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2216 products

  • CHENPICUN 2010 Xijia Dried Tangerine Peel (200g) CHENPICUN 2010 Xijia Dried Tangerine Peel (200g)

    CHENPICUN 2010 Xijia Dried Tangerine Peel (200g)

    陈皮村 2010西甲陈皮 (200g) 陈皮村 2010 西甲陈皮,是陈皮爱好者品鉴、收藏以及日常养生的优质之选,带您领略新会陈皮的独特魅力与深厚底蕴。 一、产地正宗,品质之源 陈皮村 2010 西甲陈皮,产自广东省江门市新会区,这里是久负盛名的优质陈皮产区。新会独特的水土、气候条件,孕育出的柑皮品质上乘,为制作高品质陈皮奠定了坚实基础。此款陈皮精选新会优质柑皮,严格遵循传统工艺制作,历经岁月沉淀,品质卓越。 二、年份陈香,韵味悠长 该陈皮为 2010 年陈化,历经多年自然陈化,柑皮中的物质发生奇妙转化。其香气愈发醇厚浓郁,陈香四溢,带有独特的岁月韵味。轻轻嗅闻,那股醇厚的陈香沁人心脾,为品茶、烹饪等增添别样风味。 三、营养丰富,健康之选 富含挥发油、黄酮类化合物等多种营养成分。在传统认知中,陈皮具有理气健脾、燥湿化痰等功效。日常以热开水煮泡饮用,可品味其独特风味与健康益处;作为烹饪调味食材,能为菜肴增添独特香气,提升口感,是养生与美食的双重选择。 CHENPICUN 2010 Xijia Dried Tangerine Peel (200g) Chenpicun 2010 Xijia Dried Tangerine Peel is an excellent choice for dried tangerine peel lovers to taste, collect and for daily health - preservation, leading you to appreciate the unique charm and profound heritage of Xinhui dried tangerine peel. I. Authentic Origin, Source of Quality Chenpicun 2010 Xijia Dried Tangerine Peel is produced in Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, a well - known high - quality production area for dried tangerine peel. The unique soil, water and climate conditions in Xinhui give birth to high - quality citrus peels, laying a solid foundation for the production of high - quality dried tangerine peel. This dried tangerine peel is carefully selected from high - quality citrus peels in Xinhui and is made in strict accordance with traditional techniques. After years of precipitation, its quality is excellent. II. Aged Aroma, Long - lasting Flavor This dried tangerine peel has been aged since 2010. After years of natural aging, the substances in the citrus peel have undergone wonderful transformations. Its aroma has become more mellow and rich, with a strong aged fragrance and a unique charm of time. A gentle sniff reveals a mellow aged aroma that refreshes the heart and spleen, adding a special flavor to tea - tasting, cooking, etc. III. Rich in Nutrients, a Healthy Choice It is rich in various nutrients such as volatile oils and flavonoids. In traditional understanding, dried tangerine peel has the effects of regulating qi and invigorating the spleen, drying dampness and resolving phlegm. When brewed with boiling water for daily drinking, you can savor its unique flavor and health benefits; as a seasoning ingredient in cooking, it can add a unique aroma to dishes and enhance the taste, making it a dual choice for health - preservation and gourmet food.


  • CHENPICUN Tangerine Peel Lemon Syrup (300g) CHENPICUN Tangerine Peel Lemon Syrup (300g)

    CHENPICUN Tangerine Peel Lemon Syrup (300g)

    陈皮村 新会陈皮柠檬膏 300g


  • Quantity Discount
    CHENPICUN 10 Year Abalone Can (425g) CHENPICUN 10 Year Abalone Can (425g)

    CHENPICUN 10 Year Abalone Can (425g)

    陈皮村 10年新会陈皮鲍鱼罐头 425g


  • Quantity Discount
    CHENPICUN 5 Year Abalone Can (220g) CHENPICUN 5 Year Abalone Can (220g)

    CHENPICUN 5 Year Abalone Can (220g)

    陈皮村 5年新会陈皮鲍鱼罐头 220g


  • Quantity Discount
    陈皮村 陈皮瓜子168g 陈皮村 陈皮瓜子168g


  • 10in) 10in)

