Search results for "川贝母"
精选 川貝母/川贝(4 oz/3 两)
精选 川貝母/川贝(4 oz/3 两) 性味 味甘、苦;性微寒 功效 川贝为百合科植物川贝母、暗紫贝母、甘肃贝母、梭砂贝母的干燥鳞茎。 主治虚劳咳嗽,吐痰咯血,心胸郁结,肺痿,肺痈,瘿瘤,廉疬,喉痹,乳痈。 经脉 归肺经;心经 主治 清热润肺,散结,化痰止咳。治虚劳咳嗽,吐痰咯血,心胸郁结,肺痿,肺痈,瘿瘤,廉疬,喉痹,乳痈。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~9g;研末,1~1.5g;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 脾胃虚寒及寒痰、湿痰者慎服。反乌头。 【食疗方】 1.贝母甲鱼 甲鱼1只,川贝母5克,鸡汤1000克,料酒、盐、花椒、生姜、葱各适量。将甲鱼切块放入蒸钵中,加入鸡汤、川贝母、盐、料酒、花椒、姜、葱,上蒸笼蒸1小时即成。有滋阴补肺之功。佐餐食。 功效 适用于慢性支气管炎、肺结核患者,秋季咳嗽气喘、低热、盗汗,也是各种慢性疾病至秋天出现干燥症状的滋补品。 2.贝母梨罐 原料:川贝母,荸荠,梨,莲子。 将梨去皮挖空,川贝熬成药液,荸荠、莲子切成丁,青红丝切丁。贝母汁、荸荠丁、莲子丁、青红丝丁用冰糖拌匀,装入梨罐内,上笼蒸1刻钟。取 出后,熬冰糖卤浇在梨罐上即可。 功效 清宣肺气,止咳化痰。主治痰热咳嗽,咳痰不爽。平人食之胸胁舒畅,声音洪亮。 3.贝母酿梨 川贝母12克,雪梨6个,冬瓜条100克,糯米100克,冰糖100克,白矾3克。先将糯米蒸熟,冬瓜条切成黄豆大颗粒,川贝母研成粉末,白矾溶化成溶液。再雪梨去皮,由蒂把处切下作盖,挖出梨核,浸没在白矾溶液内,以防变色。然后将梨在沸水中烫一下,捞出放入凉水中冲凉后,放入碗内。再将糯米、冬瓜条粒、冰糖屑拌匀,再将川贝粉和入,分别装入雪梨中,盖好蒂把,放入碗内,上蒸笼蒸约60分钟左右,至梨扒烂即成。另在锅内加清水300克,置武火烧沸后,放入冰糖,溶化收浓汁,待梨出蒸笼时,逐个浇在梨上。每日早晚各吃梨1个。 功效 润肺化痰,止咳止血。主治肺阴虚证的干咳无痰或痰少难出、肺痈咳嗽咯血等症。感冒咳嗽、痰饮喘咳,凡痰多清稀易咯出者不宜服用。 4.川贝母雪梨 川贝母5~10克,雪梨(莱阳梨、花梨亦可)1只,冰糖少许。将川贝母捣碎,冰糖捣碎,雪梨去皮切两半,挖去中央的核,将川贝冰糖末纳入所挖的孔中,两半梨重新合好,用新竹签固定,放碗内隔水炖60分钟。梨熟烂后食梨及川贝母。每日1剂,连用1周。 功效 滋阴润肺,清热化痰。主治感冒后期,咳嗽日久不愈,痰少而粘,咽干口渴。婴幼儿及老人用之尤宜。 5.贝母枇杷膏 枇杷叶70克,川贝母7克,麦芽糖70克,蜂蜜适量。枇杷叶煎水2次,滤取浓汁,加川贝末、麦芽糖、蜂蜜熬成膏即可。每日2次,每次10毫升,开水冲服。 功效 宣肺化痰止咳。主治慢性支气管炎等症。 Unibract Fritillary Bulb/Chuan Bei(4 oz/3 Tael) Fritillaria is a common ingredient in Chinese loquat cough syrups. Fritillaria cirrhosa, known as chuanbeimu (chuan = from Sichuan Province) has a very small corm which is considered superior, in terms of medicinal benefits, to the larger corm from Fritillaria thunbergii (zhebeimu from Zhejiang Province.) According to traditional descriptions fritillaria is slightly cold, and affects the lungs to clear heat and moisten dryness, is used for hot-type bronchitis with dry cough and the heart to calm “heart fire” [with possible anxiety, palpitations] Fritillaria has also been used for treating lumps beneath the skin, such as scrofulous swellings and breast lumps; it has been adopted into some Chinese herb formulas for treating cancersFrom the manufacturer: The taste is sweet and bitter; and it is slightly cold in nature. Chuanbei is the dry bulb of Liliaceae Fritillaria Chuanxi, Fritillaria dark purple, Fritillaria Gansu, and Fritillaria halodendron. Indications are cough due to fatigue, spitting blood and hemoptysis, cardiothoracic depression, pulmonary dysfunction, pulmonary carbuncle, gallbladder tumor, schizophrenia, pharyngitis, mastoid carbuncle. It enters the Lung and Heart meridians. Indications: To clear away heat [inflammation] and moisturize the lungs, dispel lumps, resolve phlegm and relieve cough. It has been used to ‘cure asthenia, spitting blood, hemoptysis, cardiothoracic depression, pulmonary dysfunction, pulmonary carbuncle, gallbladder tumor, clean malaria, throat numbness, snd milk carbuncle.’ Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 3~9g; ground powder, 1~1.5g; or into pills or powder. Cautions: Pay attention to allergies. Patients who are weak and have cold spleen and stomach symptoms such as chronic diarrhea, cold phlegm and wet phlegm should use it with caution. Do not use it with aconitum. Diet Therapy1. Fritillaria pear jar Ingredients: Chuanbei Fritillaria, Water Chestnut, Pears, Lotus Seed, Rock Sugar to taste. Peel the pears, hollow them out and cut them into strips, boil the Chuanbei into a medicinal liquid, cut the water chestnuts and add the lotus seeds. Add Fritillary juice, diced water chestnuts, lotus seeds, and diced pears in a pear jar, and steam it for 1 quarter of an hour. After taking it out, boil the rock sugar liquid and pour it into the pear jar. Efficacy: clears lung qi, relieves cough and reduces phlegm. Indications of phlegm-heat cough, uncomfortable expectoration. Improves chest and flanks comfort, and strengthens the voice. 2. Fritillaria Stuffed Pears Ingredients:12 grams of Chuan Fritillaria, 6 Sydney pears, 100 grams of wax gourd strips, 100 grams of glutinous rice, 100 grams of rock sugar, 3 grams of alum. The glutinous rice is first steamed, the wax gourd strips are cut into large cubes, the Fritillaria cirrhosa is ground into powder, and the alum is dissolved into a solution. Peel the Sydney pear, cut off the stalk to make a cover, dig out the pear core, and immerse it in the alum solution to prevent discoloration. Then blanch the pears in boiling water, remove them, and rinse them in cold water, then put them in a bowl. Then mix the glutinous rice, winter melon [or wax gourd] strips, and rock sugar shavings. Then add the Chuanbei powder and put them into the Sydney pears. Cover the stems and put them in a bowl. Steam them in a steamer for about 60 minutes until the pears are soft. In addition, boil 300 grams of water and melt rock sugar and pour it over the pears one by one when they come out of the steamer. Eat 1 pear each morning and evening. Efficacy: Nourishes the lungs and resolves phlegm, relieves dry cough and stops bleeding. Indications include dry cough with no phlegm or less phlegm, pulmonary carbuncle, [emphysema] cough and hemoptysis. It is not suitable for people with colds with weakness, wheezing and wet cough. 3. Fritillaria cirrhosa, Sydney Ingredients:Chuan Fritillaria 5-10 grams, 1 Sydney pear (Laiyang pear, Huali can also be used), a little rock sugar. Mash Chuanbei Fritillaria, mash the rock sugar, peel the Sydney pear and cut in half, dig out the center core; put Chuanbei, rock sugar powder into the pear, reassemble the two halves of the pear, fixing it with a bamboo toothpick, and put it in a bowl Simmer the pears in water for 60 minutes. Eat the pears and Fritillaria when the pears are done. Take 1 dose daily for 1 week. Efficacy: Nourishes yin and nourishes lungs, clears away heat and reduces phlegm Indications: Useful for the later stage of a cold, when a cough does not heal for a long time, when the phlegm is sparse and sticky, the throat is dry and thirsty. Especially suitable for infants and the elderly. 4. Fritillaria loquat paste Ingredients:70 grams of loquat leaves, 7 grams of Fritillaria, 70 grams of maltose, appropriate amount of honey. Decoct the loquat leaves twice, filter out the thick juice, add Chuanbei powder, maltose, and honey to make a paste. Take 10 ml each time with boiling water 2 times a day. Efficacy: Autumn allergies, [eye itch, nasal itching, sneezing, running nose, nasal obstruction, cough, suffocation, and wheezing.] relieves cough. Indications for chronic bronchitis and other diseases.
