
Look and feel Great with traditional and modern Chinese remedies, health foods, healing balms, and beauty supplies.


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Look and feel Great with traditional and modern Chinese remedies, health foods, healing balms, and beauty supplies.

383 products

  • 521029  Comvita® UMF ® 5+ Manuka Honey

    康維他UMF ® 5+ 麥蘆卡蜂蜜 (1000g)

    康維他UMF ® 5+ 麥蘆卡蜂蜜 (1000g) Comvita UMF 5+ Manuka Honey (1000 g) Comvita® UMF® 5+ Manuka Honey is produced in New Zealand and contains unique plant phenols. Comvita® UMF® 5+ Manuka Honey is guaranteed to be at least UMF® 5+ and has been verified by an independent testing laboratory. UMF® stands for ‘Unique Manuka Factor, a measure of the unique type of biological activity which is naturally present at varying levels in honey made from the nectar of the Manuka bush (Leptospermum scoparium), native to New Zealand. The mark UMF® is followed by a number that indicates the strength of the UMF® activity in a batch of UMF® Manuka Honey. The higher the UMF® rating, the more potent the product.


  • 云南白药膏 膏药贴 5片 云南白药膏 膏药贴 5片

    云南白药膏 膏药贴 5片

    云南白药膏 膏药贴片 5片/盒 功能主治:活血散瘀,消肿止痛。用于跌打损伤,瘀血肿痛,肌肉酸痛及风湿疼痛。 禁忌:孕妇禁用;对云南白药过敏者忌用。 Yunnan Bai Yao Plaster 5 pcs Apply topically to bruises and aching muscles or insect bites, avoid sensitive areas Indications: To promote blood circulation, dissipate blood stasis, reduce swelling and relieve pain.  Used for bruises, blood stasis, swelling and pain, muscle aches, and rheumatic pain.  Warning: It is forbidden for pregnant women; or for those who are allergic to Yunnan Baiyao.  


  • Quantity Discount

    汉宝牌 三蛇胆川贝液(浓缩) 6瓶入/60ml

    汉宝牌 三蛇胆川贝液(浓缩) 6瓶入/60ml    三蛇胆川贝液,适用于肺弱痰多、伤风感冒咳嗽、急慢性支气管炎咳嗽、肺热干咳、以及喉咙声沙、咽干、虚火上升口臭、喉痒作咳等症。 药品名称:汉宝牌三蛇胆川贝液 是否处方药:非处方药 主要适用症:肺弱痰多、伤风感冒咳嗽等 用法用量:小儿每次服半樽,大人每次服壹樽 剂型:液体 规格:6支 x 10ml H.E.I. SAN SHE DAN CHUAN BEI YE Sanshedan Chuanbei Liquid is a medicine that is suitable for symptoms such as weak phlegm in the lungs, colds and coughs, acute and chronic bronchitis coughs, lung heat and dry coughs, as well as sandy throat, dry throat, rising bad breath, and itchy throat. Drug name: Hanbao Brand Sanshedan Chuanbei Liquid Whether prescription drugs: non-prescription drugs Main applicable symptoms: weak lungs, excessive phlegm, colds, coughs, etc. Usage and dosage: half a bottle each time for children, one bottle each time for adults Dosage form: liquid Specification: 6 pcs x 10ml


  • Quantity Discount
    均隆 驅風油 2oz

    均隆 驅風油 2oz

    均隆驅風油 2oz. 功能与主治 頭暈頭痛、舟車暈浪、傷風鼻塞、肚子疼痛 蚊叮蟲咬、肌肉疼痛、腰酸背痛、扭傷挫傷   用法與用量--只限外用,需要時塗擦于患處,每天三至四次 注意事项--僅供外用,請勿用於破損的傷口或皮膚,避免觸及眼睛,孕婦或哺乳期婦女,用前先咨詢醫生,將本品放於兒童接觸不到的地方 儲存--密閉, 置陰涼處 成分--薄荷腦 、水楊酸甲酯 、樟腦 、桉油 、丁香油、穗薰衣草油等 性狀--均隆驅風油為無色或微黃色油狀液體,氣味清香


  • Quantity Discount
    瓶) 瓶)

    强力田七杜仲丸 (200粒/瓶)

    唐龙 强力田七杜仲丸 (200粒/瓶) 规格: 200粒/瓶 功效: 养血祛风、通络止痛 成分: 牛膝、桑寄生、羌活、独活、当归、地黄、杜仲、制附子、三七、党参、黄芪、制草乌 用法用量: 每次6粒、每日3次。或遵医嘱。警告:孕妇忌服。避免儿童接触。 Size: 200pills/bottle Effect: An herb supplement formulated to help nourish blood and dredge meridians Component: Adix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata (Extract), Chinese Taxillus Herb (Extract), Incised notopterygium Rhizome OR Root, Doubleteeth Pubescent Angelica Root (Extract), Chinese Angelica (Extract), Rehmannia Root (Extract), Eucommia Bark (Extract), Adix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata (Extract), Sanchi (Extract), Codonopsis Root (Extract), Milkvetch Root (Extract), Radic Aconiti Kusnezoffii Preparata (Extract) Direction to use: Take 6 pills each time, 3 times daily. Or consult your herbalist. Do not use if pregnant. Keep out of reach of children.   Tonifies Qi, invigorates Blood, and clears Meridians This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


