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2213 products

  • 龍膽瀉肝 湯料

    龍膽瀉肝 湯料

    龍膽瀉肝湯料 成分:龍膽草,柴胡,生地,甘草,泽泻,栀子,当归,车前子,黄芪,木通 龙胆泻肝汤,中医方剂名。为清热剂,具有清脏腑热,清泻肝胆实火,清利肝经湿热之功效。主治肝胆实火上炎证。头痛目赤,胁痛,口苦,耳聋,耳肿,舌红苔黄,脉弦细有力;肝经湿热下注证。阴肿,阴痒,筋痿,阴汗,小便淋浊,或妇女带下黄臭等,舌红苔黄腻,脉弦数有力。临床常用于治疗阴虚而不甚、阳亢而不烈之高血证及滴虫性阴道炎、阴痒、带下等证。   Cool and Calm Soup -   龍膽瀉肝湯料  Long Dan Xie Gan What it is: Roots and buds, all natural plant remedies that have been trusted for generations. It is a concentrated combination of herbs that may be used by men or women to ease liver inflammation and congestion. Useful for a history of drug or alcohol use, smoking and other liver damaging substances such as environmental poisons, chemicals used in work or cosmetics etc. Which health concerns is this herbal combination used for?   It helps resolve liver inflammation, headache, irritability, anger, PMS Cool and Calm can be used as prevention for predicted blow-ups from herpes, PMS acne, headaches, breast swelling, shingles and digestive complaints.  How does it work? It helps support the liver with Bile production and excretion. Excretion of bilirubin, cholesterol, hormones, and drugs. Metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Enzyme activation. Storage of glycogen, vitamins, and minerals. Synthesis of plasma proteins, such as albumin, and clotting factors. Blood detoxification and purification Key Benefits include  Maintains health liver/gallbladder function  Reduces inflammation  Helps ease tension, stress and violent emotions  May be useful for acne, eye redness, breast swelling PMS, hypertension  TCM Benefits Regulates stuck liver Qi and rising fire of the liver  In TCM, the liver accomplishes all that plus functions as an energy system to ease and balance our emotions, thoughts, and behavior. The Lung Tan Xie Gan formula has been used in Chinese hospitals to curb violent behavior in people with an irritated liver. What may be normal signs of liver inflammation? Liver and rib pain, severe headache, jaundice which is a bronze or yellow skin hue, bad breath, shingles, itchy skin rash, hypertension, allergies, inflammatory arthritis, hepatitis, insomnia, angry or hyperactive PMS, mania and anti-social behavior. Instructions  Just add water and cook using one of three methods:pressure cooker (takes about 20 minutes);simmer on the stovetop for 1.5 – 2 hrs;  Pregnant women should avoid strongly cleansing herbs and laxatives. Check with your medical advisor before using herbal remedies. Please consult your physician before using this product. Ingredients  Radix Gentianae - enhances smooth flow of bile  Bupleurm root - ease circulation and liver function, reduces abdominal discomforts  Fresh Rehmannia root, - supports healthy liver and blood Radix Angelica sinensis, - a blood tonic, helps ease circulation Semen Plantaginis, - a soothing diuretic Scutellaria root, - a liver cleanser Licorice root, - harmonizes herbal combinations, reduce digestive discomforts Oriental Water Plantain Rhizome, -helps maintain healthy urinary system Fructus Gardeniae, - an inflammatory for feverish conditions  Akebia Stem. - analgesic, diuretic, antioxidant   Also see Long Dan Xie Gan Wan pills Please consult your physician before using this product. 


  • 六味地黃 湯料

    六味地黃 湯料

    六味地黃湯 成分:淮山、山茱萸、丹皮、熟地、泽泻、茯苓 六味地黄汤是一道药膳。是将熟地、山茱萸肉、山药、丹皮、泽泻和茯苓水煎后去渣得到的汤汁。具有滋阴补肾,抗衰老的作用,适用于肾虚人群。 用法: 煎服,五碗水煎成一碗后内服。 溫馨提示:請先向醫師咨詢是否合適服用此茶  


