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99 products

  • 太姥 白牡丹 白茶茶餅(500克)

    太姥 白牡丹 白茶茶餅(500克)

    南旗 金班章 老树 普洱茶 2013年 熟茶 茶饼 400g Nanqi Jinbanzhang Ripe Pu-Erh Tea Cake - 2013 yr Pu-Erh is a fermented, digestive tea. This Dark Pu-Erh is aged longer and has a stronger distinctive ripe, earthy, semi-sweet flavor. It has been used to improve digestion and circulation and contains a natural statin known to help reduce harmful cholesterol and improve weight loss.  This tea has a very smooth character without any astringency or bitterness. The clean woody profile has soft, creamy, and earthy notes of walnuts. Overall this is a comforting tea with an accessible taste that is a great introduction to Pu-erh teas. We suggest brewing at 90°C for 3-5 minutes according to your taste. Teas made from “old trees,” dating from many hundreds of years are more valuable and taste-worthy because the root system of the trees absorbs the soil’s nutrients and the leaves are higher in antioxidants. The tea taste is prized and the ancient trees have been protected as national treasures.


  • 大韓民國 高麗人參(天15)

    大韓民國 高麗人參(天15)

    大韩民国 高丽人参(天15) 高丽人参属于多年生根茎植物。正宗的高丽人参专指朝鲜半岛出产的人参,在朝鲜有上千年的历史,自高丽时代起便已开始在朝鲜的开城地区广泛的种植与传播,并被世人认定为人参之极品,素有“天下第一参”的美誉。 功效 五加科植物人参带根茎的根,经加工蒸制而成。 具有大补元气、滋补强壮、生津止渴、宁神益智等功效。 主治 具有大补元气、滋补强壮、生津止渴、宁神益智等功效,适用于惊悸失眠者,体虚者,心力衰竭、心源性休克等。 注意禁忌 畏五灵脂,反藜芦。禁与萝卜同食。 【产区甄别】 真正的高丽参是选用生长了6年的人参进行炮制的,分白参和红参两种,但是通常指的高丽参是指红参。 红参的炮制过程中会采用多种其它中药材来化解人参的"燥气",同时增加其功效。真正的"正官庄"丽参相当于韩国官方认证的高丽参,其炮制的过程和其它药材 的种类、配比是保密的。也就是说,韩国产的高丽参,同一等级的参各品牌之间也会有所差异,这是炮制和配方的区别引起的。    国产的"高丽参"多采用长白山地区的种植人参,由于没有严格的年限界定,所以其人参的原料的选取不一定是6年生的,大多在3-4年,本身人参的效用会有一些差异。而炮制的方法和其它药材也会与韩国有所区别,确切的说应该是中国朝族人按照朝族的炮制方法制作的红参,不能确切称为"高丽参"。其中芦头可以很明确的区分一下,如果芦头上的"芦碗"不是6个,而是少于6个,肯定是国产的,而非进口的原装。 色泽 进口的高丽参(红参),色泽酱红,表皮坚实,少有褶皱,呈压缩的四棱柱形,其中天、地两个等级的会有两条腿的分支,修建非常齐整。人、良两个等级要求没有那么严格了。另外,在强光的透视下,真正的高丽参是完全半透明的,其中少有或根本没有不透明的结节。如果你看到的人参在以上色泽方面有差异,可以肯定不是正品。   Korean Ginseng/Koryo Insam (Heaven 15) Korean ginseng is a perennial rhizome plant. Authentic Korean ginseng refers specifically to ginseng produced on the Korean peninsula and has a history of thousands of years in Korea. Since the Korean era, it has been widely cultivated and recognized by the world as the best ginseng. The roots with rhizomes of Araliaceae plants are processed and steamed. Its effects include nourishing vitality, nourishing and strengthening the body, relieving thirst and calming and nourishing the mind. It is suitable for people who have insomnia, physical weakness, heart failure, and cardiogenic health issues.  Authentic Korean ginseng has been grown for 6 years. There are two types which are white ginseng and red ginseng, but the Korean ginseng is usually referred to as red ginseng. During the processing of red ginseng, a variety of other Chinese medicinal materials are used to resolve the "dryness" of ginseng and increase its efficacy.  Red ginseng is classified into four grades:  Heaven, Earth, Good, and Cut. A Heaven-grade product, which is very rare and special, should not have cracks and scratches. The color of the textures must be maroon, brown, or dark brown. An Earth-grade product has cracks and scratches on less than a quarter of them. Earth-grade rootlet grading is the same as that of heaven-grade. There must be a diameter of ≤2.0 mm of whitening and pitting effecting less than a quarter. The earth-grade textures/colors are similar to heaven-grade. The Good grade standard is not limited to the body. Rootlets are unbalanced. Whitening of the body length is one third or less, and the pitting of the body length is one half or less. Like the other two grades, the Good-grade color is shiny, but the color is not uniform. The Cut-grade has no standard and grade. Korean red ginseng roots are carefully selected, steamed with the skins unpeeled, preserving vital nutrients and flavors. Light yellowish brown to light reddish brown in color, the steamed and dried Korean red ginseng roots may remain preserved for periods up to 10 years or more. If the ginseng is different from the above colors, it is definitely not genuine. Cautions: Do not eat Korean ginseng with Wulingzhi, Veratrum (American hellebore) or radish. Consult an herbalist if you mix red ginseng with other stimulating herbs or medicines


