weakness and spontaneous sweating, chronic diarrhea, chronic spleen dysentery, loss of appetite, qi deficiency and swelling.
汉宝牌 當歸養血膏
汉宝牌 当归养血膏200ml 当归养血膏是一种非处方中药,主要功效用于育龄期女性补血养血之用。以中药当归为主要原料,经过浓缩回收等工艺制成的一款膏状的中药。 主要成分:当归、党参、黄芪、熟地黄、茯苓 、白芍 、川芎、甘草、蔗糖、水 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理局(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。 H.E.I. Tan Kwe Gin Mixed Herbs Syrup Tan Kwe Gin is a tonic syrup for men or women that nurtures and invigorates the blood and tonifies Spleen qi. Good for fatigue following illness, surgery, or other trauma. Helps regulate the menstrual cycle.** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Angelica nourishing syrup is an over-the-counter traditional Chinese vitality remedy. It is concentrated and made from traditional Chinese herbs with Angelica Sinensis as the main ingredient. Ingredients: Angelica Dang Gui Root, Codonopsis Root, Astragalus Root, Rehmannia Root, Poria Cocos, Tree Peony Bark, Chuanxiong Rhizoma, Licorice Root, Can Sugar, Water.
黃芪馬耳片(16 OZ)
马耳 黄芪/北芪片 16oz 药性论述 黄芪的药用历史迄今已有2000多年了,始见于汉墓马王堆出土的帛书“五十二病方”,《神农本草经》列为上品。明《本草纲目》载“耆长也,黄芪色黄,为补者之长故名…”。《本草汇言》载“黄芪,补肺健脾,卫实敛汗,驱风运毒之药也…”。 《本草逢原》载“黄芪能补五脏诸虚 ,治脉弦自汗,泻阴火,去肺热,无汗则发,有汗则止。” 本品为豆科植物蒙古黄芪的根。 性味归经 味甘,性微温;归脾、肺经。 功能主治 补气固表,托毒排脓,利尿,生肌。用于气虚乏力、久泻脱肛、自汗、水肿、子宫脱垂、慢性肾炎蛋白尿、糖尿病、疮口久不愈合。 【食疗方】 1、黄芪茶 材料:生黄芪60~90克,大枣30克。 做法:加水煎煮30分钟后饮用,可反复使用。 功效:此方可抗压补气,利水退肿。 2、黄芪汤 做法:黄芪100克,人参、白术、肉桂各50克,捣成粗末,每次服用10克,加姜、枣,水煎后,去渣温服。 功效:此方以黄芪、人参补气,白术健脾,肉桂温阳;适用于中老年人脾属虚寒、中气不足、食少无味、大便溏泻者。 3、黄芪养生汤 做法:黄芪12克、枸杞9克、红枣9克,煎汤,每日服用。 功效:可调解免疫、防癌抗老;另可补气健脾、降压降脂。 4.补虚正气粥 做法:黄芪30克,人参10克,大米90克,糖适量。将黄芪、人参切片,用冷水浸泡半小时,入砂锅煎沸,煎出浓汁后将汁取出,再在参、芪锅中加入冷水如上法再煎,并取汁。 将上述药汁合并后分成两份,早晚各用一份,同大米加水煮粥,粥煮熟后加白糖食用。 服法:早、晚餐空腹食用,5 天为一疗程。 功效:补元气,健脾胃。适用于五脏虚衰、久病赢瘦、心慌气短、体虚自汗、慢性泄泻、脾虚久痢、食欲不振、气虚浮肿等一切气衰血虚之症。 如何鉴别黄芪品质 在选择黄芪时,首先看外表,优质黄芪色泽均匀,而加工过的劣质黄芪外表颜色偏白。尤其是黄芪在还未成熟便被采摘下来用硫熏过的,格外白净、好看,但这种黄芪不仅功效全无,而且还对人体有害。 其次,由于黄芪含有糖分,存放时间过长会略微变质,如果长期贮存仍旧不变质的黄芪,则很大可能是经过硫熏过的。 鉴别优劣黄芪还可以通过手抓的方式,好的黄芪抓在手上会团在一起,并且不会碎,松手之后又能够自然松散,这说明黄芪本身质量上佳、不干也不湿,且保存的也比较理想。 通过这三点可以快速鉴别优劣黄芪。当然,一分钱一分货,在购买黄芪时,一定不要贪图小便宜,只有选好黄芪,才能发挥出它的功效。 Astragalus/Beiqi Pian (Sliced) (16oz) A lot of research has been done on astragalus (huang qi) here are only a few of its health benefits: Heart Health. Several studies suggest that Astragalus may be a heart-friendly herb as it is rich in antioxidants. ... Relief from Seasonal Allergy. ... Reduces Stress. ... Reduces Sleep Issues. ... Anti-ageing Properties. ... Boosts the Immune System. From the manufacturer: The medicinal history of Astragalus has been more than 2,000 years, and it was first seen in the silk book "Fifty-two Disease Prescriptions" unearthed in Mawangdui tomb of the Han Dynasty. In The "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" it was listed as top grade. "Compendium of Materia Medica" of the Ming Dynasty advised it for "Old age, Huang Qi is yellow, so it is named for the long-term use...". "Huiyan of Materia Medica" contains astragalus for invigorating the lungs and spleen, Wei Shi [regulating] sweat, and the medicine for expelling