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    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 凤凰单枞 银花香/鸭屎香Phoenix Dan Cong Ya Shi Xiang 等级Level: 一级 Premium 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 Faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索紧结匀称,茶香浓郁,乌褐色Tight and even strips, dark brown bloom glossy with honey aroma,ebony 茶汤Liquor: 汤色橙黄明亮,滋味甘醇悠长,回甘力强.bright orange and yellow, the taste is long and sweet, yielding a long-lasting fragrance with a unique mountain flavor 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 凤凰单丛银花香正宗产地以有"潮汕屋脊"之称的凤凰山东南坡为主,这是一种蜜兰春型的高档茶,其外形条索粗壮,匀整挺直,色泽黄褐,油润有光,并有朱砂红点;冲泡清香持久,有独特的天然兰花香,滋味浓醇鲜爽,润喉回甘;汤色清澈黄亮,叶底边缘朱红,叶腹黄亮,素有“绿叶红镶边”之称,具有独特的山韵品格。 茶农当初从乌岽引进,种在“鸭屎土”(黄壤)的茶园里,当地人喝过这种茶之后都大为叫好,称赞此茶好,纷纷问是何名丛,什么香型。茶农怕被人偷去,便谎称是鸭屎香。后来依然有人获得了茶树,并开始扩种,“鸭屎香”的别名便由此而来。在2014年5月,凤凰单丛茶“鸭屎香”已经更名为“银花香”。 Dan Cong (单枞) are special types of Oolong from Fenghuang shan (Phoenix mountains) in Guandong province, China. The Phoenix Mountains are elevated from 350 - 1560 meters above sea level. Niaoji shan (1560m) is the highest mountain while in Wudong shan (1391m) the main Dancong production is located. Dancong literally translated means "single bush". This variety is known to mimic different flavors. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  3g Tea  8g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 10 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 210s, 280s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds


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    鴨屎香) 鴨屎香)


    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 凤凰单枞 银花香/鸭屎香Phoenix Dan Cong Ya Shi Xiang 等级Level: 一级 Premium 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 Faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索紧结匀称,茶香浓郁,乌褐色Tight and even strips, dark brown bloom glossy with honey aroma,ebony 茶汤Liquor: 汤色橙黄明亮,滋味甘醇悠长,回甘力强.bright orange and yellow, the taste is long and sweet, yielding a long-lasting fragrance with a unique mountain flavor 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 凤凰单丛银花香正宗产地以有"潮汕屋脊"之称的凤凰山东南坡为主,这是一种蜜兰春型的高档茶,其外形条索粗壮,匀整挺直,色泽黄褐,油润有光,并有朱砂红点;冲泡清香持久,有独特的天然兰花香,滋味浓醇鲜爽,润喉回甘;汤色清澈黄亮,叶底边缘朱红,叶腹黄亮,素有“绿叶红镶边”之称,具有独特的山韵品格。 茶农当初从乌岽引进,种在“鸭屎土”(黄壤)的茶园里,当地人喝过这种茶之后都大为叫好,称赞此茶好,纷纷问是何名丛,什么香型。茶农怕被人偷去,便谎称是鸭屎香。后来依然有人获得了茶树,并开始扩种,“鸭屎香”的别名便由此而来。在2014年5月,凤凰单丛茶“鸭屎香”已经更名为“银花香”。 Dan Cong (单枞) are special types of Oolong from Fenghuang shan (Phoenix mountains) in Guandong province, China. The Phoenix Mountains are elevated from 350 - 1560 meters above sea level. Niaoji shan (1560m) is the highest mountain while in Wudong shan (1391m) the main Dancong production is located. Dancong literally translated means "single bush". This variety is known to mimic different flavors. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  3g Tea  8g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 10 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 210s, 280s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds


  • 鳳凰單叢 赤葉單叢 8oz

    鳳凰單叢 赤葉單叢 8oz

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 潮州 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 凤凰单枞 赤叶單叢Phoenix Dan Cong Red Leaf 等级Level: 一级 Premium 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 Faint Scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索紧结匀称,茶香浓郁Tight and even strips, dark brown bloom glossy with honey aroma 茶汤Liquor: 金黄透亮,花香清爽,耐冲泡Mellow and smooth taste with strong honey aroma, yielding along lasting fragrance with unique mountain flavor 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 单枞赤叶茶冲泡茶汤鲜黄明亮,蜜色油润,蜜香极好,茶水甘甜滋润,回甘持久.赤叶单枞茶产量较白叶单枞茶要少得多,是以价格也比白叶单枞茶要稍高一些。以春冬品质最好,春茶色泽黄褐似鳝鱼色,条索均匀,细长,滋味甘醇,气味沉香,有花蜜之香。 茶树基本处于无公害原始野生生长状态,选用较为贫瘠的黄沙泥土种植,又由于其土壤相对于田园管理的较为贫瘠,所以其茶叶颜色较嫩黄,经过一番精心地加工之后,成品茶不像其他乌龙条形茶那么的乌黑光亮,而是呈偏褐黄色,是以当地茶农也把它叫做赤叶茶。 The brewed tea of ​​Dancong Red Leaf Tea is fresh and bright yellow, with a smooth honey-like texture and excellent honey aroma. The tea is sweet and refreshing, with a long-lasting aftertaste. Dancong Red Leaf Tea has a much lower yield than white leaf Dancong Tea, so its price is slightly higher. The best quality is in spring and winter, with a yellow-brown color resembling the color of eel, uniform and slender strips, a mellow taste, a fragrant aroma, and the scent of floral honey. The tea trees are mainly grown in a pollution-free primitive wild state, planted in relatively barren yellow sandy soil. Due to the relatively barren soil compared to field management, the tea leaves are of a tender yellow color. After careful processing, the finished tea is not as dark and shiny as other oolong teas, but rather a brownish-yellow color, so local tea farmers also call it Red Leaf Tea. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  3g Tea  8g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 10 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 210s, 280s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds


  • 雀石 鳳凰烏崠杏仁香 單樅 烏龍茶 8g*18包

    雀石 鳳凰烏崠杏仁香 單樅 烏龍茶 8g*18包

    雀石 凤凰乌岽 杏仁香 单枞乌龙茶 8g*18包 Phoenix Dancong Almond Oolong Tea Gift Box (8g*18) In the world of oolong tea, there are four main types – Tie Guanyin from southern Fujian province; Wuyi Mountain oolongs from northern Fujian; Taiwanese oolongs; and Dan Cong from Guangdong province.  What makes Dan Cong special is the unique aroma sub-varieties available within Dan Cong. There are said to be at least 10 different aroma sub-varieties of Dan Cong, each with unique taste and flavor profiles. And in general, all these sub-varieties fall into 1 of 3 main categories – fruity, floral, and herbal aromas.  Dan Cong tea is amazing because there are no artificial flavors, additives, or essential oils added to create their vibrant flavors. All of the different varieties come straight from the tea leaves and no other additives. The tea flavors have been developed by generations of selective tea cultivation, tea plants chosen to bring out the naturally fragrant flavors.  The word "Dan Cong" literally means "single stem." If you look at an actual Dan Cong tea plant, it differs from your standard tea plant in that Dan Cong are all single trunk trees as opposed to long interconnected tea bushes. Dan Cong tea varieties stem from a series of ancient "mother trees."  