  • 50

    Zojirushi VE® Hybrid Water Boiler & Warmer CV-DCC40 (4.0L) / DCC50 (5.0L)

    This energy efficient VE® Hybrid Water Boiler & Warmer utilizes vacuum insulation technology (like travel mugs) to keep water hot with very little electricity. It features the new Quick Temp mode, which significantly reduces the heating time by directly reaching 160°F, 175°F, or 195°F keep warm temperatures without reaching a boil. ● Vacuum-electric (VE) hybrid keep warm system ● 4 keep warm temperature settings (160°F, 175°F, 195°F, 208°F and Vacuum Insulated Non-Electric Keep Warm) ● Optional Quick Temp mode reaches 160°F, 175°F, or 195°F keep warm directly without reaching a boil ● Micro computerized temperature control system ● Easy-to-clean, clear coated stainless steel body and non-stick interior ● Energy-saving timer function (6-10 hours) ● Interchangeable melody or beep signal may also be turned off ● cETLus listed ● Made in Japan

    $245.99 - $265.99

  • 云南白药气雾剂 85g+30g

    云南白药气雾剂 85g+30g

    云南白药气雾剂 Yunnan Baiyao Aerosol (85g+30g) 功能主治 活血散瘀,消肿止痛。用于跌打损伤,瘀血肿痛,肌肉酸痛及风湿疼痛。 用法用量 外用,喷于伤患处。使用云南白药气雾剂,一日3~5次。凡遇较重闭合性跌打损伤者,先喷云南白药气雾剂保险液,若剧烈疼痛仍不缓解,可间隔1~2分钟重复给药,一天使用不得超过3次。喷云南白药气雾剂保险液间隔3分钟后,再喷云南白药气雾剂。 禁忌 孕妇禁用;对云南白药过敏者忌用。 注意事项 1.本品只限于外用,切勿喷入口、眼、鼻。2.皮肤过敏者停用。3.小儿、年老患者应在医师指导下使用。4.使用云南白药气雾剂保险液时先振摇,喷嘴离皮肤5~10厘米,喷射时间应限制在3~5秒钟,以防止局部冻伤。5.皮肤受损者勿用。6.使用时勿近明火,切勿受热,应置于阴凉处保存。7.对酒精及本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。8.本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。9.儿童必须在成人的监护下使用。10.请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。11.如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。


