
Look and feel Great with traditional and modern Chinese remedies, health foods, healing balms, and beauty supplies.


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Look and feel Great with traditional and modern Chinese remedies, health foods, healing balms, and beauty supplies.

1 product

  • 盒 MIKEI Red Reishi Mushroom Essence Powder (60 capsules)

    御惠 赤靈芝精華膠囊/ 赤灵芝精华胶囊装 (60粒)

      御惠 赤靈芝精華膠囊/ 赤灵芝精华胶囊装 (60粒) 服用方法: 保健 (每日1次,1 – 2顆) 扶病 (每日2次,2 – 4顆) 儲存方法: 【御惠牌】以熱水抽出法製成的赤靈芝精華很容易被人體吸收,但因精華粉末幼細,較易受潮。每次服食後請即將膠袋密封,並放入陰涼乾燥的地方或冰箱保存。開封后,請盡快服用。 



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