  • Quantity Discount
    三九 999 小柴胡颗粒 三九 999 小柴胡颗粒

    三九 999 小柴胡颗粒

    三九999 小柴胡颗粒 10g*9袋 感冒咳嗽 999 Bupleurum Root Tea Indications: Supports cold season relief. Ingredients. Bupleurum, Chinese Skullcap, Jujube date, Licorice Root. Directions. As an herbal dietary supplement, take one or two tea bags at a time, three times a day. Legal Disclaimer. The main ingredient is Bupleurum (aka Bei Chai Hu, Bupleuri, Bupleurum Chinese, Chai Hu, Chi Hu, Chinese Bupleurum, Chinese Thoroughwax, Hare's Ear Root, Radix Bupleuri, Saiko, Shrubby Hare's-ear, Sickle-leaf Hare's-ear,  TCM: Bupleurum has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years to help relieve numerous conditions. Most particularly, infections with fever, liver problems, indigestion, hemorrhoids, and uterine prolapse.


  • Quantity Discount
    白蘭氏 虫草鸡精(68ml*6瓶)

    白蘭氏 虫草鸡精(68ml*6瓶)

    白蘭氏 虫草鸡精(68ml*6瓶) 白蘭氏®虫草鸡精以100%野生虫草配白蘭氏®鸡精墩制,令味道更佳。 主要成分 鸡精、野生虫草、当归、甘草 建议饮用方法 建议早上饮用,功效更佳 保存方式 保存期限: 三年  保存方式:存放于干爽阴凉处,并避免阳光直接曝晒。     BRAND'S Essence of Chicken Drink with Cordyceps Extract(6*68ml) Ingredients: Essence of Chicken, Wild Cordyceps, Tang kwei and Chinese Licorice BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken Drink with Cordyceps is made with BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken and 100% wild Cordyceps. The addition of Cordyceps and other herbs makes the drink even more palatable.   Cordyceps is used to treat coughs, chronic bronchitis, respiratory disorders, kidney disorders, nighttime urination, male sexual problems, anemia, irregular heartbeat, high cholesterol, liver disorders, dizziness, weakness, ringing in the ears, unwanted weight loss, and opium addiction.  When winter comes, the Cordyceps fungus attacks the caterpillars which live in the high mountain region of China. The mycelium invades and replaces the host and becomes an herb in summer. Cordyceps are very sensitive to the optimal temperature and humidity, and they can't be cultivated in an artificial environment. The lower growth rate makes it very rare and expensive. The best cordyceps are grown in Tibet, Sichuan, and Qinghai in China. Cordyceps has a very long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine for strengthening the immune system, improving athletic performance, reducing the effects of aging, promoting longer life, and improving liver function. BRAND'S® Essence of Chicken Drink may be consumed straight from the bottle at room temperature, chilled or warm according to one's preference. Consume immediately upon opening. Storage Shelf Life:3 YearsStorage Instructions: Keep in a cool, dry place, and avoid direct sunlight for best quality.    


  • 瓶) 瓶)

    唐龙 蘭州太寳 保和丸(200粒/瓶)

    唐龙 保和丸(200粒/瓶)  唐龍 蘭州太寳製藥有限公司 Lanzhou Taibao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd Exp: 01/31/2025 规格: 200粒/瓶 功效: 消食、導滯、和胃。幫助調理食積停滯,脘腹脹滿,厭食脾虛。 成分: 山楂、茯苓、連翹、萊菔子、麥芽。 用法用量: 每次8粒、每日3次。或遵医嘱。警告:孕妇忌服。避免儿童接触。 Size: 200pills/bottle Effect: A natural supplement  to help enhance endurance and stamina, build strength and energy for performance Component: Hawthorn(fruit)Indian BreadForsythia(fruit)Radish(leaf)Malt Direction to use: Take 8 pills each time, 3 times daily. Or consult your herbalist. Do not use if pregnant. Keep out of reach of children.   An herbal supplement to help nourish the kidney and liver and maintain healthy vision. It is used for deficiency of both liver –Yin and kidney-Yin, a feeling of sand (a foreign body sensation) in the eye and photophobia [discomfort in bright light], blurry vision, tearing in the wind, conjunctive congestion with pain and swelling of eyes, dizziness and blurred vision, constipation with dry stool and yellow urine. (dragonacu.com) These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


