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川朴花 16oz
川朴花 16oz 调羹花 性味 辛;微苦;性温 功效 为木兰科植物厚朴或凹叶厚朴的花蕾。行气宽中,开郁化湿。主肝胃气滞,胸脘胀闷,食欲不振,纳谷不香,感冒咳嗽等证。 经脉 脾经;胃经;肺经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~5g。 注意禁忌 《饮片新参》:阴虚液燥者忌用。 Flower of Official Magnolia / Chuan Pu Hua 16oz Medicinal Uses: Weight loss, headaches, runny nose, congestion, colds and flu, sinus pain, hay fever, facial dark spots, stroke, asthma, digestive issues, constipation, inflammation, anxiety, restlessness, stress, depression, insomnia, memory, Alzheimer's, fevers, toothaches, bleeding gums, lowers blood pressure. The taste is pungent, slightly bitter, and warming in nature and effect It is the flower bud of Magnolia Officinalis. In the broad movement of Qi, opens up depression [constriction of qi circulation] and reduces dampness. It is mainly used for liver and stomach qi stagnation, chest swelling, and nausea, loss of appetite, loss of smell, cold and cough, etc. It enters the Meridians of Spleen, Stomach, and Lung Channels Dosage Oral administration: Decoction, 3~5g. Cautions: Avoid use for those with yin deficiency [fever, sweats, heat rising] and dryness.
紫菀 16oz
紫菀 16oz 青菀、紫葥、返魂草根、夜牵牛、紫菀茸、关公须 性味 味苦;辛;性温 功效 为菊科植物紫菀的根及根茎。 温肺,下气,消痰,止咳。治风寒咳嗽气喘,虚劳咳吐脓血,喉痹,小便不利。 经脉 肺经; 用法用量 内服:煎汤,4.5~10g;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 有实热者忌服。 ①《本草经集注》:款冬为使。恶天雄、瞿麦、雷丸、远志。畏茵陈蒿。 ②《唐本草》:恶蒿本。 ③《本草正》:劳伤肺肾、水亏金燥而咳喘者非所宜。 Tatarian Aster Root / Zi Wan 16oz The root contains triterpenes and triterpene saponins, and is a stimulant expectorant herb for the bronchial system, helping to clear infections. It is antibacterial, antifungal, antitussive, expectorant and stimulant. Aster Root is a traditional Chinese Medicinal Herb used to moisten the lungs to resolve phlegm and ease cough. Aster root benefits include the immune system. AKA: Green vine, bignonia, soul-returning grass-root, night glory, aster velvet, Guan Gong's whiskers The taste is bitter pungent; It is warming in effect It is the root and rhizome of Aster, a Compositae plant. It has been used to warm lungs, lower lung qi to reduce coughing; eliminate phlegm, relieve cough. TCM uses: to cure wind, cold cough, asthma, cough, and vomiting of pus and blood due to fatigue, throat numbness, and increase urination. It enters the Lung meridian Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 4.5~10g; or into pills or powder. Cautions: People who have real heat [fever, rash, sweats, etc] should not take it. "Materia Medica": It is not suitable for those who strain the lungs and kidneys, who have reduced fluids, dryness and cough, and asthma.
石楠藤 16oz
石楠藤 16oz 性味 辛,溫。 功效 本品為胡椒科植物毛蒟的乾燥枝葉。 祛風濕,舒筋絡,強腰膝,除痹痛。用於風寒濕痹,筋骨疼痛。腰膝無力,咳嗽氣喘,腎虛咳嗽,陽痿。 经脉 歸肝、脾經。 用法用量 内服:煎场,6~15g单味可用至30g;浸酒,30~60g;或入丸、散剂。 外用:适量,研末调敷或捣汁涂。 注意禁忌 ①《本草经集注》:杜仲、牡丹为之使。恶铁落,畏菖蒲、贝母。 ②《药性论》:恶铁精。杀殷孽毒。 ③《本草经疏》:阴脏人畏寒易泄者勿服。 Piper wallichii / Shi Nan Teng (16oz) Piper wallichii (Miq.) Hand.-Mazz. is a medicinal plant used widely for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory diseases, cerebral infarction, and angina in China. Previous study showed that lignans and neolignans from Piper spp. had potential inhibitory activities on platelet aggregation. As a plant in the genus Piper of the family Piperaceae with vine as the medicinal part, Piper wallichii . . . has wind-cold dispelling, waist and knee strengthening and kidney-yang invigorating functions, which is traditionally used for rheumatic arthralgia, lumbocrural pain, etc. Piper wallichii contains a variety of chemical constituents, including lignins, amide alkaloids, organic acids, ( TCM indications: Dispel rheumatism, relax muscles and collaterals, strengthen waist and knees, and relieve arthralgia. Used for wind, cold and dampness arthralgia, muscle and bone pain. Waist and knee weakness, cough and wheezing, kidney deficiency cough, impotence. It enters the Meridians of the Liver and Spleen channels. Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 6-15g single flavor can be used up to 30g; soaking in wine, 30-60g; or into pills or powder. External use: appropriate amount, grind the powder, and adjust the compressor to mash the juice to apply. Cautions: Do not take it if the person is afraid of cold temperatures and is easy to perspire.