  • 品品香2018年 典藏级 白毫银针  特級明前白茶 原木礼盒装 500克 品品香2018年 典藏级 白毫银针  特級明前白茶 原木礼盒装 500克

    品品香2018年 典藏级 白毫银针 特級明前白茶 原木礼盒装 500克

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    品品香2018年 典藏级 白毫银针  特級明前白茶 原木礼盒装 500克             珍藏典範        禮遇尊享 典藏級白毫銀針,經過時間醇化,其内質得到升華,隨陳放時間遞增,越陳越醇,越醇越純,品質内斂;適宜長期收藏,十五年内品飲為佳,自飲送禮兩相宜。 此款白茶白毫銀針,產自福建寧德,原料選取特級茶樹鮮葉,經陽光空氣自然萎凋、低溫乾燥兩步工藝,精簡而不簡單,根據原料、天氣和鮮葉的萎凋情況,嚴格按參數進行調控,終成高品質白茶。 干葉-外形挺直似針,芽頭尚肥壯,芽毫勻整,色白如銀,干茶毫香顯露 香氣-香氣純爽、毫香馥郁、清甜蘭花香清幽宜人,香氣柔和持久。 湯色-湯色淺黃、清澈透亮、滋味清甜、毫味鮮足 葉底-葉底軟亮匀齊,色澤淺杏色 包裝:采用純原木桐木盒,自然古樸,精緻鎖扣,復古實用;内袋牛皮紙,PE膜衛生安全 净重量:500克    木盒尺寸:24.5*1.5.5*16公分

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    品品香 典藏级 白茶2021  白毫銀針 品品香 典藏级 白茶2021  白毫銀針

    品品香 典藏级 白茶2021 白毫銀針

    品品香 典藏级 白茶2021  白毫銀針 厂名:福建品品香茶业有限公司 厂址:福鼎市桐城资国寺村山下 配料表:福鼎白茶 茶鲜叶 储藏方法:常温,阴凉,干燥,密封存放 保质期:36500 天 净含量:500g 食品添加剂:无 品牌: 品品香 系列: 典藏级 规格: 老树白茶 包装方式: 包装 包装种类: 礼盒装 茶种类: 福鼎白茶 生长季节: 春季 产地: 中国大陆 省份: 福建省 官方网站 尺寸(Size) : 10.5*7*5(inch) PPX Floral Silver Needle White 2021YR This is a gift selection of top-quality white teas from Fujian Province, China. Enjoy the subtle flavors and myriad health benefits of these delicate, delicious premium teas.  White Tea Health Benefits:  Rich in Antioxidants.  May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease.  Improves Weight Loss.  Help Protect Teeth from Bacteria.  Contains Compounds That May Fight Cancer.  May Lower the Risk of Insulin Resistance.  Compounds in White Tea May Protect Against Osteoporosis.  May Help Combat Skin Aging


  • 品品香白茶 福鼎老白茶六年陈韵白毫银针茶 精装版160克礼盒装 品品香白茶 福鼎老白茶六年陈韵白毫银针茶 精装版160克礼盒装

    品品香白茶 福鼎老白茶六年陈韵白毫银针茶 精装版160克礼盒装

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    品品香白茶 福鼎老白茶六年陈韵白毫银针茶 160克 简装/礼盒装 厂名:福建品品香茶业有限公司 厂址:福鼎市桐城资国寺村山下 配料表:福鼎白茶白毫银针 储藏方法:常温,避光,密封存放 十五年内品饮最佳 保质期:3650 天 食品添加剂:无 品牌: 品品香 系列:规格: 品品香精装版六年陈韵160克 包装方式: 包装 包装种类: 简装/礼盒装 茶种类: 白毫银针 级别: 特级 生长季节: 春季 产地: 中国大陆 省份: 福建省   PPX 6 Years Old Silver Needle (Bai Hao Yin Zhen) White Tea (160g) Silver Needles is one of the most famous teas from China, the king of white tea. This aged Silver Needle was hand-picked and sun-dried from its true origin of Fuding, Fujian province. There is a Chinese saying regarding the aging benefits of Fuding white tea: "Year one it’s tea, year three it’s medicine, year seven it’s a treasure". After several years of aging, this tea is delightfully aromatic, fruity, mellow, and sweet, with no astringency or sharpness, not only producing a deeply satisfying cup but also providing great health benefits.   


