
Herbs are valuable to prevent illness for over five thousand years. Wing Hop Fung features bulk herbs, including famous tonics such as cordyceps and reishi, also classic combined herbal formulas.


Traditional Herbal Remedies Traditional Herbal Remedies Boost your health and mental power with thousands of years old herbalism tradition

Herbs are valuable to prevent illness for over five thousand years. Wing Hop Fung features bulk herbs, including famous tonics such as cordyceps and reishi, also classic combined herbal formulas.

190 products

  • 雞血藤 16oz

    雞血藤 16oz

    鸡血藤 16oz 马鹿藤、紫梗藤、猪血藤、九层风、血龙藤、过岗龙、五层血 性味 味苦;微甘;性温 功效 为豆科植物密花豆的藤茎。 活血舒筋,养血调经。主手足麻木,肢体瘫痪,风湿痹痛,妇女月经不调,痛经,闭经。 经脉 心经;脾经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g,大剂量可用至30g;或浸酒。 注意禁忌 阴虚火亢者慎用。 食疗方 鸡血藤炖肉方 鸡血藤干品10~15克,瘦猪肉150克。二味共炖至肉烂,食肉服汤。每日1次,5天为一疗程。 功效:养血补肝,搜风通络。   Suberect Spatholobus Stem / Ji Xue Teng (16oz) Spatholobus stem aka Millettia Root is warm in nature, bitter and sweet in flavor, and mainly manifests its therapeutic actions in the Liver meridian. Spatholobus stem has active components like flavonoids, triterpenes, anthraquinones, and sterol derivatives Spatholobus stem is often used for conditions like sallow complexion due to blood deficiency, limb numbness, paralysis in the limbs or body, rheumatic joints, irregular menstruation, menstrual pain or missed [menstrual] periods. Studies showed that Spatholobus stem has effects in promoting hematopoiesis function [the production of all types of blood cells including formation, development, and differentiation of blood cells], expanding blood vessels, anti-coagulation, enhancing uterine contraction, reducing blood lipid, anti-tumor, anti-virus, immune modulation, anti-inflammation, antioxidant, tranquilizing and promoting sleep.


  • 豨莶草 16oz

    豨莶草 16oz

    豨莶草 16oz 粘金强子、粘为扎、珠草、棉苍狼 性味 辛、苦,寒。 功效 本品为菊科植物豨莶、腺梗豨莶或毛梗豨莶的干燥地上部分。 祛风湿,利筋骨,降血压。治四肢麻痹,筋骨疼痛,腰膝无力,疟疾,急性肝炎,高血压病,疔疮肿毒,外伤出血。 经脉 归肝经、肾经。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,9~15g,或入丸、散。 外用:煎水洗或熬膏敷。属热者当生用,属寒者宜制用,疮疡肿毒及湿疹瘙痒唯宜生用。 注意禁忌 阴血不足者忌服。   Siegesbeckia Herb / Xi Xian Cao 16oz Siegesbeckia (Xi Xian Cao): Its main functions are to clear heat and release toxins, to strengthen the sinews, and to dispel wind and dampness.  Damp Wind has effects similar to those of the common cold, with sore limbs, listlessness, nausea, anorexia, and diarrhea and can cause diseases like arthritis. An Endogenous Wind attacks the liver and causes dizziness, spasms, convulsions, and even coma.Its benefits include that it can help dispel wind, reduce high blood pressure and remove toxicity. This herb is also commonly known for it's effect to unblock fallopian tubes and it's effectiveness to treat bone and muscle pain due to rheumatism. The taste is bitter, and it is cold in effect  This product is the dry above-ground part of the Compositae plant Siegesbeckia Serrata or Sieges lanceolate.  It is used to eliminate rheumatism, strengthen bones and muscles, lower blood pressure. It has been used to cure limb paralysis, muscle and bone pain, waist and knee weakness, malaria, acute hepatitis, hypertension, boils, swollen toxin, traumatic bleeding.  It enters the Meridians of the Liver and Kidney meridians.  Dosage: Oral administration: Decoction, 9~15g, or into pills or powder. External use: decocted to wash or boil ointment. It is suitable for use when it is hot, and when it is cold. It is suitable for sores, swelling, toxin and eczema, and itching.  Cautions: Those with insufficient Yin blood should not take it. 