  • 天仙獻福


    A Glorious Paradise of health and beauty! Glorious Paradise is made with Green Tea with Easter Lily and Jasmine. It brews a flavor of sweet apricot and peach with a light clean finish. Entice your senses with these small rosettes that are individually hand-crafted by skillful artisans. Each one blooms right before your eyes into a beautiful bouquet of tea leaves and flowers, bringing along a myriad of flavors unique to each floret. There are about 7 to 10 rosettes per can. Health Benefits of Easter Lily Tea Caffeine-free tea known for aiding stubborn coughs and chest ailments by its ability to moisten the throat and lungs. It also promotes skin health, offering a clear complexion and reducing the appearance of wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. In the U.S., the Easter Lily (Lilium longiflorum) is synonymous with spring and the Easter holiday season, but these plants are more than just sweet-smelling flowers. Researchers at Rutgers University (RU) in New Jersey have been studying the unique anti-cancer properties of the lily bulb and so far, the research is very encouraging.


  • 華泰 韓國高麗人參(天15)

    華泰 韓國高麗人參(天15)

    华泰 韩国高丽人参(天15) 功效 五加科植物人参带根茎的根,经加工蒸制而成。 具有大补元气、滋补强壮、生津止渴、宁神益智等功效。 主治 具有大补元气、滋补强壮、生津止渴、宁神益智等功效,适用于惊悸失眠者,体虚者,心力衰竭、心源性休克等。 注意禁忌 畏五灵脂,反藜芦。禁与萝卜同食。 【产区甄别】 真正的高丽参是选用生长了6年的人参进行炮制的,分白参和红参两种,但是通常指的高丽参是指红参。 红参的炮制过程中会采用多种其它中药材来化解人参的"燥气",同时增加其功效。真正的"正官庄"丽参相当于韩国官方认证的高丽参,其炮制的过程和其它药材 的种类、配比是保密的。也就是说,韩国产的高丽参,同一等级的参各品牌之间也会有所差异,这是炮制和配方的区别引起的。    国产的"高丽参"多采用长白山地区的种植人参,由于没有严格的年限界定,所以其人参的原料的选取不一定是6年生的,大多在3-4年,本身人参的效用会有一些差异。而炮制的方法和其它药材也会与韩国有所区别,确切的说应该是中国朝族人按照朝族的炮制方法制作的红参,不能确切称为"高丽参"。其中芦头可以很明确的区分一下,如果芦头上的"芦碗"不是6个,而是少于6个,肯定是国产的,而非进口的原装。 色泽 进口的高丽参(红参),色泽酱红,表皮坚实,少有褶皱,呈压缩的四棱柱形,其中天、地两个等级的会有两条腿的分支,修建非常齐整。人、良两个等级要求没有那么严格了。另外,在强光的透视下,真正的高丽参是完全半透明的,其中少有或根本没有不透明的结节。如果你看到的人参在以上色泽方面有差异,可以肯定不是正品。   Korean Ginseng/Koryo Insam (Heaven 15) Korean ginseng is a perennial rhizome plant. Authentic Korean ginseng refers specifically to ginseng produced on the Korean peninsula and has a history of thousands of years in Korea. Since the Korean era, it has been widely cultivated and recognized by the world as the best ginseng. The roots with rhizomes of Araliaceae plants are processed and steamed. Its effects include nourishing vitality, nourishing and strengthening the body, relieving thirst and calming, and nourishing the mind. It is suitable for people who have insomnia, physical weakness, heart failure, and cardiogenic health issues.  Authentic Korean ginseng has been grown for 6 years. There are two types which are white ginseng and red ginseng, but the Korean ginseng is usually referred to as red ginseng. During the processing of red ginseng, a variety of other Chinese medicinal materials are used to resolve the "dryness" of ginseng and increase its efficacy.  Red ginseng is classified into four grades:  Heaven, Earth, Good, and Cut. A Heaven-grade product, which is very rare and special, should not have cracks and scratches. The color of the textures must be maroon, brown, or dark brown. An Earth-grade product has cracks and scratches on less than a quarter of them. Earth-grade rootlet grading is the same as that of heaven-grade. There must be a diameter of ≤2.0 mm of whitening and pitting effecting less than a quarter. The earth-grade textures/colors are similar to heaven-grade. The Good grade standard is not limited to the body. Rootlets are unbalanced. Whitening of the body length is one third or less, and the pitting of the body length is one half or less. Like the other two grades, the Good-grade color is shiny, but the color is not uniform. The Cut-grade has no standard and grade. Korean red ginseng roots are carefully selected, steamed with the skins unpeeled, preserving vital nutrients and flavors. Light yellowish-brown to light reddish-brown in color, the steamed and dried Korean red ginseng roots may remain preserved for periods up to 10 years or more. If the ginseng is different from the above colors, it is definitely not genuine. Cautions: Do not eat Korean ginseng with Wulingzhi, Veratrum (American hellebore), or radish. Consult an herbalist if you mix red ginseng with other stimulating herbs or medicines.


