
212 products

  • 洞庭春晓 碧螺春 春茶禮盒 洞庭春晓 碧螺春 春茶禮盒

    洞庭春晓 碧螺春 春茶禮盒

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 江苏苏州 洞庭山  Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 品名Name: 洞庭春晓 碧螺春礼盒 Bi Lo Chun Green Tea Gift Set 保质期Shelf Life: 18months 分类Sort: 烘青绿茶  Green Tea 等级Level: 特级 Supreme 采摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 银绿卷曲,白毫显露Curly buds and tiny leaves covered in abundant white fuzz,spiral-shaped like a snail’s shell, tender and thin 茶汤Liquor: 馥郁香醇,花果香清雅悠长,汤色碧绿Sweet, fruity, floral aroma,Light yellowish-green with floating fuzz 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place Bi Lo Chun, originates from the west side of the Dong Ting Mountains in the Jiang Su province of China. The area provides an ideal environment of mist and clouds all year round for the growing tea trees and is harvested only once a year in early spring. The name comes from a 17th century Emperor of China who noted that the spiral-shaped leaves looked like tiny snail shells.Based upon its look, ""Green Spring Snail Tea"" was giving this name by a Chinese emperor in the seventeenth century. Bi Lou Chun tea is mainly produced in Dong Ting East and West hills near the beautiful Taihu Lake. 碧螺春为洞庭山产,太湖水面,水气升腾,雾气悠悠,空气湿润,土壤呈微酸性或酸性,质地疏松,极宜于茶树生长,由于茶树与果树间种,所以碧螺春茶叶具有特殊的花朵香味。  Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  176℉ / 80℃ 176℉ / 80℃ Tea Quantity: 3g Tea 4g Tea Brewing time:  2-3 mins 5 steeps:  15s, 25s, 35s, 50s, 70s


  • 碧螺春绿茶茶包3g*30包 碧螺春绿茶茶包3g*30包


    碧螺春绿茶包(3g*30包) 永合豐的碧螺春选自苏州太湖洞庭山原始产区,是谷雨前的春茶,由专业制茶师精心制作。 太湖水面,水气升腾,雾气悠悠,空气湿润,土壤呈微酸性或酸性,质地疏松,极宜于茶树生长,由于茶树与果树间种,所以碧螺春茶叶具有特殊的花朵香味。   BI LUO CHUN GREEN TEA (3g*30 Bag) Bi Luo Chun's small, feathery tea buds and leaves yield a gentle, fresh yet full-bodied sweet flavor and a high concentration of antioxidants. The tea possesses a distinctively strong fruity and floral aroma due to its cultivation in a lake island garden full of flowering fruit trees on the west side of the Dong Ting Mountains in the Jiang Su province of China. The area provides an ideal environment of mist and clouds year round and the tea is harvested only once a year in early spring.  Bi Luo Chun, like other types of Green Tea, helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, dental cavities, kidney stones, and cancer, while improving bone density and cognitive function. In addition, it boosts metabolism and has significant slimming effects. The tea is known to promote good skin tone and help reduce signs of aging due to its ample vitamin C, fluoride, and calcium.


  • 楠竹礼盒 大紅袍8g*12泡 楠竹礼盒 大紅袍8g*12泡

    楠竹礼盒 大紅袍8g*12泡

    楠竹礼盒 大紅袍8g*12泡 大红袍,是武夷岩茶的一种,产于福建武夷山,属乌龙茶,品质优异。中国特种名茶。大红袍很耐冲泡,冲泡七、八次仍有香味。品饮“大红袍”茶,必须按“工夫茶”小壶小杯细品慢饮的程式,才能真正品尝到岩茶之颠的禅茶韵味。注重活 、甘、清、香。 The name Big Red Robe originates from a story during the Ming Dynasty that the mother of an Emperor was cured of an illness by a tea. As a result, the Emperor sent men to Mount Wuyi to cover the bushes with big red robes. Those shrubs are still present today and only available in limited quantities. This tea is not to be missed when available. Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ / 100℃  212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 4 g Tea 8 g Tea Brewing time:  3 - 5 mins  8 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds


