品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 鳳凰單樅 秋茶雪片單叢Phoenix Dan Cong Snowflake Tea 等级Level: 特级 Supreme 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 Faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索紧结匀称,茶香浓郁, 吴赫色,黑褐色Tight and even strips, dark brown bloom glossy with honey aroma,dark brown 茶汤Liquor: 金黄透亮,花香清爽,耐冲泡Mellow and smooth taste with strong honey aroma, yielding along lasting fragrance with unique mountain flavor 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 凤凰单丛雪片茶指的是四季中最后一季采摘的凤凰单丛单株各系列,雪片茶最大的特点就是香气高扬、持久,那是种沁人心脾的醇香, 凤凰山总的来说是柔中带刚,婉约中带有俊秀挺拔。而雪片茶对比头春茶,虽然香气上更浓郁,但是缺少了高山茶的那种山韵。上等的头春单枞茶,幽香、内敛、持久、绵长,而雪片则是浓郁、高调、张扬、走窜。 香味口感:冲泡时,汤色清澈明亮,有天然花香,芳香四溢,口感醇厚,喝后喉咙回甘,耐人寻味。 Dan Cong (单枞) are special types of Oolong from Fenghuang shan (Phoenix mountains) in Guandong province, China. The Phoenix Mountains are elevated from 350 - 1560 meters above sea level. Niaoji shan (1560m) is the highest mountain while in Wudong shan (1391m) the main Dancong production is located. Dancong literally translated means "single bush". This variety is known to mimic different flavors. Aroma and taste: When brewing, almond flavor and milk flavor complement each other. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 3g Tea 8g Tea Brewing time: 3 - 5 mins 10 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 210s, 280s Rinse time is around 5 seconds
品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 鳳凰單樅 杏仁香/鋸朵仔Phoenix Dan Cong Almond Fragrance 等级Level: 特级 Supreme 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 Faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索紧结匀称,茶香浓郁, 吴赫色,黑褐色Tight and even strips, dark brown bloom glossy with honey aroma,dark brown 茶汤Liquor: 金黄透亮,花香清爽,耐冲泡Mellow and smooth taste with strong honey aroma, yielding along lasting fragrance with unique mountain flavor 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 凤凰单丛锯朵仔主要产地:红圈中桥头和山后等村, 这里锯朵仔产量较高,海拔集中在400-700米,由于依靠乌岽山脉龙脊山韵较好,而且这里茶农锯朵仔毛茶制作技术较硬,属于中低山锯朵仔产区较高品质茶品。 锯朵仔,一般种植于潮州市凤凰镇海拔400-1000米高山之上,富含矿物的火山红黄壤,配之以甘甜可口的凤凰山泉水,加上高山日照短云雾多,盛夏无酷暑,冬春不严寒之气候,造就了锯朵仔鲜叶翠绿. 香味口感:冲泡时,杏仁味与奶香味交相辉映,杯面杏仁果香浓郁,成熟浑厚而带果花甜韵,茶汤喉韵饱满,丛韵内敛飒然,入口甘润,质感柔软,滋味腴醇,回甘绵长。 Dan Cong (单枞) are special types of Oolong from Fenghuang shan (Phoenix mountains) in Guandong province, China. The Phoenix Mountains are elevated from 350 - 1560 meters above sea level. Niaoji shan (1560m) is the highest mountain while in Wudong shan (1391m) the main Dancong production is located. Dancong literally translated means "single bush". This variety is known to mimic different flavors. Aroma and taste: When brewing, almond flavor and milk flavor complement each other. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 3g Tea 8g Tea Brewing time: 3 - 5 mins 10 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 210s, 280s Rinse time is around 5 seconds
山头古树 早春 银芽瑞贡 2018生茶 普洱茶饼(357 g)
山头古树 早春 银芽瑞贡 2018生茶 普洱茶饼(357g) Pu-Erh Tea is unique in that it gets better with age, much like a fine wine. It initially starts out as a green tea but is not fully fired. Instead, the moist leaves are loosely stacked on top of each other to allow them to dry and age. The result is a fresh, vegetal taste and sweet aftertaste. Pu’erh is digestive and contains a natural statin that helps to reduce harmful cholesterol. When it comes to the price of Pu erh, raw Pu erh tea generally tends to be more expensive, in that better raw materials are used for raw Pu erh that's meant for storage, simply because they age better and develop a better flavor.