wind and poison...". "Materia Medica Fengyuan" contains: "Astragalus can replenish the five internal organs, treat spontaneous perspiration in the pulse string, relieve yin and fire, remove lung heat, if there is no sweat, it will produce, and if there is sweat, it will stop." This product is the root of the legume Astragalus mongolia. Its nature and flavor improve menstruation. It has a sweet taste, is slightly warm in nature; It enters the Spleen and Lung meridians. Function Indication: It invigorates qi and solidifies the surface [regulates sweating], supports detoxification, and discharges pus, diuresis, and strengtens muscles. It is used for qi deficiency, fatigue, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of the anus, spontaneous sweating, edema, uterine prolapse, chronic nephritis, proteinuria, diabetes, and long-lasting sores. Diet Therapy Astragalus Tea Ingredients: 60-90 grams of raw astragalus, 30 grams of jujube. Add water and decoct for 30 minutes and drink it. It can be used repeatedly. Efficacy: This can improve circulation and replenish qi, promote hydration and reduce swelling. Astragalus Soup Ingredients: 100 grams of astragalus, 50 grams each of ginseng, atractylodes, and cinnamon, pound into coarse powder, take 10 grams each time, add ginger and jujube, decoct in water, remove the residue and take it warmly. Efficacy: This recipe uses astragalus and ginseng to invigorate qi, Atractylodes macrocephala to invigorate the spleen, and cinnamon to warm the yang; it is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people with deficiency of the spleen, insufficient qi, poor appetite and tastelessness, and loose stools. Astragalus Health Soup Ingredients: 12 grams of Astragalus, 9 grams of Chinese wolfberry, 9 grams of red dates. Cook as a decoction for daily consumption. Efficacy: It can mediate immunity, prevent cancer and anti-aging; in addition, it can invigorate qi, invigorate the spleen, lower blood pressure and lower fat. Tonic Porridge Ingredients: 30 grams of astragalus, 10 grams of ginseng, 90 grams of rice, adequate sugar. Slice the astragalus and ginseng and soak in cold water for half an hour, simmer them in a casserole as a decoction, and take out the juice after cooking. Then add cold water to the ginseng and ginseng pot and cook again as above, and take the juice. Combine the above decoctions and divide them into two portions. Use one portion each morning and evening. Add the herb water to rice to cook the porridge. After the porridge is cooked, add sugar to eat. Dosage: Take breakfast and dinner on an empty stomach, 5 days as a course of treatment. Efficacy: Replenishes vitality, invigorates the spleen and stomach. It is suitable for all symptoms of qi failure and blood deficiency, such as weakness of the five internal organs, chronic illness and thinness, palpitation, shortness of breath, physical weakness and spontaneous sweating, chronic diarrhea, chronic spleen deficiency, dysentery, loss of appetite, qi deficiency and edema.
