Arietta Merlot "Hudson Vineyard" Napa Valley 2018
Produced entirely from fruit from the long-lived “I Block” on the Hudson ranch, the 2018 Arietta Merlot mirrors the character of the old vines that hold the fruit: muscular, deep, and at the same time balanced. This variety thrives in these soils, and in the cooler climes of Carneros, where Hudson is located. Fermented with native yeasts, macerated on the skins for nearly 30 days at relatively low temperature, the wine is alive with notes of black cherry, boysenberry, flint, and clove. Bottled unfiltered after aging in 50% new French oak, its tannins have a cocoa powder texture, and the intensity of the fruit lingers on the finish for nearly a minute.
Arrowood Cabernet Sauvignon Sonoma 2016
Arrowood Cabernet Sauvignon Sonoma 2016 Winemaker Notes The 2016 Sonoma Estates is all about big fruit, offering layered aromas of black cherry and woodland berries. Ripe fruit character carries through on the palate along with undertones of caramel and cedar. Bright and juicy, with a plush and velvety texture, this wine is readily enjoyable on its own and versatile enough to be paired with anything from casual pub fare to a classic ribeye. Blend: 85% Cabernet Sauvignon, 13% Merlot, 1% Malbec, 1% Cabernet Franc
爱士康元 穴位压力鸡眼贴 6贴装
爱士康元 穴位压力鸡眼贴 6贴装 鸡眼保健贴,温和不刺激,无疼痛感,健康护理适合各种鸡眼类型,鸡茧、脚丁、老茧、肉刺 三层渗透,第一阶段冷敷理疗,缓解疼痛 第二阶段渗透老废角质层基底,逐渐剥离角质 第三阶段深入肌底,形成保护帮助肌肤修护 【使用方法】1.先用热水泡脚2.擦干水渍,将鸡眼贴敷贴于患处3.待患处表皮软化发白,慢慢剥离表层软化角质
阿薩姆 紅茶 #1315
品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 印度阿萨姆邦 Assam India 品名Name: 阿萨姆红茶Assam Black Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 36 months 分类Sort: 红茶 Black Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索均匀,色泽乌润,香气馥郁This being a full leaf Assam, it is a medium-bodied tea. 茶汤Liquor: 色泽醇厚,明亮橙黄,香气馥郁Surprisingly smooth and floral with citrus and malty notes 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place Assam Black tea comes from Assam Valley in India, which is on the border with China, Burma, and Bangladesh. This full-bodied tea has a warm reddish color and a strong yet smooth taste. Black tea, called “red tea” in Chinese due to its bold reddish brownish brew, generally yields a bolder flavor and contains the most caffeine of all teas. Black tea is produced from mature leaves that are plucked early in the day and processed in 4 basic steps. First, the leaves are withered- laid out for 8-24 hours so that the moisture from the tea leaves can be evaporated. Second, they are rolled, which gives the leaves their form and appearance. Following they are fermented by placing them on an oxidation table, where the leaves turn black and lends its distinctive flavor. Finally, the leaves are fired in large ovens at high temperatures. Brewing Method: Teacup Water volume: 12oz / 355ml Temperature: 190-212°F Tea Quantity: 3g - 5g Tea Brewing time: 3 - 5 mins 此款阿萨姆红茶来自印度的阿萨姆山谷,该地区与中国、缅甸和孟加拉国接壤。 茶叶外形细扁,色呈深褐;汤色深红稍褐,带有淡淡的麦芽香、玫瑰香,滋味浓,属烈茶,是冬季饮茶的最佳选择。 适合与牛奶或植脂末配合,制成阿萨姆奶茶。也可以用沸水冲泡的红茶中加入生姜和红糖,就成了驱寒祛湿的姜红茶。
$9.99 - $36.99
黃芪馬耳片(16 OZ)
马耳 黄芪/北芪片 16oz 药性论述 黄芪的药用历史迄今已有2000多年了,始见于汉墓马王堆出土的帛书“五十二病方”,《神农本草经》列为上品。明《本草纲目》载“耆长也,黄芪色黄,为补者之长故名…”。《本草汇言》载“黄芪,补肺健脾,卫实敛汗,驱风运毒之药也…”。 《本草逢原》载“黄芪能补五脏诸虚 ,治脉弦自汗,泻阴火,去肺热,无汗则发,有汗则止。” 本品为豆科植物蒙古黄芪的根。 性味归经 味甘,性微温;归脾、肺经。 功能主治 补气固表,托毒排脓,利尿,生肌。用于气虚乏力、久泻脱肛、自汗、水肿、子宫脱垂、慢性肾炎蛋白尿、糖尿病、疮口久不愈合。 【食疗方】 1、黄芪茶 材料:生黄芪60~90克,大枣30克。 做法:加水煎煮30分钟后饮用,可反复使用。 功效:此方可抗压补气,利水退肿。 2、黄芪汤 做法:黄芪100克,人参、白术、肉桂各50克,捣成粗末,每次服用10克,加姜、枣,水煎后,去渣温服。 功效:此方以黄芪、人参补气,白术健脾,肉桂温阳;适用于中老年人脾属虚寒、中气不足、食少无味、大便溏泻者。 3、黄芪养生汤 做法:黄芪12克、枸杞9克、红枣9克,煎汤,每日服用。 功效:可调解免疫、防癌抗老;另可补气健脾、降压降脂。 4.补虚正气粥 做法:黄芪30克,人参10克,大米90克,糖适量。将黄芪、人参切片,用冷水浸泡半小时,入砂锅煎沸,煎出浓汁后将汁取出,再在参、芪锅中加入冷水如上法再煎,并取汁。 将上述药汁合并后分成两份,早晚各用一份,同大米加水煮粥,粥煮熟后加白糖食用。 