  • 絡石藤 16oz

    絡石藤 16oz

    络石藤 16oz 石鲮、明石、悬石、云珠、云丹、石磋、略石、领石、石龙藤、耐冬、石血、白花藤、红对叶肾、对叶藤、石南藤、过墙风、石邦藤、骑墙虎、风藤、折骨草、交脚风、铁线草、藤络、见水生、苦连藤、软筋藤、万字金银、石气柑 性味 苦;辛;性微寒 功效 本品为夹竹桃科植物络石的干燥带叶藤茎。 祛风,通络,止血,消瘀。治风湿痹痛,筋脉拘挛,痈肿,喉痹,吐血,跌打损伤,产后恶露不行。 经脉 心经;肝经;肾经 用法用量 内服:煎场,6~15g单味可用至30g;浸酒,30~60g;或入丸、散剂。 外用:适量,研末调敷或捣汁涂。 注意禁忌 ①《本草经集注》:杜仲、牡丹为之使。恶铁落,畏菖蒲、贝母。 ②《药性论》:恶铁精。杀殷孽毒。 ③《本草经疏》:阴脏人畏寒易泄者勿服。 Chinese Starjasmine Stem / Luo Shi Teng 16oz In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), star jasmine stems are plants that belong to the 'Herbs that dispel Wind and Dampness' category. These herbs typically help treat what's called 'bi pain' (i.e. painful obstruction) in TCM. This roughly corresponds to arthritic and rheumatic conditions with pain, stiffness, and numbness of the bones, joints, and muscles. Star jasmine stems are Cool in nature. This means that star jasmine stems tend to help people who have too much ‘Heat’ in their body, Balance between yin and yang is a key health concept in TCM. Those who have too much Heat are said to either have a yang excess: Dryness, constipation, darker more condensed urine, possibly high fever and restlessness or a yin deficiency: Emaciation and weakness, night sweats, restlessness with little energy or energy in spurts, a red tongue with no coat and a fast but empty pulse. Star jasmine stems have a bitter taste. Bitter ingredients like star jasmine stems tend to have a cleansing action on the body promoting elimination via urination or bowel movements. Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 6-15g single flavor can be used up to 30g; soaking in wine, 30-60g; or into pills or powder. External use: appropriate amount, grind the powder and adjust the compressor to mash the juice to apply.  Cautions: Do not take it if the person is afraid of cold and easily perspires.


  • 石楠藤 16oz

    石楠藤 16oz

    石楠藤 16oz 性味 辛,溫。 功效 本品為胡椒科植物毛蒟的乾燥枝葉。 祛風濕,舒筋絡,強腰膝,除痹痛。用於風寒濕痹,筋骨疼痛。腰膝無力,咳嗽氣喘,腎虛咳嗽,陽痿。 经脉 歸肝、脾經。 用法用量 内服:煎场,6~15g单味可用至30g;浸酒,30~60g;或入丸、散剂。 外用:适量,研末调敷或捣汁涂。 注意禁忌 ①《本草经集注》:杜仲、牡丹为之使。恶铁落,畏菖蒲、贝母。 ②《药性论》:恶铁精。杀殷孽毒。 ③《本草经疏》:阴脏人畏寒易泄者勿服。 Piper wallichii / Shi Nan Teng (16oz) Piper wallichii (Miq.) Hand.-Mazz. is a medicinal plant used widely for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory diseases, cerebral infarction, and angina in China. Previous study showed that lignans and neolignans from Piper spp. had potential inhibitory activities on platelet aggregation. As a plant in the genus Piper of the family Piperaceae with vine as the medicinal part, Piper wallichii . . . has wind-cold dispelling, waist and knee strengthening and kidney-yang invigorating functions, which is traditionally used for rheumatic arthralgia, lumbocrural pain, etc. Piper wallichii contains a variety of chemical constituents, including lignins, amide alkaloids, organic acids, (alliedacademies.org) TCM indications: Dispel rheumatism, relax muscles and collaterals, strengthen waist and knees, and relieve arthralgia. Used for wind, cold and dampness arthralgia, muscle and bone pain. Waist and knee weakness, cough and wheezing, kidney deficiency cough, impotence.  It enters the Meridians of the Liver and Spleen channels.  Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 6-15g single flavor can be used up to 30g; soaking in wine, 30-60g; or into pills or powder. External use: appropriate amount, grind the powder, and adjust the compressor to mash the juice to apply.  Cautions: Do not take it if the person is afraid of cold temperatures and is easy to perspire.