山西 頂級 原切黑金芪 片(16 oz/包)
山西 原切 黑金芪片 (16oz/包) 口芪 元芪 绵芪 绵黄芪 棉芪 北芪 生黄芪 炒黄芪 炙黄芪 黄耆 西芪 抽芪 卜奎芪 浑源芪 大岚芪 炮台芪 大有芪 炙耆 百本 芰草 本品为豆科植物蒙古黄芪的根。 尺寸 76-80片/磅 性味归经 味甘,性微温;归脾、肺经。 功能主治 补气固表,托毒排脓,利尿,生肌。用于气虚乏力、久泻脱肛、自汗、水肿、子宫脱垂、慢性肾炎蛋白尿、糖尿病、疮口久不愈合。 【食疗方】 1、黄芪茶 材料:生黄芪60~90克,大枣30克。 做法:加水煎煮30分钟后饮用,可反复使用。 功效:此方可抗压补气,利水退肿。 2、黄芪汤 做法:黄芪100克,人参、白术、肉桂各50克,捣成粗末,每次服用10克,加姜、枣,水煎后,去渣温服。 功效:此方以黄芪、人参补气,白术健脾,肉桂温阳;适用于中老年人脾属虚寒、中气不足、食少无味、大便溏泻者。 3、黄芪养生汤 做法:黄芪12克、枸杞9克、红枣9克,煎汤,每日服用。 功效:可调解免疫、防癌抗老;另可补气健脾、降压降脂。 4.补虚正气粥 做法:黄芪30克,人参10克,大米90克,糖适量。将黄芪、人参切片,用冷水浸泡半小时,入砂锅煎沸,煎出浓汁后将汁取出,再在参、芪锅中加入冷水如上法再煎,并取汁。 将上述药汁合并后分成两份,早晚各用一份,同大米加水煮粥,粥煮熟后加白糖食用。 服法:早、晚餐空腹食用,5 天为一疗程。 功效:补元气,健脾胃。适用于五脏虚衰、久病赢瘦、心慌气短、体虚自汗、慢性泄泻、脾虚久痢、食欲不振、气虚浮肿等一切气衰血虚之症。 如何鉴别黄芪品质 在选择黄芪时,首先看外表,优质黄芪色泽均匀,而加工过的劣质黄芪外表颜色偏白。尤其是黄芪在还未成熟便被采摘下来用硫熏过的,格外白净、好看,但这种黄芪不仅功效全无,而且还对人体有害。 其次,由于黄芪含有糖分,存放时间过长会略微变质,如果长期贮存仍旧不变质的黄芪,则很大可能是经过硫熏过的。 鉴别优劣黄芪还可以通过手抓的方式,好的黄芪抓在手上会团在一起,并且不会碎,松手之后又能够自然松散,这说明黄芪本身质量上佳、不干也不湿,且保存的也比较理想。 通过这三点可以快速鉴别优劣黄芪。当然,一分钱一分货,在购买黄芪时,一定不要贪图小便宜,只有选好黄芪,才能发挥出它的功效。 Radix Astragali/Superior Shanxi Bei Qi/Huang Qi (16oz/Bag) “Astragalus, a milk vetch, is used as a natural diet supplement. The most popular health benefit of Astragalus is in boosting the immune-system and energy levels. It has a variety of health benefits and is also known to help with ailments such common cold, diabetes, upper respiratory problems, arthritis, asthma and blood pressure. “Astragalus is considered safe for many adults. The most commonly reported side effects are diarrhea and other mild gastrointestinal effects. However, it may affect blood sugar levels and blood pressure and be risky for people with certain health problems, such as blood disorders, diabetes, or hypertension. “Pregnant or nursing women should not use astragalus root. If you have an immune system disease such as multiple sclerosis, lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis, or another condition known as an ‘autoimmune disease,’ you should not use astragalus root.”From the manufacturer: This product is the root of Astragalus mongolicum, a leguminous plant. It nature and flavor regulate menstruation. It tastes sweet and is slightly warm in nature. It enters the Spleen and Lung meridians. Function and Indication: It invigorates qi and “solidify the surface,” [protects defensive energy, wei qi] detoxifies toxins and discharges pus, increases diuresis, and builds muscle. It is used for qi deficiency, fatigue, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of the anus, spontaneous sweating, edema, uterine prolapse, chronic nephritis, proteinuria, diabetes, and long-lasting sores.Diet therapy 1. Astragalus tea Ingredients: 60~90 grams of raw astragalus, 30 grams of jujube.Add water to decoct for 30 minutes and drink it, can be used repeatedly. Efficacy: This can lower hypertention and replenish qi, promote hydration and reduce swelling. 2. Huangqi soup Ingredients: 100 grams of astragalus, 50 grams each of ginseng, atractylodes, and cinnamon, Pound the dried herbs into a coarse powder, add sliced ginger and jujube date. Cook in water as a dedoction at least 45 minutes. Drink it warm 10 grams each time. Efficacy: This recipe uses astragalus and ginseng to invigorate qi, Atractylodes macrocephala invigorates the spleen, and cinnamon warms the yang; It is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people with deficiency of the spleen, insufficient qi, poor appetite, and loose stools. 3. Huangqi health soup Ingredients: 12 grams of Astragalus, 9 grams of Chinese wolfberry [aka goji berry], 9 grams of jujube red datesCook as a decoction for daily consumption. Efficacy: It can mediate immunity, prevent cancer and anti-aging; in addition, it can invigorate qi, invigorate the spleen, lower blood pressure and lower fat.4. Tonic porridge Ingredients: 30 grams of astragalus, 10 grams of ginseng, 90 grams of rice, adequate sugar. Rinse and soak sliced astragalus and ginseng in cold water for half an hour. Drink half the liquid in morning and half in evening. Combine all the ingredients and simmer them in a casserole until done. . . After the porridge is cooked, add sugar to eat. Dosage: eat the porridge for breakfast and dinner on an empty stomach, for 5 days as a course of treatment. Efficacy: Replenishes vitality, invigorates the spleen and stomach. It is suitable for all symptoms of qi failure and blood deficiency, such as weakness of the five internal organs, chronic illness and thinness, palpitation, shortness of breath, physical weakness, spontaneous sweating, chronic diarrhea, chronic spleen deficiency, dysentery, loss of appetite, qi deficiency and edema.