  • New Product
    Big Red Robe Gift Box Big Red Robe Gift Box

    Big Red Robe Gift Box

    正岩大红袍礼盒 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 福建武夷山Wuyishan, Fujian 茶类Sort: 清香型乌龙茶Fragrant Oolong Tea 等级Level: 特级Premium 采摘Season: 春秋两季Spring and Autumn Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 【茶品简介 Tea Description】 香气馥郁,高香且持久,岩韵极显。The aroma is rich and fragrant, high-spirited and long-lasting, with a very distinct rock rhyme. 【干茶描述 The Dry Tea Leaves】 条索紧实,色泽绿褐鲜润。The strips are tightly knotted, with a fresh and lustrous green-brown color. 【茶汤描述 Tea Liquor】 汤色橙黄,明亮。The liquor color is orange-yellow and bright. 【风味 Tea Taste】 茶水醇厚,顺滑度极好,回味感十足The tea is mellow, with an extremely good smoothness and a strong aftertaste. 【健康益处 Health benefits】 铁观音茶具有降脂减肥、预防心血管疾病,降脂减肥,提神醒脑,杀菌抑菌,抗衰老,预防老年痴呆症等功效。Old Bush Shui Xian tea can improve skin allergies, prevent aging, brighten and refine the skin, and help prevent plaque and cavities. It also helps dissolve fat, contributing to weight loss and slimming effects. Additionally, it has anti-tumor properties and can prevent aging, while eliminating harmful reactive oxygen species that damage beauty and health. 【适合人群 Recommended for】 老少咸宜。Suitable for all ages. 【冲泡器具 Brewing tools】 盖碗。Chinese Gaiwan 【冲泡方式 Brewing method】 投茶量8g克一泡,高温沸水冲泡!第一泡快速醒茶,第二泡10秒出汤,之后每一泡顺延10-30秒出汤。For each infusion, use 8 grams of tea leaves and brew with high-temperature boiling water! Quickly rinse the tea in the first infusion. Drain the tea soup in 10 seconds for the second infusion. Then, extend the pouring time by 10 - 30 seconds for each subsequent infusion.


  • 大红袍乌龙茶茶包 3g*30包 大红袍乌龙茶茶包 3g*30包

    大红袍乌龙茶茶包 3g*30包

    大红袍乌龙茶茶包(3g*30包) 大红袍,是武夷岩茶的一种,产于福建武夷山,属乌龙茶,品质优异。中国特种名茶。大红袍很耐冲泡,冲泡七、八次仍有香味。品饮“大红袍”茶,必须按“工夫茶”小壶小杯细品慢饮的程式,才能真正品尝到岩茶之颠的禅茶韵味。注重活 、甘、清、香。   Big Red Robe Oolong Tea (3g*30 Bag) Da Hong Pao Big Red Robe is a traditional, superfine grade Wuyi Rock Oolong from Fujian Province. The dark leaves produce an amber liquor that has a smooth, roasted, and stony flavor with long-lasting sweet notes of exotic flowers. Perfectly balanced Wuyi Mountain oolong is crafted to be an outstanding tea famous for its deep minerality, cooling aftertaste, and notes of caramel, nutmeg, lilac, juicy pear, and mild nutty cream. Dry Da Hong Pao tea leaves look like tightly knotted ropes or slightly twisted strips and are green and brown in color. After brewing, the tea is orange-yellow, bright, and clear.  Big Red Robe Oolong tea is rich in antioxidants, which are said to be a vasodilator that may help the blood to flow more easily through arteries so that it can help to protect against heart attacks, strokes, and cancer. Da Hong Pao contains caffeine, theophylline, tea polyphenols and flavonoids. A number of health benefits enhance the popularity of this rare tea. Drinking Da Hong Pao improves energy and helps blood circulation. It also treats edema (water retention) and decreases the bad effects of drinking and smoking. Drinking Da Hong Pao Big Red Robe tea regularly improves the complexion and helps to reduce cough and congestion.  There are famous stories about the origin of Da Hong Pao’s name. During the Ming Dynasty, there was a scholar who was very sick on his way to Beijing for an exam. A monk of Tianxin Temple found him and brewed a bowl of tea picked from Wuyi Mountain for the scholar. After drinking the tea, the scholar felt much better and more energetic. A few days later, he won first place in the exam. So he came back to the temple to thank the monk who had saved him. Later, he also used this tea to cure the emperor's illness. The emperor rewarded the scholar with a red robe and asked the scholar to put the red robe on the tea tree. The red robe was considered a high honor. The emperor ordered all officials passing through that place to put their red robes on those tea trees to show the emperor’s gratitude. Those tea trees are still present today and the tea is available only in limited quantities. It is a tea not to be missed!