    Rosewood Tea Stand / Tea Cake Holder (6in/10in)

    鸡翅木經典茶餅茶架子 (6寸/10寸) 鸡翅木茶架子,以其珍稀的材质、经典的造型、精湛的工艺和多功能的用途,成为您品茶、赏器、装饰家居的理想之选,让您在品味茶香的同时,也能感受到传统文化的魅力与精致生活的韵味。 这款鸡翅木茶架子不仅适用于放置茶具,还可用于展示您喜爱的陶瓷摆件、古玩等物品,是家居装饰的百搭之选。无论是中式风格的茶室、书房,还是现代简约的客厅,它都能完美融入,为空间增添一份古朴典雅的气息,提升整体的品味与格调。 【尺寸】 6寸:高6寸,宽5寸,展开约4.5寸。6 Inch:6 Inch High, 5 Inch Wide, 4.5 Inch Expanded. 10寸:高10寸,宽7.5寸,展开约6寸。10 Inch:10 Inch High, 7.5 Inch Wide, 6 Inch Expanded. Rosewood Tea Stand / Tea Cake Holder (6in/10in) The Rosewood Tea Rack, with its rare material, classic shape, exquisite craftsmanship, and multi-functional use, becomes an ideal choice for you to taste tea, appreciate utensils, and decorate your home, allowing you to feel the charm of traditional culture and the charm of exquisite life while savoring the fragrance of tea. This rosewood tea rack is not only suitable for placing tea sets but also can be used to display your favorite ceramic ornaments, antiques, and other items. It is a versatile choice for home decoration. Whether it is a Chinese-style tea room, study, or a modern and simple living room, it can be perfectly integrated, adding a touch of ancient simplicity and elegance to the space and enhancing the overall taste and style.

    $9.99 - $12.99

  • 16in) 16in)

    Rosewood Tea Stand / Tea Cake Holder (13in/16in)

    花梨木經典茶餅茶架子 (13寸/16寸) 花梨木茶架子,以其珍稀的材质、经典的造型、精湛的工艺和多功能的用途,成为您品茶、赏器、装饰家居的理想之选,让您在品味茶香的同时,也能感受到传统文化的魅力与精致生活的韵味。 这款花梨木茶架子不仅适用于放置茶具,还可用于展示您喜爱的陶瓷摆件、古玩等物品,是家居装饰的百搭之选。无论是中式风格的茶室、书房,还是现代简约的客厅,它都能完美融入,为空间增添一份古朴典雅的气息,提升整体的品味与格调。 【尺寸】 13寸:高13寸,宽8寸,展开约12.5寸。13 Inch:13 Inch High, 8 Inch Wide, 12.5 Inch Expanded. 16寸:高16寸,宽10寸,展开约16寸。16 Inch:16 Inch High, 10 Inch Wide, 16 Inch Expanded. Rosewood Tea Stand / Tea Cake Holder (13in/16in) The Rosewood Tea Rack, with its rare material, classic shape, exquisite craftsmanship, and multi-functional use, becomes an ideal choice for you to taste tea, appreciate utensils, and decorate your home, allowing you to feel the charm of traditional culture and the charm of exquisite life while savoring the fragrance of tea. This rosewood tea rack is not only suitable for placing tea sets but also can be used to display your favorite ceramic ornaments, antiques, and other items. It is a versatile choice for home decoration. Whether it is a Chinese-style tea room, study, or a modern and simple living room, it can be perfectly integrated, adding a touch of ancient simplicity and elegance to the space and enhancing the overall taste and style.

    $44.99 - $66.99

  • 10in) 10in)

    Rosewood Tea Stand / Tea Cake Holder (8in/10in)