正黑芪 黄芪 北芪片(12oz) 本品为豆科植物蒙古黄芪的根。 性味归经 味甘,性微温;归脾、肺经。 功能主治 补气固表,托毒排脓,利尿,生肌。用于气虚乏力、久泻脱肛、自汗、水肿、子宫脱垂、慢性肾炎蛋白尿、糖尿病、疮口久不愈合。 【食疗方】 1、黄芪茶 材料:生黄芪60~90克,大枣30克。 做法:加水煎煮30分钟后饮用,可反复使用。 功效:此方可抗压补气,利水退肿。 2、黄芪汤 做法:黄芪100克,人参、白术、肉桂各50克,捣成粗末,每次服用10克,加姜、枣,水煎后,去渣温服。 功效:此方以黄芪、人参补气,白术健脾,肉桂温阳;适用于中老年人脾属虚寒、中气不足、食少无味、大便溏泻者。 3、黄芪养生汤 做法:黄芪12克、枸杞9克、红枣9克,煎汤,每日服用。 功效:可调解免疫、防癌抗老;另可补气健脾、降压降脂。 4.补虚正气粥 做法:黄芪30克,人参10克,大米90克,糖适量。将黄芪、人参切片,用冷水浸泡半小时,入砂锅煎沸,煎出浓汁后将汁取出,再在参、芪锅中加入冷水如上法再煎,并取汁。 将上述药汁合并后分成两份,早晚各用一份,同大米加水煮粥,粥煮熟后加白糖食用。 服法:早、晚餐空腹食用,5 天为一疗程。 功效:补元气,健脾胃。适用于五脏虚衰、久病赢瘦、心慌气短、体虚自汗、慢性泄泻、脾虚久痢、食欲不振、气虚浮肿等一切气衰血虚之症。 如何鉴别黄芪品质 在选择黄芪时,首先看外表,优质黄芪色泽均匀,而加工过的劣质黄芪外表颜色偏白。尤其是黄芪在还未成熟便被采摘下来用硫熏过的,格外白净、好看,但这种黄芪不仅功效全无,而且还对人体有害。 其次,由于黄芪含有糖分,存放时间过长会略微变质,如果长期贮存仍旧不变质的黄芪,则很大可能是经过硫熏过的。 鉴别优劣黄芪还可以通过手抓的方式,好的黄芪抓在手上会团在一起,并且不会碎,松手之后又能够自然松散,这说明黄芪本身质量上佳、不干也不湿,且保存的也比较理想。 通过这三点可以快速鉴别优劣黄芪。当然,一分钱一分货,在购买黄芪时,一定不要贪图小便宜,只有选好黄芪,才能发挥出它的功效。 Radix Astragali/Huang Qi (12 oz/Box) Astragalus has many proven health benefits including, immune-boosting, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects. Astragalus is believed to prolong life and used to treat a wide variety of ailments, such as fatigue, allergies and [prevent the] common cold. It's also used against heart disease, diabetes and other conditions. From the manufacturer: This product is the root of the legume Astragalus mongolia. The taste is sweet, it is slightly warm in nature. It enters the Spleen and Lung meridians. Indications: to Invigorate qi and solidify the surface [regulate sweating], supports detoxification and discharges pus, increases diuresis, and strengthens muscles. It is used for qi deficiency, fatigue, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of the anus, spontaneous sweating, edema, uterine prolapse, chronic nephritis, proteinuria, diabetes, and long-lasting sores. Diet therapy Astragalus tea Ingredients: 60-90 grams of raw astragalus, 30 grams of jujube. Add water and decoct for 30 minutes and drink it. It can be used repeatedly. Efficacy: This can resist pressure [adaptogen] and replenish qi, promote hydration and reduce swelling. Astragalus Soup Ingredients: 100 grams of astragalus, 50 grams each of ginseng, atractylodes, and cinnamon, pound into coarse powder, take 10 grams each time, add ginger and jujube, decoct in water, remove the residue and take it warm. Efficacy: This recipe uses astragalus and ginseng to invigorate qi, Atractylodes macrocephala to invigorate the spleen, and cinnamon to warm the yang; it is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people with deficiency of the spleen, insufficient qi, poor appetite and loss of taste, and loose stools. Astragalus health soup Ingredients: 12 grams of Astragalus, 9 grams of Chinese wolfberry, 9 grams of red dates; Cook as a decoction for daily consumption. Efficacy: It can mediate immunity, prevent cancer and anti-aging; in addition, it can invigorate qi, invigorate the spleen, lower blood pressure and reduce fat. Tonic Porridge Ingredients: 30 grams of astragalus, 10 grams of ginseng, 90 grams of rice, appropriate amount of sugar. Slice the astragalus and ginseng in cold water for half an hour, simmer in a casserole, and take out the juice after cooking. Then add cold water to the ginseng and ginseng pot and boil again as above, and take the juice. Combine the above concoctions and divide them into two portions. Use one portion each morning and evening. Add water to the same rice to cook the porridge. After the porridge is cooked, add sugar to eat. Dosage: Take breakfast and dinner on an empty stomach, 5 days as a course of treatment. Efficacy: Replenish vitality, invigorate the spleen and stomach. It is suitable for all symptoms of qi failure and blood deficiency, such as weakness of the five internal organs, chronic illness and thinness, palpitation, shortness of breath, physical weakness and spontaneous sweating, chronic diarrhea, chronic spleen deficiency, dysentery, loss of appetite, qi deficiency and edema.