服法:早、晚餐空腹食用,5 天为一疗程。 功效:补元气,健脾胃。适用于五脏虚衰、久病赢瘦、心慌气短、体虚自汗、慢性泄泻、脾虚久痢、食欲不振、气虚浮肿等一切气衰血虚之症。 如何鉴别黄芪品质 在选择黄芪时,首先看外表,优质黄芪色泽均匀,而加工过的劣质黄芪外表颜色偏白。尤其是黄芪在还未成熟便被采摘下来用硫熏过的,格外白净、好看,但这种黄芪不仅功效全无,而且还对人体有害。 其次,由于黄芪含有糖分,存放时间过长会略微变质,如果长期贮存仍旧不变质的黄芪,则很大可能是经过硫熏过的。 鉴别优劣黄芪还可以通过手抓的方式,好的黄芪抓在手上会团在一起,并且不会碎,松手之后又能够自然松散,这说明黄芪本身质量上佳、不干也不湿,且保存的也比较理想。 通过这三点可以快速鉴别优劣黄芪。当然,一分钱一分货,在购买黄芪时,一定不要贪图小便宜,只有选好黄芪,才能发挥出它的功效。 Astragalus/Beiqi Pian (Sliced) (16oz) A lot of research has been done on astragalus (huang qi) here are only a few of its health benefits: Heart Health. Several studies suggest that Astragalus may be a heart-friendly herb as it is rich in antioxidants. ... Relief from Seasonal Allergy. ... Reduces Stress. ... Reduces Sleep Issues. ... Anti-ageing Properties. ... Boosts the Immune System. From the manufacturer: The medicinal history of Astragalus has been more than 2,000 years, and it was first seen in the silk book "Fifty-two Disease Prescriptions" unearthed in Mawangdui tomb of the Han Dynasty. In The "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" it was listed as top grade. "Compendium of Materia Medica" of the Ming Dynasty advised it for "Old age, Huang Qi is yellow, so it is named for the long-term use...". "Huiyan of Materia Medica" contains astragalus for invigorating the lungs and spleen, Wei Shi [regulating] sweat, and the medicine for expelling wind and poison...". "Materia Medica Fengyuan" contains: "Astragalus can replenish the five internal organs, treat spontaneous perspiration in the pulse string, relieve yin and fire, remove lung heat, if there is no sweat, it will produce, and if there is sweat, it will stop." This product is the root of the legume Astragalus mongolia. Its nature and flavor improve menstruation. It has a sweet taste, is slightly warm in nature; It enters the Spleen and Lung meridians. Function Indication: It invigorates qi and solidifies the surface [regulates sweating], supports detoxification, and discharges pus, diuresis, and strengtens muscles. It is used for qi deficiency, fatigue, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of the anus, spontaneous sweating, edema, uterine prolapse, chronic nephritis, proteinuria, diabetes, and long-lasting sores. Diet Therapy Astragalus Tea Ingredients: 60-90 grams of raw astragalus, 30 grams of jujube. Add water and decoct for 30 minutes and drink it. It can be used repeatedly. Efficacy: This can improve circulation and replenish qi, promote hydration and reduce swelling. Astragalus Soup Ingredients: 100 grams of astragalus, 50 grams each of ginseng, atractylodes, and cinnamon, pound into coarse powder, take 10 grams each time, add ginger and jujube, decoct in water, remove the residue and take it warmly. Efficacy: This recipe uses astragalus and ginseng to invigorate qi, Atractylodes macrocephala to invigorate the spleen, and cinnamon to warm the yang; it is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people with deficiency of the spleen, insufficient qi, poor appetite and tastelessness, and loose stools. Astragalus Health Soup Ingredients: 12 grams of Astragalus, 9 grams of Chinese wolfberry, 9 grams of red dates. Cook as a decoction for daily consumption. Efficacy: It can mediate immunity, prevent cancer and anti-aging; in addition, it can invigorate qi, invigorate the spleen, lower blood pressure and lower fat. Tonic Porridge Ingredients: 30 grams of astragalus, 10 grams of ginseng, 90 grams of rice, adequate sugar. Slice the astragalus and ginseng and soak in cold water for half an hour, simmer them in a casserole as a decoction, and take out the juice after cooking. Then add cold water to the ginseng and ginseng pot and cook