  • 石決明 16oz

    石決明 16oz

    石决明 16oz 鳆鱼甲、真海决、海决明、海南决、关海决、鲍鱼壳、九孔石决明、鲍鱼皮、金蛤蜊皮 性味 咸,寒。 功效 为鲍科动物杂色鲍、皱纹盘鲍、耳鲍、羊鲍等的贝壳。 平肝潜阳,除热,明目。治风阳上扰、头痛眩晕,惊搐,骨蒸芳热,青盲内障。 经脉 入肝经、肾经。   Sea-ear Shell / Shi Jue Ming 16oz Known as "sea ear," the abalone is a type of mollusk that grows predominantly in the waters in and around California. ... Abalone shell (AKA Concha haliotidis, abalone shell,) is used to treat conditions such as vertigo, dizziness, blurred vision, headaches, and eye-related pain, and to improve visual acuity. . . Abalone shell contains a variety of elements, including calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, and silicon, and several chemical compounds, including aspartic acid and glutamic acid. [Aspartic acid helps every cell in the body work. It plays a role in hormone production and release. Normal nervous system function. . .  Glutamic acid (glutamate) is an amino acid used by the body to build proteins. Glutamate is the most common excitatory (stimulating) neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.] The shells are collected in the summer and autumn, then dried in the sun and broken into pieces for use. Abalone shell is often combined with other substances, such as oyster shell and white peony.  The typical dosage of abalone shell is between 15 and 30 grams, crushed and decocted with water. If an abalone shell is being combined with other items, it should be added to the decoction earlier than the other ingredients. The Shi Jue Ming decoction can be applied topically.


  • 川續斷 16oz

    川續斷 16oz

    川续断 16oz Himalayan Teasel Root 龙豆、属折、接骨、南草、接骨草、鼓锤草、和尚头、川断、川萝卜根、马蓟、黑老鸦头、小续断、山萝卜 性味 味苦;辛;性微温 功效 为川续断科植物川续断的根。 补肝肾,续筋骨,调血脉,续折伤,止崩漏。治腰背酸痛,足膝无力,胎漏,崩漏,带下,遗精,跌打损伤,金疮,痔漏,痈疽疮肿。酒续断多用于风湿痹痛,跌扑损伤。盐续断多用于腰膝酸软。 经脉 归肝经;肾经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~15g;或入丸、散。 外用:鲜品适量,捣敷。 注意禁忌 1.《本草经集注》:地黄为之使。恶雷丸。 2.《得配本草》:初痢勿用,怒气郁者禁用。 【食疗方】 川断杜仲煲猪尾 川断30克,杜仲30克,猪尾1~2条。猪尾去毛洗净,与川断、杜仲共加水用瓦罐煮熟,放盐少许调味食用。 功效:温肾壮阳。   Himalayan Teasel Root / Chuan Xu Duan 16oz XU DUAN - Pharmaceutical Latin: Radix Dipsaci. Common English: Dipsacus Japanese Teasel Root, Himalayan Teasel Root ... Its functions are to tonify the liver and kidneys, promote blood circulation, and strengthen the bones and tendons. Teasel root can be used internally or externally. In traditional Chinese medicine, teasel root is affiliated with the Liver and Kidney meridians, and has bitter, pungent and warm properties. Internally, teasel root treats pain and weakness in the knees and lower back helps repair damaged tissues such as bones and ligaments and can control bleeding during a woman's pregnancy. As a tonic, it is used to control a "restless fetus" [threatened miscarriage] in pregnant women, often in combination with eucommia bark, astragalus, Chinese angelica and other herbs. Externally, it can be combined into a poultice with drynaria and dragon's blood to reduce swelling and relieve pain. TCM uses: Nourishes the liver and kidneys, renews the bones and muscles, regulates the blood vessels, renews breaks [helps repair bones fractures], and stops uterine bleeding. It has been used to cure low back pain, weakness of the feet and knees, threatened miscarriage, metrorrhagia, vaginal discharge, nocturnal emission, bruises, hemorrhoids, and ulcers. Liquor Dipsacus is mostly used for rheumatic arthralgia, fall and bruise injury. Dipsacus salt is mostly used for sore waist and knees.  It enters the Meridians of Liver and Kidney meridian  Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 6~15g; or into pills or powder. External use: Appropriate amount of fresh product, pound, and compress.


