伸筋草(16 oz)






为石松科植物石松、华中石松及灯笼草的全草。 主治风寒湿痹,关节酸痛,皮肤麻木,四肢软弱,水肿,跌打损伤。


  • 内服:煎汤,9~15g;或浸酒。
  • 外用:适量,捣敷。



Common Clubmoss Herb / Shen Jin Cao(16oz)

Shen Jin Cao is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb to dissipate wind-damp, soothe tendons and activate collaterals. Shen Jin Cao benefits digestive health, may ease headaches, and supports a healthy immune system. It has anti-inflammatory analgesic, muscle relaxant, and hypotensive effects.

Modern research: Chinese club moss contains huperzine A, a chemical found to be deficient in patients suffering from memory loss, and may also protect brain cells from certain poisons. . . Do not confuse club moss (Lycopodium clavatum) and Chinese club moss (Lycopodium chensis), as they are different species. Only Chinese club moss contains the constituent huperzine A that is known for its boosting of short-term concentration as well as its long-term support of cognitive brain function, including memory function. Both types of club moss are effective for treating fevers, pain, and swelling. The Chinese use club moss Shen Jin Cao to treat fevers and inflammation. 

Research in China suggests that the constituent huperzine A is effective in improving memory impairment with patients suffering from mild to moderate vascular dementia.

From the manufacturer

The taste is bitter; pungent; It is warming. It is the whole plant of, Lycopodium Chinese and Peruviana. Indications: It is used for wind, cold, and dampness [nerve pain that feels worse from cold, damp weather or cold foods; edema], joint soreness, skin numbness, weak limbs, edema, bruises. 

Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 9~15g; or soaking in wine.     External use: appropriate amount, pound and apply.  

Cautions: "Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine": Pregnant women and those with excessive bleeding should not take it.

Product form

伸筋草 性味 苦;辛;温;无毒;平 功效 为石松科植物石松、华中石松及灯笼草的全草。 主治风寒湿痹,关节酸痛,皮肤麻木,四肢软弱,水肿,跌打损伤。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,9~15g;或浸酒。 外用:适量,捣敷。 注意禁忌 《四川中药志》:孕妇及出血过多者忌服。 Common Clubmoss Herb / Shen Jin Cao(16oz) Shen Jin... Read more

SKU: 400441ORIGIN: China
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    为石松科植物石松、华中石松及灯笼草的全草。 主治风寒湿痹,关节酸痛,皮肤麻木,四肢软弱,水肿,跌打损伤。


    • 内服:煎汤,9~15g;或浸酒。
    • 外用:适量,捣敷。



    Common Clubmoss Herb / Shen Jin Cao(16oz)

    Shen Jin Cao is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb to dissipate wind-damp, soothe tendons and activate collaterals. Shen Jin Cao benefits digestive health, may ease headaches, and supports a healthy immune system. It has anti-inflammatory analgesic, muscle relaxant, and hypotensive effects.

    Modern research: Chinese club moss contains huperzine A, a chemical found to be deficient in patients suffering from memory loss, and may also protect brain cells from certain poisons. . . Do not confuse club moss (Lycopodium clavatum) and Chinese club moss (Lycopodium chensis), as they are different species. Only Chinese club moss contains the constituent huperzine A that is known for its boosting of short-term concentration as well as its long-term support of cognitive brain function, including memory function. Both types of club moss are effective for treating fevers, pain, and swelling. The Chinese use club moss Shen Jin Cao to treat fevers and inflammation. 

    Research in China suggests that the constituent huperzine A is effective in improving memory impairment with patients suffering from mild to moderate vascular dementia.

    From the manufacturer

    The taste is bitter; pungent; It is warming. It is the whole plant of, Lycopodium Chinese and Peruviana. Indications: It is used for wind, cold, and dampness [nerve pain that feels worse from cold, damp weather or cold foods; edema], joint soreness, skin numbness, weak limbs, edema, bruises. 

    Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 9~15g; or soaking in wine.     External use: appropriate amount, pound and apply.  

    Cautions: "Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine": Pregnant women and those with excessive bleeding should not take it.



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