    花梨木經典茶餅茶架子 (8寸/10寸) 花梨木茶架子,以其珍稀的材质、经典的造型、精湛的工艺和多功能的用途,成为您品茶、赏器、装饰家居的理想之选,让您在品味茶香的同时,也能感受到传统文化的魅力与精致生活的韵味。 这款花梨木茶架子不仅适用于放置茶具,还可用于展示您喜爱的陶瓷摆件、古玩等物品,是家居装饰的百搭之选。无论是中式风格的茶室、书房,还是现代简约的客厅,它都能完美融入,为空间增添一份古朴典雅的气息,提升整体的品味与格调。 【尺寸】 8寸:高8寸,宽5寸,展开约7.5寸。8 Inch:8 Inch High, 5 Inch Wide, 7.5 Inch Expanded. 10寸:高10寸,宽7寸,展开约9寸。10 Inch:10 Inch High, 7 Inch Wide, 9 Inch Expanded. Rosewood Tea Stand / Tea Cake Holder (8in/10in) The Rosewood Tea Rack, with its rare material, classic shape, exquisite craftsmanship, and multi-functional use, becomes an ideal choice for you to taste tea, appreciate utensils, and decorate your home, allowing you to feel the charm of traditional culture and the charm of exquisite life while savoring the fragrance of tea. This rosewood tea rack is not only suitable for placing tea sets but also can be used to display your favorite ceramic ornaments, antiques, and other items. It is a versatile choice for home decoration. Whether it is a Chinese-style tea room, study, or a modern and simple living room, it can be perfectly integrated, adding a touch of ancient simplicity and elegance to the space and enhancing the overall taste and style.

    $16.99 - $23.99

  • Yi Xing Peach-shaped Teapot for Longevity Yi Xing Peach-shaped Teapot for Longevity

    Yi Xing Peach-shaped Teapot for Longevity

    宜兴紫砂寿桃茶壶 紫砂寿桃茶壶,集实用、美观、文化于一体,是您品茶、赏器、收藏的绝佳之选,带您领略中国传统紫砂文化的博大精深与独特魅力。 一、祥瑞之形,福寿之寓 这款紫砂寿桃茶壶,造型独特,宛如一颗饱满圆润的寿桃,寓意吉祥长寿。壶身线条流畅自然,仿若寿桃的优美轮廓,给人以圆润柔和之感。壶钮以寿桃之蒂为原型,精巧别致,与壶身相得益彰,整体造型浑然一体,尽显古朴典雅之美,是福寿安康的美好象征,为品茶增添了一份祥瑞之气。 二、紫砂臻品,品质非凡 精选紫砂材质:采用上等紫砂泥料精心制作而成,紫砂泥料质地细腻,富含多种矿物质,具有良好的透气性和吸水性,能有效提升茶叶的口感和香气,让您在品茶时尽享醇厚滋味。同时,紫砂材质的独特性使其具有良好的保温性能,可使茶水长时间保持适宜温度,让您细细品味茶香。 精湛工艺传承:制作工艺精湛,每一道工序都由经验丰富的紫砂匠人精心把控。从泥料的锤炼、成型到细节的雕琢、烧制,无不体现出匠人对品质的极致追求。壶身表面光滑细腻,色泽温润醇厚,随着使用时间的推移,壶体会逐渐形成自然的包浆,愈发古朴雅致,具有极高的收藏价值。 三、实用功能,泡茶佳器 容量适中:此壶容量适中,适合单人或与友人小聚时使用,可满足日常品茶的需求。无论是冲泡绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶还是普洱茶,都能恰到好处地展现茶叶的风味特点,让您尽享品茶之乐。 壶盖设计:壶盖与壶身紧密贴合,密封性良好,可有效锁住茶香,防止香气散失。壶盖上的气孔设计合理,既能保证壶内气压平衡,使茶水顺利倒出,又能在泡茶过程中起到透气的作用,让茶叶充分舒展,释放出最佳的滋味和香气。 四、精美包装,送礼佳品 配有精美的深蓝色礼盒,礼盒材质优良,做工精细,搭配复古的锁扣设计,彰显高雅品质。无论是馈赠亲友、商务往来还是节日祝福,这款紫砂寿桃茶壶都是一份极具品味和心意的礼物。它不仅是一件实用的茶具,更是一件承载着传统文化与艺术魅力的艺术品,让收礼者在品味茶香的同时,也能感受到您的浓浓情意和对传统文化的传承与弘扬。 Yi Xing Peach-shaped Teapot for Longevity I. Auspicious Shape with Blessings of Longevity and Prosperity This Purple Clay Peach-shaped Teapot for Longevity features a unique shape, just like a plump and round peach, symbolizing good fortune and longevity. The lines of the teapot body are smooth and natural, resembling the beautiful contour of a peach, giving people a sense of roundness and softness. The knob is modeled after the stem of a peach, exquisite and unique, complementing the body perfectly. The overall shape is integrated, fully demonstrating the beauty of simplicity and