  • 大紅袍烏龍茶 8oz

    大紅袍烏龍茶 8oz

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 福建 武夷山市  Fujian, China 品名Name: 大红袍 Big Red Robe (Da Hong Pao) 等级Level: 二级 Regular 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索紧结壮实,乌润有光泽Neat and tight, glossy fat strips in dark brown 茶汤Liquor: 汤色橙黄,岩韵醇厚,回味甘爽,香气悠长Orange red, Toasty and nutty with mild creamy notes 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 大红袍,是武夷岩茶的一种,产于福建武夷山,属乌龙茶,品质优异。中国特种名茶。大红袍很耐冲泡,冲泡七、八次仍有香味。品饮“大红袍”茶,必须按“工夫茶”小壶小杯细品慢饮的程式,才能真正品尝到岩茶之颠的禅茶韵味。注重活 、甘、清、香。 The name Big Red Robe originates from a story during the Ming Dynasty that the mother of an Emperor was cured of an illness by a tea. As a result, the Emperor sent men to Mount Wuyi to cover the bushes with big red robes. Those shrubs are still present today and only available in limited quantities. This tea is not to be missed when available. Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ / 100℃  212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 4 g Tea 8 g Tea Brewing time:  3 - 5 mins  8 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds


  • 大紅袍 春茶禮盒 大紅袍 春茶禮盒

    大紅袍 春茶禮盒

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 福建 武夷山市  Fujian, China 品名Name: 大红袍 Big Red Robe (Da Hong Pao) 等级Level: 特级 Supreme 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索紧结壮实,乌润有光泽Neat and tight, glossy fat strips in dark brown 茶汤Liquor: 汤色橙黄,岩韵醇厚,回味甘爽,香气悠长Orange red, Toasty and nutty with mild creamy notes 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 大红袍,是武夷岩茶的一种,产于福建武夷山,属乌龙茶,品质优异。中国特种名茶。大红袍很耐冲泡,冲泡七、八次仍有香味。品饮“大红袍”茶,必须按“工夫茶”小壶小杯细品慢饮的程式,才能真正品尝到岩茶之颠的禅茶韵味。注重活 、甘、清、香。 The name Big Red Robe originates from a story during the Ming Dynasty that the mother of an Emperor was cured of an illness by a tea. As a result, the Emperor sent men to Mount Wuyi to cover the bushes with big red robes. Those shrubs are still present today and only available in limited quantities. This tea is not to be missed when available. Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ / 100℃  212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 4 g Tea 8 g Tea Brewing time:  3 - 5 mins  8 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds


  • CAM 华美博物馆 x 永合丰 茶话会 茶叶礼盒 CAM 华美博物馆 x 永合丰 茶话会 茶叶礼盒

    CAM 华美博物馆 x 永合丰 茶话会 茶叶礼盒

    CAM 华美博物馆 x 永合丰 茶话会 茶叶礼盒 同时享用五款不用韵味口感的茶香,自用送礼两相宜 内含五款精选茶叶礼盒: 热带风情花果茶 有机毛峰 荔枝红茶 高山乌龙茶 橙皮白茶


  • CHENPICUN 2019 RuiHuaXiang Gan Pu-Erh Tea CHENPICUN 2019 RuiHuaXiang Gan Pu-Erh Tea

    $129.99 - $298.99

  • New Product
    CHENPICUN Ben Wei Tangerine Peel Pu-Erh (500g) CHENPICUN Ben Wei Tangerine Peel Pu-Erh (500g)

    CHENPICUN Ben Wei Tangerine Peel Pu-Erh (500g)

