精选 川貝母/川贝(4 oz/3 两)


精选 川貝母/川贝(4 oz/3 两)




川贝为百合科植物川贝母、暗紫贝母、甘肃贝母、梭砂贝母的干燥鳞茎。 主治虚劳咳嗽,吐痰咯血,心胸郁结,肺痿,肺痈,瘿瘤,廉疬,喉痹,乳痈。












功效 适用于慢性支气管炎、肺结核患者,秋季咳嗽气喘、低热、盗汗,也是各种慢性疾病至秋天出现干燥症状的滋补品。


原料:川贝母,荸荠,梨,莲子。 将梨去皮挖空,川贝熬成药液,荸荠、莲子切成丁,青红丝切丁。贝母汁、荸荠丁、莲子丁、青红丝丁用冰糖拌匀,装入梨罐内,上笼蒸1刻钟。取 出后,熬冰糖卤浇在梨罐上即可。

功效 清宣肺气,止咳化痰。主治痰热咳嗽,咳痰不爽。平人食之胸胁舒畅,声音洪亮。



功效 润肺化痰,止咳止血。主治肺阴虚证的干咳无痰或痰少难出、肺痈咳嗽咯血等症。感冒咳嗽、痰饮喘咳,凡痰多清稀易咯出者不宜服用。



功效 滋阴润肺,清热化痰。主治感冒后期,咳嗽日久不愈,痰少而粘,咽干口渴。婴幼儿及老人用之尤宜。



功效 宣肺化痰止咳。主治慢性支气管炎等症。


Unibract Fritillary Bulb/Chuan Bei(4 oz/3 Tael)

Fritillaria is a common ingredient in Chinese loquat cough syrups. Fritillaria cirrhosa, known as chuanbeimu (chuan = from Sichuan Province) has a very small corm which is considered superior, in terms of medicinal benefits, to the larger corm from Fritillaria thunbergii (zhebeimu from Zhejiang Province.) According to traditional descriptions fritillaria is slightly cold, and affects the lungs to clear heat and moisten dryness, is used for hot-type bronchitis with dry cough and the heart to calm “heart fire” [with possible anxiety, palpitations] Fritillaria has also been used for treating lumps beneath the skin, such as scrofulous swellings and breast lumps; it has been adopted into some Chinese herb formulas for treating cancers

From the manufacturer:

The taste is sweet and bitter; and it is slightly cold in nature. Chuanbei is the dry bulb of Liliaceae Fritillaria Chuanxi, Fritillaria dark purple, Fritillaria Gansu, and Fritillaria halodendron.

Indications are cough due to fatigue, spitting blood and hemoptysis, cardiothoracic depression, pulmonary dysfunction, pulmonary carbuncle, gallbladder tumor, schizophrenia, pharyngitis, mastoid carbuncle.
It enters the Lung and Heart meridians.

Indications: To clear away heat [inflammation] and moisturize the lungs, dispel lumps, resolve phlegm and relieve cough. It has been used to ‘cure asthenia, spitting blood, hemoptysis, cardiothoracic depression, pulmonary dysfunction, pulmonary carbuncle, gallbladder tumor, clean malaria, throat numbness, snd milk carbuncle.’
Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 3~9g; ground powder, 1~1.5g; or into pills or powder.

Cautions: Pay attention to allergies. Patients who are weak and have cold spleen and stomach symptoms such as chronic diarrhea, cold phlegm and wet phlegm should use it with caution. Do not use it with aconitum.

Diet Therapy

1. Fritillaria pear jar
Chuanbei Fritillaria, Water Chestnut, Pears, Lotus Seed, Rock Sugar to taste.
Peel the pears, hollow them out and cut them into strips, boil the Chuanbei into a medicinal liquid, cut the water chestnuts and add the lotus seeds. Add Fritillary juice, diced water chestnuts, lotus seeds, and diced pears in a pear jar, and steam it for 1 quarter of an hour. After taking it out, boil the rock sugar liquid and pour it into the pear jar.

Efficacy: clears lung qi, relieves cough and reduces phlegm. Indications of phlegm-heat cough, uncomfortable expectoration. Improves chest and flanks comfort, and strengthens the voice.


2. Fritillaria Stuffed Pears
12 grams of Chuan Fritillaria, 6 Sydney pears, 100 grams of wax gourd strips, 100 grams of glutinous rice, 100 grams of rock sugar, 3 grams of alum.
The glutinous rice is first steamed, the wax gourd strips are cut into large cubes, the Fritillaria cirrhosa is ground into powder, and the alum is dissolved into a solution. Peel the Sydney pear, cut off the stalk to make a cover, dig out the pear core, and immerse it in the alum solution to prevent discoloration. Then blanch the pears in boiling water, remove them, and rinse them in cold water, then put them in a bowl.

Then mix the glutinous rice, winter melon [or wax gourd] strips, and rock sugar shavings. Then add the Chuanbei powder and put them into the Sydney pears. Cover the stems and put them in a bowl. Steam them in a steamer for about 60 minutes until the pears are soft.