  • 西柚香橙


    西柚香橙 口感清新爽口,汤色鲜红亮丽,唇齿留香。配料:玫瑰茄,白玫瑰茄,菊花,苹果干,葡萄干,香茅,橘皮,橙皮,胡萝卜,薄荷,食品用香精。 A blend of orange peel, orange slices, roselle, dried apples, chrysanthemum, raisins, lemongrass, carrots, mint, and natural flavors. Tart with refreshing citrus zest, full of antioxidants and vitamin C.  Enjoy it hot, with some spices or honey. To enjoy ice, we recommend brewing strong with boiling water, adding a bit of sweetener and fresh fruits as a garnish, and serving over ice! Great for the kids too as it does not contain any caffeine Origin: Zhejiang Brew: light red Flavor: fruity, tart with a citrus zest Caffeine: 0/5

    $13.99 - $49.99

  • Quantity Discount
    三九 999 小柴胡颗粒 三九 999 小柴胡颗粒

    三九 999 小柴胡颗粒

    三九999 小柴胡颗粒 10g*9袋 感冒咳嗽 999 Bupleurum Root Tea Indications: Supports cold season relief. Ingredients. Bupleurum, Chinese Skullcap, Jujube date, Licorice Root. Directions. As an herbal dietary supplement, take one or two tea bags at a time, three times a day. Legal Disclaimer. The main ingredient is Bupleurum (aka Bei Chai Hu, Bupleuri, Bupleurum Chinese, Chai Hu, Chi Hu, Chinese Bupleurum, Chinese Thoroughwax, Hare's Ear Root, Radix Bupleuri, Saiko, Shrubby Hare's-ear, Sickle-leaf Hare's-ear,  TCM: Bupleurum has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years to help relieve numerous conditions. Most particularly, infections with fever, liver problems, indigestion, hemorrhoids, and uterine prolapse.


  • 菊香桔普茶#1435


    菊香桔普茶#1435  永合豐的菊香桔普茶 采用云南宫廷陈年熟普和广东新会柑橘皮,经过特殊工艺精制而成。在陈化过程中,普洱和橘皮的味道逐渐糅合,果香与茶香相得益彰,形成了特殊的风味。 每个桔普茶可分5次冲泡,陈皮与普洱茶可以同时冲泡,也可以分开冲饮。   Chrysanthemum Pu-Erh Tea #1435 Chrysanthemum flowers are naturally sweet and delicious. Their effect is cooling and relaxing and the tea is often used to avoid headaches, eye strain, and fever. This tea combines delicate chrysanthemum flowers with orange peel and digestive Pu-Erh tea from Yunnan.   Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ /100℃  212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time:  1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds

    $8.99 - $32.99

  • 特級 粒粒香鐵觀音 烏龍茶#1460

    特級 粒粒香鐵觀音 烏龍茶#1460

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 福建 泉州 Fujian, China 品名Name: 特级 粒粒香 铁观音  Qing Xiang Tie Guan Yin 等级Level: 特级 Superfine 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 18 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 饱满如蜻蜓头,色泽墨绿Large leaves handmade rolled into tightly even ball shape,glossy and dark green 茶汤Liquor: 橙黄明亮,兰香悠长,回甘耐泡Sweet and mellow taste with obvious osmanthus fragrance; sweet aftertaste 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place Legend tells of a farmer who noticed a rundown temple in his garden that held a statue of the Goddess of Mercy. Respectfully, he restored the temple and honored it with daily incense. The grateful goddess then appeared to the farmer in a dream and spoke of treasure. Upon waking, the farmer found a new tea shoot that sprouted into one of China's best teas. Tie Guan Yin, also known as Iron Buddha or Iron Goddess of Mercy, is considered a green oolong tea – a variation from the oolong tea family. This tea is made when the oolong processing is done in a shorter period of time. The result is a brew that’s more like a green tea in color with vegetal tones, but a mix of nutty fragrances that are present in most oolongs. Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  2 Teaspoons / 5g Tea 7g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins  7 steeps: rinse, 15s, 25s, 35s, 45s, 55s, 75s, 85s

    $54.99 - $214.99

  • Quantity Discount
    白蘭氏 虫草鸡精(68ml*6瓶)

    白蘭氏 虫草鸡精(68ml*6瓶)