again as above, and take the juice. Combine the above decoctions and divide them into two portions. Use one portion each morning and evening. Add the herb water to rice to cook the porridge. After the porridge is cooked, add sugar to eat. Dosage: Take breakfast and dinner on an empty stomach, 5 days as a course of treatment. Efficacy: Replenishes vitality, invigorates the spleen and stomach. It is suitable for all symptoms of qi failure and blood deficiency, such as weakness of the five internal organs, chronic illness and thinness, palpitation, shortness of breath, physical weakness and spontaneous sweating, chronic diarrhea, chronic spleen deficiency, dysentery, loss of appetite, qi deficiency and edema.
Austin Cabernet Sauvignon Paso Robles
Austin Cabernet Sauvignon Paso Robles Paso Robles, California - Fruit forward Cabernet Sauvignon with aromas of dark fruit, fresh vanilla bean, and hints of coffee. On the palette, dark fruit flavors are balanced with savory notes black pepper, and a touch of tobacco.
Austin Hope Cabernet Sauvignon Paso Robles 2021
Austin Cabernet Sauvignon Paso Robles 2021 Paso Robles, California - Fruit forward Cabernet Sauvignon with aromas of dark fruit, fresh vanilla bean, and hints of coffee. On the palette, dark fruit flavors are balanced with savory notes black pepper, and a touch of tobacco.
澳洲 特大豬婆參#422
澳洲 特大豬婆參 尺寸 Size:1~2 支/磅猪婆参,分白猪婆参、花猪婆参和黑猪婆参三种,其中花猪婆参又叫麻石参,它们的名字是由加工后的干参的表面颜色来划分的,顾名思义,白猪婆参就是表皮白色的,花猪婆参是表皮有花纹,黑猪婆参是表皮黑色。猪婆参因其腹部两侧各有一排粗壮的刺,类似母猪的乳头,并且鲜活的猪婆参因个体很大,趴在海底远远看去,类似趴窝的小猪,因而起名叫猪婆参。 猪婆参营养很高,口感好,广东地区高档婚宴就是用猪婆参,也是名菜佛跳墙中的海参原料,干参泡发后色泽白中带黄,肉多而软滑;可以补肾益精 养血降压。对高血压与冠心病、消痔疮、治疗胃溃疡、预防癌症等都有一定的疗效。可滋阴补肾, 壮阳温补,对胆固醇过高及糖尿病患者, 中老人有很好的食疗功效,特别已婚的女性多需补血,为生育或是产后进补和保健必备, 猪婆参是最适合孕产妇食用的海参,对产妇少奶有很好的催奶效果。 在营养价值上,以澳洲最好,东南亚最次(比如印尼产猪婆参),澳洲产猪婆参,干参饱满,表面光滑,肉质肥厚,泡发量很高,而东南亚出产的猪婆参,参体瘦小,参体表面多褶皱,泡发量小很多,营养更大打折扣。 Australia Sea Cucumber #422(16oz) Size:1~2 pieces/poundSea Cucumber, one of the earth’s oldest living creatures (it has existed for over 500 million years), the slug of the sea has developed an extraordinary immune system–one that, surprisingly, resembles that of humans. The dish is a prized seafood delicacy throughout south Asia, the Philippines, Japan, Australia, the Pacific, the Caribbean, France (beche de mer), and Portugal. The preparation takes several days of soaking, cleaning, and cooking, and its nutritional value is exceptional. Sea Cucumber is often prepared in elaborate Chinese New Year soups. Sea cucumbers are rich in protein, niacin, and riboflavin and contain substances that influence human health, including: Chondroitin sulfate (found in human cartilage) Coelomic fluid functions similarly to human white blood cells Palmitic, stearic, and linoleic acid have potent antioxidant effects Squalene is a compound that acts as the precursor to steroids Triterpenoids are a class of compounds thought to slow cancer growth Alternative practitioners prevent and treat a wide range of health disorders with sea cucumber, including arthritis, cardiovascular disease, constipation, erectile dysfunction, periodontitis gum disease, and certain types of cancers. Sea cucumber fights inflammation, promotes wound healing, and slows the aging process. Cautions: Sea cucumber has blood-thinning effects (It reduces harmful cholesterol) It should be avoided by persons who have shellfish allergies. Avoid it or use it under the direction of a doctor during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
澳洲野生青邊鮑魚#656(16 oz)