    陈皮村 本味大红柑普洱茶 500g 陈皮村本味大红柑普洱茶,将新会大红柑与云南普洱茶完美融合,以其独特的风味、精湛的工艺和高品质的原料,成为茶饮爱好者的不二之选,开启一场柑韵茶香的美妙之旅。 一、原料上乘,品质之源 陈皮村本味大红柑普洱茶,精选优质原料。大红柑源自新会核心产区,这里独特的水土条件与气候环境,赋予柑果浓郁的香气和丰富的内涵物质。每一颗大红柑都饱满圆润,在成熟之际采摘,保留了最佳的风味与营养。云南大叶种普洱茶,经过精心发酵,茶叶条索紧结,色泽褐红,内质丰富,为这款茶的醇厚口感奠定了坚实基础。 二、工艺精湛,匠心独运 在制作过程中,遵循传统工艺与现代技术相结合的方式。将成熟的大红柑掏空,填入优质的普洱茶叶,经过晾晒、干燥等多道严谨工序,让柑皮与茶叶充分融合。这一过程不仅保留了大红柑的天然果香,还使普洱茶吸收了柑皮的独特韵味,形成了独特的风味。每一个步骤都严格把控,确保茶叶的品质和口感达到最佳状态。 三、口感醇厚,韵味悠长 打开茶罐,浓郁的柑香与茶香扑鼻而来,瞬间让人感受到大自然的馈赠。冲泡后,茶汤红浓透亮,如琥珀般诱人。入口醇厚顺滑,柑香与茶香在口腔中交织,既有大红柑的清新果香,又有普洱茶的醇厚回甘,层次丰富,回味无穷。细细品味,仿佛能感受到新会的阳光雨露和云南茶山的气息,给人带来一种身心愉悦的享受。 四、包装精美,品质保障 采用 500g 金属罐装,金色的外观设计精美大气,彰显品质与格调。罐身印有精致的图案和标识,不仅具有观赏性,还能有效保护茶叶。良好的密封性可以防潮、防异味,确保茶叶在储存过程中保持新鲜和品质稳定。无论是自己享用还是馈赠亲友,都十分合适。 五、饮用便捷,养生佳选 无论是在忙碌的工作间隙,还是休闲的时光里,都可以轻松冲泡一杯本味大红柑普洱茶。取适量茶叶放入杯中,用沸水冲泡,等待片刻,即可享受这份醇厚与清新。大红柑和普洱茶都具有一定的保健功效,长期饮用有助于促进消化、提神醒脑等,是一款兼具口感与养生价值的茶饮。 CHENPICUN Ben Wei Tangerine Peel Pu-Erh (500g) Chenpicun Ben Wei Big Red Mandarin Pu - er Tea perfectly combines Xinhui big red mandarins and Yunnan Pu - er tea. With its unique flavor, exquisite craftsmanship, and high - quality raw materials, it has become the best choice for tea - lovers, starting a wonderful journey of mandarin aroma and tea flavor. I. Premium Raw Materials, the Source of Quality Chenpicun Ben Wei Big Red Mandarin Pu - er Tea selects high - quality raw materials. The big red mandarins are sourced from the core production areas of Xinhui. The unique soil and water conditions and climate environment there endow the citrus fruits with a strong aroma and rich internal substances. Each big red mandarin is plump and round, picked at the peak of ripeness to retain the best flavor and nutrients. The Yunnan large - leaf Pu - er tea, after careful fermentation, has tightly - knotted tea strips, a brownish - red color, and rich internal substances, laying a solid foundation for the mellow taste of this tea. II. Exquisite Craftsmanship, Ingenious Spirit In the production process, it combines traditional techniques with modern technology. The ripe big red mandarins are hollowed out and filled with high - quality Pu - er tea leaves. Through multiple rigorous procedures such as sun - drying and drying, the mandarin peels and tea leaves are fully integrated. This process not only preserves the natural citrus aroma of the big red mandarins but also allows the Pu - er tea to absorb the unique flavor of the mandarin peels, forming a unique flavor. Every step is strictly controlled to ensure that the quality and taste of the tea reach the best state. III. Mellow Taste, Long - lasting Aroma When you open the tea can, a rich citrus and tea aroma rushes to your nose, instantly making you feel the gifts of nature. After brewing, the tea soup is rich red and translucent, as tempting as amber. It tastes mellow and smooth when sipped. The citrus aroma and tea aroma interweave in the mouth, with both the fresh citrus aroma of the big red mandarins and the mellow sweet aftertaste of the Pu - er tea, presenting rich layers and an endless aftertaste. When you savor it carefully, you seem to be able to feel the sunshine and rain in Xinhui and the atmosphere of the tea mountains in Yunnan, bringing a pleasant physical and mental enjoyment. IV. Exquisite Packaging, Quality Assurance It is packaged in a 500g metal can. The golden appearance is exquisitely designed, elegant and grand, highlighting quality and style. The can is printed with delicate patterns and logos, which are not only ornamental but also can effectively protect the tea. Good airtightness can prevent moisture and odors, ensuring that the tea remains fresh and stable in quality during storage. Whether for personal enjoyment or as a gift for relatives and friends, it is very suitable. V. Convenient to Drink, an Excellent Health - promoting Choice Whether during a busy work break or in leisure time, you can easily brew a cup of Ben Wei Big Red Mandarin Pu - er Tea. Take an appropriate amount of tea leaves and put them in a cup, pour boiling water over them, and wait for a while to enjoy this mellow and fresh taste. Both big red mandarins and Pu - er tea have certain health - promoting effects. Long - term drinking helps with digestion, refreshing the mind, etc., making it a tea beverage that combines taste and health - promoting value.


