川續斷 16oz


川续断 16oz

Himalayan Teasel Root





为川续断科植物川续断的根。 补肝肾,续筋骨,调血脉,续折伤,止崩漏。治腰背酸痛,足膝无力,胎漏,崩漏,带下,遗精,跌打损伤,金疮,痔漏,痈疽疮肿。酒续断多用于风湿痹痛,跌扑损伤。盐续断多用于腰膝酸软。




  • 内服:煎汤,6~15g;或入丸、散。
  • 外用:鲜品适量,捣敷。


  • 1.《本草经集注》:地黄为之使。恶雷丸。
  • 2.《得配本草》:初痢勿用,怒气郁者禁用。






      Himalayan Teasel Root / Chuan Xu Duan 16oz

      XU DUAN - Pharmaceutical Latin: Radix Dipsaci. Common English: Dipsacus Japanese Teasel Root, Himalayan Teasel Root ...

      Its functions are to tonify the liver and kidneys, promote blood circulation, and strengthen the bones and tendons. Teasel root can be used internally or externally.

      In traditional Chinese medicine, teasel root is affiliated with the Liver and Kidney meridians, and has bitter, pungent and warm properties. Internally, teasel root treats pain and weakness in the knees and lower back helps repair damaged tissues such as bones and ligaments and can control bleeding during a woman's pregnancy. As a tonic, it is used to control a "restless fetus" [threatened miscarriage] in pregnant women, often in combination with eucommia bark, astragalus, Chinese angelica and other herbs. Externally, it can be combined into a poultice with drynaria and dragon's blood to reduce swelling and relieve pain.

      TCM uses: Nourishes the liver and kidneys, renews the bones and muscles, regulates the blood vessels, renews breaks [helps repair bones fractures], and stops uterine bleeding. It has been used to cure low back pain, weakness of the feet and knees, threatened miscarriage, metrorrhagia, vaginal discharge, nocturnal emission, bruises, hemorrhoids, and ulcers. Liquor Dipsacus is mostly used for rheumatic arthralgia, fall and bruise injury. Dipsacus salt is mostly used for sore waist and knees. 

      It enters the Meridians of Liver and Kidney meridian 

      Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 6~15g; or into pills or powder.

      External use: Appropriate amount of fresh product, pound, and compress.

      Product form

      川续断 16oz Himalayan Teasel Root 龙豆、属折、接骨、南草、接骨草、鼓锤草、和尚头、川断、川萝卜根、马蓟、黑老鸦头、小续断、山萝卜 性味 味苦;辛;性微温 功效 为川续断科植物川续断的根。 补肝肾,续筋骨,调血脉,续折伤,止崩漏。治腰背酸痛,足膝无力,胎漏,崩漏,带下,遗精,跌打损伤,金疮,痔漏,痈疽疮肿。酒续断多用于风湿痹痛,跌扑损伤。盐续断多用于腰膝酸软。 经脉 归肝经;肾经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~15g;或入丸、散。 外用:鲜品适量,捣敷。 注意禁忌 1.《本草经集注》:地黄为之使。恶雷丸。 2.《得配本草》:初痢勿用,怒气郁者禁用。 【食疗方】 川断杜仲煲猪尾... Read more

      SKU: 400465ORIGIN: China
      BARCODE: 0000000003503WEIGHT: 16 oz
      Free pickup in our shop(s)



        川续断 16oz

        Himalayan Teasel Root





        为川续断科植物川续断的根。 补肝肾,续筋骨,调血脉,续折伤,止崩漏。治腰背酸痛,足膝无力,胎漏,崩漏,带下,遗精,跌打损伤,金疮,痔漏,痈疽疮肿。酒续断多用于风湿痹痛,跌扑损伤。盐续断多用于腰膝酸软。




        • 内服:煎汤,6~15g;或入丸、散。
        • 外用:鲜品适量,捣敷。


        • 1.《本草经集注》:地黄为之使。恶雷丸。
        • 2.《得配本草》:初痢勿用,怒气郁者禁用。






            Himalayan Teasel Root / Chuan Xu Duan 16oz

            XU DUAN - Pharmaceutical Latin: Radix Dipsaci. Common English: Dipsacus Japanese Teasel Root, Himalayan Teasel Root ...

            Its functions are to tonify the liver and kidneys, promote blood circulation, and strengthen the bones and tendons. Teasel root can be used internally or externally.

            In traditional Chinese medicine, teasel root is affiliated with the Liver and Kidney meridians, and has bitter, pungent and warm properties. Internally, teasel root treats pain and weakness in the knees and lower back helps repair damaged tissues such as bones and ligaments and can control bleeding during a woman's pregnancy. As a tonic, it is used to control a "restless fetus" [threatened miscarriage] in pregnant women, often in combination with eucommia bark, astragalus, Chinese angelica and other herbs. Externally, it can be combined into a poultice with drynaria and dragon's blood to reduce swelling and relieve pain.

            TCM uses: Nourishes the liver and kidneys, renews the bones and muscles, regulates the blood vessels, renews breaks [helps repair bones fractures], and stops uterine bleeding. It has been used to cure low back pain, weakness of the feet and knees, threatened miscarriage, metrorrhagia, vaginal discharge, nocturnal emission, bruises, hemorrhoids, and ulcers. Liquor Dipsacus is mostly used for rheumatic arthralgia, fall and bruise injury. Dipsacus salt is mostly used for sore waist and knees. 

            It enters the Meridians of Liver and Kidney meridian 

            Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 6~15g; or into pills or powder.

            External use: Appropriate amount of fresh product, pound, and compress.



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