  • 盒

    品品香 福鼎白茶饼 老白茶砖 陈年老白茶叶 白牡丹茶饼砖赛白金1025 500g/盒

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    品品香 福鼎白茶饼 老白茶砖 陈年老白茶叶 白牡丹茶饼砖赛白金1025 500g/盒 PPX Bai Mu Dan/ Sai Bai Jin White Tea Cake (1025) Limit Made by one bud with two tea leaves, this premium white tea cake is highly sought after for its delicate, mellow, sweet taste. . . . Extremely popular in Asia, aged white tea pressed into tea cakes is highly sought after for its mellow, woody taste with hints of sweetness on the finish. Some of the most coveted white tea from China comes from the Funding region of Fujian Province, China. In the West its often thought that fresh white tea from the year of harvest is best. Yet in the East, this is not necessarily true. In fact, the current trend in China and other parts of Asia is the appreciation of all things aged. Aged white tea cakes are an experience all their own. As these White Peony (Bai Mu Dan) cakes age more subtle and complex flavors appear. . . . Literally meaning White Peony, Bai Mu Dan comes from Fujian Province, China. Leaves are sun-dried after plucking and then piled for a short time. Finally, the leaves are baked to be finished for shipping. Bai Mu Dan, also known as Bai Mudan, White Tea was developed in the 1920s in Fujian as China worked to meet the demand for unique teas from the United States and Europe. Bai Mu Dan is usually a bud and has either one or two small open leaves. When you look at the dried leaves they resemble small peony flowers; hence the name White Peony Tea. The bud in Bai Mu Dan is shorter than Bai Hao Silver Needle White Tea typically, as it is made from different cultivars of Camellia Sinensis. Bai Mu Dan is also dried in the sun. However, it is typically baked after drying resulting in a wide array of colors in the leaves from silver to the dark brown you would expect from a black tea. Still, the tea is only around 5-7% oxidized.  This white tea can be brewed just like Bai Hao, however, you should experiment with brewing it like an oolong, with a water temperature up to 190° Fahrenheit and 3-5 minutes of steeping. It produces a very different flavor depending on how it is prepared. Brewed as you would a white tea you get a smooth floral tea. Brewed as you would an oolong (closer to 190°) and you will get strong muscatel flavors with a hint of nuttiness from the very pale yellow liquor. (

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  • 品品香 典藏级 白茶2021  白牡丹 品品香 典藏级 白茶2021  白牡丹

    品品香 典藏级 白茶2021 白牡丹

    品品香 典藏级 白茶2021  白牡丹 厂名:福建品品香茶业有限公司 厂址:福鼎市桐城资国寺村山下 配料表:福鼎白茶 茶鲜叶 储藏方法:常温,阴凉,干燥,密封存放 保质期:36500 天 净含量:500g 食品添加剂:无 品牌: 品品香 系列: 典藏级 规格: 老树白茶 包装方式: 包装 包装种类: 礼盒装 茶种类: 福鼎白茶 生长季节: 春季 产地: 中国大陆 省份: 福建省 官方网站 尺寸(Size) : 12*8*6(inch) PPX Floral Peony White Tea 2021YR This is a gift selection of top-quality white teas from Fujian Province, China. Enjoy the subtle flavors and myriad health benefits of these delicate, delicious premium teas.  White Tea Health Benefits:  Rich in Antioxidants.  May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease.  Improves Weight Loss.  Help Protect Teeth from Bacteria.  Contains Compounds That May Fight Cancer.  May Lower the Risk of Insulin Resistance.  Compounds in White Tea May Protect Against Osteoporosis.  May Help Combat Skin Aging


