特級 婺源 金丝皇菊#1457
特级 婺源 金丝皇菊#1457 婺源皇菊的饮用价值极高。用皇菊泡茶,气味芳香,可消暑生津,袪风,润喉,养目,解酒。皇菊花瓣中含有的多种氨基酸,维生素和微量元素,黄酮类物质大部分也能在泡饮中渗透到水中。具有降血压、消除癌细胞、扩张冠状动脉和抑菌的作用,长期饮用能增加人体钙质、调节心肌功能、降低胆固醇,适合中老年人和预防流行性结膜炎时饮用。 泡饮皇菊时,最好用透明的玻璃杯。每杯放上一两朵,再用沸水冲泡1~2分钟即可饮用。待冲泡至半分钟时,水的颜色就会渐渐酿成微黄色,通透清澈,散发出淡淡的菊香。每次喝时,不要一次喝完,要留下三分之一杯的茶水,再续上新茶水,泡上片刻,而后再喝。饮皇菊时可在茶杯中放入几颗冰糖,这样喝起来味更甘。冬天热饮、夏天冰饮都是很好的饮料。 【特别提醒】 1、请务必用 纯净水冲泡。用自来水可能导致花叶变绿; 2、由于鲜花期间的菊花娇嫩,不能也不会喷晒农药杀虫,烘培后的菊花干花花蕊内可能有昆虫干,冲泡前请用沸水泡洗。如介意请勿购买。 3、运输过程中,花瓣会掉落,属正常现象。 Wuyuan Royal Dried Chrysanthemum#1457 This special chrysanthemum flower is produced in Wuyuan City, Jiangxi Province of China. It is a tribute tea, that was offered to high officials and visiting dignitaries by the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, so it is also called Imperial Chrysanthemum or Emperor Chrysanthemum. The taste and health value of Wuyuan Huangju are extremely high. Emperor Chrysanthemum is fragrantly sweet and delicious. It can relieve summer heat [heat stroke], promote body fluids, remove wind nervous irritations, moisturize the throat, nourishes eyesight, and reduce hangover. When drinking Emperor Chrysanthemum, it is best to use transparent glass. Put one or two flowers in each cup, and then brew in boiling water for 1~2 minutes. When it is brewed for half a minute, the color of the water will gradually turn yellowish, transparent, and clear, emitting a faint chrysanthemum fragrance. Every time you drink, don't drink it all at once, leave one-third cup of tea, add new hot water, steep it for a while, and then drink it again. When drinking chrysanthemum, you can put a few rock candy crystals in the teacup to make it sweeter. But many people prefer the flowers’ naturally sweet flavor. Hot chrysanthemum drinks in winter and ice drinks in summer are popular. People with weak digestion and the elderly should enjoy warm drinks instead of ice. Be sure to use pure water to brew. Tap water may cause the flowers and leaves to turn green. Since chrysanthemums are tender during the blooming period, they are not sprayed with pesticides. Please rinse the flowers with boiling water before brewing. Some petals will fall off during transportation, which is a normal phenomenon.
$47.99 - $93.99
Xi Character Red Envelope (10pcs)
囍字通用款烫金红包10枚 傳統與時尚交織,演繹婚慶紅包新典範! 這款“囍”字通用款燙金紅包,以經典中國紅為底色,鮮豔奪目,承載著滿滿的喜慶氛圍,是傳遞祝福與喜悅的不二之選。紅包封面正中,一個醒目的燙金“囍”字閃耀奪目,其採用高品質燙金工藝,金色線條流暢細膩,光澤度極佳,不僅凸顯了尊貴與華麗,更象徵著新人永結同心、百年好合的美好寓意。 紅包的材質精選優質特種紙,質地厚實有質感,不易破損,確保您的心意安全送達。尺寸設計恰到好處,方便攜帶與收納,無論是作為婚禮現場的禮金包,還是送給親朋好友的祝福紅包,都顯得大方得體。 “囍”字通用款燙金紅包,承載著千年文化底蘊,傳遞著最真摯的情感。選擇它,為您的喜慶時刻增添一份獨特的魅力,讓幸福與喜悅在每一次傳遞中延續! Tradition and fashion are intertwined, interpreting a new model of wedding red envelopes! This "xi" universal bronzing red envelope, with classic Chinese red as the base color, is bright and dazzling, carrying a full festive atmosphere, and is the best choice to convey blessings and joy. In the middle of the cover of the red envelope, a striking bronzing "xi" word shines brightly. It adopts high-quality bronzing technology, with smooth golden lines and excellent gloss, which not only highlights the dignity and magnificence, but also symbolizes the beautiful meaning of the newcomer's eternal unity and a century-old harmony. The material of the red envelope is selected from high-quality special paper, which is thick and textured and not easy to be damaged, to ensure the safe delivery of your heart. The size design is just right, easy to carry and store, whether it is used as a gift bag at the wedding scene or a blessing red envelope for relatives and friends, it looks generous and decent. The universal bronzing red envelope with the word "Xi" carries a thousand-year-old cultural heritage and conveys the most sincere emotions. Choose it to add a unique charm to your festive moment, so that happiness and joy can continue in every transmission!
