Search results for "北沙参"
沙参麦冬汤/清热解毒茶 汤药包
沙参麦冬汤/清热解毒茶 汤药包 Radiant Air / Glehnia Ophiopogon Root Soup / Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang Herbal Tea Effect: Soothes dry throat, improves breathing and complexion Strong anti-inflammatory, antibiotic herbs are not added to Radiant Air. It is mild and pleasant and can be used long term to help correct dry mouth and stress. Ingredients: Glehnia root, ophiopogon root, schisandra fruit, ginseng root, radish seed, luffa gourd vegetable sponge, tangerine peel, perilla seed, fritillary bulb, apricot kernel, scutellaria root, licorice root, tangerine peel, kombu seaweed. Glehnia (bei sha shen) root can grow to a length of up to 19 feet. It is sold as thin, cylindrical pale beige sticks and cooked in herbal decoctions to ease thirst, moisten lung dryness, reduce dry cough and treat bronchitis. It can also be used to ease stomach discomforts and constipation. Its taste is sweet and slightly bitter when added to soups. Ophiopogon tuber ( mai dong) is used to moisten the lungs, generate fluids, moisten the intestines, eliminate irritability and clear heat. According to current research, ophiopogon tuber benefits respiratory health, promotes a healthy blood glucose level and supports digestive health. Luffa, a long green gourd that resembled a luffa sponge, is added for treating and preventing colds. It is used for nasal swelling and sinus problems. Digestion is improved by the addition of scutellaria (Chinese skullcap) tangerine peel and kombu. Fritillary an expectorant helps to clear lung congestion. Directions: Add six bowls of water. Boil six bowls of water into one bowl, then filter and take the soup. The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: People who are unfamiliar with Chinese herbs may find their smell and taste unusual. We suggest that you become acquainted with them gradually. Empty the package of herbs into – quarts of water and simmer them for 30 minutes. A non-metal pot works best. If you have it use a ceramic coated or glass pot. The same herbs may be used again, the second cooking can be as long as 1 hour. Inhale the steam to help clear sinus congestion and head and throat discomforts. Allow the mixture to cool until it is comfortably warm. If necessary you might add a little fresh lemon juice or raw honey to enhance the flavor. To help balance immunity, Radiant Air may be combined with Fatigue Fighter in this selection of Herbal Rescue teas. Please consult your physician before using this product. 成分 沙参、麦冬、莱菔、瓜络、桔梗、苏子、浙贝、杏仁、黄芩、甘草、陈皮、昆布、五味子、花旗参。 功能 甘寒生津,清养肺胃。为润燥剂。具有甘寒生津,清养肺胃之功效。 用法 煎服,六碗水煎成一碗后内服。
前列腺湯/药茶汤剂 Prostate Health / Qian Lie Xian Soup (8oz) 成份: 沙参 ,杜仲 ,生地 , 熟地 , 淮山 , 丹皮, 知母 ,玉竹 ,泽泻 , 茯神, 路路通, 羊霍叶 , 车前子, 山茱萸 功效:固肾,散结,消炎 用法: 煎服,五碗水煎成一碗后内服。 溫馨提示:請先向醫師咨詢是否合適服用此茶 Prostate Health 前列腺湯 (Qian Lie Xian Herbal Soup) Effect: For enlarged prostate discomfort, tonifies kidney, reduces inflammation The action of this formula is detoxifying yet supportive with cooling tonic herbs that enhance blood production, herbs that stir circulation, and diuretic herbs that bring those qualities to help clear the prostate area. Energy and sexual tonics are included to support the lower back and prevent weakness. Ingredients: Glehnia littoralis /Coastal glehnia , Eucommia Bark , Rehmannia, raw , Rehmannia Root Tuber, Radix dioscoreae, Cortex Moutan Radicis , Anemarrhena rhizome, Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome , Oriental Waterplantain Rhizome ,Tuckahoe with pine, fuling peel , Liquidambaris Fructus, lulu tong, Epimedium Herb, Semen Plantaginis , Fructus Corni Moistening tonic herbs in Prostate Health includes two forms of rehmannia glut., a valued blood and rejuvenation tonic that is useful for reducing inflammation from diabetes or hypertension, and glehnia. Glehnia (bei sha shen) root is used to ease thirst, moisten dryness, reduce dry cough, and treat bronchitis. It can also be used to ease stomach discomforts and constipation. Its taste is sweet and slightly bitter when added to soups. Kidney tonic herbs in this formula include Corni, Cornelian dogwood cherry, a strong source of vitamin C and a sexual and aphrodisiac tonic epimedium colorfully known as “horny goat weed.” Given to goats, who usually need no prompting, resulted in more kids. For humans epimedium (yin yang huo) is a precursor to testosterone. Several diuretic herbs play an important roll in this formula. They include Solomonseal, water plantain, and fuling aka Tuckahoe which grows on pine trees. Strongly anti-inflammatory anemarrhena is usually added to formulas to reduce fever. Here it helps to reduce prostate swelling. Prostate pain often radiates to the lower belly. An herb that looks like a prickly ball with the amusing name of lulutong (liquid ambaries, sweet gum fruit) is added to open circulation in the belly, reduce bloating and increase urination. Directions: Add five bowls of water. Boil five bowls of water into one bowl, then filter and take the soup. The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: The traditional directions for this sort of herbal “soup” is 五碗水煎至一碗: Boiled five bowls of water to one which makes a water extract. But you may find it easier to make a decoction: Add the herbal packet to – quarts of water and simmer for at least 30 minutes to one hour. Drink a cup three times daily between meals as needed. Please consult your physician before using this product.