  • 品品香白茶 福鼎白茶 花香白毫銀針 2018明前頭采春茶160克 品品香白茶 福鼎白茶 花香白毫銀針 2018明前頭采春茶160克

    品品香白茶 福鼎白茶 花香白毫銀針 2018明前頭采春茶160克

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    品品香白茶 福鼎白茶 花香白毫銀針 2018明前頭采春茶160克 此款白茶白毫銀針,產自福建寧德福鼎,原料選取特級茶樹鮮葉,經陽光空氣自然萎凋、低溫乾燥兩步工藝,精簡而不簡單,根據原料、天氣和鮮葉的萎凋情況,嚴格按參數進行調控,終成高品質白茶。 干葉-外形挺直似針,芽頭尚肥壯,芽毫勻整,色白如銀,干茶毫香顯露 香氣-香氣純爽、毫香馥郁、清甜蘭花香清幽宜人,香氣柔和持久。 湯色-湯色淺黃、清澈透亮、滋味清甜、毫味鮮足 葉底-葉底軟亮匀齊,色澤淺杏色 包裝-内部茶葉,由小袋包裝,整齊排列方便取用;外盒采用進口光面鍍錫鐵,結實密封避光,呵護茶葉 净重:160克 (5g*32袋)

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  • Only 4 left!
    品品香 庄园白茶2021 典藏级 白毫银针 品品香 庄园白茶2021 典藏级 白毫银针

    品品香 庄园白茶2021 典藏级 白毫银针

    品品香 庄园白茶2021 典藏 白毫银针 厂名:福建品品香茶业有限公司 厂址:福鼎市桐城资国寺村山下 配料表:福鼎白茶 茶鲜叶 储藏方法:常温,阴凉,干燥,密封存放 保质期:36500 天 净含量:350g 食品添加剂:无 品牌: 品品香 系列: 典藏级 规格: 老树白茶 包装方式: 包装 包装种类: 礼盒装 茶种类: 福鼎白茶 生长季节: 春季 产地: 中国大陆 省份: 福建省 官方网站 尺寸(Size) : 9.5*6*5.5(inch) PPX Silver Needle 2021yr This is a gift selection of top-quality white teas from Fujian Province, China. Enjoy the subtle flavors and myriad health benefits of these delicate, delicious premium teas.  White Tea Health Benefits:  Rich in Antioxidants.  May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease.  Improves Weight Loss.  Help Protect Teeth from Bacteria.  Contains Compounds That May Fight Cancer.  May Lower the Risk of Insulin Resistance.  Compounds in White Tea May Protect Against Osteoporosis.  May Help Combat Skin Aging


  • 饼 限量收藏 饼 限量收藏

    品品香 福鼎白茶饼 老白茶砖 陈年白毫银针 赛白玉1015 500g/饼 限量收藏

    品品香 福鼎白茶饼 老白茶砖 陈年白毫银针 赛白玉 500g/饼 绝版 限量珍藏  厂名:福建品品香茶业有限公司 配料表:白毫银针 储藏方法:常温,避光,干燥密封存放 保质期:5475 天 食品添加剂:无 品牌: 品品香 系列: 赛白玉 规格: 白茶砖 包装方式: 包装 包装种类: 礼盒装 茶种类: 白毫银针 生长季节: 春季 产地: 中国大陆 省份: 福建省   PPX Floral Silver Needle/ Sai Bai Yu White Tea Cake These sought-after organic white tea leaves and buds are cultivated in the Fujian Province, near Wuyi Mountain, then hand-picked at the 1st Spring harvest of the year. Also known as Baihao Yinzhen, the silver needle's name comes from the tiny silver hairs that coat the young tea leaves. The white tea buds steep into a light gold infusion, with natural light floral notes of honeysuckle with a round body and clean aftertaste. The L-theanine in white tea encourages an alert state of relaxation. This is a tea to be sipped and savored, and a must-try for tea connoisseurs. About White Tea Increases Mental Awareness and Focus, Calming Most Powerful Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Aging Calorie-free, Fat-free, Gluten-free, Extremely low in caffeine Tea infused from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant is the world’s most popular beverage after water. The darker the tea, the more processing it has undergone, and the more processing, the more antioxidants are lost. White teas are made from buds and young leaves, which are steamed or fried, and then dried. The closest thing to fresh tea leaves, white tea retains the highest concentrations of catechin polyphenols, which research shows may help prevent cancer, lower blood cholesterol, and control high blood pressure. (    



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