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烏崬單樅 烏龍茶禮盒


潮州特产 乌岽单枞 乌龙茶 礼盒 170g




Wudong Dan Cong  Oolong Tea Gift Box 170g

Mellow and smooth with a strong honey aroma, yielding a long-lasting fragrance with a unique mountain flavor.

Brew Method:

  1.  Warm up the tea vessel with boiling water then throw the water away.
  2. Put some tea into an empty tea vessel and pour in about 185℉ / 85℃ hot water.
  3. Cover the lid for 1 minute before serving.
  4. Using cups made of china to drink will have the best taste.


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潮州特产 乌岽单枞 乌龙茶 礼盒 170g 产于广东潮安凤凰镇乌岽山,是凤凰单丛中的精品。 乌岽单丛茶外形条索粗壮,匀整挺直,色泽黄褐呈鳝鱼皮色,油润有光,并有朱砂红点,冲泡清香持久,有独特天然花香,滋味浓醇鲜爽,回甘好,汤色清澈黄亮,叶底边缘朱红,叶腹黄亮,具有独特山韵品格。   Wudong Dan Cong  Oolong Tea Gift Box 170g Mellow and smooth with... Read more

SKU: 121009ORIGIN: Guangdong, China
BARCODE: WEIGHT: 6oz/ 170g

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      潮州特产 乌岽单枞 乌龙茶 礼盒 170g




      Wudong Dan Cong  Oolong Tea Gift Box 170g

      Mellow and smooth with a strong honey aroma, yielding a long-lasting fragrance with a unique mountain flavor.

      Brew Method:

      1.  Warm up the tea vessel with boiling water then throw the water away.
      2. Put some tea into an empty tea vessel and pour in about 185℉ / 85℃ hot water.
      3. Cover the lid for 1 minute before serving.
      4. Using cups made of china to drink will have the best taste.



      潮州特产 乌岽单丛 乌龙茶 永合丰

      烏崬單樅 烏龍茶禮盒

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