松鹤牌 云南下关沱茶 2007年 熟普洱 紧压黑茶
松鹤牌 云南下关沱茶 2007年 熟普洱紧压黑茶 100g 云南沱茶属紧压茶,系选用优质晒青毛茶作原料,经高温蒸压精制而成。该产品是由云南下关茶厂出品的松鹤牌沱茶,由中国土产畜产进出口公司云南省茶叶分公司出口。创制与1902年,1997年经批准认证为中国绿色食品,2002年,“松鹤”牌下关沱茶通过了国家质监总局“国家原产地标记产品注册”。2003年,公司获ISO 9001:2000国际质量体系认证,“松鹤”牌下关沱茶荣获“云南省著名商标”。2005年取得有机产品认证证书。1996年10月在法国巴黎荣获第十届产品质量欧洲金奖。 Xiaguan Tuocha 2007yr Ripe Pu-Erh Dark Tea (100 g/Box) Pu-Erh is a fermented, digestive tea. Dark (aka ripe Pu'erh) is aged longer than raw Pu-Erh and has a stronger distinctive earthy, semi-sweet flavor. It has been used to improve digestion and circulation and contains a natural statin known to help reduce harmful cholesterol and improve weight loss. Tuocha or “dome-shaped bowl tea” is a compressed tea, usually made of Pu-erh. The shape resembles a bird’s nest and Tuocha range in weight from 3g to 3kg or more. The best Tuocha is produced from Xiaguan City, Yunnan Province. This is produced by Yunnan Xiaguan Tea Factory. This kind of tea was created in 1902 and is famous hundred years.
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松鹤牌 云南下关沱茶 2007年 甲级 生普洱 黑茶(买一送一)
松鹤牌 云南下关沱茶 2007年 甲级 生普洱 黑茶 云南下关茶厂 出产 (买一送一) 云南沱茶属紧压茶,系选用优质晒青毛茶作原料,经高温蒸压精制而成。该产品是由云南下关茶厂出品的松鹤牌沱茶,创制与1902年,1997年经批准认证为中国绿色食品,2002年,“松鹤牌”下关沱茶通过了国家质监总局“国家原产地标记产品注册”。2003年,公司获ISO 9001:2000国际质量体系认证,“松鹤牌”下关沱茶荣获“云南省著名商标”。2005年取得有机产品认证证书。1996年10月在法国巴黎荣获第十届产品质量欧洲金奖。
仙翁牌 焗茶 涼茶 藥材包
仙翁牌 焗茶 涼茶 藥材包 Xian Weng Brand Mix Herbal Tea Chinese and Southeast Asian folk medicine includes detox teas made from local herbs, grasses, and flowers commonly used in Chinese medicine to quel fever, cleanse the liver and blood. They often include raw herb ingredients that vary according to the manufacturer. This “tea” is originally a formula from THUOC XONG meaning southern (Vietnamese) steaming treatment. Aromatic herbs are simmered and inhaled in order to help clear sinus congestion, headaches, and low energy following childbirth. . . Steaming engages the biological necessity of inhalation and brings medicated vapours into the body, while elevating the body temperature which produces sweating and releases toxins and wastes;
Xiang Bi Luo Green Tea #1109
香碧螺 Xiang Bi Luo Green Tea #1109 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶 WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 福建 Fujian, China 品名 Name: 香碧螺 Green Tea 年份 Production Date: 2024 分类 Sort: 绿茶 Green Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 保质期 Shelf Life: 24 months 茶汤Liquor: 汤色黄绿色清澈,滋味清爽甘醇。