野生原色 小金川/ 川貝母(1.33 oz/1两)
野生原色 小金川/川贝(1.33 oz/1两) 性味 味甘、苦;性微寒 功效 川贝为百合科植物川贝母、暗紫贝母、甘肃贝母、梭砂贝母的干燥鳞茎。 主治虚劳咳嗽,吐痰咯血,心胸郁结,肺痿,肺痈,瘿瘤,廉疬,喉痹,乳痈。 经脉 归肺经;心经 主治 清热润肺,散结,化痰止咳。治虚劳咳嗽,吐痰咯血,心胸郁结,肺痿,肺痈,瘿瘤,廉疬,喉痹,乳痈。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~9g;研末,1~1.5g;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 脾胃虚寒及寒痰、湿痰者慎服。反乌头。 【食疗方】 1.贝母甲鱼 甲鱼1只,川贝母5克,鸡汤1000克,料酒、盐、花椒、生姜、葱各适量。将甲鱼切块放入蒸钵中,加入鸡汤、川贝母、盐、料酒、花椒、姜、葱,上蒸笼蒸1小时即成。有滋阴补肺之功。佐餐食。 功效 适用于慢性支气管炎、肺结核患者,秋季咳嗽气喘、低热、盗汗,也是各种慢性疾病至秋天出现干燥症状的滋补品。 2.贝母梨罐 原料:川贝母,荸荠,梨,莲子。 将梨去皮挖空,川贝熬成药液,荸荠、莲子切成丁,青红丝切丁。贝母汁、荸荠丁、莲子丁、青红丝丁用冰糖拌匀,装入梨罐内,上笼蒸1刻钟。取 出后,熬冰糖卤浇在梨罐上即可。 功效 清宣肺气,止咳化痰。主治痰热咳嗽,咳痰不爽。平人食之胸胁舒畅,声音洪亮。 3.贝母酿梨 川贝母12克,雪梨6个,冬瓜条100克,糯米100克,冰糖100克,白矾3克。先将糯米蒸熟,冬瓜条切成黄豆大颗粒,川贝母研成粉末,白矾溶化成溶液。再雪梨去皮,由蒂把处切下作盖,挖出梨核,浸没在白矾溶液内,以防变色。然后将梨在沸水中烫一下,捞出放入凉水中冲凉后,放入碗内。再将糯米、冬瓜条粒、冰糖屑拌匀,再将川贝粉和入,分别装入雪梨中,盖好蒂把,放入碗内,上蒸笼蒸约60分钟左右,至梨扒烂即成。另在锅内加清水300克,置武火烧沸后,放入冰糖,溶化收浓汁,待梨出蒸笼时,逐个浇在梨上。每日早晚各吃梨1个。 功效 润肺化痰,止咳止血。主治肺阴虚证的干咳无痰或痰少难出、肺痈咳嗽咯血等症。感冒咳嗽、痰饮喘咳,凡痰多清稀易咯出者不宜服用。 4.川贝母雪梨 川贝母5~10克,雪梨(莱阳梨、花梨亦可)1只,冰糖少许。将川贝母捣碎,冰糖捣碎,雪梨去皮切两半,挖去中央的核,将川贝冰糖末纳入所挖的孔中,两半梨重新合好,用新竹签固定,放碗内隔水炖60分钟。梨熟烂后食梨及川贝母。每日1剂,连用1周。 功效 滋阴润肺,清热化痰。主治感冒后期,咳嗽日久不愈,痰少而粘,咽干口渴。婴幼儿及老人用之尤宜。 5.贝母枇杷膏 枇杷叶70克,川贝母7克,麦芽糖70克,蜂蜜适量。枇杷叶煎水2次,滤取浓汁,加川贝末、麦芽糖、蜂蜜熬成膏即可。每日2次,每次10毫升,开水冲服。 功效 宣肺化痰止咳。主治慢性支气管炎等症。
龍牙百合(8 oz)
龙牙百合(8oz) 性味 甘;微苦;微寒 功效 本品为百合科植物卷丹、百合或细叶百合的干燥肉质鳞叶。 主治肺燥或阴虚久嗽,咳唾痰血;热病后余热来清,虚烦惊悸,神志恍惚;脚气浮肿。 经脉 心经;肺经 主治 养阴润肺,止咳,清心安神。治肺燥或阴虚久嗽,咳唾痰血;热病后余热来清,虚烦惊悸,神志恍惚;脚气浮肿。 (1)润肺止咳:用于肺燥或阴虚之咳嗽、咯血,常配川贝。 (2)清心安神:用于热性病后余热不清、虚烦不眠、神志恍惚,常配地黄。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~12g;或入丸、散;亦可蒸食、煮粥。 外用:适量,捣敷。 注意禁忌 风寒咳嗽及中寒便溏者忌服。 Dry Lily Bulb/ Long Ya Bai He (8 oz) Pleasant tasting, sweet; slightly bitter; Its actions are slightly cooling. This product is called dried succulent lily bulb, leaves of lily plant, lily of the valley, or lily. It treats lung dryness or chronic “yin deficiency,” coughing, spitting bloody phlegm, following fever with residual inflammation, anxiety, palpitations, dizziness and edema. It enters the Heart and Lung Channels. Indications Nourishes Yin (enhances fluids and tissue in lung, stomach and kidney,) nourishes the lungs, relieves cough, and calms the mind. It improves chronic lung dryness. Major herbal combinations: (1) For cough and hemoptysis (bloody nose) from lung dryness or yin deficiency, it is often used with Chuan Bei Mu (Tendrilled Fritillaria Bulb) (2) For Clearing the mind and calming the nerves, “turbid heat” mental confusion after fever, insomnia, mental confusion it is often used with Rehmannia glutinosa. Dosage: Oral: Jiantang, 6~12g; or pill and powder; steamed or porridge. Topical: Appropriate amount, apply. Cautions: People with cough and cold and diarrhea should not take it.