  • 盒)

    金帆牌 英德紅茶(16oz/盒)

    金帆牌 英德紅茶(16oz/盒) 英德红茶出产於广东省英德市,「英红」是与「祁红」丶「滇红」丶「宜红」和「川红」齐名的五大红茶之一,是粤省相当引以为傲的一款省产茶品。英德产茶的历史悠久,早在唐代就已盛行喝茶,到明代该地产茶更是列入贡品。   Yingteh Black Tea (16oz) Yingteh black tea is produced in Yingted City, Guangdong Province. "Yinghong" is one of the top five black teas with the same name as "Qihong", "Dianhong", "Yihong" and "Chuanhong". A proud provincial tea product. Yingteh has a long history of producing tea. Tea drinking was popular as early as the Tang Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, the local tea was included as a “tribute” gift given by the local ruler to visiting officials.  The main characteristics are “strong soup, rich flavor, and lasting aroma”; the leaf shape is tight and fine, the body is fat, even, and beautiful, the color and luster is bright, the liquor color is red, and bright. When infused, the leaves turn the water into brilliant red color and the brew has a peppery taste with a hint of sweetness at the end. Brewed tea delivers amazing full, mellow, and thick taste with hints of dark chocolate, caramel, nuts, and port wine and lingering long-lasting sweet aftertaste and honey-like aroma. No matter how long it is brewed, it maintains its smoothness and mellowness. Mixed with milk and white sugar, the black tea enjoys fascinating color, taste, and aroma.


  • 天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 精选特级100g罐装 工夫红茶 天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 精选特级100 g罐装 工夫红茶

    天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 精选特级100 g罐装 工夫红茶

    天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 精选特级100g罐装 工夫红茶 Named after its unique red brew, this tea is characterized by long, brittle, twisted leaves that resemble fish hooks. Jiu Qu Hong Mei is famous for its rarity and has been prized since around 1850. It finally gained noticed worldwide in 1995, when this tea was mentioned in Wang Zufeng's popular novel, "A Magnificent Tree of the South."


  • 幸福花藍


  • Only 5 left!
     Oval NSQ-165X  Oval NSQ-165X

    Narita Electric Stew Cooker / 1.5L / Oval NSQ-165X

    NARITA 电子隔水 燕窝虫草 电炖盅 炖汤锅 养生煲 煮粥锅 陶瓷内胆 一锅三胆 Capacity : 1 large oval ceramic pot (1.5L) and 2 small ceramic pot (0.5L) Stew different foods at the same time for efficiency Multi option: Nutrition soup, Rice, BB Porridge, Dessert, Yogurt Keeps food warm after finished cooking Water level window and convenient digital panel