品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 鳳凰單從 秋茶雪片Phoenix Dan Cong Snowflake Tea 等级Level: 特级 Supreme 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 Faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索紧结匀称,茶香浓郁, 吴赫色,黑褐色Tight and even strips, dark brown bloom glossy with honey aroma,dark brown 茶汤Liquor: 金黄透亮,花香清爽,耐冲泡Mellow and smooth taste with strong honey aroma, yielding along lasting fragrance with unique mountain flavor 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 凤凰单丛雪片茶指的是四季中最后一季采摘的凤凰单丛单株各系列,雪片茶最大的特点就是香气高扬、持久,那是种沁人心脾的醇香, 凤凰山总的来说是柔中带刚,婉约中带有俊秀挺拔。而雪片茶对比头春茶,虽然香气上更浓郁,但是缺少了高山茶的那种山韵。上等的头春单枞茶,幽香、内敛、持久、绵长,而雪片则是浓郁、高调、张扬、走窜。 香味口感:冲泡时,汤色清澈明亮,有天然花香,芳香四溢,口感醇厚,喝后喉咙回甘,耐人寻味。 Dan Cong (单枞) are special types of Oolong from Fenghuang shan (Phoenix mountains) in Guandong province, China. The Phoenix Mountains are elevated from 350 - 1560 meters above sea level. Niaoji shan (1560m) is the highest mountain while in Wudong shan (1391m) the main Dancong production is located. Dancong literally translated means "single bush". This variety is known to mimic different flavors. Aroma and taste: When brewing, almond flavor and milk flavor complement each other. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 3g Tea 8g Tea Brewing time: 3 - 5 mins 10 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 210s, 280s Rinse time is around 5 seconds
特大純天然 野生整枝 赤靈芝(5-7磅/枝)
特大 纯天然 整枝 野生赤灵芝 #5091(5-7磅/整枝) 整枝售卖,起订量6磅,多退少补。 每枝5-7磅,直径45-60厘米. 性味 甘;平;无毒 性状 1.赤芝:外形呈伞状,菌盖肾形、半圆形或近圆形。皮壳坚硬,黄褐色至红褐色,有光泽,具环状棱纹和辐射状皱纹,边缘薄而平截,常稍内卷。菌肉白色至淡棕色。菌柄圆柱形,侧生,少偏生,红褐色至紫褐色,光亮。孢子细小,黄褐色。气微香,味苦涩。 2.紫芝:皮壳紫黑色,有漆样光泽。菌肉锈褐色。 XL Wild Red Reishi\Ganoderma Lucidum(5-7 lbs/ pcs) Minimum order:6 lbs. Sold in whole piece, refund for any overpayment or a supplemental payment for any deficiency. Size 45-60 cm, 5-7 lbs each pcs. Many Benefits of Reishi Mushroom (Plus Side Effects and Dosage) Boost the Immune System. One of the most important effects of the reishi mushroom is that it can boost your immune system . ... Anti-Cancer Properties. Many people consume this fungus due to its potential cancer-fighting properties... Could Fight Fatigue and Depression. Heart Health Possible Blood Sugar Control Antioxidants https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/reishi-mushroom-benefits#section6 Chi ganzhi, also known as Dan zhi, The taste is sweet and slightly bitter and it is detoxifying. Traditional treatments include reduction of chest discomforts and improved mood and spirit. Chi ganzhi is also known as ganoderma. Poromycetaceae is a medicinal fungus. From the manufacturer: Ganoderma lucidum: The shape is umbrella-shaped, the cap is kidney-shaped, semi-circular or nearly circular. The hull is hard, yellowish brown to reddish brown, shiny, with ring ribs and radial wrinkles, thin and truncated edges, often slightly inwardly rolled. The flesh is white to light brown. The stalk is cylindrical, laterally growing, less partial, reddish brown to purple-brown, bright. The spores are small and yellowish brown. Slight fragrance, bitter taste. [Traditionally ganoderma is slow cooked at low heat for at least 10 hours to make a water extract. The mushroom may be cooked twice or as long as it has potency; and the juice may be kept refrigerated for up to 3 days. Few side-effects have been reported. . . In case of mushroom allergy, check with your health professional before use.]
