, by Web Admin Welcome to the Year of the Snake
Welcome to the Year of the Snake Highly revered in traditional Chinese culture, the Snake is noble, wise, mysterious, and curious. Outwardly shimmering, glistening, and...
, by Web Admin Pretty Plum Drink
Enjoy Pretty Plum Drink 酸梅湯Delicious, refreshing, cooling and rejuvenating! Perfect for summer or any time! This drink offers a healthy beauty treat with its vibrant...
, by Web Admin Chinese Medicine for GERD
Chinese Medicine for GERD GERD aka acid reflux has become a popular topic due to our high anxiety, food-gulping and sedentary lifestyles. What is it?
, by Web Admin Chinese herbal medicine for Children
Chinese herbal medicine for Children In Chinese medicine, there are four main methods of treating children: Diet, Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese pediatric massage, and acupuncture....
, by Web Admin Dragon Foods: Longan Fruit
Dragon Foods: Longan Fruit 龍眼 In honor of the Year of the Dragon, we are celebrating Dragon themed foods and medicines. The Chinese Dragon is known...
, by Web Admin 中秋普洱茶
中秋普洱茶 嫦娥女神喝下仙茶丹藥,飄上了月亮。我們在中秋節期間慶祝她的美麗和充滿活力的健康。然而,當我們享受美味的中國茶時,美麗和健康才會長久。
, by Web Admin 水兔年
水兔年 十二生肖的動物不僅僅是幸運數字和性格;它們象徵著與中國古代文化遺產的深厚聯繫。兔子在中國歷史、神話和習俗中有著獨特的地位。
, by Web Admin 我們秋天的金屬元素
傳統中醫 (TCM) 理論認為,我們是自然的一部分,由水、木、火、土、金元素組成。每個元素都有相應的器官系統及其功能。五元素是內分泌系統的古老闡述。
, by Web Admin 端午節快樂
, by Web Admin 槐花、槐花蜜
槐花、槐花蜜 飽受酷暑之苦嗎?頭痛、鼻血、眼紅、高血壓?許多清涼解毒的草藥都很苦。槐花、槐花蜜,又名槐花、槐花蜜,性味溫和宜人。
, by Web Admin 草藥救援-抗疲勞
草藥救援-抗疲勞 抗疲勞配方中含有緩解充血和改善呼吸的草藥,例如藿香,一種強心劑,可以減輕皰疹不適。
, by Web Admin 慶祝端午節
端午節 端午節 一年一度的端午節於2021年6月14日舉行,是中國的公共假期,已有2000多年的歷史。有幾個傳說描述了這個節日的起源。最受歡迎的是紀念著名詩人、政治家屈原的生死和他的愛國愛國之情。