十三太保養生茶 (3oz)
十三太保養生茶 Pregnancy Protection / 13 Herbal Soup / Shi San Tai Bao Herbal Soup 材料 : 當歸、白芍、川芎、灸草、菟絲、川貝、 川朴、枳殼、羌活、荊芥、祈艾、黃芩、北茋 是中医著名妇科良方,出自《傅青主女科·补集》。由十三味中药组成。以前中国民间妇女在妊娠期,常会到中药店购买“十三太保”方药来煎服,以期保母子健康平安。 十三太保的功效为安胎、催产。主治胎动不安、腰酸腹痛,以及难产,可用于纠正胎位;也用于妊娠呕吐、痰水、心中郁闷、头重目眩、恶闻食气或胎动不安、腰腹卒痛、下血不止。适合怀孕七个月以后,胎位不正、胎动不安的孕妇吃的。 用法: 煎服,五碗水煎成一碗后内服。 孕婦若要服用此方,必須先向中醫師諮詢。 Pregnancy Protection 13 Herbal Soup 十三太保 (Shi San Tai Bao Herbal Soup) Effect: 13-week protector, prevention of miscarriage in early pregnancy, adjusts Qi and blood circulation Pregnancy Protection contains well-known blood tonics that were traditionally considered “women’s herbs” because they regulate menstruation, reduce pain and support healthy blood production. They include dong quai/tang kuei (angelica sinensis) and ligusticum. Research indicates that the combination of white peony, used for menstrual pain and excess menstruation, and angelica is considered safe for pregnancy. Anxiety may be a causative factor in miscarriage especially with first-time mothers. Pregnancy Protection has added magnolia bark to improve sleep and ease stress and anxiety. It lends protection against oxidation and inflammation. The mother’s body pain may weaken her energy reserve and endanger the pregnancy. Pregnancy Protection has added a noted analgesic herb notopterygium root. It encourages sweating to rid the body of aches and chills made worse by stress, weakness, excess cold raw foods, or inclement weather; it supports joints and may ease upper extremity pain and body aches. Ingredients: Radix Angelica, dong quai, Rhizoma ligustici root, White peony root, Radix Astragalus, Officinal magnolia bark, Licorice root, Artemisiae Argyi Folium, Immature Trifoliate-orange Fruit , Fineleaf schizonepeta herb, Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii, Notopterygium root Directions: Add five bowls of water. Boil five bowls of water into one bowl, then filter and take the soup. The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: The traditional method to prepare this sort of herbal mixture is “五碗水煎至一碗: Boil five bowls of water down to one” which makes a water extract. However, if you are new to Chinese herbs, you may find their smell to be strong and the taste rather bitter sweet. We suggest that you become acquainted with them gradually. Empty the package of herbs into – quarts of water and simmer them for up to 30 minutes. A non-metal pot works best. If you have it use a ceramic coated or glass pot. The same herbs may be used again, the second cooking can be as long as 1 hour. Inhale the steam to get acquainted with the herbs. They may help clear congestion and feel relaxing. Allow the mixture to cool until it is comfortably warm. Drink up to a cup once or twice daily between meals. Please consult your physician before using this product.