龍膽瀉肝 湯料
龍膽瀉肝湯料 成分:龍膽草,柴胡,生地,甘草,泽泻,栀子,当归,车前子,黄芪,木通 龙胆泻肝汤,中医方剂名。为清热剂,具有清脏腑热,清泻肝胆实火,清利肝经湿热之功效。主治肝胆实火上炎证。头痛目赤,胁痛,口苦,耳聋,耳肿,舌红苔黄,脉弦细有力;肝经湿热下注证。阴肿,阴痒,筋痿,阴汗,小便淋浊,或妇女带下黄臭等,舌红苔黄腻,脉弦数有力。临床常用于治疗阴虚而不甚、阳亢而不烈之高血证及滴虫性阴道炎、阴痒、带下等证。 Cool and Calm Soup - 龍膽瀉肝湯料 Long Dan Xie Gan What it is: Roots and buds, all natural plant remedies that have been trusted for generations. It is a concentrated combination of herbs that may be used by men or women to ease liver inflammation and congestion. Useful for a history of drug or alcohol use, smoking and other liver damaging substances such as environmental poisons, chemicals used in work or cosmetics etc. Which health concerns is this herbal combination used for? It helps resolve liver inflammation, headache, irritability, anger, PMS Cool and Calm can be used as prevention for predicted blow-ups from herpes, PMS acne, headaches, breast swelling, shingles and digestive complaints. How does it work? It helps support the liver with Bile production and excretion. Excretion of bilirubin, cholesterol, hormones, and drugs. Metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Enzyme activation. Storage of glycogen, vitamins, and minerals. Synthesis of plasma proteins, such as albumin, and clotting factors. Blood detoxification and purification Key Benefits include Maintains health liver/gallbladder function Reduces inflammation Helps ease tension, stress and violent emotions May be useful for acne, eye redness, breast swelling PMS, hypertension TCM Benefits Regulates stuck liver Qi and rising fire of the liver In TCM, the liver accomplishes all that plus functions as an energy system to ease and balance our emotions, thoughts, and behavior. The Lung Tan Xie Gan formula has been used in Chinese hospitals to curb violent behavior in people with an irritated liver. What may be normal signs of liver inflammation? Liver and rib pain, severe headache, jaundice which is a bronze or yellow skin hue, bad breath, shingles, itchy skin rash, hypertension, allergies, inflammatory arthritis, hepatitis, insomnia, angry or hyperactive PMS, mania and anti-social behavior. Instructions Just add water and cook using one of three methods:pressure cooker (takes about 20 minutes);simmer on the stovetop for 1.5 – 2 hrs; Pregnant women should avoid strongly cleansing herbs and laxatives. Check with your medical advisor before using herbal remedies. Please consult your physician before using this product. Ingredients Radix Gentianae - enhances smooth flow of bile Bupleurm root - ease circulation and liver function, reduces abdominal discomforts Fresh Rehmannia root, - supports healthy liver and blood Radix Angelica sinensis, - a blood tonic, helps ease circulation Semen Plantaginis, - a soothing diuretic Scutellaria root, - a liver cleanser Licorice root, - harmonizes herbal combinations, reduce digestive discomforts Oriental Water Plantain Rhizome, -helps maintain healthy urinary system Fructus Gardeniae, - an inflammatory for feverish conditions Akebia Stem. - analgesic, diuretic, antioxidant Also see Long Dan Xie Gan Wan pills Please consult your physician before using this product.