台灣 金萱奶香烏龍茶#1367
台灣 金萱奶香烏龍茶 品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 產地Origin: 台灣 南投縣 Taiwan 品名Name: 金萱 奶香烏龍茶 Jin Xuan Silky Milk Oolong Tea 等級Level: 一級 Premium 分類Sort: 烏龍茶 Oolong Tea 保質期Shelf Life: 24個月24 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 乾茶Body: 顆粒飽滿,色澤墨綠,茶香飄逸Rolled into tight tiny ball shape, sand-green in color 茶湯Liquor: 蜜黄明亮,口感順滑,奶香淡雅Silky, smooth, and buttery 儲存方法Storage: 常温、陰凉、乾燥、可長期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 金萱茶,產自於阿里山茶區,在北緯23度半台灣中南部南投縣、嘉義縣山區,分布海拔從1000至1600公尺之間,是世界公認的優質茶山。阿里山優越的自然環境,有著天然良好的酸性土壤和得天獨厚的自然環境,早晚溫差大,平均日照短,優質環境造就天然好茶。 這種環境下種出來的金萱烏龍茶也格外的香,金萱茶最大的品質特徵,即具一股濃濃的天然奶香,品嘗起來有種濃厚的高山冷冽茶味,加上獨特的奶香伴著果香味,滋味甘醇濃郁,喉韻甚佳,非常可口。 此款金萱奶香烏龍茶,十分耐泡,可冲泡8-12道以上。建議參考:茶水比例1:50,第一道燜泡40秒左右出湯,第二道燜泡30秒左右出湯;第三道燜泡40秒出湯;第四道燜泡50秒出湯;隨後每道遞增隨個人口感調整。 金萱奶香烏龍也非常適合做冷泡茶,冷泡過後的金萱烏龍,不僅會有天然茶湯的順滑感,還有絲絲清甜感,仿佛身置高山中。在炎炎的夏季期間,喝冰涼的冷泡茶比其他飲料更有解渴的功效,且製作非常方便。 冷泡茶泡法: 以1500cc冷水,倒入五分之一的金萱茶的比例为原则,随即放入冰箱冷藏,浸泡若干小時後,就可以享受既好喝又保健的冷泡茶,以冷水泡茶,味道更香醇甘美,可為炎热的夏天带来與衆不同的清爽選擇。
$18.99 - $68.99
特級日本北海道刺參 1磅/盒
特級日本北海道 野生刺參 1磅/盒 日本北海道产海参是与干鲍鱼和鱼翅等并列的高级食材的之一。北海道产出的日本刺参参体的背面均匀的分布着六排刺,日本刺参的腹部比较平坦,并且个头也不大,但是日本刺参的肉质非常的厚实,因为日本刺参的生长年限比较短,因此刺参的体内聚集的营养价值相对比较高。日本海参一直保持着无添加剂的工艺,拥有最好的淡干海参的加工法则,加工工艺并不复杂,只是全部手工和天然。 特級日本北海道刺參--規格:(22-40頭,40-70頭,70-100頭,130-160頭,160-190頭 )/磅 /盒
$1,088.00 - $1,588.99
广西北海 上等 沙蟲乾
广西北海 上等 特大沙虫干 沙虫,其名不美貌不雅,但其营养、味道及医药与食疗价值都不亚于其他名贵海产珍品,有“海洋虫草”的美誉。它富含蛋白质,多肽成分,17种氨基酸,其中人体必需的氨基酸含量很高,除此之外还含有钙、磷、铁、锌、锰、镁等12种微量元素以及虫草素等具有抗氧化,抗菌,抗辐射,抗病毒,抗疲劳,防癌,调节免疫,延缓衰老作用的营养成分。 功效 沙虫具有滋阴降火、清肺止咳、健脾利尿、补充营养、美容养颜的功效,适用于阴虚盗汗、骨蒸潮热、阴虚劳损、肾虚腰痛、牙龈肿痛、肺痨咳嗽、胸闷痰多、小孩子尿床、水肿、慢性痢疾等人群。 产品选购 沙虫干跟据长度和厚度分3个等级。 6cm以下为下等。 6cm至8cm以下为中等。 8cm至11cm为上等。 沙虫干瑶柱煲猪骨汤 材料 沙虫干20g 枸杞5g 瑶柱5颗 猪脊骨300g 姜两片 做法 1.沙虫干下锅炒至表面金黄,剪开清洗干净里面的沙子;2.瑶柱泡温水30分钟,拍扁,撕成丝;3.水烧开,下入猪骨焯水,捞出待用;4.锅内加适量水,放入猪骨、沙虫干、瑶柱和姜,盖上锅盖,大火煲十分钟左右。5.加入枸杞搅拌均匀,盖上锅盖,中火煲20分钟;6.加入适量盐调味,完工。 Dried Sand Worm Sandworm, a marine worm, has an unfamiliar name and is less recognized than abalone and sea cucumber, but its nutrition, taste, and medical and dietary value are no less than these precious seafood treasures. The sandworm is rich in protein and peptide components. It also contains 17 kinds of amino acids, which is also the source of its umami taste. Among them, the human body has a high content of essential amino acids. In addition, the sandworm also contains 12 trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium, and cordycepin, which have antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-radiation, anti-viral, anti-fatigue, anti-cancer, and regulation. Nutritional ingredients for immune and anti-aging effects. Pork Bone Soup with Sandworm and Dried Scallop Ingredients: Dried sandworm 20g, wolfberry 5g, 5 dried scallops, 300g pork spine, two slices of ginger Dry the sandworms and fry them until the surface is golden, cut and clean out the sand inside; Soak the scallops in warm water for 30 minutes, pat flat, and tear them into silk pieces Bring the water to a boil, add the pig bones to blanch in the water, remove it for later use; Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add pork bones, dried sand insects, scallops, and ginger, cover the pot, and boil on high heat for about ten minutes. Add wolfberry and stir evenly, cover the pot and cook for 20 minutes on medium heat; Add an appropriate amount of salt to taste and finish.
$146.99 - $288.99
BYS Milian Chuanbei Pipa Gao(Herbal Syrup) 138g
白云山 蜜炼川贝枇杷膏 138g 【成份】川贝母、枇杷叶、桔梗、陈皮、水半夏、北沙参、五味子、款冬花、杏仁水、薄荷脑。辅料为蔗糖、蜂蜜。 【性状】本品为棕红色的稠厚半流体;气香,味甜、具清凉感。 【功能主治】清热润肺,止咳平喘,理气化痰。适用于肺燥之咳嗽,痰多,胸闷,咽喉痛痒,声音沙哑。 【规格】每瓶装138克 【用法用量】口服,一次22克(约一汤匙),一日3次。 【储存方法】密封,置阴凉处或雪柜。请将此药置于儿童不易触及之处。 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。
润肺汤/药膳汤包 6oz
润肺汤/药膳汤包 6oz 成分: 百合,麥冬, 北沙參, 防風, 海玉竹, 北耆, 桔梗, 蘆根, 牛蒡, 海底椰, 生薑,陳皮. 做法: 先将药材浸泡20分钟, 瘦肉滚水煮去上沫, 放入药材煲内, 加至8碗水, 大火煲滚, 转细火, 煲60至90分钟, 分为3碗. 功效: 清肺化痰, 益气养阴,预防呼吸道疾病. 用法: 每日一碗, 可供一家3人服, 每周1~2次, 可与其他汤水交替服用. Lung Moisturization Soup Package 6oz Lily Bulb, Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber, Glehnia Root, Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root, Rhizome of Fragrant Solomonseal, Astragalus, Prime Platycodon Root, Rhizoma Phragmitis, Root of Great Burdock, Sea Coconut, Ginger, Dried Tangerine Peel. Method: Soak the herbs for 20 minutes, boil the lean meat to remove foam, put it into the herb pot, add to 8 bowls of water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat, boil for 60 to 90 minutes, and divide into 3 bowls.Efficacy: clearing lung and resolving phlegm, nourishing qi and nourishing yin, preventing respiratory diseases.Usage: One bowl a day, can be taken by a family of 3, 1~2 times a week, can be taken alternately with other soups.