西藏 珍品 冬蟲夏草 禮盒 72條
西藏 珍品 冬蟲夏草 禮盒 72條 性味 甘,平。 归经 归肺、肾经。 功效 补肾益肺,止血化痰。 主治 1、阳痿遗精,腰膝酸痛:本品补肾益精,有兴阳起痿之功。用治肾阳不足,精血亏虚之阳痿遗精、腰膝酸痛。 2、久咳虚喘,劳嗽痰血:本品甘平,为平补肺肾之佳品,功能补肾益肺、止血化痰、止咳平喘,尤为劳嗽痰血多用。 相关配伍 1、治肾阳不足,精血亏虚之阳痿遗精、腰膝酸痛可单用浸酒服,或与淫羊藿、杜仲、巴戟天等补阳药配成复方用。 2、治劳嗽痰血多用。可单用,或与沙参、川贝母、生地、麦冬等同用。若肺肾两虚,摄纳无权,气虚作喘者,可与人参、黄芪、胡桃肉等同用。 3、治病后体虚不复或自汗畏寒,可以本品与鸡、鸭、猪肉等炖服,有补肾固本,补肺益卫之功。 Tibetan Cordyceps Gift Box (72 pcs/box) 6 Benefits of Cordyceps, All Backed by Science May Boost Exercise Performance. ... Anti-Aging Properties. ... Potential Anti-Tumor Effects. ... May Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes. ... Possible Benefits for Heart Health. ... May Help Fight Inflammation. When winter comes, the Cordyceps fungus attacks the caterpillars which live in the high mountain region of China. The mycelium invades and replaces the host and becomes an herb in summer. Cordyceps are very sensitive to the optimal temperature and humidity, and it can't be cultivated in an artificial environment. The lower growth rate makes it very rare and expensive. The best of the cordyceps are grown in Tibet, Sichuan, and Qinghai in China. Cordyceps has a very long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine for strengthening the immune system, improving athletic performance, reducing the effects of aging, promoting longer life, and improving liver function.Note: This statement has not been evaluated by FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and prevent any disease. This product contains 72 pcs of cordyceps, weight might varies. From the manufacturer: The main active ingredient of Cordyceps sinensis is cordycepin, which has many functions such as regulating immune system function, anti-tumor, anti-fatigue, nourishing lung and kidney, stopping bleeding and resolving phlegm, enhancing essence and nourishing qi. Edible methods include powder, soaking in wine, and soaking in water. Cordyceps is mainly produced in the alpine regions and snow-capped grasslands of Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu, Guizhou and other provinces and autonomous regions in mainland China. Cordyceps sinensis is warm in nature and sweet in taste. It has the effects of replenishing deficiency and loss, replenishing vital energy, relieving cough and reducing phlegm, anti-cancer and anti-aging, as well as anti-bacterial, anti-asthmatic, strengthening heart, and lowering blood pressure. Stewed spareribs with cordyceps can treat osteoporosis. Folks often use Cordyceps stewed fish or chickens and ducks to treat yang deficiency and weakness and post-illness.