同仁堂 牛黄降压丸 1.6克*10丸
同仁堂 牛黄降压丸 1.6克*10丸 清心化痰 平肝安神 緩解頭暈目眩 失眠煩躁不安 【成份】羚羊角、珍珠、水牛角浓缩粉、人工牛黄、冰 片、白芍、党参、黄芪、决明子、川芎、黄芩提取物、 甘松、薄荷、郁金。辅料为蜂蜜。【性状】本品为浅棕绿色至深棕色的大蜜丸;气微香, 味微甜、苦,有清凉感。【功能主治】清心化痰,平肝安神。用于心肝火旺、痰 热壅盛所致的头晕目眩、头痛失眠、烦躁不安;高血 压病见上述证候者。【规格】大蜜丸每丸重1.6g【用法用量】口服。大蜜丸一次1~2丸,一日1次。【不良反应】详见说明书。【禁忌】详见说明书。【注意事项】详见说明书。【贮藏】密封。【包装】塑料球壳装,每丸重1.6g,每盒装10丸。【批准文号】国药准字Z11020199
强力田七杜仲丸 (200粒/瓶)
唐龙 强力田七杜仲丸 (200粒/瓶) 规格: 200粒/瓶 功效: 养血祛风、通络止痛 成分: 牛膝、桑寄生、羌活、独活、当归、地黄、杜仲、制附子、三七、党参、黄芪、制草乌 用法用量: 每次6粒、每日3次。或遵医嘱。警告:孕妇忌服。避免儿童接触。 Size: 200pills/bottle Effect: An herb supplement formulated to help nourish blood and dredge meridians Component: Adix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata (Extract), Chinese Taxillus Herb (Extract), Incised notopterygium Rhizome OR Root, Doubleteeth Pubescent Angelica Root (Extract), Chinese Angelica (Extract), Rehmannia Root (Extract), Eucommia Bark (Extract), Adix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata (Extract), Sanchi (Extract), Codonopsis Root (Extract), Milkvetch Root (Extract), Radic Aconiti Kusnezoffii Preparata (Extract) Direction to use: Take 6 pills each time, 3 times daily. Or consult your herbalist. Do not use if pregnant. Keep out of reach of children. Tonifies Qi, invigorates Blood, and clears Meridians This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
古方 補中益氣丸 200粒
古方 補中益氣丸 200粒 中藥草本補充劑 传统 蘭州中藥 系列 中國GMP認證企業產品 规格: 200粒濃縮丸/瓶 功效: 补中益气,升阳举陷,用于调理脾胃虚弱、中气下陷所致的不适 成分: 黄芪,甘草,陈皮,白术,柴胡,党参,大枣,生姜 用法用量: 每次8粒,每日3次。或遵醫囑。警告:孕婦忌服。避免兒童接觸。 Size: 200pills/bottle Effect: An herbal supplement to help promote “Qi” and maintain a healthy digestive system. Component: Astragalus, Licorice, Tangerine Peel, Atractylodes, Bupleurum, Dangshen, Chinese Jujube, Ginger Direction to use: Take 8 pills each time, 3 times daily.Or consult your herbalist.Do not use if pregnant.Keep out of reach of children.