  • CHENPICUN ChenLiJi Tangerine Peel Pu-Erh Tea Small Can CHENPICUN ChenLiJi Tangerine Peel Pu-Erh Tea Small Can

    CHENPICUN ChenLiJi Tangerine Peel Pu-Erh Tea Small Can

    陈皮村 陈李济 陈皮普洱小罐茶礼盒 (96g)

  • CHENPICUN RouQing XiaoQingGan White Tea (250g) CHENPICUN RouQing XiaoQingGan White Tea (250g)

    CHENPICUN RouQing XiaoQingGan White Tea (250g)

    陈皮村 若晴小青柑白茶 250g/罐 陈皮村若晴小青柑白茶,是兼具美味与品质的特色茶饮,无论是资深茶客品鉴,还是日常健康茶饮需求,都能完美满足,开启舌尖上的美妙之旅。 一、柑茶相融,风味独特 陈皮村若晴小青柑白茶,巧妙融合新会小青柑与优质白茶。新会小青柑,果形小巧玲珑,洋溢着清新果香;优质白茶,毫香清幽。二者搭配,碰撞出别具一格的风味。冲泡后,茶汤澄澈明亮,入口滋味甜润醇厚,小青柑的清新与白茶的淡雅相互交织,带来层次丰富的品茶体验。 二、精选原料,品质卓越 小青柑严选新会核心产区所产,当地独特的水土、气候条件,孕育出香气浓郁、营养丰富的柑果。白茶则选自优质产区,芽叶肥壮多毫,内质丰富。二者均为上乘之选,从源头上确保了产品的高品质。 三、传统工艺,匠心独具 制作过程严格遵循传统工艺。小青柑经清洗、晾晒等工序处理后,填入精心挑选的白茶,再经干燥等多道严谨工序,使柑与茶完美融合。每一个环节都凝聚着匠人的心血与专注,确保产品品质稳定、风味纯正。 四、便捷包装,品质保障 采用 250g 罐装,黄色铁罐外观精美,印有雅致图案,颇具美感。良好的密封性可有效防潮、防异味,长久保持茶叶的新鲜与品质。罐内独立小包装设计,方便携带与冲泡,无论是居家自饮、办公小憩,还是外出旅行,都能随时随地享受这份清新茶香。 CHENPICUN RouQing XiaoQingGan White Tea (250g) Chenpicun Ruoqing Small Green Mandarin White Tea is a special tea with both delicious taste and high quality. Whether for senior tea - lovers to taste or for daily healthy tea - drinking needs, it can be perfectly satisfied, starting a wonderful journey on the tip of the tongue. I. Fusion of Mandarin and Tea, Unique Flavor Chenpincun Ruoqing Small Green Mandarin White Tea skillfully combines Xinhui small green mandarins and high - quality white tea. The Xinhui small green mandarins are small and delicate in shape, exuding a fresh citrus aroma; the high - quality white tea has a faint and elegant hair - like aroma. The combination of the two creates a unique flavor. After brewing, the tea soup is clear and bright. When sipping, the taste is sweet and mellow, with the freshness of small green mandarins and the elegance of white tea interweaving, bringing a tea - tasting experience with rich layers. II. Selected Raw Materials, Outstanding Quality The small green mandarins are strictly selected from the core production areas in Xinhui. The unique soil, water and climate conditions there give birth to citrus fruits with a strong aroma and rich nutrients. The white tea is selected from high - quality production areas, with plump and hairy buds and leaves, rich in internal substances. Both are top - notch choices, ensuring the high quality of the product from the source. III. Traditional Craftsmanship, Ingenious Spirit The production process strictly follows traditional techniques. After the small green mandarins are processed through procedures such as cleaning and sun - drying, the carefully selected white tea is filled in, and then through multiple rigorous procedures such as drying, the mandarins and tea are perfectly integrated. Every link embodies the efforts and concentration of the craftsmen, ensuring the stable quality and pure flavor of the product. IV. Convenient Packaging, Quality Assurance It is packaged in 250g cans. The yellow iron cans have an exquisite appearance, printed with elegant patterns, which are quite aesthetic. Good air - tightness can effectively prevent moisture and peculiar smells, maintaining the freshness and quality of the tea for a long time. The independent small - package design inside the can is convenient for carrying and brewing. Whether drinking at home, taking a break in the office, or traveling, you can enjoy this fresh tea aroma anytime, anywhere.



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