獅峰山 西湖龍井 綠茶#1282
品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 浙江杭州 狮峰山产区 Zhejiang, China 品名Name: 狮峰山 西湖龙井 群体种 Shi Feng Longjing 保质期Shelf Life: 18months 分类Sort: 炒青绿茶 Green Tea 等级Level: 特一级 Supreme 采摘Season: 清明前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 干茶 扁平光洁,匀长挺直, 嫩绿带黄 茶汤 香气浓郁,豆香、栗香悠长,鲜甜甘爽, Body: Flattened tea leaves, with one bud andone or two leaves Liquor: Sweet and nutty, smooth and rich with slight vegetal undertones 储存方法 阴凉、干燥、储存在4~10℃ 的冰箱 Storage: Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 建议:为保证口感,请尽快饮用. suggestion: To ensure the taste, please drink as soon as possible. 此龙井茶产自西湖龙井核心产区狮峰山产区,由我公司产品经理从合作20余年的当地茶农手中收集而来。 群体种是龙井茶最早的品种,也是目前来看茶叶品质最好的,现在人们常说的狮峰山上的西湖龙井茶就是这个品种。一般来说,群体种采摘的时间较其它品种要晚一些,大约在清明左右。该品种的种植面积仅限于西湖产区,面积十分有限。 龙井群体种所生产的特级龙井,其茶香口感甘醇浓厚,回甘更强,并且,在冲泡之后,龙井的香气也是馥郁持久,不过对于这类型的茶叶来说,更适合老茶客的口感,对于初次接触龙井的人,可能口感上会有些许的不适应。 Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 185℉ / 85℃ 185℉ / 85℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 5g Tea Brewing time: 5 - 8 mins 5 steeps: 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 150s Longjing (Dragon Well) is the most famous green tea in China. Longjing tastes sweet, mellow, and rounded. It has a fresh, snap-pea and slightly chestnut and butter fragrance, a toasty smooth flavor with delicate nutty notes. It's never astringent or bitter-tasting when brewed correctly. Regular consumption is known to lower blood pressure and help keep cholesterol levels under control, thus helping to prevent atherosclerosis and lowering the risk of heart attack, stroke, and coronary heart disease. Longjing is grown in the mountains around the West Lake area of Hangzhou in the central coastal province of Zhejiang, an area long believed to be proof of Heaven on Earth. The area has been producing critically acclaimed green teas since at least the Song Dynasty, when Lu Yu, the famous author, mentioned the region in The Classic of Tea. Hangzhou and specifically the area around Xihu (West Lake) is known for a mild, temperate, and often rainy climate, creating the perfect terroir to maximize flavor. In the village of Longjing, Dragon Well refers to an auspicious local well, where the swirling rainwater with particularly dense groundwater gives the impression of dragons beneath the surface. Longjing was named after that well near the Old Longjing Temple some 1700 years ago. While digging the well, a farmer found a unique dragon-shaped stone and called it Dragon Well. A popular legend is that a dragon lived near the well and during an extreme drought, the dragon saved the village by providing rain. In any case, Longjing tea grown in the area of Dragon Well is magical, fragrant, and the most highly praised green tea. Once designated as a tribute tea, offered to visit dignitaries, it is frequently found listed among the Ten Famous Teas of China, (aka Zhong Guo Shi Da Ming Cha 中国十大名茶 .) Longjing tea was made famous by the Qing Emperors who loved Hangzhou City. While visiting Hu Gong Temple, Emperor Qian Long loved Longjing tea so much that he claimed the eighteen bushes for himself ranking them as Tribute Tea Trees. Visitors can still admire these vibrant trees today at the foot of Shi Feng Mountain.
$114.29 - $449.99
永合豐 华盛顿牌 美国威州花旗参 短支(4 oz/盒)
永合豐 华盛顿牌 美国威州花旗参 短支 买一赠一 American Ginseng Half Short (4 oz/box) BOGO American ginseng has been recommended for diabetes, chronic thirst and hunger, menopausal hot flashes, stress headaches, premature aging skin and chronic dryness. American ginseng (Panax ginseng quinquefolius), sweet and cooling, clears internal heat (chronic inflammation,) nourishes the lungs and Yin (body fluids.) American ginseng is tonic and nourishing, has a very high health value, and is suitable for all ages and all seasons. It helps refresh internal organs and regulates the balance of physiological changes, it also improves immunity if used long-term. Our Washington Brand American Ginseng (panax quinquefolius) has been carefully selected, processed and packaged for your enjoyment from what is prized as one of the highest valued ginsengs in the world. They are 100% from Wisconsin, U.S.A. American ginseng belongs to the family of Araliaceae, and is an herbaceous perennial plant in the ivy family, commonly used as Chinese or traditional medicine. It grows on the cold plateau of the northeastern United States and is a famous specialty of the United States. According to research and analysis, American ginseng contains: ginseng, ginseng acid, glycosides, ginsenosides and other beneficial ingredients. Citi Ginseng tastes sweet and spicy, is cooling in nature, and has the effect of nourishing the lungs and reducing inflammation, nourishing the stomach and invigorating the body. Where there is insufficient qi vitality and yin (fluids) in the body, fatigue, weakness, chronic coughing, hemoptysis, and deficiency of the lungs and stomach, moderate consumption of Citi ginseng can help relieve these discomforts. Cautions: People with chronic inflammation or fever should not use red Panax ginseng. Ginsengs and all tonics should be avoided during colds and flu. People with a “hot physique” (an inflammatory constitution) will experience some physical discomfort after taking stimulating and warming red Korean (Panax ginseng,) but Citi ginseng (American ginseng, panax quinquefolius) is colder and there is no such concern after taking it.