Clear yellow-green liquor, with a refreshing and mellow taste. Green tea is one of the most popular types of tea in China. Xiang Bi Luo is a special green tea from Fujian Province. The leaves are meticulously handpicked, with the youngest buds and the freshest leaves being used to produce this tea. The leaves are tightly rolled into a spiral shape, and once brewed, the tea reveals a refreshing, mellow taste with a subtle floral and fruity aroma. The liquor is clear and yellow-green in color, offering a smooth, gentle taste that is perfect for daily consumption.香碧螺是一款来自福建的绿茶,茶叶外形细小紧致,形似螺旋状。它具有清新的花香和果香,口感清爽甘醇,茶汤清澈,呈现黄绿色,滋味鲜美。香碧螺的茶叶由嫩芽及一两片嫩叶手工制作而成,茶味柔和,适合喜欢轻柔口感的茶友。 香碧螺属于绿茶,制作过程非常讲究,选用春季采摘的嫩芽。其制作工艺包括杀青、揉捻和干燥,保持了茶叶的天然香气和清新的口感。冲泡时,茶叶会展现出一股自然的花果香,饮用后口感清新,甘甜,极具享受。 这种茶非常适合每日饮用,不仅有助于清新口气、提高代谢,还具有抗氧化、促进消化等健康功效。香碧螺的茶叶每一泡都能展现不同的层次感,非常适合喜欢多次冲泡的茶友。 Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 175℉ / 80℃ 175℉ / 80℃ Tea Quantity: 2g Tea 5 g Tea Brewing time: 2-3 mins 5 steeps: rinse, 30s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s Rinse time is around 5 seconds
$14.99 - $52.99
香雪 橘红痰咳液 10ml*10支 理氣化痰,潤肺止咳,用於感冒、支氣管炎、咽喉炎引起的痰多咳嗽、氣喘等症狀 成分:化橘紅、蜜百部、茯苓、半夏(製)、白前、甘草、苦杏仁、五味子、輔料為蔗糖、香精、薄荷腦、苯甲酸鈉、羥苯乙酯性狀:本品為棕色的液體;氣芳香、味甜、微苦適用:理氣化痰、潤肺止咳。用於痰濁阻肺所致的咳嗽、氣喘、痰多;感冒、支氣管炎、咽喉炎等用法用量:口服,一次10-20毫升(1-2支),一日三次規格:每支裝10毫升包裝:玻璃瓶裝,每盒裝10支注意事項:忌煙、酒、辛辣、生冷、油膩食物等,詳見説明書藥物相互作用:如與其他藥物同時使用可能會發生藥物相互作用,詳情請咨詢醫師或藥師禁忌:風熱者忌用老品牌,安全又放心。止咳化痰的效果非常好,家庭常备,口感较好,孩子也能接受。 成分:五味子、化橘红、半夏(制)、甘草、白前、百部(蜜炙)、苦杏仁、茯苓等内容僅供参考之用,并不可作为取代專業的醫療咨詢使用產品前,請始终閲讀產品随附的標簽、警告及說明。
- Quantity Discount
香雪 抗病毒口服液
香雪抗病毒口服液 【成份】板蓝根、石膏、芦根、地黄、郁金、知母、石菖蒲、广藿香、连翘。辅料为蔗糖、蜂蜜、环 酸钠、桔子香精、羟丙基倍他环糊精。【性状】本品为棕红色的液体;味辛、微苦。【功能主治】清热祛湿,凉血解毒。用于风热感冒,流感。【规格】每支装10毫升【用法用量】口服,一次10毫升,一日2~3次(早饭前和午、晚饭后各服一次)。【不良反应】监测数据显示,本品可见以下不良反应:恶心、呕吐、腹泻、腹痛、腹胀、腹部不适、皮疹、瘙痒、过敏反应等。【禁忌】孕妇、哺乳期妇女禁用等,详见说明书。 【注意事项】忌烟、酒及辛辣、生冷、油腻食物等,详见说明书。 【贮藏】密封。【包装】管制口服液瓶包装。每盒装18支。
- Quantity Discount
唐龍 消咳喘丸(200粒/瓶)
唐龍 消咳喘丸(200粒/瓶) 止咳 祛痰 平喘 幫助保持呼吸道和滋養肺部功能 產品選料上乘,工藝考究,品質優良,加工精良,經典配方--濃縮丸,秉承中國醫藥保健傳統精髓,融古老傳統與現代科技於一體的保健產品。 成分--紫蘇子、瓜蒌仁、鱼腥草、苦杏仁、陳皮、紫菀、前胡、款冬花、半夏(制)、茯苓、甘草 用法用量:每日三次,每次6-8粒,或遵醫囑。注意事項:孕婦忌服。避免兒童接觸。
大紅柑 紅茶(8 oz/包)
品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 大红柑 红茶 Mandarin Orange Peel Black Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 阴凉、干燥下可长久保存 分类Sort: 红茶 Black Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆☆ 等级Level: 特级 Super 茶汤Liquor: 红润通透,柑果清香扑鼻,通窍怡人Rosy and translucent with the fragrance of citrus fruit 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 大红柑 红茶(8 oz/包) 配料:九曲紅梅紅茶、新会大红柑 储存:阴凉、干燥下可长久保存,且越陈越香。 使用方法: 1.取一颗大红柑,掰开取适量茶与柑皮一起放入杯中,加入100度开水冲泡30秒,将第一泡茶水倒掉; 2. 再加入90度开水冲泡两分钟即可饮用。 泡大红柑的注意要点是在饮用的时候要先把大红柑掰开一半,再加入茶叶,一起放入盖碗后再用沸水冲泡。至于投茶量,大红柑可按喜好投入适量的茶叶和柑皮或整颗冲泡,用沸水快速洗茶一到两道后,香气顿显。 