  • 金櫻子 16oz

    金櫻子 16oz

    金樱子 16oz Cherokee Rose Fruit, Fruit of Cherokee Rose 刺榆子,刺梨子,金罂子,山石榴,山鸡头子,糖莺子,蜂糖罐,槟榔果,金壶瓶,糖橘子,黄茶瓶,藤勾子,螳螂果,糖刺果,灯笼果,刺橄榄,灯笼果,刺兰棵子 性味 酸涩;平;无毒 功效 本品为蔷薇科植物金樱子的干燥成熟果实。固精缩尿,涩肠止泻。治滑精,遗尿,小便频数,脾虚泻痢,肺虚喘咳,自汗盗汗,崩漏带下。 经脉 肾经;膀胱经;大肠经;脾经;肺经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,9~15g;或入丸、散,或熬膏。 注意禁忌 1.有实火、邪热者忌服。 2.《医学入门》:中寒有痞者禁服。 3.《本草经疏》:泄泻由于火热暴注者不宜用;小便不禁及精气滑脱因于阴虚火炽而得者,不宜用。   Cherokee Rose Fruit / Jin Ying Zi 16oz Sour, astringent, high source of vitamin C improves spermatorrhea and “wet dreams” In severe cases, semen can be ejaculated involuntarily while a man is awake. And it is often accompanied by symptoms like dizziness, tinnitus, forgetfulness, palpitation, insomnia, soreness of waist and knee, lassitude, weak urine stream, discomfort and fullness in lower abdomen and genitals, etc. The Cherokee rose, also called rosa laevigata in scientific name and Jin Ying Zi in Pinyin, can provide a unique flavor experience thanks to its honey-like taste and delicate fragrance. It has a wide variety of nutrients, especially vitamin C, and helps in reducing sugar. According to relevant analysis, every 100g of its fresh pulp contains 1009g vitamin C, which is second only to Roxburgh rose, 2 times of fresh jujube fruit, 10 times of kiwi, 30 times and of citrus. In addition, it is rich in zinc and selenium two trace elements that are essential to the human body and have specific health benefits and anti-cancer effects. Modern pharmacological actions of rosa laevigata The tannin contained has astringent, antidiarrheal effect;2. Its decoction can inhibit Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, tetanus, leptospira, and influenza virus;3. Its decoction has an anti-atherosclerotic effect. The Chinese Materia Medica says that it is sour and astringent in flavor and neutral and non-toxic in properties. And it goes to the 5 meridians of the kidney, bladder, colon, spleen, and lung. Common functions include securing essence, reducing urination, astringing intestine, and checking vaginal discharge. Essential medicinal uses and indications are night emission, enuresis, frequent urination, chronic diarrhea, lingering dysentery, gonorrhea, vaginal discharge, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, prolapse of anus, and uterine prolapse. Recommended dosage is from 9 to 15 grams in decoction, tea pills, cream, or powder.


  • 艾葉 祈艾 16oz

    艾葉 祈艾 16oz

    艾叶 祈艾 16oz 艾、艾蒿、家艾 性味 辛、苦,温;有小毒。 功效 为菊科植物艾的叶。散寒止痛,温经止血。用于少腹冷痛,经寒不调,宫冷不孕,吐血,衄血,崩漏经多,妊娠下血;外治皮肤瘙痒。醋艾炭温经止血。用于虚寒性出血。 经脉 归肝经、脾经、肾经。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~10g;或入丸、散;或捣汁。 外用:适量,捣绒作炷或制成艾条熏灸;或捣敷;或煎水熏洗;或炒热温熨。 注意禁忌 1.阴虚血热者及宿有失血病者慎用。 2.《纲目》:苦酒、香附为之使。   Argy Wormwood Leaf / Ai Ye 16oz Artemisia vulgaris, the mugwort plant, is a tall shrub that is closely related to sunflowers, and its leaves, flowers and roots are all used for their nutrient content. The specific benefits of mugwort leaf tea are mainly due to the presence of flavonoids, triterpenes, and other antioxidant compounds, as well as vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin E, potassium, iron, calcium, and various B-family vitamins. Mugwort Tea The main benefits of mugwort tea include its ability to ease menstrual pain, improve digestion, reduce anxiety and depression, promote dream retention, help with weight loss efforts, strengthen the immune system, detoxify the body and help regulate diabetes. Drinking mugwort leaf tea is highly recommended for people suffering with insomnia, anxiety, painful menstruations, digestive issues, obesity, weak immunity, diabetes, depression, inflammation, colds, coughs, flu, respiratory infections and kidney problems. With its powerful nervine qualities, mugwort tea is very good for treating anxiety, depression and chronic stress levels. This can help relieve stress on the nervous and metabolic system, and improve quality of life. Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 3~10g; or into pills or powder; or pounding juice. External use: appropriate amount, pound velvet to make sticks or make moxa moxibustion; Cautions:Use with caution for those with yin deficiency [dehydration] and blood heat [rash, fever, etc] and those with hemorrhagic disease.