elegance, which is a beautiful symbol of longevity and well-being, adding an auspicious atmosphere to tea tasting. II. Excellent Purple Clay Product with Extraordinary Quality Selected Purple Clay Material: It is meticulously made from high-quality purple clay. The purple clay material has a fine texture and is rich in various minerals, with good air permeability and water absorption, which can effectively enhance the taste and aroma of tea, allowing you to fully enjoy the mellow taste when tasting tea. At the same time, the uniqueness of the purple clay material gives it good heat preservation performance, which can keep the tea at an appropriate temperature for a long time, allowing you to savor the fragrance of tea slowly. Inheritance of Exquisite Craftsmanship: The production process is exquisite, and every process is carefully controlled by experienced purple clay craftsmen. From the forging and molding of the clay to the carving and firing of details, it all reflects the craftsmen's ultimate pursuit of quality. The surface of the teapot body is smooth and delicate, with a warm and mellow color. With the passage of time, the body of the teapot will gradually form a natural patina, becoming more simple and elegant, and having high collection value. III. Practical Function, an Excellent Tea-making Utensil Moderate Capacity: This teapot has a moderate capacity, suitable for personal use or small gatherings with friends, and can meet the daily needs of tea tasting. Whether brewing green tea, black tea, oolong tea, or Pu'er tea, it can appropriately show the flavor characteristics of the tea, allowing you to fully enjoy the pleasure of tea tasting. Lid Design: The lid fits tightly with the body of the teapot, with good sealing performance, which can effectively lock the fragrance of tea and prevent the aroma from dissipating. The air hole on the lid is reasonably designed, which can not only ensure the balance of air pressure inside the teapot and make the tea flow out smoothly but also play a role in ventilation during the tea-making process, allowing the tea leaves to fully unfold and release the best taste and aroma. IV. Exquisite Packaging, an Ideal Gift It comes with an exquisite dark blue gift box. The gift box is made of high-quality materials and has fine workmanship, with a retro buckle design, showing elegant quality. Whether it is for giving gifts to relatives and friends, business exchanges, or festival blessings, this Purple Clay Peach-shaped Teapot for Longevity is a gift with great taste and heart. It is not only a practical tea set but also an art piece carrying traditional culture and artistic charm, allowing the recipient to feel your deep affection and the inheritance and promotion of traditional culture while savoring the fragrance of tea.


