台灣特產 化應子 乾果蜜餞 110g
台湾特产 海龙王牌 化应子 干果蜜饯110g HLW Preserved Plum 110g Dried plums, or prunes, are known for improving several health conditions, including constipation and osteoporosis. They Contain Many Nutrients Vitamin A: 5% of the RDI. Vitamin C: 10% of the RDI. Vitamin K: 5% of the RDI. Potassium: 3% of the RDI Known by many as the ‘Kingdom of Fruit’, Taiwan excels at growing a diverse array of delicious fruits that are available year-round thanks to Taiwan’s suitable climate, geographical location, skillful farmers, and creative use of agricultural technology. . . . Local people appreciate dried fruits as a gastronomic delight; they offer delectable flavors, convenient transport and storage, and ease of sharing while socializing with families and friends. Hence, dried fruits are popular snacks at festivals and parties.
日本北海道昆布/日本海带 8oz
日本北海道昆布/日本海带 8oz 昆布是調整酸性體質的最佳天然鹼性食品 昆布含熱量低,礦物質含量非常豐富,是牛奶的23倍,鈣約是39倍。顏色呈灰黑色,為細長昆布中產量最多的一種。肉厚味美,燉煮後仍能保持鮮味及韌度,口感中稍微帶有一點甜味。在日本西元797年,當時昆布是被當作貢品,是相當珍貴的。昆布是生長在寒帶海域的一種海藻,市場上所食用的昆布約有 90 % 是產自北海道。同時含有幫助恢復疲勞、提高思考力及美肌作用。昆布也是很好鹼性食品,能夠讓我們因為攝取大量肉類或加工食品而傾向酸性的體質,保持為健康的弱鹼性體質。適合煮湯和涼拌,都非常美味,有這麼多的好處,是我們日常飲食不可或缺的健康養生食材。使用方法:將昆布浸泡於水中待軟,即可用於各式烹調料理中。 昆布外面有一層白霜樣物質原是由海帶體內滲出的甘露醇 ,甘露醇易溶於水,在泡發海帶的時間不可過長更不要洗 除,應儘量保留以利吸收利用。
HYT Black Goji Berries Juice
华药堂黑枸杞原浆 210ml(30mlx7袋) 【配料】黑枸杞原浆【食用方法】开袋即食,冷藏口感更佳。【贮存条件】置于阴凉干燥处保存,避免阳光直射。【温馨提示】1.果汁中含有少量果肉,饮用前摇一摇。2.若胀包或渗漏请勿饮用。3.过敏体质者请谨慎使用本品。【保质期】18个月 HYT Black Goji Berries Juice 【Ingredients】 Goji Berries Juice【Suggested Use】 Ready to eat, refrigerated for better taste【Storage】 Store in a cool and dry place, keep away from direct sunlight.【Notes 】1.Juice contains a small amount of pub, please shake well before drinking.2.Please do not drink if the package is swollen leaking.3.Please consume this product with caution if you are allergic【Shelf Life】18 months
HZW Dark Brown Sugar 500g
仙知味 黑砂糖 500g 原料:成份:蔗糖、糖蜜 净含量/重量:500g 食用方法:用途:冷热饮冲泡:冲泡咖啡或冰凉饮料,皆可添加本产品,更加香浓美味。糕饼烘焙:西点面包、蛋糕及中式糕饼皆适合使用本品,其风味、口感绝佳,是不可或缺的添加品。炖煮卤味:炖煮猪脚红烧蹄膀、卤味等,适量添加黑糖,不须另加味素、砂糖、绝对有色、香、味俱佳之上等