  • 開城 北高麗人參(天40)37.5g 開城 北高麗人參(天40)37.5g

    開城 北高麗人參(天40)37.5g

    開成 高麗人參(天40)37.5g 开城高丽人参属于多年生根茎植物。开城高丽人参,原产地为朝鲜开城。正宗的高丽人参专指朝鲜半岛出产的人参,在朝鲜有上千年的历史,自高丽时代起便已开始在朝鲜的开城地区广泛的种植与传播,并被世人认定为人参之极品,素有“天下第一参”的美誉。 开城高丽人参与其他国家的人参相比,所有指标都优越。其他国家人参的皂角配糖物只有十几个,而开城高丽人参比其多30个以上。开城高丽人参对癌症、肝病、糖尿病、全身疲劳、高血压、动脉硬化、心血管系统疾病、贫血具有疗效,对放射线防御、过敏性反应免疫、中枢神经起作用,也有增强免疫力、强壮等药效。   Korean Ginseng / Koryo Insam (Heaven 40) Ginseng has been used for improving overall health. It has also been used to strengthen the immune system and help fight off stress and disease. There are different types of ginseng. Asian ginseng (from Chinese and Korean sources) has been used for unclear thinking, diabetes, and male erectile dysfunction. From the manufacturer:  Kaesong Korean Ginseng is a perennial rhizome. Kaesong Korean ginseng is produced in Kaesong, Korea. Authentic Korean ginseng refers specifically to the ginseng produced on the Korean peninsula. It has a history of thousands of years in Korea. It has been widely planted and spread in the Kaesong area of ​​Korea since the Goryeo era. It is recognized by the world as the best ginseng. "The world's first ginseng" reputation.   Compared with ginseng from other countries, Kaesong Korean ginsengs are superior in all indicators. There are only a dozen saponin glycosides in ginseng from other countries, while the Kaesong Korean ginseng has more than 30. Kaesong Korean ginseng has curative effects for cancer, liver disease, diabetes, general fatigue, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, anemia, radiation defense, allergic reaction immunity, central nervous system, and it can also enhance immunity and strengthen vitality.


  • 葛根湯 清热解毒茶 葛根湯 清热解毒茶

    葛根湯 清热解毒茶

    葛根汤 清热解毒茶  Soothing ‘n Centering Tea / Pueraria Root Soup 精选上等中药材,结合传统药方和现代研究成果精心配比而成。 成分 葛根、桂枝、白芍、生姜、甘草、大枣、银花、白芷、射干、陈皮、洋参、菊花 功能 为辛温解表剂。具有发汗解表,升津舒筋之功效 用法 煎服,六碗水煎成一碗后内服。 Soothing ‘n Centering Tea葛根汤 (Pueraria Root Soup) Effect: For fever, aches, hangover Soothing ‘n Centering formula reduces fever because it combines pueraria with aromatic herbs that increase sweating, including cinnamon, ginger and Chinese chrysanthemum flower. Tasty sweet chrysanthemum tea is used to prevent and treat migraine headache, eye strain and summer heat stroke. Soothing ‘n Centering may also improve mental focus because its balanced formula contains digestive herbs such as white peony root, angelica and tangerine peel which reduce bloating and enhance circulation in our digestive center. All in all Soothing ‘n Centering Tea makes a good companion for tired computer addicts who overheat from too much work or celebrating. Ingredients:  Pueraria root, cinnamon twig/cassia twig, white peony root, ginger, licorice root, jujube, honeysuckle flower, angelica, belamcanda rhizome, tangerine peel, ginseng root, chrysanthemum flower. Directions: Add six bowls of water. Boil six bowls of water into one bowl, then filter and take the soup.  The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: People who are unfamiliar with Chinese herbs may find their smell to be strong and taste at times bitter. We suggest that you become acquainted with them gradually. Empty the package of herbs into – quarts of water and simmer them for 30 minutes. A non-metal pot works best. If you have it use a ceramic coated or glass pot. The same herbs may be used again, the second cooking can be as long as 1 hour. Inhale the steam to help clear sinus congestion and head and throat discomforts. Allow the mixture to cool until it is comfortably warm. For fever, drink a small teacup every two hours or as needed. If necessary you might add a little fresh lemon juice or raw honey to improve the flavor. Cold/flu teas and herbs are best used between meals so that they do not interfere with digestion.  If diarrhea occurs after using detoxifying herbs, reduce the dosage. If weakness occurs after several day’s use, baring allergy, you might use a tonic herb such as reishi mushroom. Please see Fatigue Fighter in this selection of Herbal Rescue teas. Please consult your physician before using this product.



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