沙薑片/山奈(4 oz/包)


沙姜片/ 山奈/山辣/三奈子(4 oz/包)




为姜科植物山柰的根茎。 主治心腹冷痛,停食不化,跌打损伤,牙痛。用于胸隔胀满,脘腹冷痛。饮食不消。





  • ①《品汇精要》:辟秽气;为末擦牙,祛风止痛及牙宣口臭。
  • ②《纲目》:暖中,辟瘴疠恶气。治心腹冷气痛,寒湿霍乱,风虫牙痛。
  • ③《本草汇言》:治停食不化,一切寒中诸证。
  • ④《岭南采药录》:治跌打伤,又能消肿。治骨哽,以之和赤芍、威灵仙等分,水煎服。


  • 内服:煎汤,3~6克;或入丸、散。
  • 外用:捣敷,研末调敷或吹鼻。




Rhizoma Kaempferiae / Galangal / Sha Jiang/ Shan Nai(4 oz/bag)

Galangal contains anti-inflammatory properties and therefore is beneficial in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. - It also helps to relieve discomfort caused due to inflammation of the abdomen and ulcers too. - To curb sea and motion sickness, nausea, chew a few slices of fresh galangal.

Most Effective as an aphrodisiac, for impotence, and multiple sclerosis

Caution: fresh root is toxic causing nausea; avoid during pregnancy; avoid use with salt.

Ginger vs. Galangal: Their biggest difference is their taste: galangal has a sharp citrusy, almost piney flavor, while ginger is fresh, pungently spicy, and barely sweet — that means that they cannot be used interchangeably.

Galangal is said to mask the fishy flavor, so it is a popular spice to use in seafood dishes, like a Vietnamese braised carp with a sweet-salty galangal sauce. I added a couple of teaspoons of the powdered spice to a Thai-style coconut-curried shrimp dish, similar to tom kha goong

Soak dried galangal in warm water. .. Galangal is often used by Chinese, Indian and European physicians to treat hiccups, nausea, and other stomach discomforts

From the manufacturer: 

The taste spicy, sweet. It is the rhizome of the ginger family Serrata. Indications: For cold and pain in the abdomen, bruises, toothache. Used for the fullness of the thoracic septum and cold pain in the abdominal abdomen. It enters the Stomach meridian. Indications: It is warm in nature, improves digestion, and relieves pain. It has been used to cure cold and pain in the abdomen, indigestible diet, bruises, toothache, fullness of the thoracic septum.

Cautions: Do not use with yin deficiency and blood deficiency and stomach depression.

Product form

沙姜片/ 山奈/山辣/三奈子(4 oz/包) 性味 辛,温。 功效 为姜科植物山柰的根茎。 主治心腹冷痛,停食不化,跌打损伤,牙痛。用于胸隔胀满,脘腹冷痛。饮食不消。 经脉 入胃经。 主治 温中,消食,止痛。治心腹冷痛,饮食不消化,跌打损伤,牙痛,胸隔胀满。 ①《品汇精要》:辟秽气;为末擦牙,祛风止痛及牙宣口臭。 ②《纲目》:暖中,辟瘴疠恶气。治心腹冷气痛,寒湿霍乱,风虫牙痛。 ③《本草汇言》:治停食不化,一切寒中诸证。 ④《岭南采药录》:治跌打伤,又能消肿。治骨哽,以之和赤芍、威灵仙等分,水煎服。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~6克;或入丸、散。 外用:捣敷,研末调敷或吹鼻。 注意禁忌... Read more

SKU: 410206ORIGIN: China
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    沙姜片/ 山奈/山辣/三奈子(4 oz/包)




    为姜科植物山柰的根茎。 主治心腹冷痛,停食不化,跌打损伤,牙痛。用于胸隔胀满,脘腹冷痛。饮食不消。





    • ①《品汇精要》:辟秽气;为末擦牙,祛风止痛及牙宣口臭。
    • ②《纲目》:暖中,辟瘴疠恶气。治心腹冷气痛,寒湿霍乱,风虫牙痛。
    • ③《本草汇言》:治停食不化,一切寒中诸证。
    • ④《岭南采药录》:治跌打伤,又能消肿。治骨哽,以之和赤芍、威灵仙等分,水煎服。


    • 内服:煎汤,3~6克;或入丸、散。
    • 外用:捣敷,研末调敷或吹鼻。




    Rhizoma Kaempferiae / Galangal / Sha Jiang/ Shan Nai(4 oz/bag)

    Galangal contains anti-inflammatory properties and therefore is beneficial in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. - It also helps to relieve discomfort caused due to inflammation of the abdomen and ulcers too. - To curb sea and motion sickness, nausea, chew a few slices of fresh galangal.

    Most Effective as an aphrodisiac, for impotence, and multiple sclerosis

    Caution: fresh root is toxic causing nausea; avoid during pregnancy; avoid use with salt.

    Ginger vs. Galangal: Their biggest difference is their taste: galangal has a sharp citrusy, almost piney flavor, while ginger is fresh, pungently spicy, and barely sweet — that means that they cannot be used interchangeably.

    Galangal is said to mask the fishy flavor, so it is a popular spice to use in seafood dishes, like a Vietnamese braised carp with a sweet-salty galangal sauce. I added a couple of teaspoons of the powdered spice to a Thai-style coconut-curried shrimp dish, similar to tom kha goong

    Soak dried galangal in warm water. .. Galangal is often used by Chinese, Indian and European physicians to treat hiccups, nausea, and other stomach discomforts

    From the manufacturer: 

    The taste spicy, sweet. It is the rhizome of the ginger family Serrata. Indications: For cold and pain in the abdomen, bruises, toothache. Used for the fullness of the thoracic septum and cold pain in the abdominal abdomen. It enters the Stomach meridian. Indications: It is warm in nature, improves digestion, and relieves pain. It has been used to cure cold and pain in the abdomen, indigestible diet, bruises, toothache, fullness of the thoracic septum.

    Cautions: Do not use with yin deficiency and blood deficiency and stomach depression.



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