  • 台灣 如意 純素猴頭菇絲 200g 台灣 如意 純素猴頭菇絲 200g

    台灣 如意 純素猴頭菇絲 200g

    台湾特产 如意 纯素猴头菇丝  200g 成分:猴頭菇、非基因改造植物性大豆蛋白纖維、碗豆粉、葵花油、五香、肉桂、鹽、蔗糖、醬油、乙二烯酸(千分之二以下)、素食調味料猴頭菇以來與燕窩、熊掌、海蔘齊名,唯稀有之食材,一職被尊為朝廷供品的御膳佳餚,其獨特之鮮美、味香風味,皆可搭配粥、飯、麵包食用。 猴頭菇菌肉鮮嫩,香醇可口,有"素中葷"之稱。經高溫烘焙及精心調味拌炒,增添其風味。味道鮮,口感獨特,適合搭配拌飯,拌麵,麵包佐食使用。淨重: 200克保存條件:請置放於陰涼處、不須冷藏。有效期限:一年原產地:台灣   Taiwan RU YI Hericium Erinaceus Floss  200g Hericium Erinaceus also known as Lion’s Mane or Monkey Mushroom is a type of medicinal mushroom that is long used in traditional Chinese medicine. Scientific research shows that Hericium Erinaceus contains several health-promoting substances, including antioxidants and beta-glucan. Created into a vegetarian floss, there are several ways to eat it; add it into your sandwiches, porridge, homemade sushi, or spring roll. Allergen Information: The product contains soybean and wheat.  


  • Quantity Discount
    海山活絡油 50ml 海山活絡油 50ml

    海山活絡油 50ml

      海山活絡油 50ml 海山活絡油是遴用名贵天然药料提谏而成,功能超卓、气味芬香、具有镇痛及消除旧患之疗效功能。 適應:暫時舒緩輕微肌肉痛、背痛,或因關節炎,損傷,扭傷及瘀傷所引起的疼痛 功能:跌打肿痛'腰酸背痛、筋格抽缩、头晕眼花'胸腹肚痛、舒筋活络、统治痛症、快速見效。 用法:搽用適量活絡油於患處,然後用指尖在患處最痠痛的部位運用壓力,進行以慢旋轉法,力度由輕至重,按壓15至20分鐘,要以患者不感痛苦為宜,每天按壓兩次或以上直至痊癒為止。使用時避免觸及眼睛及黏膜。兒童使用本品前,應諮詢中醫師或醫生意見。 主要成分: 水楊酸甲酯、薄荷、樟腦


  • 瓶)【Po Sang Yuen】 Lychee Honey

    寶生園 荔枝花蜜(500克/瓶)

    宝生园 荔枝花蜜(500g/瓶) Po Sang Yuen Lychee Honey (500g) Lychee Honey is all-natural honey derived from the flowers of the Lungan tree that are in abundance in Thailand. Lychee Honey is one of the most popular and well-known honey. Lychee is a great source of dietary fiber, protein, proanthocyanidins, and polyphenolic compounds, which makes it an energizing fruit. 'Lychee Honey is helpful in digestive issues, cognitive disorders help improve blood circulation. Most of the health benefits of lychee honey can be attributed to its antioxidants and enzymes


  • 黑桑椹茶 黑桑椹茶


    黑桑椹茶 桑葚(sāng shèn),一名椹子、桑蔗、桑枣、桑果、桑泡儿,乌椹等,桑树的成熟果实,为桑科植物桑树的果穗。农夫锺爱其成熟的鲜果食用,味甜汁众,是人们常食的生果之一。 1、防脱生发 研究表明,黑桑葚有增加皮肤、头皮血液供应,改善血液循环的作用,因此他对于头发有一定的营养和保健作用。很多时候,脱发都可和头皮的血液循环不畅有一定的关系,吃黑桑葚可以有效的改善头皮血液循环,防脱生发。 2、改善脾脏功能 黑桑葚对脾脏有增重作用,对溶血性反应有增强作用,可防止人体动脉硬化、骨骼关节硬化,促进新陈代谢。脾胃功能不佳的朋友都不妨多吃一些黑桑葚。 3、防病治病 黑桑葚中的营养物质能促进血红细胞的生长,防止白细胞减少,并对治疗糖尿病、贫血、高血压、高血脂、冠心病、神经衰弱等病症具有辅助功效。 4、促进消化 黑桑椹具有生津止渴、促进消化、帮助排便等作用。适量食用黑桑葚能促进胃液分泌,刺激肠蠕动及解除燥热。 5、抗衰老 黑桑葚中的花青素能够起到抗老化的作用,它能及时清除引起人体衰老的自由基。因此爱美的女性以及一些中老年人都可以适量食用黑桑葚,达到美容驻颜的功效。



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