通药制药 消靡栓
消靡栓 【成份】人参茎叶皂苷、紫草、黄柏、苦参、枯矾、冰片、儿茶。辅料为:聚氧乙烯单硬脂酸酯、甘油。【性状】本品为褐色至棕褐色的鸭嘴形栓剂;气特异。【功能主治】清热解毒,燥湿杀虫。用于湿热下注所致的带下病,症见带下量多、色黄、质稠,腥臭、阴 部瘙痒;滴虫性阴道炎、霉菌性阴道炎见上述证候者。炎
玉竹片 (8oz/包)
玉竹片(8oz) 萎蕤、玉参、尾参、铃当菜、小笔管菜、甜草根、靠山竹 性味 甘,平。 功效 本品为百合科植物玉竹的干燥根茎。 治热病阴伤,咳嗽烦渴,虚劳发热,消谷易饥,小便频数。 经脉 入肺经、胃经。 主治 养阴,润燥,除烦,止渴。治热病阴伤,咳嗽烦渴,虚劳发热,消谷易饥,小便频数。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~12g;熬膏、浸酒或入丸、散。 外用:适量,鲜品捣敷;或熬膏涂。阴虚有热宜生用,热不甚者宜制用。 注意禁忌 胃有痰湿气滞者忌服。 食疗方 1.玉竹党参粥 玉竹20g,党参30g,大米50g。先将玉竹、党参煎煮取汁,去渣后放入大米,再加适量水煮粥。每日服2次,趁热食用。 功效 益气养阴。主治气阴两虚之疲乏无力、自汗、心悸怔忡、胃纳不佳、口干、手足心热或盗汗、少寝多梦等症。感冒、腹胀纳呆者暂停用。 2.玉参焖鸭 玉竹50克,沙参(南沙参)50克,老鸭1只,葱,生姜,味精,精盐适量。将老鸭宰杀后,除去毛和内脏,洗净放砂锅内,再将沙参、玉竹放入,加水适量,先用武火烧沸,再用文火焖煮1小时以上,使鸭肉粑烂,放入调料。饮汤,吃鸭肉。 功效:补肺,滋阴。适用于肺阴虚的咳喘、糖尿病和胃阴虚的慢性胃炎以及津亏肠燥引起的大便秘结等症。 3.猪肉玉竹汤 玉竹15g,猪瘦肉100g。将玉竹洗净,猪瘦肉切片,共入锅中,加水适量煮汤即成。 功效:润肺养阴,生津止渴。主治热病伤阴之咽干咳嗽,心烦口渴,秋冬肺燥干咳,肺结核干咳等症。 4.玉竹粥 玉竹15g,粳米100g,冰糖适量。先将玉竹洗净,切碎煎取浓汁后去渣,入粳米,再加水适量煮为稀粥,粥成后放入冰糖,稍煮1~2沸即可。每日食服1次。 功效:滋阴润肺,生津止渴。主治肺阴受伤,肺燥咳嗽,或高热病后,烦渴,口干舌燥,阴虚低热不退者,并可用于各种类型心脏病心功能不全时的辅助食疗。 5.玉竹茶 将玉竹9克制成粗末,用沸水冲泡30分钟后即可。代茶频饮。 功效:养阴润燥,生津驻颜,润肌泽肤,延年。主治体虚而面色不悦,肌肤不仁者。 Rhizome of Fragrant Solomonseal / Yu Zhu Pian (8oz) Solomon's Seal is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb to nourish the lungs and stomach yin. It moistens dryness and sinews. Solomon's Seal benefits the lungs, supports skin health and promotes the body's natural fluid regulation process. Solomon's Seal has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant effects. Solomon's seal is used to treat lung disorders, reduce swelling (inflammation), and [topically] to dry out tissue and draw it together (as an astringent). Some people apply Solomon's seal directly to the skin for bruises, ulcers, or boils on the fingers, hemorrhoids, skin redness, and water retention (edema). From the manufacturer: The taste is sweet and cooling in effect. This product is the dried rhizome of Polygonatum odoratum. It has been used to cure febrile wounds, cough and polydipsia, asthenia and fever, excess hunger, frequent urination. It enters the Lung and Stomach meridians. Indications: It is used to nourish yin, moisturize dryness, relieve irritability, quench thirst. Classical references: ① "The Classic": The main body is in the storm heat, can not be shaken, stumbled, and deficiencies. Jiufu goes to the black and wild face, good color and moisturizing. [stuck, deficiency heat] ② "Don't Record": The main body of the heart is dysfunction and heat, damp toxin, low back pain, cold in the stem, and tears in the eye canthus. ③ "Medicinal Properties Theory": The main period is cold and heat, insufficient internal supplements, depletion and heat, headache and restlessness. ④ "Materia Medica Supplements": The master is smart, regulates the blood and makes people strong. ⑤ "Four Tones of Materia Medica": nourish the middle, nourish qi. ⑥ "Rihuazi Materia Medica": For boredom, quenches thirst, nourishes the heart and lungs, replenishes five fatigues and seven injuries, for wasting disease, waist and foot pain, madness in the sky [hysteria?]