羌活 16oz
羌活 16oz 羌青 护羌使者 胡王使者 羌滑 退风使者 黑药 川羌 西羌活 大头羌 竹节羌 蚕羌 性味 辛苦,温。 功效 为伞形科植物羌活或宽叶羌活的根茎和根。 用于阳痿遗精,遗尿尿频,腰膝冷痛,肾虚作喘,五更泄泻;外用治白癜风,斑秃。解表散寒,祛风胜湿,止痛。 经脉 归膀胱经;肾经 主治 散表寒,祛风湿,利关节。治感冒风寒,头痛无汗,风寒湿痹,项强筋急,骨节酸疼,风水浮肿,痈疽疮毒。用于阳痿遗精,遗尿尿频,腰膝冷痛,肾虚作喘,五更泄泻;外用治白癜风,斑秃。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~10g;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 血虚痹痛忌服。 Incised Notopterygium / Qiang Huo 16oz Qiang Huo is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb to release the exterior [move qi toward the skin surface to increase sweating or bring out rash], disperse cold, rid wind-damp and ease pain. Qiang Huo benefits winter discomforts, supports joints and may ease upper extremity pain and body aches. Qiang Huo contains analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effects.It is used to disperse cold, unblock painful obstructions caused by wind/damp/cold pain, and serves as a guiding herb to the governing vessel and greater yang. Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 3~10g; or into pills or powder. Caution: Avoid use with blood deficiency arthralgia.
Clos 56 Pomerol Bordeaux 2011
100% Merlot that was hand picked and fermented half in barrel half in tank. Then aged for over a year in 100% new oak. This is a big wine the blue and black berry spectrum. Quite rich on the palate and offering some delicate violets and chocolate underneath. It’ll look more open after 2020. I think this is a classic for boeuf bourguignon. Clos 56 is a tiny 0.56 hectare of 60 year old vines in a prime part of Pomerol. The vines are part of a bigger St-Emilion Estate that focus on small patches of quality land run as organically as possible.
Remoissenet Pere & Fils Vosne-Romanee 2018
Winemaker Notes Aromas of purple and pink wildflowers, light spice, black cherries, red plums. Juicy, refined, silky. Spicy with a long finish. Pair with grilled lamb sausages; roasted chicken with herbs; air-dried saucisson with black pepper.
Remoissenet Pere & Fils Bourgogne Rouge 2018
Aromas of red summer berry fruit, red currant, baking spices. Tangy, refined, with suave tannins; flavors of pomegranate jam, red cherries, spice box. The team at Remoissenet selects top Pinot Noir fruit from their many estate-owned and biodynamically cultivated vineyards from both the Côte de Beaune and Côte de Nuits for this delicious red. Pair with grilled lamb sausages, roasted chicken with herbs, or air-dried saucisson with black pepper.
Alejandro Bulgheroni Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2017
Winemaker Notes In creating Alejandro Bulgheroni Cabernet Sauvignon, Melka and Rolland use their unsurpassed skill in understanding how different contributing wines interact to produce something exceptional from an aroma and flavor perspective. Each year, they select from the finest barrels to create a limited offering of Alejandro Bulgheroni Cabernet Sauvignon wine. Using this philosophy, the composition of each vintage will be unique and reflect the finest of the Estate.
Alejandro Bulgheroni Lithology Beckstoffer To Kalon Vineyard 2017
Alejandro Bulgheroni Lithology Beckstoffer To Kalon Vineyard Napa 2017 "Dark currants, chocolate, gravelly earth, and tobacco notes emerge from the 2017 Cabernet Sauvignon Lithology Beckstoffer To Kalon Vineyard. It's deep, full-bodied, balanced, and just a stunning wine in every sense. I suspect it will show even more complexity in 3-4 years and cruise for two decades. This cuvée is a selection (from two blocks in the To Kalon Vineyard) that spent 21 months in just under 90% new French oak. 81 cases made." - Jeb Dunnuck
Preston of Dry Creek Zinfandel 2018
An equally fruity but leaning towards the darker end of the spectrum compared with a typical Northern Italian example of Barbera.
Lustau Palo Cortado Peninsula Sherrry
Winemaker Notes This exceptional sherry brings together the finesse and delicacy of an Amontillado with the richness and body of an Oloroso. An extremely versatile wine. Aged in Bodega Emperatriz Eugenia in Jerez de la Frontera. Light amber in color. Nutty and dry with nuances of vanilla, mocha and dark chocolate. Dry and concentrated, this wine has a long and elegant finish. Ideal with artichokes, consommés, cold and smoked meats, foie-gras. It is a perfect wine to accompany spicy Asian cuisine.
Roda Rioja Reserva 2007
From a warm vintage with an early harvest, this is a well balanced Rioja with considerable complexity. There's a ripe plum character to the black fruit aromas, along with warm tobacco hints and earthy, undergrowth notes. Like a perfectly stretched tapestry, this shows a taut precision to the winemaking, with admirable balance. Polished black fruit, spice and chocolate notes show good persistence. A sense of freshness and fine tannins with juicy grip on the finish; this has life ahead of it. 95 Pts Decanter