永合丰 老班章茶餅 龍年米色禮盒 357g
永合丰 老班章茶餅 龍年米色禮盒(普洱生茶)357g 茶中王者 霸氣十足 老班章茶树大多种植于1476年,距今五百多年岁月,千年以上的高龄古树茶的茶叶极为珍稀。位于西双版纳世界茶王之乡勐海县布朗山乡,布朗族后裔(属古代濮人的后代),是世界上最早栽培、制作和饮用茶叶的民族。海拔1700米至1900米,山峦起伏连绵,沟谷纵横交错,北部因有哀老山和无量山的屏障作用,天成“冬无严寒,夏无酷署,四季如春”、“冬春两季多雾”的气候特点,原生态植被多样性保存完好,特别适合古茶树的生长。从古至今,老班章村民一直沿用传统古法、人工养护古茶树,手工采摘鲜叶,日光晒青毛茶,石磨土法压制各种紧压茶。 老班章古树茶,因其生长的天时地利条件,造就口感丰富的香气,独特的兰香引人入胜,浓厚润滑、喉韵深、回味悠长的普洱茶。 永合丰龙年礼盒,采用选料上乘老班章古树茶,米色礼盒精美雅致,无论品饮、鉴赏、馈赠或收藏,都是顶级珍茗佳品最佳选择。
宝岛叠翠 台湾烏龍茶禮盒
宝岛叠翠 阿里山&樟树湖 台湾乌龙茶礼盒 因为阿里山高山气候冷凉,早晚云雾笼罩,平均日照短,茶树芽叶苦涩成分降低,进而提高了茶叶的甘味。同时因日夜温差大的缘故,茶树生长缓慢,茶叶芽叶柔软,叶肉厚实,果胶质含量高等等,这些都是阿里山高山茶所展现出的特性。此外这里所产的茶叶多以山泉水灌溉,甘醇美味,具有浓厚的高山冷冽茶味。 Ali Mountain & Zhangshu Lake Oolong Tea Gift Set Some of the many benefits of drinking Oolong Tea : Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease. Researchers have found a connection in drinking oolong tea and lowering cholesterol levels. Lowers Risk of Cancer Decreases Inflammation Helps Fight Obesity Diabetes Prevention Boosts Energy Improves Tooth and Skin Health. --(sarasana.com) From the manufacturer: Because of the cold climate in the high mountains of Alishan, morning and evening clouds are enveloped, the average sunshine is short, the bitterness of tea buds and leaves are reduced, and the sweetness of tea is improved. At the same time, due to the large temperature difference between day and night, the tea trees grow slowly, the tea leaves are soft, the leaf flesh is thick, and the pectin content is high. These are the characteristics of Alishan Mountain Tea. In addition, most of the tea produced here is irrigated with mountain spring water, which is sweet and delicious, with a strong, cold mountain tea flavor.