  • 木瓜 16oz

    木瓜 16oz

    木瓜 16oz Common Flowering quince Fruit, Fruit of Common Flowering quince 楙、木瓜实、铁脚梨、秋木瓜、酸木瓜 性味 酸;温 功效 为蔷薇科植物皱皮木瓜的果实。平肝和胃,去湿舒筋。治吐泻转筋,湿痹,脚气,水肿,痢疾。 经脉 肝经;肺经;肾经;脾经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,5~10g;或入丸、散。 外用:煎水熏洗。 注意禁忌 1.《食疗本草》:不可多食,损齿及骨。 2.《医学入门》:忌铅、铁。 3.《本草经疏》:下部腰膝无力,由于精血虚、真阴不足者不宜用。伤食脾胃未虚、积滞多者,不宜用。   Common Floweringquince Fruit / Mu Gua 16oz A Relaxing and Strengthening Fruit. Chaenomeles refers to the fruit of the Chinese flowering quince, called mugua (wood fruit); it should not be confused with the item sold in Oriental food markets as mugua, which is ordinary papaya. Chinese Herb Actions Relaxes the Sinews and Opens the ChannelsFor stiffness and spasms of the sinews, muscles stiffness and spasms, and muscle atrophy. This is one of the best herbs for relaxing the sinews. Also for weakness and pain in the low back  Harmonizes the Stomach and Transforms DampFor abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. Also for cramping of the calves and edema in the legs.  Chinese Herb Contraindications & Cautions Do not use in cases with hyperchlorhydria  Hyperchlorhydria, sometimes called chlorhydria, sour stomach or acid stomach, refers to the state in the stomach where gastric acid levels are higher than the reference range. Do not use in cases with Internal Heat Stagnation and scanty dark urine


  • 辛夷花 16oz

    辛夷花 16oz

    辛夷花 16oz 木笔花、望春花、春花、木兰、紫玉兰、白玉兰、二月花、广玉兰 性味 辛;性温 功效 为木兰科植物望春玉兰、玉兰、武当玉兰等的干燥花蕾。 祛风,通窍。治头痛,鼻渊,鼻塞不通,齿痛。 经脉 肺经;胃经 用法用量 内服:煎汤 ,3~10g,宜包煎;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,研末搐鼻;或以其蒸馏水滴鼻。 注意禁忌 阴虚火旺者忌服。 ①《本草经集注》:芎藭为之使。恶五石脂。畏菖蒲、蒲黄、黄连、石膏、黄环。 ②《本草经巯》:凡气虚人忌,头脑痛属血虚火炽者忌,齿痛属胃火者忌。 ③《本草汇言》:气虚之人,虽偶感风寒,致诸窍不通者,不宜用。   Magnolia Flower / Xin Yi Hua 16oz Magnolia bud tea is used for stuffy nose, runny nose, common cold, sinus pain, hay fever, headache, and facial dark spots. Drink it between meals to ease cold/flu season and allergy discomforts. It is an ingredient in Bi Yan Pian pills. The taste is pungent and it is warming in nature   It is the dried flower buds of Wangchun Magnolia, Wudang Magnolia, of the Magnoliaceae.  It is used to Dispel the wind, clear the orifice [sinus] cure headache, nasal passages deep congestion, toothache.  It enters the Meridians of Lung and Stomach Meridian  Dosage Oral administration: Decoction, 3~10g, suitable for decoction; or into pills or powder. External use: grind and apply into the nose, or use its distilled drip into the nose.  Cautions: Avoid use with fever, chronic thirst, night sweats, palpitations Avoid use with deficiency of qi, blood deficiency, and fire in brain pain,  Avoid use with stomach fire caused by toothache.  People with a deficiency of qi, even though they may feel cold should not use it