    白蘭氏 虫草鸡精(68ml*6瓶) 白蘭氏®虫草鸡精以100%野生虫草配白蘭氏®鸡精墩制,令味道更佳。 主要成分 鸡精、野生虫草、当归、甘草 建议饮用方法 建议早上饮用,功效更佳 保存方式 保存期限: 三年  保存方式:存放于干爽阴凉处,并避免阳光直接曝晒。     BRAND'S Essence of Chicken Drink with Cordyceps Extract(6*68ml) Ingredients: Essence of Chicken, Wild Cordyceps, Tang kwei and Chinese Licorice BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken Drink with Cordyceps is made with BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken and 100% wild Cordyceps. The addition of Cordyceps and other herbs makes the drink even more palatable.   Cordyceps is used to treat coughs, chronic bronchitis, respiratory disorders, kidney disorders, nighttime urination, male sexual problems, anemia, irregular heartbeat, high cholesterol, liver disorders, dizziness, weakness, ringing in the ears, unwanted weight loss, and opium addiction.  When winter comes, the Cordyceps fungus attacks the caterpillars which live in the high mountain region of China. The mycelium invades and replaces the host and becomes an herb in summer. Cordyceps are very sensitive to the optimal temperature and humidity, and they can't be cultivated in an artificial environment. The lower growth rate makes it very rare and expensive. The best cordyceps are grown in Tibet, Sichuan, and Qinghai in China. Cordyceps has a very long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine for strengthening the immune system, improving athletic performance, reducing the effects of aging, promoting longer life, and improving liver function. BRAND'S® Essence of Chicken Drink may be consumed straight from the bottle at room temperature, chilled or warm according to one's preference. Consume immediately upon opening. Storage Shelf Life:3 YearsStorage Instructions: Keep in a cool, dry place, and avoid direct sunlight for best quality.    


  • 瓶) 瓶)

    唐龙 蘭州太寳 保和丸(200粒/瓶)

    唐龙 保和丸(200粒/瓶)  唐龍 蘭州太寳製藥有限公司 Lanzhou Taibao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd Exp: 01/31/2025 规格: 200粒/瓶 功效: 消食、導滯、和胃。幫助調理食積停滯,脘腹脹滿,厭食脾虛。 成分: 山楂、茯苓、連翹、萊菔子、麥芽。 用法用量: 每次8粒、每日3次。或遵医嘱。警告:孕妇忌服。避免儿童接触。 Size: 200pills/bottle Effect: A natural supplement  to help enhance endurance and stamina, build strength and energy for performance Component: Hawthorn(fruit)Indian BreadForsythia(fruit)Radish(leaf)Malt Direction to use: Take 8 pills each time, 3 times daily. Or consult your herbalist. Do not use if pregnant. Keep out of reach of children.   An herbal supplement to help nourish the kidney and liver and maintain healthy vision. It is used for deficiency of both liver –Yin and kidney-Yin, a feeling of sand (a foreign body sensation) in the eye and photophobia [discomfort in bright light], blurry vision, tearing in the wind, conjunctive congestion with pain and swelling of eyes, dizziness and blurred vision, constipation with dry stool and yellow urine. ( These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


  • 紅香綠玉 茉莉银毫&大红袍 茗茶禮盒 121024 Jasmine Pekoe & Big Red Robe Gift Set

    紅香綠玉 茉莉银毫&大红袍 茗茶禮盒

    红香绿玉 茉莉银毫&武夷大红袍  茗茶礼盒 Jasmine Tender Silver & Big Red Robe Gift Set Jasmine Green Tea contains tender silver leaves tightly rolled up into a pearl shape and scented with Jasmine flowers. The blending process usually takes three rounds, each starting with a fresh batch of flowers for optimal fragrance and aroma. Once these pearls are brewed, the leaves unfurl and release a delicious aroma of citrus and jasmine orchards as well as antioxidants that are great for the body and skin. The name Big Red Robe tea originates from a story during the Ming Dynasty that the mother of an Emperor was cured of an illness by an oolong tea. As a celebration, the Emperor sent men to Mount Wuyi to cover the bushes with big red robes. Those precious shrubs are still present today and only available in limited quantities.