武夷肉桂岩茶 (125g * 2 tin)
武夷肉桂岩茶 (125g * 2 tin) 武夷肉桂岩茶是一种优质的中国岩茶,产自福建省武夷山地区。它以其独特的肉桂香气和独特的岩韵而闻名。这种茶叶通常生长在高海拔、云雾缭绕的山区,受到当地独特的气候和土壤条件的影响。武夷肉桂岩茶的制作工艺独特,经历了炭焙、摊晒、揉捻等多道复杂工序。其茶汤颜色清澈明亮,滋味醇厚甘甜,回甘持久,具有独特的肉桂香气,让人回味无穷。 武夷肉桂岩茶常被视为一种高档的礼品茶,因其独特的口感和品质而备受赞赏。它也被认为具有一定的保健价值,常被人们认为有助于消化和调节体内能量. Wuyi Rougui Rock Tea is a premium type of Chinese rock tea, produced in the Wuyi Mountains region of Fujian Province. It is renowned for its unique cinnamon aroma and distinctive rock essence. This tea is typically grown in high-altitude, misty mountainous areas, influenced by the unique local climate and soil conditions. The production process of Wuyi Rougui Rock Tea is intricate, involving multiple steps such as charcoal baking, spreading, rolling, and twisting. The tea's liquor is clear and bright, with a mellow and sweet taste, long-lasting aftertaste, and a unique cinnamon aroma that leaves a lasting impression. Wuyi Rougui Rock Tea is often considered a high-end gift tea, appreciated for its unique flavor and quality. It is also believed to have certain health benefits, often thought to aid in digestion and regulate internal energy. If you are interested in this type of tea, you can try purchasing it to experience its distinctive taste. 好处/Benefits 有助于消化(Aid digestion) 促进新陈代谢(Boost metabolism) 具有抗氧化作用(Antioxidant properties) 缓解焦虑(Relieve anxiety) 有助于体重管理(Aid weight management)
马头岩肉桂 8g*30bags
武夷肉桂岩茶 (8g*30bags) 武夷肉桂岩茶是一种优质的中国岩茶,产自福建省武夷山地区。它以其独特的肉桂香气和独特的岩韵而闻名。这种茶叶通常生长在高海拔、云雾缭绕的山区,受到当地独特的气候和土壤条件的影响。武夷肉桂岩茶的制作工艺独特,经历了炭焙、摊晒、揉捻等多道复杂工序。其茶汤颜色清澈明亮,滋味醇厚甘甜,回甘持久,具有独特的肉桂香气,让人回味无穷。 武夷肉桂岩茶常被视为一种高档的礼品茶,因其独特的口感和品质而备受赞赏。它也被认为具有一定的保健价值,常被人们认为有助于消化和调节体内能量. Wuyi Rougui Rock Tea is a premium type of Chinese rock tea, produced in the Wuyi Mountains region of Fujian Province. It is renowned for its unique cinnamon aroma and distinctive rock essence. This tea is typically grown in high-altitude, misty mountainous areas, influenced by the unique local climate and soil conditions. The production process of Wuyi Rougui Rock Tea is intricate, involving multiple steps such as charcoal baking, spreading, rolling, and twisting. The tea's liquor is clear and bright, with a mellow and sweet taste, long-lasting aftertaste, and a unique cinnamon aroma that leaves a lasting impression. Wuyi Rougui Rock Tea is often considered a high-end gift tea, appreciated for its unique flavor and quality. It is also believed to have certain health benefits, often thought to aid in digestion and regulate internal energy. If you are interested in this type of tea, you can try purchasing it to experience its distinctive taste. 好处/Benefits 有助于消化(Aid digestion) 促进新陈代谢(Boost metabolism) 具有抗氧化作用(Antioxidant properties) 缓解焦虑(Relieve anxiety) 有助于体重管理(Aid weight management)
品牌Brand: 永合豐雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 產地Origin: 廣東 中國廣東省 品名名稱: 鳳凰單樅芝蘭香鳳凰丹叢蘭花香 等級: 一級 高級 分類排序: 烏龍茶 烏龍茶 保質期保質期: 24個月 香型 香氣: 濃香型 高度芳香 咖啡因含量: ☆☆☆☆ 乾茶身體: 條索粗壯,勻稱挺直條狀緊密均勻,深棕色綻放光澤 茶湯酒: 黃綠明亮,清香東南亞,回甘佳口感醇厚柔滑,蜂蜜香氣濃郁 儲存方法貯存: 常溫、陰涼、乾燥、可長期保存儲存在密封、不透明的包裝中;在陰涼、乾燥的地方 鳳凰單叢芝蘭香,其特點是蘭香幽雅、湯色橙黃、香氣、底力渾厚。單叢級的芝蘭香韻味明顯,回甘突出。條索緊卷,黑褐色,油潤有光澤,自然的芝蘭花香氣,香氣幽銳持久,湯色橙黃明亮,滋味醇正,回甘力強,按傳統工藝製作,又中足火炭焙,非常耐泡。 單叢是產自中國廣東省鳳凰山的一種特殊類型的烏龍茶。鳳凰山海拔350米至1560米。鳥髻山(1560m)是最高的山,而無洞山(1391m)是單叢的主要產地。單叢字面意思是“單叢”。 沖泡方法: 茶碗 中國功夫法 水量: 12盎司/355毫升 3.8盎司/110毫升 溫度: 212°F / 100°C 212°F / 100°C 茶葉數量: 3克茶 8克茶 沖泡時間: 3 - 5 分鐘 10 次浸泡:沖洗、5 秒、10 秒、20 秒、35 秒、45 秒、60 秒、90 秒、120 秒、210 秒、280 秒 沖洗時間約為5秒