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特級 漳州 銀耳球(8 oz/包)


特级 漳州银耳球 雪耳 白木耳(8 oz)














Dried White Fungus /Yin Er(8oz/Bag)

People started cultivating these beautiful mushrooms (a type of fungi) in China in 1894 during the Qing Dynasty but they were collected in the wild as far back as 200 A.D. Tremella (AKA white fungus, snow fungus) has been used for centuries for its beauty-enhancing benefits. Like other mushrooms, tremella is loaded with vitamin D, high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory. Many of tremella’s health benefits are due to its high amounts of polysaccharides which are antioxidants that can help keep our complexion hydrated and healthy. High amounts of vitamin D in tremella play a role in helping skin cell growth and both repairing and preventing premature skin aging. Vitamin D is also a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it plays a role in keeping skin hydrated and supple.

In addition to helping keep skin looking smooth and glowing, tremella has a lot of other health benefits, such as helping to boost the immune system and lower inflammation.

Polysaccharides in tremella can help maintain skin integrity and avoid sagging skin, as well as weak bones, and joint stiffness. Tremella’s powerful anti-inflammatory benefits have greater implications for their ability to fight off diseases like heart disease, high cholesterol, and tumors and other health problems caused by inflammation, including acne, respiratory illness, and headache.

Zhangzhou Tremella/White Fungus (8oz)

According to TCM, traditional Chinese medicine, tremella is sweet and light and enters the Meridians of the Lung Channel; Stomach Channel; Kidney Channel.

TCM Indications: Nourishes yin and moistens dryness. It is useful for recovery from illness or surgery resulting in physical weakness, also for chronic cough, bloody sputum, uterine bleeding, constipation, hypertension, and arteriosclerosis.

Precautions: people with mushroom allergies should use caution. People with chronic cough with sputum that is either clear and watery (internal cold) or thick and yellow (damp heat) should avoid use and address the underlying imbalance.

How to cook tremella:

Sweet Tremella Soup

Tremella has a rather mild, slightly sweet taste. They are especially used in Southeast Asian soups and desserts, though their mild taste makes them good for a variety of dishes. Cooking tremella releases its collagen into the soup. Soak one piece of tremella in water overnight so that it becomes softer, Rinse it carefully. With a knife or scissor remove the darker yellow tough center from the back of the tremella. In a cooking pot of cold water to cover the tremella, bring the water to boil then simmer for 45 minutes. Add a handful of Jujube red dates and simmer for another 20 minutes. Add 1 tablespoon of dried goji berries and simmer for 2 minutes. Serve the dessert soup in a bowl and when cool add raw honey to taste.

Product form

特级 漳州银耳球 雪耳 白木耳(8 oz) 明清之际,天然品相好的银耳一直是皇帝和达官显贵养生益寿的佳品,如清代女官德龄所著《御香飘渺录》中所说:“银耳那样的东西,它的市价贵极了,往往一小匣子银耳就要花一二十两银子才能买到。 优质银耳应为白色或浅米黄色,朵基部呈现黄色、黄褐色,朵形完整。表面无霉变、无虫蛀、有光泽、没有杂质。银耳并不是越白越好,很白的银耳一般是使用硫磺熏蒸过的,所以选银耳应选白中略带黄色的。 银耳鉴别: 真正靓雪耳,其实叫银耳,色泽带瘀黄,浸发后会发大,无论煲汤或是炖汤水,都能保持爽脆口感,这种才是靓货及有显著功效。有些生產商則以硫磺加工雪耳,特點是大大個,顏色非常金黃均勻,令大家錯覺以為這些外貌靚仔的雪耳才是正貨,而經硫磺加工後的雪耳煲湯,會溶溶爛爛的,用來做糖水稠度十足,如是者容易引起錯覺,以為膠質重有護膚效果。 性味 甘;淡;平 经脉 肺经;胃经;肾经 功效 补肺益气,养阴润燥。用于病后体虚,肺虚久咳,痰中带血,崩漏,大便秘结,高血压病,血管硬化。 注意禁忌 风寒咳嗽者及湿热酿痰致咳者禁用。    Dried White... Read more

SKU: 540186/1ORIGIN: China

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    特级 漳州银耳球 雪耳 白木耳(8 oz)














    Dried White Fungus /Yin Er(8oz/Bag)

    People started cultivating these beautiful mushrooms (a type of fungi) in China in 1894 during the Qing Dynasty but they were collected in the wild as far back as 200 A.D. Tremella (AKA white fungus, snow fungus) has been used for centuries for its beauty-enhancing benefits. Like other mushrooms, tremella is loaded with vitamin D, high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory. Many of tremella’s health benefits are due to its high amounts of polysaccharides which are antioxidants that can help keep our complexion hydrated and healthy. High amounts of vitamin D in tremella play a role in helping skin cell growth and both repairing and preventing premature skin aging. Vitamin D is also a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it plays a role in keeping skin hydrated and supple.

    In addition to helping keep skin looking smooth and glowing, tremella has a lot of other health benefits, such as helping to boost the immune system and lower inflammation.

    Polysaccharides in tremella can help maintain skin integrity and avoid sagging skin, as well as weak bones, and joint stiffness. Tremella’s powerful anti-inflammatory benefits have greater implications for their ability to fight off diseases like heart disease, high cholesterol, and tumors and other health problems caused by inflammation, including acne, respiratory illness, and headache.

    Zhangzhou Tremella/White Fungus (8oz)

    According to TCM, traditional Chinese medicine, tremella is sweet and light and enters the Meridians of the Lung Channel; Stomach Channel; Kidney Channel.

    TCM Indications: Nourishes yin and moistens dryness. It is useful for recovery from illness or surgery resulting in physical weakness, also for chronic cough, bloody sputum, uterine bleeding, constipation, hypertension, and arteriosclerosis.

    Precautions: people with mushroom allergies should use caution. People with chronic cough with sputum that is either clear and watery (internal cold) or thick and yellow (damp heat) should avoid use and address the underlying imbalance.

    How to cook tremella:

    Sweet Tremella Soup

    Tremella has a rather mild, slightly sweet taste. They are especially used in Southeast Asian soups and desserts, though their mild taste makes them good for a variety of dishes. Cooking tremella releases its collagen into the soup. Soak one piece of tremella in water overnight so that it becomes softer, Rinse it carefully. With a knife or scissor remove the darker yellow tough center from the back of the tremella. In a cooking pot of cold water to cover the tremella, bring the water to boil then simmer for 45 minutes. Add a handful of Jujube red dates and simmer for another 20 minutes. Add 1 tablespoon of dried goji berries and simmer for 2 minutes. Serve the dessert soup in a bowl and when cool add raw honey to taste.



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