沙参麦冬汤/清热解毒茶 汤药包
沙参麦冬汤/清热解毒茶 汤药包 Radiant Air / Glehnia Ophiopogon Root Soup / Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang Herbal Tea Effect: Soothes dry throat, improves breathing and complexion Strong anti-inflammatory, antibiotic herbs are not added to Radiant Air. It is mild and pleasant and can be used long term to help correct dry mouth and stress. Ingredients: Glehnia root, ophiopogon root, schisandra fruit, ginseng root, radish seed, luffa gourd vegetable sponge, tangerine peel, perilla seed, fritillary bulb, apricot kernel, scutellaria root, licorice root, tangerine peel, kombu seaweed. Glehnia (bei sha shen) root can grow to a length of up to 19 feet. It is sold as thin, cylindrical pale beige sticks and cooked in herbal decoctions to ease thirst, moisten lung dryness, reduce dry cough and treat bronchitis. It can also be used to ease stomach discomforts and constipation. Its taste is sweet and slightly bitter when added to soups. Ophiopogon tuber ( mai dong) is used to moisten the lungs, generate fluids, moisten the intestines, eliminate irritability and clear heat. According to current research, ophiopogon tuber benefits respiratory health, promotes a healthy blood glucose level and supports digestive health. Luffa, a long green gourd that resembled a luffa sponge, is added for treating and preventing colds. It is used for nasal swelling and sinus problems. Digestion is improved by the addition of scutellaria (Chinese skullcap) tangerine peel and kombu. Fritillary an expectorant helps to clear lung congestion. Directions: Add six bowls of water. Boil six bowls of water into one bowl, then filter and take the soup. The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: People who are unfamiliar with Chinese herbs may find their smell and taste unusual. We suggest that you become acquainted with them gradually. Empty the package of herbs into – quarts of water and simmer them for 30 minutes. A non-metal pot works best. If you have it use a ceramic coated or glass pot. The same herbs may be used again, the second cooking can be as long as 1 hour. Inhale the steam to help clear sinus congestion and head and throat discomforts. Allow the mixture to cool until it is comfortably warm. If necessary you might add a little fresh lemon juice or raw honey to enhance the flavor. To help balance immunity, Radiant Air may be combined with Fatigue Fighter in this selection of Herbal Rescue teas. Please consult your physician before using this product. 成分 沙参、麦冬、莱菔、瓜络、桔梗、苏子、浙贝、杏仁、黄芩、甘草、陈皮、昆布、五味子、花旗参。 功能 甘寒生津,清养肺胃。为润燥剂。具有甘寒生津,清养肺胃之功效。 用法 煎服,六碗水煎成一碗后内服。
眉豆(16 oz/包)
