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Porcelain Hand-painted Lotus Gaiwan
手繪蓮花馬蹄蓋碗 手绘莲花马蹄盖碗,乃传统工艺与艺术美学完美融合之佳作,为您的品茶时光增添独特韵味。 一、精美手绘图案 此盖碗饰有精致的手绘莲花与马蹄图案。莲花以柔和的红色绘就,于碗身之上优雅绽放,象征着纯洁与高雅;马蹄以质朴的棕色调呈现,增添了自然质朴之感。蓝色的莲叶与莲茎笔触流畅,营造出生动而灵动的画面,仿佛莲花在静谧的池塘中轻轻摇曳。这些元素的组合构成了和谐且如诗如画的构图,使得每一只盖碗都成为独一无二的艺术品。 二、优质材质 采用高品质陶瓷材质打造,此盖碗具有出色的耐用性与保温性能。陶瓷体光滑细腻,带有细微的斑点纹理,增添了几分古朴韵味。釉面精心施制,在保证光泽度的同时,完好地保留了手绘图案的完整性。盖、碗、托三者严丝合缝,呈现出浑然一体的优雅外观。 三、实用的品茶设计 这款盖碗的设计不仅美观,而且极具实用性。宽大的碗身提供了充足的空间来冲泡茶叶,使茶叶能够充分舒展,释放出浓郁的滋味与香气。盖可在泡茶时盖住碗身以保温、聚香,倒茶时还可用于滤茶。托则作为稳定的底座,防止桌面受热并避免茶水溢出。无论是品茶行家还是休闲饮茶者,此盖碗都将以其实用性与优雅气质提升您的品茶之旅。 四、文化与艺术价值 灵感源于中国传统文化,莲花与马蹄图案蕴含着深厚的文化内涵。莲花代表纯洁、高尚与精神启迪,马蹄则寓意富足与好运。拥有此盖碗,犹如将一份文化遗产握于手中,让您在品味佳茗的同时,欣赏传统艺术之美。它亦是馈赠亲友的绝佳之选,尤其适合那些钟情于精湛工艺与文化意蕴之人。 Porcelain Hand-painted Gaiwan The Hand-painted Lotus and Water Chestnut Gaiwan is a masterpiece that combines traditional craftsmanship with artistic aesthetics, bringing a unique charm to your tea-drinking experience. I. Exquisite Hand-painted Patterns This gaiwan features delicate hand-painted lotus and water chestnut motifs. The lotus flowers, painted in a soft red hue, bloom gracefully on the surface, symbolizing purity and elegance. The water chestnuts, depicted in earthy brown tones, add a touch of natural simplicity. The blue lotus leaves and stems, with their fluid brushstrokes, create a vivid and dynamic scene, as if the lotus is swaying gently in a tranquil pond. The combination of these elements forms a harmonious and picturesque composition, making each gaiwan a unique work of art. II. Superior Quality Materials Crafted from high-quality ceramic materials, this gaiwan boasts excellent durability and heat retention properties. The ceramic body is smooth and refined, with a subtle speckled texture that adds a rustic charm. The glaze is carefully applied to ensure a glossy finish while maintaining the integrity of the hand-painted designs. The lid, cup, and saucer fit perfectly together, providing a seamless and elegant appearance. III. Practical Design for Tea Enjoyment The design of this gaiwan is not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional. The wide bowl allows for ample space to brew tea leaves, enabling them to unfurl fully and release their rich flavors and aromas. The lid can be used to cover the cup during steeping to retain heat and aroma, and also to strain the tea when pouring. The saucer serves as a stable base, protecting your table surface from heat and spills. Whether you are a tea connoisseur or a casual tea drinker, this gaiwan will enhance your tea-tasting journey with its practicality and elegance. IV. Cultural and Artistic Value Inspired by traditional Chinese culture, the lotus and water chestnut motifs carry deep cultural connotations. The lotus represents purity, nobility, and spiritual enlightenment, while the water chestnut is associated with abundance and good fortune. Owning this gaiwan is like having a piece of cultural heritage in your hands, allowing you to appreciate the beauty of traditional art while savoring your favorite tea. It also makes for an excellent gift choice for those who appreciate fine craftsmanship and cultural significance. Indulge in the art of tea with the Hand-painted Lotus and Water Chestnut Gaiwan, and let its beauty and functionality elevate your tea-drinking moments to a new level of enjoyment.
脱水珍味海帶芽 100g
脱水珍味海帶芽 100g 增添营养和风味 使用方便 【成分】脱水海带芽、胡蘿蔔、豆腐角、魚板、玉米、青蔥、鹽。【容量】100公克【使用方法】請用冷水將海帶芽泡软瀝乾備用,请勿久煮以保留爽脆口感,可作湯料、煮麵、粥、涼拌等更具風味。
原味A级脱水海帶芽 3.1oz
原味A级脱水海帶芽 3.1oz 增添营养和风味 使用方便 【成分】脱水海带芽、鹽。【容量】3.1oz/ 90公克【使用方法】請用冷水將海帶芽泡透瀝乾備用,可作湯料、煮麵、粥、涼拌等更具風味。
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TASLY Compound Danshen Dripping Pills 180 Pills
天士力 复方丹参滴丸 180粒 【成份】丹参、三七、冰片。 【性状】本品为棕色的薄膜衣滴丸,除去包衣后显黄棕色至棕色;气香,味微苦。 【功能主治】活血化瘀,理气止痛。用于气滞血瘀所致的胸,症见胸闷、心前区刺痛;冠心病心绞痛见上述证候者。 【用法用量】口服或舌下含服,一次10丸,一日3次,4周为一个疗程;或遵医嘱。
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BaiYunShan Keteling Jiaonang 30capsules
白云山 咳特灵胶囊 30粒 【功能主治】镇咳,祛痰,平喘,消炎。用于咳喘及慢性支气管炎咳嗽。 【使用方法】口服,一次1粒,一日三次 【成分】小叶榕干浸膏、马来酸氯苯那敏。辅料为淀粉、滑石粉 【注意事项】 1.忌烟,酒及辛辣,生冷,油腻食物 2.不宜在服药期间同时服用滋补性中药 3.有支气管扩张、肺脓疡,肺心病,肺 结核患者出现咳嗽时应去医院就诊 4.本品含马来酸氯苯那敏。膀胱颈梗阻,甲状腺功能亢进,青光眼。高血压和前列腺肥大者慎用,哺乳期妇女慎用。服药期间不得驾驶机、车,船,从事高空作业。机械作业及操作精密仪器 5.严格按照用法用量服用,儿童、年老体弱者应在医师指导下使用 6.本品不宜长期服用,股药3天症状无缓解,应去医院就诊 7.对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用 8.本品性状发生改变时禁止使用