  • Yi Xing Heralding Spring Teapot Yi Xing Heralding Spring Teapot

    Yi Xing Heralding Spring Teapot

    宜兴紫砂报春茶壶 紫砂报春茶壶,集实用、美观、文化于一体,是您品茶、赏器、收藏的绝佳之选,带您领略中国传统紫砂文化的博大精深与独特魅力。 一、匠心独运,竹韵报春 这款紫砂报春茶壶,造型别致,将竹之神韵与春之生机巧妙融合。壶身圆润饱满,仿若初春的大地,孕育着无限生机;壶嘴、壶把及壶钮皆以竹节造型呈现,线条流畅自然,宛如翠竹挺拔而立,坚韧而富有活力,寓意着节节高升、青春永驻。壶身一侧精心饰以竹叶图案,叶脉清晰,栩栩如生,仿佛微风拂过,竹叶轻轻摇曳,带来春的气息,尽显灵动之美。 二、优质紫砂,品质卓越 精选紫砂材质:采用上等紫砂泥料精心制作,紫砂泥料质地细腻,富含多种矿物质,具有良好的透气性和吸水性,能有效提升茶叶的口感和香气,让您在品茶时尽享醇厚滋味。同时,紫砂材质的独特性使其具有良好的保温性能,可使茶水长时间保持适宜温度,让您细细品味茶香。 精湛工艺传承:制作工艺精湛,每一道工序都由经验丰富的紫砂匠人精心把控。从泥料的锤炼、成型到细节的雕琢、烧制,无不体现出匠人对品质的极致追求。壶身表面光滑细腻,色泽温润醇厚,随着使用时间的推移,壶体会逐渐形成自然的包浆,愈发古朴雅致,具有极高的收藏价值。 三、实用功能,泡茶佳器 容量适中:此壶容量适中,适合单人或与友人小聚时使用,可满足日常品茶的需求。无论是冲泡绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶还是普洱茶,都能恰到好处地展现茶叶的风味特点,让您尽享品茶之乐。 壶盖设计:壶盖与壶身紧密贴合,密封性良好,可有效锁住茶香,防止香气散失。壶盖上的气孔设计合理,既能保证壶内气压平衡,使茶水顺利倒出,又能在泡茶过程中起到透气的作用,让茶叶充分舒展,释放出最佳的滋味和香气。 四、精美包装,送礼佳品 配有精美的灰色礼盒,礼盒材质优良,做工精细,搭配复古的锁扣设计,彰显高雅品质。无论是馈赠亲友、商务往来还是节日祝福,这款紫砂报春茶壶都是一份极具品味和心意的礼物。它不仅是一件实用的茶具,更是一件承载着传统文化与艺术魅力的艺术品,让收礼者在品味茶香的同时,也能感受到您的浓浓情意和对传统文化的传承与弘扬。 Yi Xing Heralding Spring Teapot I. Ingenious Design, Bamboo Charm Heralding Spring This Purple Clay Heralding Spring Teapot features a unique shape, ingeniously integrating the charm of bamboo with the vitality of spring. The body of the teapot is round and plump, just like the earth in early spring, nurturing infinite vitality. The spout, handle, and knob are all shaped like bamboo joints, with smooth and natural lines, resembling tall and straight bamboo, tough and full of vitality, symbolizing continuous progress and eternal youth. On one side of the teapot body, there is a meticulously decorated bamboo leaf pattern with clear veins and lifelike appearance, as if a gentle breeze is blowing and the bamboo leaves are gently swaying, bringing the breath of spring and showing vivid beauty. II. High-quality Purple Clay, Excellent Quality Selected Purple Clay Material: It is carefully made from high-quality purple clay. The purple clay material has a fine texture and is rich in various minerals, with good air permeability and water absorption, which can effectively enhance the taste and aroma of tea, allowing you to fully enjoy the mellow taste when tasting tea. At the same time, the uniqueness of the purple clay material gives it good heat preservation performance, which can keep the tea at an appropriate temperature for a long time, allowing you to savor the fragrance of tea slowly. Inheritance of Exquisite Craftsmanship: The production process is exquisite, and every process is carefully controlled by experienced purple clay craftsmen. From the forging and molding of the clay to the carving and firing of details, it all reflects the craftsmen's ultimate pursuit of quality. The surface of the teapot body is smooth and delicate, with a warm and mellow color. With the passage of time, the body of the teapot will gradually form a natural patina, becoming more simple and elegant, and having high collection value. III. Practical Function, an Excellent Tea-making Utensil Moderate Capacity: This teapot has a moderate capacity, suitable for personal use or small gatherings with friends, and can meet the daily needs of tea tasting. Whether brewing green tea, black tea, oolong tea, or Pu'er tea, it can appropriately show the flavor characteristics of the tea, allowing you to fully enjoy the pleasure of tea tasting. Lid Design: The lid fits tightly with the body of the teapot, with good sealing performance, which can effectively lock the fragrance of tea and prevent the aroma from dissipating. The air hole on the lid is reasonably designed, which can not only ensure the balance of air pressure inside the teapot and make the tea flow out smoothly but also play a role in ventilation during the tea-making process, allowing the tea leaves to fully unfold and release the best taste and aroma. IV. Exquisite Packaging, an Ideal Gift It comes with an exquisite gray gift box. The gift box is made of high-quality materials and has fine workmanship, with a retro buckle design, showing elegant quality. Whether it is for giving gifts to relatives and friends, business exchanges, or festival blessings, this Purple Clay Heralding Spring Teapot is a gift with great taste and heart. It is not only a practical tea set but also an art piece carrying traditional culture and artistic charm, allowing the recipient to feel your deep affection and the inheritance and promotion of traditional culture while savoring the fragrance of tea.