眉豆(16oz) 眉豆的营养成分相当丰富,包括蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、钙、 磷、铁及食物纤维、维A原、维生素B1、维生素B2、维C和氰甙、酪氨酸酶等,眉豆衣的B族维生素含量特别丰富。 食疗价值 食疗一眉豆糕 老年性骨质疏松症治疗比较困难,有时单纯补钙及维生素D效果不明显,因此须中医治疗,因人而异,辨证施治,并充分发挥饮食疗法的积极作用,补其所虚,增其不足,调节其骨质代谢,使其维持在平衡状况,从而达到康复的目的。食疗二怀杞甲鱼汤 怀山药10至15克,枸杞子5至10克,约500克甲鱼1只。甲鱼放入热水中宰杀,剖开洗净,去肠脏,与各用料一起炖熟,加入姜、盐、酒少许调味,即可享用。有滋阴补肾、益气健脾的功效。适用于阴虚偏胜的骨质疏松症患者。食疗三核桃补肾粥 核桃仁、粳米各30克,莲子、怀山药、黑眉豆各15克,巴戟天10克,锁阳6克。将上述用料洗净,黑眉豆可先行泡软,莲子去芯,核桃仁捣碎,巴戟天与锁阳用纱布包裹,同入深锅中,加水煮至米烂粥成,捞出巴戟天、锁阳药包,调味咸甜不拘,酌量吃用。有补肾壮阳、健脾益气的功效。适用于脾肾两亏的骨质疏松症患者食用。 Mei Bean (16oz) Black-eyed peas are incredibly nutrient-dense, packing plenty of fiber and protein into each serving. They're also a good source of several important micronutrients, including folate, copper, thiamine, and iron. In addition to those nutrients, black-eyed peas are high in polyphenols, which are compounds that act as antioxidants in the body to prevent cell damage and protect against disease. From the manufacturer: Mei Beans are rich in nutrients, including protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron and dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and cyanogenic glycosides, tyrosinase, etc. The content of B vitamins is particularly rich. Therapeutic value: [Use this bean to make] Meal Bean Cake It is difficult to treat senile osteoporosis. Sometimes the effect of supplementing calcium and vitamin D is not obvious. Therefore, it requires treatment with traditional Chinese medicine. It varies from person to person. The treatment is based on syndrome differentiation. The positive effect of diet therapy should be given full play to supplement its deficiency and increase its deficiency. Insufficient, adjust its bone metabolism, keep it in a balanced state, so as to achieve the purpose of rehabilitation. Diet Therapy Three walnuts and kidney porridge Ingredients: Walnut kernel 30 grams, japonica rice 30 grams, lotus seed 15 grams, Yam 15 grams, Mei bean 15 grams, Morinda Officinalis 10 grams, Cynomorium 6 grams Wash the above ingredients, soak the beans first, remove the core of the lotus seeds, mash the walnuts, wrap the Morinda officinalis and Cynomorium with gauze, put them in a deep pot, add water and boil until the rice porridge becomes soft, remove Morinda officinalis and Cynomorium medicinal packs and season with salty and sweet flavors, and eat as appropriate. It has the effects of invigorating the kidney and yang, invigorating the spleen and qi. It is suitable for patients with osteoporosis with spleen and kidney deficiency. Morinda root is a precursor of testosterone and cynomorium [aka Maltese mushroom] has been long prized as a tonic for sexual potency and fatigue.
