十全大補 湯料/药膳汤包



Ten Warriors / Ten flavor tea formula / Shi Quan Da Bu Soup



用法: 煎服,五碗水煎成一碗后内服。


Ten Warriors

Ten flavor tea formula

十全大補湯 (Shi Quan Da Bu Herbal Soup)


Builds blood and Qi vitality

Ten Warriors is an extremely versatile tonic, especially appropriate for post-surgical recovery of Qi, blood, and for people who have had long-term chronic illness with marked deficiency. For example, fatigue, reduced appetite, weak digestion, pale complexion, shortness of breath, chronic weak cough, dizziness from blood deficiency, cold hands and feet, aversion to cold, seminal fluid loss, weak back and lower extremities. Other symptoms may include slow healing sores. Women may experience mid-cycle spotting and irregular menstruation. In general, there may be a tendency to bruising or bleeding, generalized weakness, and slow recovery from injury, surgery, or illness.

Unlike some traditional Chinese Qi and “yang” formulas that address chronic weakness, impotence and “fear of cold temperatures,” the herbs in Ten Warriors are not overly cooling or heating nor do they cause adverse reactions so that they may be used by either men or women to recovery energy, build resistance and increase vitality. Cinnamon is added to enhance circulation and may also be helpful for people prone to diabetes.

Ingredients :

Radix Angelica, Rhizoma ligusticum root, White peony root, Rehmannia Root Tuber, Radix Astragalus, Radix Codonopsis, Poria, White atractylodes, Licorice root, Cinnamon


Add five bowls of water. Boil five bowls of water into two bowl, then filter and take the soup. 

The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved.


The traditional method of cooking such an herbal formula is
“五碗水煎至一碗: Boil five bowls of water to one” which makes a strong water extract. However, people who are unfamiliar with Chinese herbs may find their smell to be strong and taste at times bitter. We suggest that you become acquainted with them gradually. Empty the package of herbs into – quarts of water and simmer them for up to 30 minutes. A non-metal pot works best. If you have it use a ceramic coated or glass pot. The same herbs may be used again, the second cooking can be as long as 1 hour. Inhale the steam to help clear sinus congestion and head and throat discomforts. It may feel relaxing. Allow the mixture to cool until it is comfortably warm. Drink a small cup once a day and increase as needed to no more than three cups daily between meals. If it keeps you awake, reduce the dose or frequency. Follow a wise diet and exercise routine.

Please consult your physician before using this product.

Product form

十全大补汤料/药膳汤包 Ten Warriors / Ten flavor tea formula / Shi Quan Da Bu Soup 成分:当归,川芎,白芍,熟地,北芪,党参,茯苓,白术,甘草,肉桂 《宋·太平惠民和剂局方》卷五方之十全大补汤治男子、妇人诸虚不足,五劳七伤,不进饮食,久病虚损,时发潮热,气攻骨脊,拘急疼痛,夜梦遗精,面色萎黄,脚膝无力,一切病后气不如旧,忧愁思虑伤动血气,喘嗽中满,脾肾气弱,五心烦闷,并皆治之。此药性温不热,平补有效,养气育神,醒脾止渴,顺正辟邪,温暖脾肾,其效不可具述。 用法: 煎服,五碗水煎成一碗后内服。 溫馨提示:請先向醫師咨詢是否合適服用此茶 Ten... Read more

SKU: 410074ORIGIN: China
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    Ten Warriors / Ten flavor tea formula / Shi Quan Da Bu Soup



    用法: 煎服,五碗水煎成一碗后内服。


    Ten Warriors

    Ten flavor tea formula

    十全大補湯 (Shi Quan Da Bu Herbal Soup)


    Builds blood and Qi vitality

    Ten Warriors is an extremely versatile tonic, especially appropriate for post-surgical recovery of Qi, blood, and for people who have had long-term chronic illness with marked deficiency. For example, fatigue, reduced appetite, weak digestion, pale complexion, shortness of breath, chronic weak cough, dizziness from blood deficiency, cold hands and feet, aversion to cold, seminal fluid loss, weak back and lower extremities. Other symptoms may include slow healing sores. Women may experience mid-cycle spotting and irregular menstruation. In general, there may be a tendency to bruising or bleeding, generalized weakness, and slow recovery from injury, surgery, or illness.

    Unlike some traditional Chinese Qi and “yang” formulas that address chronic weakness, impotence and “fear of cold temperatures,” the herbs in Ten Warriors are not overly cooling or heating nor do they cause adverse reactions so that they may be used by either men or women to recovery energy, build resistance and increase vitality. Cinnamon is added to enhance circulation and may also be helpful for people prone to diabetes.

    Ingredients :

    Radix Angelica, Rhizoma ligusticum root, White peony root, Rehmannia Root Tuber, Radix Astragalus, Radix Codonopsis, Poria, White atractylodes, Licorice root, Cinnamon


    Add five bowls of water. Boil five bowls of water into two bowl, then filter and take the soup. 

    The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved.


    The traditional method of cooking such an herbal formula is
    “五碗水煎至一碗: Boil five bowls of water to one” which makes a strong water extract. However, people who are unfamiliar with Chinese herbs may find their smell to be strong and taste at times bitter. We suggest that you become acquainted with them gradually. Empty the package of herbs into – quarts of water and simmer them for up to 30 minutes. A non-metal pot works best. If you have it use a ceramic coated or glass pot. The same herbs may be used again, the second cooking can be as long as 1 hour. Inhale the steam to help clear sinus congestion and head and throat discomforts. It may feel relaxing. Allow the mixture to cool until it is comfortably warm. Drink a small cup once a day and increase as needed to no more than three cups daily between meals. If it keeps you awake, reduce the dose or frequency. Follow a wise diet and exercise routine.

    Please consult your physician before using this product.



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