泡好的大红柑茶汤红润通透,有柑果的清香,香气扑鼻,通窍怡人。然后把茶水分别倒入杯中开始品尝。分杯后汤色红润明亮略偏棕,清澈温润。入口后柔和顺滑,汤香饱满直接,果香、甜香、陈香浑然一体,带来全身从头到脚的舒畅感。回味悠长有甜感,回甘生津强烈,余韵久久不散。在口腔内充满活力,给人一种圆满舒适的感觉。 Xinhui Red Orange Peel Black Tea(8 oz/bag) Dried citrus peel added to quality aged tea is tasty, digestive, and astringent and has been used to reduce bloating, indigestion, and belly fat. The steeped red citrus tea soup is rosy and translucent with the fragrance of citrus fruit that is tangy, and pleasant. The soup is rosy, bright, slightly brownish, clear, and moist. The first taste is soft and smooth, the soup is full and direct, and the fruity, sweet, and scented aromas blend together, bringing the entire body a sense of comfort from head to toe. The aftertaste is sweet, strong, and lasts for a long time. It is full of vitality in the mouth, giving people a feeling of completeness and comfort. Ingredients: Jiuqu Hongmei Black tea, Xinhui big orange Storing: Can be preserved long-term in a cool and dry place while aging. Preparation: 1. Take an orange peel Pu-Er, and put some tea with orange peel into a cup, steep with boiling water for thirty seconds, throw away the first tea soup. 2. Pour in 90°C water and consume it after two minutes. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 194℉ / 90℃ 194℉ / 90℃ Tea Quantity: 3 g Tea 5 g Tea Brewing time: 2 - 5 mins 15 steeps: rinse, 15s, 25s, 40s, 70s, 100s, 130s Rinse time is around 5 seconds
大紅柑 普洱茶(8oz/包)
大红柑 普洱茶(8 oz/包) 配料:宫廷普洱(三年陈)、新会大红柑储存:阴凉、干燥下可长久保存,且越陈越香。 Dried red-orange peel (Chen Pi) is tangy, tart, and delicious. According to TCM Chinese medicine, the peel is digestive and enhances appetite. Pu’erh tea is a fermented tea recommended for improving digestion and weight loss. It contains a natural mild statin that helps to support heart health. From the manufacturer: Ingredients: Palace Pu’erh tea (aged three years), Xinhui big orange Storing: Can be preserved long term in a cool and dry place Preparation: Place orange peel Pu-Erh into a non-metal teapot, add boiling water, steep for 30 seconds and discard the first tea soup. Then add boiling water again and steep for two minutes.
信陽毛尖 綠茶#1119
信陽毛尖 綠茶#1119 信陽毛尖為中國傳統十大名茶之一,產自河南信陽雲霧山茶區,信陽山區土壤,深厚疏鬆,腐植質含量較高,多爲黃、黑砂壤土,肥力較高;信陽山區處於高緯度地區,山勢起伏多變,雨量充沛,雲霧彌漫,植被豐富,空氣濕潤,光照不強,日夜溫差較大,茶樹芽葉生長緩慢,持嫩性強,肥厚多毫,有效物質積累較多,有利於氨基酸、咖啡碱等含氮化合物的合成與積累。 信陽毛尖含豐富的蛋白質、氨基酸、生物碱、茶多酚、芳香物質和A、B1、B2、C、K、P等多種維生素及水溶性礦物質,具有生津解渴、清心明目、提神醒腦、去膩消食、抑制動脈粥樣硬化等多種功能,茶葉内含的咖啡碱、兒茶素能促進血管壁鬆弛,保持血管壁的一定彈性,常喝毛尖茶能對身體有净化的作用。 信陽毛尖的色、香、味、形均有獨特個性,其顔色鮮潤乾净,不含雜質,香氣高雅清新,味道鲜爽、醇香回甘,外形匀整鮮綠有光澤、白毫明顯;冲後香高持久,滋味濃醇,優質信陽毛尖湯色明亮清澈嫩綠,味道清香撲鼻。
$39.99 - $149.99