珍品 野生 冬蟲夏草#3643(80~92 條/兩)
珍品 野生 冬蟲夏草#3643(80~92 條/兩) 性味 甘;温;香 归经 归肺、肾经。 功效 为麦角菌科真菌冬虫夏草菌的子座及其寄主蝙蝠蛾科昆虫虫草蝙蝠蛾等的幼虫体(菌核)的复合体。 补虚损,补肺益肾,止咳化痰。治痰饮喘嗽,虚喘,痨嗽,咯血,自汗盗汗,阳痿遗精,腰膝酸痛,病后久虚不复。 主治 1、阳痿遗精,腰膝酸痛:本品补肾益精,有兴阳起痿之功。用治肾阳不足,精血亏虚之阳痿遗精、腰膝酸痛。 2、久咳虚喘,劳嗽痰血:本品甘平,为平补肺肾之佳品,功能补肾益肺、止血化痰、止咳平喘,尤为劳嗽痰血多用。 【食疗方】 1.清蒸虫草白花鸽 白花鸽2只(约重250克),冬虫夏草3克,水发香菇15克,笋片15克,火腿片10克。将冬虫夏草洗净备用。鸽子宰杀,退去毛桩,剖腹,取出内脏,清洗干净,投入沸水锅略氽,洗净血污。将鸽腹向上,放在大碗内,虫草、香菇、笋片、火腿片铺在鸽面上,加入适量料酒、味精、精盐和清汤,上笼蒸2小时左右,以鸽肉酥烂为度。当菜或点心食用。 功效:功能补肾滋阴。用治肾阴亏虚,阳萎,遗精,腰膝酸软,气短乏力,记忆力衰退,自汗盗汗和病后久虚不复者。 2.灵草鸭子 净鸭子1000克,土豆100克,灵芝10克,冬虫夏草10克。鸭子宰杀洗净。入水氽透,插上虫草。将土豆和灵芝上笼蒸透提出药液,倒在鸭子上,用盐、料酒腌好,上笼蒸烂即可。 功效:补气强身,健胃安神。主治虚劳咳喘,头晕失眠,消化不良等。 3.蛤蚧虫草散 蛤蚧1对,冬虫夏草50g。将蛤蚧去除头、足和鳞,与冬虫夏草分别用文火焙干,并研成细粉,混合均匀。每次用温开水送服5g,1日2次,30天为一疗程。 功效:补肺益肾,纳气平喘。主治肺肾两虚所致的呼吸喘促、呼多吸少、动则加重、形体消瘦、精神衰疲、肢冷汗出等。 Premium Tibetan Cordyceps#3643 (80~92 pcs/Tael) 6 Benefits of Cordyceps, All Backed by Science May Boost Exercise Performance. ... Anti-Aging Properties. ... Potential Anti-Tumor Effects. ... May Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes. ... Possible Benefits for Heart Health. ... May Help Fight Inflammation. Cordyceps is used to treat coughs, chronic bronchitis, respiratory disorders, kidney disorders, nighttime urination, male sexual problems, anemia, irregular heartbeat, high cholesterol, liver disorders, dizziness, weakness, ringing in the ears, unwanted weight loss, and opium addiction. Possible side-effects: Increased symptoms of autoimmune diseases. Slow blood clotting (increased risk of bleeding in people with bleeding disorders) When winter comes, the Cordyceps fungus attacks the caterpillars which live in the high mountain region of China. The mycelium invades and replaces the host and becomes an herb in summer. Cordyceps are very sensitive to the optimal temperature and humidity, and it can't be cultivated in an artificial environment. The lower growth rate makes it very rare and expensive. The best cordyceps are grown in Tibet, Sichuan, and Qinghai in China. Cordyceps has a very long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine for strengthening the immune system, improving athletic performance, reducing the effects of aging, promoting longer life, and improving liver function.Note: This statement has not been evaluated by FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and prevent any disease. (Contains : (80-92 pcs) “Traditional Chinese Medicine has used cordyceps for centuries to treat fatigue, sickness, kidney disease and low sex drive” From the manufacturer: The main active ingredient of Cordyceps sinensis is cordycepin, which has many functions such as regulating immune system function, anti-tumor, anti-fatigue, nourishing lung and kidney, stopping bleeding and resolving phlegm, enhancing essence and nourishing qi. Edible methods include powder, soaking in wine, and soaking in water. Cordyceps is mainly produced in the alpine regions and snow-capped grasslands of Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu, Guizhou and other provinces and autonomous regions in mainland China. Cordyceps sinensis is warm in nature and sweet in taste. It has the effects of replenishing deficiency and loss, replenishing vital energy, relieving cough and reducing phlegm, anti-cancer and anti-aging, as well as anti-bacterial, anti-asthmatic, strengthening heart, and lowering blood pressure. Stewed spareribs with cordyceps can treat osteoporosis. Folks often use Cordyceps stewed fish or chickens and ducks to treat yang deficiency and weakness and post-illness.