  • 罐) 罐)

    大紅袍 功夫泡茶(24g/罐)

    <h3>大紅袍 功夫泡茶(24g/罐)</h3><h2>Da Hong Pao Oolong Tea</h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The tea has peaty and earthy notes with hints of stone fruit, brown sugar, and molasses. It has a woody fragrance with mild notes of tobacco and the body is velvety smooth with mild notes of sandalwood. (</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Da Hong Pao (Big Red Robe, is grown in the Wuyi Mountains of Fujian, China. Da Hong Pao has a unique orchid fragrance and a long-lasting sweet aftertaste.</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Dry Da Hong Pao looks like tightly knotted ropes or slightly twisted strips and is green and brown in color. After brewing, the tea is orange-yellow, bright, and clear. The vibrant flavor is red-orange, toasty, and nutty with mild creamy notes.</span></p><p><br><span style="font-weight: 400;">Da Hong Pao contains caffeine, theophylline, tea polyphenols, and flavonoids. Many health benefits enhance the popularity of this rare tea. Drinking Da Hong Pao improves energy and helps blood circulation.</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">It also treats edema (water retention) and decreases the bad effects of drinking and smoking. Drinking Da Hong Pao regularly improves the complexion and helps to reduce cough and phlegm. </span></p> <p>大紅袍茶是武夷岩茶中品質最優異者,外形條索緊結,色澤綠褐鮮潤,沖泡後湯色橙黃明亮,葉片紅綠相間,典型的葉片有綠葉紅鑲邊之美感。</p>


  • 茉莉银毫 綠茶 #1192

    茉莉银毫 綠茶 #1192

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广西 横县 Guangxi, China 品名Name: 茉莉银毫绿茶 Jasmine YinHao Green Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 分类Sort: 花茶 绿茶  Green Tea 等级Level: 一级 Premium 干茶Body: 白毫显露,条索卷曲Tightly curled strips covered with abundant white fuzz, 茶汤Liquor: 清澈明亮,香气醇厚,甘甜爽口Citrus-like aroma with a smooth, crisp finish 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 此茉莉毛尖是采选上好的安徽高山绿茶和萃取正季广西横县茉莉窨制而成,冲泡花茶时水温80-90摄氏度为宜,通常茶水的比例为1:50,每泡冲泡时间为3-5分钟。 云南高海拔绿茶芽叶为原料,并融合广西横县含苞未放的茉莉花朵,经拼和、匀堆等经多道工艺窨制而成。条索紧结尚匀整,色泽乌绿毫峰显露,茉莉花香鲜灵馥郁,口感鲜爽润口,汤色黄绿明亮, A cup of jasmine green tea is one of the most delicious and beneficial drinks that calms the senses and helps the body and mind rejuvenate. It has properties that impact the cells that cause aging. It is a great drink for relieving depression, anxiety, and stress. Jasmine Green Tea is a select blend of hand-tossed fine green tea leaves and jasmine flowers. This tea captures the aromatic fragrance of jasmine and leaves a delicate taste on one's palate. Health Benefits of Jasmine Tea Boosts Energy Weight Loss Aid May Help Prevent Cancer Protects Heart Health Relieves Stress May Prevent Type 2 Diabetes Improves Immune System Alleviates Aches and Pains Antibacterial properties and antioxidants protect skin health Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 8.8oz / 250ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 194℉ / 90℃ 194℉ / 90℃ Tea Quantity: 2g Tea 4g Tea Brewing time:  3 - 5 mins  5 steeps: 20s, 40s, 60s, 90s, 120s

    $13.99 - $49.99

  • 包 包

    黑枣/乌枣/熏枣 16 oz/包

    黑枣/乌枣/熏枣 16 oz/包 此乌枣是鲜枣的干制品,它选用熟鲜的红枣,经水煮、窑熏、阴凉等工艺精制而成。其色泽乌紫明亮,花纹细密,带有特殊的香甜味。含氨基酸、蛋白质、膳食纤维、总糖、黄胴、胡萝卜素等人体所需元素,有防癌补血之功效。乌枣性热,为滋补珍品。它营养丰富,含有蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、多种维生素等。以含维生素C和钙质、铁质最多。有很高的药用价值。多用于补血和作为调理药物,对贫血、血小板减少、肝炎、乏力、失眠有一定疗效。



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