  • Yi Xing Scholar Teapot Yi Xing Scholar Teapot

    Yi Xing Scholar Teapot

    宜兴紫砂儒者茶壶 紫砂儒者茶壶,集实用、美观、文化于一体,是您品茶、赏器、收藏的绝佳之选,带您领略中国传统紫砂文化的博大精深与独特魅力。 一、典雅造型,尽显儒者风范 这款紫砂儒者茶壶,造型古朴典雅,线条简洁流畅,宛如一位儒雅的君子,散发着内敛而深沉的气质。壶身圆润饱满,似儒家的包容与豁达;壶盖如冠,寓意着儒家的礼仪与庄重;壶嘴精巧别致,出水流畅,象征着儒者的睿智与通达。整体设计简约而不简单,处处彰显着儒家文化的深厚底蕴与独特魅力。 二、优质紫砂,传承经典工艺 精选紫砂材质:采用上等紫砂泥料精心制作而成,紫砂泥料质地细腻,富含多种矿物质,具有良好的透气性和吸水性,能有效提升茶叶的口感和香气,让您在品茶时尽享醇厚滋味。同时,紫砂材质的独特性使其具有良好的保温性能,可使茶水长时间保持适宜温度,让您细细品味茶香。 精湛工艺传承:制作工艺精湛,每一道工序都由经验丰富的紫砂匠人精心把控。从泥料的锤炼、成型到细节的雕琢、烧制,无不体现出匠人对品质的极致追求。壶身表面光滑细腻,色泽温润醇厚,随着使用时间的推移,壶体会逐渐形成自然的包浆,愈发古朴雅致,具有极高的收藏价值。 三、实用功能,泡茶佳器 容量适中:此壶容量适中,适合单人或与友人小聚时使用,可满足日常品茶的需求。无论是冲泡绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶还是普洱茶,都能恰到好处地展现茶叶的风味特点,让您尽享品茶之乐。 壶盖设计:壶盖与壶身紧密贴合,密封性良好,可有效锁住茶香,防止香气散失。壶盖上的气孔设计合理,既能保证壶内气压平衡,使茶水顺利倒出,又能在泡茶过程中起到透气的作用,让茶叶充分舒展,释放出最佳的滋味和香气。 四、精美包装,送礼佳品 配有精美的深蓝色礼盒,礼盒材质优良,做工精细,彰显高雅品质。无论是馈赠亲友、商务往来还是节日祝福,这款紫砂儒者茶壶都是一份极具品味和心意的礼物。它不仅是一件实用的茶具,更是一件承载着传统文化与艺术魅力的艺术品,让收礼者在品味茶香的同时,也能感受到您的浓浓情意和对传统文化的传承与弘扬。 Yi Xing Scholar Teapot I. Elegant Shape, Demonstrating the Style of a Confucian Scholar This Purple Clay Scholar Teapot features a simple and elegant shape with smooth and flowing lines, just like a refined gentleman, exuding an introverted and profound temperament. The body of the teapot is round and plump, symbolizing the inclusiveness and openness of Confucianism; the lid is like a hat, implying the etiquette and solemnity of Confucianism; the spout is exquisite and unique, with smooth water flow, representing the wisdom and understanding of a Confucian scholar. The overall design is simple yet not simplistic, fully demonstrating the profound heritage and unique charm of Confucian culture. II. High-quality Purple Clay, Inheriting Classic Craftsmanship Selected Purple Clay Material: It is meticulously made from high-quality purple clay. The purple clay material has a fine texture and is rich in various minerals, with good air permeability and water absorption, which can effectively enhance the taste and aroma of tea, allowing you to fully enjoy the mellow taste when tasting tea. At the same time, the uniqueness of the purple clay material gives it good heat preservation performance, which can keep the tea at an appropriate temperature for a long time, allowing you to savor the fragrance of tea slowly. Inheritance of Exquisite Craftsmanship: The production process is exquisite, and every process is carefully controlled by experienced purple clay craftsmen. From the forging and molding of the clay to the carving and firing of details, it all reflects the craftsmen's ultimate pursuit of quality. The surface of the teapot body is smooth and delicate, with a warm and mellow color. With the passage of time, the body of the teapot will gradually form a natural patina, becoming more simple and elegant, and having high collection value. III. Practical Function, an Excellent Tea-making Utensil Moderate Capacity: This teapot has a moderate capacity, suitable for personal use or small gatherings with friends, and can meet the daily needs of tea tasting. Whether brewing green tea, black tea, oolong tea, or Pu'er tea, it can appropriately show the flavor characteristics of the tea, allowing you to fully enjoy the pleasure of tea tasting. Lid Design: The lid fits tightly with the body of the teapot, with good sealing performance, which can effectively lock the fragrance of tea and prevent the aroma from dissipating. The air hole on the lid is reasonably designed, which can not only ensure the balance of air pressure inside the teapot and make the tea flow out smoothly but also play a role in ventilation during the tea-making process, allowing the tea leaves to fully unfold and release the best taste and aroma. IV. Exquisite Packaging, an Ideal Gift It comes with an exquisite dark blue gift box. The gift box is made of high-quality materials and has fine workmanship, showing elegant quality. Whether it is for giving gifts to relatives and friends, business exchanges, or festival blessings, this Purple Clay Scholar Teapot is a gift with great taste and heart. It is not only a practical tea set but also an art piece carrying traditional culture and artistic charm, allowing the recipient to feel your deep affection and the inheritance and promotion of traditional culture while savoring the fragrance of tea.