. ⑦Li Gao: Nourishes the liver and removes heat. The main wind is in the end. ⑧"Southern Yunnan Materia Medica": Tonic blood, nourish the middle and spleen. ⑨ "Compendium": Mainly wind temperature and spontaneous sweating, and malaria, cold and heat, spleen and stomach deficiency, frequent urination of men, loss of sperm, all wasting. ⑩ "Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medicine History": nourishing yin, clearing lungs and moisturizing dryness. Cure Yin deficiency, hyperhidrosis, dry cough, and pulmonary dysfunction. Dosage Oral administration: Decoction, 6~12g; boil to make an ointment, soak in wine or make pill or powder. External use: appropriate amount, fresh product pounded and applied; or boiled ointment applied. If there is heat in yin deficiency, it is better to produce and use. Cautions: People with phlegm and dampness in the stomach should not take it.
野生 紫丹參片(16oz/包)
野生 紫丹参片(16oz) Danshen Root, Root of Dan-shen 红根、血参根、血山根、红丹参、紫丹参 性味 苦,微寒。 功效 为唇形科植物丹参的根。 主治心绞痛,月经不调,痛经,经闭,血崩带下,癥瘕,积聚,瘀血腹痛,骨节疼痛,惊悸不眠,恶疮肿毒。 经脉 入心经、肝经。 主治 祛瘀止痛,活血通经,清心除烦。治心绞痛,月经不调,痛经,经闭,血崩带下,癥瘕,积聚,瘀血腹痛,骨节疼痛,惊悸不眠,恶疮肿毒。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,9~15g;或入丸、散。 外用:熬膏涂,或煎水熏洗。 注意禁忌 无瘀血者慎服。 Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge / Dan Shen Root (16 oz) “According to Chinese Pharmacopoeia, Salvia Miltiorrhizae Radix & Rhizoma exerts a beneficial action by promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis and assuage pain, clearing heart heat to relieve restlessness, and cooling blood to remove carbuncle.” (NIH) According to the manufacturer: This herb tastes bitter and has a lukewarm effect, [i.e, does not strongly warm the body.] It is the root of Salvia miltiorrhiza, a plant of the Lamiaceae. Indications: Angina pectoris, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, bleeding and constriction, lumps, accumulation, blood stasis, abdominal pain, joint pain, palpitations, insomnia, malignant sores, swelling, and poisoning. Meridians: It enters the Heart meridian and Liver meridian. Indications: It dispels blood stasis and relieves pain, promotes blood circulation and regulates menstruation, clears the heart pain and relieves [heart] troubles It cures angina pectoris, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, bleeding and bleeding, agglomeration, accumulation, blood stasis, abdominal pain, joint pain, palpitations, sleeplessness, malignant sores, swelling and poisoning. Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 9-15g; or into pills or powder. External use: boil to make an ointment coating or decoction for fumigation. Cautions: Take it with caution if there is no blood stasis. NIH: Current pharmaceutical design: 2017 “Salvia miltiorrhiza: A Potential Red Light to the Development of Cardiovascular Diseases” Currently, there have been more than 200 compounds have been identified from S. miltiorrhiza Bunge. Most of these compounds exhibit multipotent pharmacological activities. Various in vitro and in vivo preclinical experiments showed S. miltiorrhiza and its ingredients could lower hypertension, improve atherosclerosis and myocardial ischemia reperfusion.
, by Web Admin 草藥救援-輻射空氣
草藥救援-輻射空氣 在中醫中,我們了解整個身體如何通過外部和內部的相互聯繫而和諧地協同工作:通過經絡網絡,皮膚與肺和大腸(腸道)緊密相連。