  • 紫菀 16oz

    紫菀 16oz

    紫菀 16oz 青菀、紫葥、返魂草根、夜牵牛、紫菀茸、关公须 性味 味苦;辛;性温 功效 为菊科植物紫菀的根及根茎。 温肺,下气,消痰,止咳。治风寒咳嗽气喘,虚劳咳吐脓血,喉痹,小便不利。 经脉 肺经; 用法用量 内服:煎汤,4.5~10g;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 有实热者忌服。 ①《本草经集注》:款冬为使。恶天雄、瞿麦、雷丸、远志。畏茵陈蒿。 ②《唐本草》:恶蒿本。 ③《本草正》:劳伤肺肾、水亏金燥而咳喘者非所宜。   Tatarian Aster Root / Zi Wan 16oz The root contains triterpenes and triterpene saponins, and is a stimulant expectorant herb for the bronchial system, helping to clear infections. It is antibacterial, antifungal, antitussive, expectorant and stimulant. Aster Root is a traditional Chinese Medicinal Herb used to moisten the lungs to resolve phlegm and ease cough. Aster root benefits include the immune system. AKA: Green vine, bignonia, soul-returning grass-root, night glory, aster velvet, Guan Gong's whiskers  The taste is bitter  pungent; It is warming in effect  It is the root and rhizome of Aster, a Compositae plant.  It has been used to warm lungs, lower lung qi to reduce coughing; eliminate phlegm, relieve cough.  TCM uses: to cure wind, cold cough, asthma, cough, and vomiting of pus and blood due to fatigue, throat numbness, and increase urination.  It enters the Lung meridian  Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 4.5~10g; or into pills or powder.  Cautions:  People who have real heat [fever, rash, sweats, etc] should not take it. "Materia Medica": It is not suitable for those who strain the lungs and kidneys, who have reduced fluids, dryness and cough, and asthma.


  • 蒼耳子 16oz

    蒼耳子 16oz

    苍耳子 16oz Siberian Cocklour Fruit, Fruit of Siberian Cocklebur 葈耳实、牛虱子、胡寝子、苍郎种、棉螳螂、苍子、胡苍子、饿虱子、苍棵子、苍耳蒺藜、苍浪子、老苍子 性味 味苦;甘;辛;性温;小毒 功效 苍耳子为菊科植物苍耳的成熟带总苞的果实。 散风,止痛,祛湿,杀虫。治风寒头痛,鼻渊,齿痛,风寒湿痹,四肢挛痛,疥癞,瘙痒。 经脉 归肺经;肝经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~10g;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,捣敷;或煎水洗。 注意禁忌 1.血虚之头痛、痹痛忌服。 2.《唐本草》:忌猪肉、马肉、米泔。 3.《本草从新》:散气耗血,虚人勿服。 【食疗方】 薄荷苍夷白芷茶 薄荷6克,苍耳子12克,辛夷6克,白芷6克,葱白3根,茶叶2克。上述诸药共入锅中,水煎去渣取汁即成。代茶饮用。 功效 疏风通窍。主治鼻炎、鼻窦炎等病症。   Siberian Cocklour Fruit, Xanthium sibiricum, Cang Er Zi Property Pungent, bitter and warm, toxic; lung meridian entered. Actions Disperse wind-cold, relieves nasal obstruction, and stop pain. Indications Wind-cold exterior syndrome It has a minor function to expel wind-cold therefore it is not commonly used for common cold due to wind-cold. But because of the action to relieve nasal obstruction and stop pain, it is often used for wind-cold syndrome manifested as headache and body pain, nasal stuffiness with discharge together with Qiang Huo, Bai Zhi and other herbs to disperse wind-cold. Nasal Stuffiness and discharge It has a good effect on free nasal obstruction and relieves nasal stuffiness. It can also stop turbid nasal discharge, stop pain and relieve distention pain of forehead and nasal cavity with its warm and dry property. It can be applied either internally or externally with multiple effects for both symptoms and pathological changes such as nasal stuffiness, continuous turbid nasal discharge, loss of sense of smell and forehead pain. It has been regarded as an important medicine for treating nasal stuffiness since ancient times. The disease sinusitis is often caused by exterior wind-heat attack or damp-heat stagnation. For this disease, Cang Er Zi is often used with wind-heat-dispersing herbs such as Bo He, Ju Hua, Huang Qin or with heat-clearing herbs. It's also frequently used for other rhinopathy such as acute rhinitis, chronic rhinitis and allergic rhinitis. In addition, it can dispel wind-damp and stop pain of arthralgia to assist other wind-damp-dispersing herbs. It’s commonly used for wind-cold-damp arthralgia. It can also be used to treat pruritus and headache due to wind cold. Dosage and Administrations Decoct 3~10g or make it into pills and powder. It should be roasted and ground to get thorns for better prescription and decoction of the active components and less toxin. Cautions Not suitable for headaches due to blood deficiency. Overdose will lead to toxication.



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