  • Mussels (16oz) Mussels (16oz)

    Mussels (16oz)

    永合豐 淡菜 (16oz) 需要保持冷藏  一、海洋馈赠,天然美味 淡菜,又称贻贝,是大自然赐予我们的美味海鲜。它们生长在纯净的海洋环境中,汲取海水的养分,肉质饱满鲜嫩,富含海洋的独特风味,是海鲜爱好者不可错过的佳品。 二、营养丰富,滋补佳品 淡菜富含蛋白质、多种矿物质(如钙、铁、锌等)以及维生素等营养成分。其中,蛋白质含量高且易于人体吸收,矿物质有助于维持身体正常生理功能,维生素则能增强免疫力,是滋补身体、增强体质的理想食材。 三、多样烹饪,美味随心 淡菜烹饪方式多样,可清蒸、红烧、煲汤等。清蒸能最大程度保留淡菜的原汁原味,鲜嫩多汁;红烧则让淡菜吸收浓郁的酱汁,口感醇厚;煲汤时,淡菜的鲜味融入汤中,使汤品鲜美无比,营养丰富。无论是家庭日常烹饪还是宴请宾客,淡菜都能为餐桌增添一份鲜美与健康。 四、品质保证,安全放心 我们精心挑选优质淡菜,经过严格的加工处理和质量检测,确保每一颗淡菜都新鲜、干净、无杂质。包装精美,方便储存和携带,让您随时随地都能品尝到这来自海洋的美味。 Mussels (16oz) I. Gift from the Ocean, Natural Delicacy Mussels, also known as Mytilus edulis, are a delicious seafood bestowed upon us by nature. They grow in a pure marine environment, absorbing nutrients from seawater. Their flesh is plump and tender, full of the unique flavor of the ocean, making them an unmissable delicacy for seafood lovers. II. Nutrient-rich, a Nourishing Good Choice Mussels are rich in nutrients such as protein, various minerals (such as calcium, iron, zinc, etc.), and vitamins. Among them, the high protein content is easy for the human body to absorb, and minerals help maintain the normal physiological functions of the body, while vitamins can enhance immunity. They are an ideal ingredient for nourishing the body and strengthening the constitution. III. Versatile Cooking, Delicious at Will Mussels can be cooked in various ways, such as steaming, braising in soy sauce, and making soup. Steaming can retain the original flavor of mussels to the greatest extent, making them fresh and juicy; braising in soy sauce allows mussels to absorb the rich sauce, resulting in a mellow taste; when making soup, the umami flavor of mussels melts into the soup, making the soup extremely delicious and nutritious. Whether for daily family cooking or entertaining guests, mussels can add a touch of delicacy and health to the dining table. IV. Quality Assurance, Safe and Reliable We carefully select high-quality mussels and undergo strict processing and quality inspection to ensure that each mussel is fresh, clean, and free of impurities. The exquisite packaging is convenient for storage and carrying, allowing you to taste this delicacy from the ocean anytime and anywhere.



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