澳洲野生青邊鮑魚#656(16 oz) 尺寸:40g~50g each 青边鲍是澳洲西南部出产的最佳,属于澳洲鲍鱼中的顶级之品。体积大,肉厚,普通小的有150~200克,大的有500~600克,外壳厚实。有7-9个小孔。鲍鱼肉外有一圈青衣是该类鲍鱼最大的特点,有的青边鲍时间久长,外壳甚至长有海草,外壳肉表呈唛红色或者淡黄色。 Australian Wild Green Edge Abalone #656 (16 oz) Size: 40g~50g each Green edge abalone, (AKA mutton fish”) the best variety produced in southwestern Australia, belongs to the top class of Australian abalone. It is large and the meat is thick. The small ones are 150-200 grams and the large ones are 500-600 grams. The shell is thick. There are 7-9 small holes. A circle of “Tsing Yi“ outside the abalone meat is the biggest feature of this type of abalone. It is a univalve mollusk with a flat, smooth, pale, oval shell, containing a large muscular foot with a bright green frill or lip.It’s found along Australia’s southern coast, off Victoria, South Australia, northern Tasmania and Western Australia. The most common aquaculture Abalone species, it’s farmed mainly in South Australia, (although Victoria and Tasmania have some farms) and is often harvested at 3 years of age and sold as ‘cocktail’ Abalone. Abalone meat is tender and nutritious, high in protein 24%, and low fat 0.44% with many vitamins and trace elements that are very beneficial to our health. Abalone is rich in glutamic acid and tastes very delicious. Abalone is a yin nourishing food which means it supports the health of internal organs. It moisturizes lungs, which improves breathing and complexion. It clears inflammation and nourishes the liver and improves eyesight. Long-term consumption has been shown to help prevent cancer. The most recent research has found abalone provides a good source of: Protein Iron essential for building red blood cells Vitamin B12 Magnesium Selenium Omega-3 Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that can not be produced by our body. So, Omega-3 is important as essential fatty acids. Omega-3 itself is formed of fatty acids like EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and ALA (a-linolenic acid). Omega-3 consumed regularly assists in the development of the brain and memory, prevents heart disease because it can make arterial organs becomes more elastic and reduces the risk of high blood pressure.
秋茶 鐵觀音 烏龍茶#1292
品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 福建 安溪 Fujian, China 品名Name: 秋茶 铁观音 Autumn Tie Guan Yin 等级Level: 三级 third-level 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 蜻蜓头,色泽砂绿Tightly curled into semi-ball, sand-green color 茶汤Liquor: 茶汤金黄,花香浓郁Smooth and robust with nutty notes and a buttery finish 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place Tie Guan Yin, also known as Iron Buddha or Iron Goddess of Mercy, is considered a green oolong tea – a variation from the oolong tea family. This tea is made when the oolong processing is done in a shorter period of time. The result is a brew that’s more like a green tea in color with vegetal tones, but a mix of nutty fragrances that are present in most oolongs. Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 2 Teaspoons / 5g Tea 7g Tea Brewing time: 3 - 5 mins 7 steeps: rinse, 15s, 25s, 35s, 45s, 55s, 75s, 85s Rinse time is around 5 seconds
$15.99 - $57.99
AXR Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 2016
Winemaker Notes Deep, shiny ruby in appearance with touches of magenta and Ferrari red. Beautiful aromatic nose with touches of flowers such as lilac, violet and fruit such as blueberry reduction, cotton candy, rose candy, cassis jelly, apricot jam and watermelon gum. Fresh, fruity entrance, evolving on a aromatic mid-palate lingering on fresh fruit and granular tannins with touches of boysenberries, red currant, pomegranate and grapefruit. Critical Acclaim This is gorgeous with extra fine and chewy tannins, complementing a complex and vivid aroma and palate. Medium to full body. Juicy and savory finish. Drink now. -- James Suckling