In addition, boil 300 grams of water and melt rock sugar and pour it over the pears one by one when they come out of the steamer. Eat 1 pear each morning and evening.
Efficacy: Nourishes the lungs and resolves phlegm, relieves dry cough and stops bleeding.

Indications include dry cough with no phlegm or less phlegm, pulmonary carbuncle, [emphysema] cough and hemoptysis. It is not suitable for people with colds with weakness, wheezing and wet cough.

3. Fritillaria cirrhosa, Sydney
Chuan Fritillaria 5-10 grams, 1 Sydney pear (Laiyang pear, Huali can also be used), a little rock sugar.
Mash Chuanbei Fritillaria, mash the rock sugar, peel the Sydney pear and cut in half, dig out the center core; put Chuanbei, rock sugar powder into the pear, reassemble the two halves of the pear, fixing it with a bamboo toothpick, and put it in a bowl
Simmer the pears in water for 60 minutes. Eat the pears and Fritillaria when the pears are done. Take 1 dose daily for 1 week.

Efficacy: Nourishes yin and nourishes lungs, clears away heat and reduces phlegm
Indications: Useful for the later stage of a cold, when a cough does not heal for a long time, when the phlegm is sparse and sticky, the throat is dry and thirsty. Especially suitable for infants and the elderly.

4. Fritillaria loquat paste
70 grams of loquat leaves, 7 grams of Fritillaria, 70 grams of maltose, appropriate amount of honey.
Decoct the loquat leaves twice, filter out the thick juice, add Chuanbei powder, maltose, and honey to make a paste.
Take 10 ml each time with boiling water 2 times a day.

Efficacy: Autumn allergies, [eye itch, nasal itching, sneezing, running nose, nasal obstruction, cough, suffocation, and wheezing.] relieves cough. Indications for chronic bronchitis and other diseases.  

Product form

精选 川貝母/川贝(4 oz/3 两) 性味 味甘、苦;性微寒 功效 川贝为百合科植物川贝母、暗紫贝母、甘肃贝母、梭砂贝母的干燥鳞茎。 主治虚劳咳嗽,吐痰咯血,心胸郁结,肺痿,肺痈,瘿瘤,廉疬,喉痹,乳痈。 经脉 归肺经;心经 主治 清热润肺,散结,化痰止咳。治虚劳咳嗽,吐痰咯血,心胸郁结,肺痿,肺痈,瘿瘤,廉疬,喉痹,乳痈。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~9g;研末,1~1.5g;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 脾胃虚寒及寒痰、湿痰者慎服。反乌头。  【食疗方】 1.贝母甲鱼 甲鱼1只,川贝母5克,鸡汤1000克,料酒、盐、花椒、生姜、葱各适量。将甲鱼切块放入蒸钵中,加入鸡汤、川贝母、盐、料酒、花椒、姜、葱,上蒸笼蒸1小时即成。有滋阴补肺之功。佐餐食。... Read more

SKU: 400417ORIGIN: China
BARCODE: 0000003610WEIGHT: 4 oz/ 3 Tael
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    精选 川貝母/川贝(4 oz/3 两)




    川贝为百合科植物川贝母、暗紫贝母、甘肃贝母、梭砂贝母的干燥鳞茎。 主治虚劳咳嗽,吐痰咯血,心胸郁结,肺痿,肺痈,瘿瘤,廉疬,喉痹,乳痈。












    功效 适用于慢性支气管炎、肺结核患者,秋季咳嗽气喘、低热、盗汗,也是各种慢性疾病至秋天出现干燥症状的滋补品。


    原料:川贝母,荸荠,梨,莲子。 将梨去皮挖空,川贝熬成药液,荸荠、莲子切成丁,青红丝切丁。贝母汁、荸荠丁、莲子丁、青红丝丁用冰糖拌匀,装入梨罐内,上笼蒸1刻钟。取 出后,熬冰糖卤浇在梨罐上即可。

    功效 清宣肺气,止咳化痰。主治痰热咳嗽,咳痰不爽。平人食之胸胁舒畅,声音洪亮。



    功效 润肺化痰,止咳止血。主治肺阴虚证的干咳无痰或痰少难出、肺痈咳嗽咯血等症。感冒咳嗽、痰饮喘咳,凡痰多清稀易咯出者不宜服用。



    功效 滋阴润肺,清热化痰。主治感冒后期,咳嗽日久不愈,痰少而粘,咽干口渴。婴幼儿及老人用之尤宜。



    功效 宣肺化痰止咳。主治慢性支气管炎等症。


    Unibract Fritillary Bulb/Chuan Bei(4 oz/3 Tael)

    Fritillaria is a common ingredient in Chinese loquat cough syrups. Fritillaria cirrhosa, known as chuanbeimu (chuan = from Sichuan Province) has a very small corm which is considered superior, in terms of medicinal benefits, to the larger corm from Fritillaria thunbergii (zhebeimu from Zhejiang Province.) According to traditional descriptions fritillaria is slightly cold, and affects the lungs to clear heat and moisten dryness, is used for hot-type bronchitis with dry cough and the heart to calm “heart fire” [with possible anxiety, palpitations] Fritillaria has also been used for treating lumps beneath the skin, such as scrofulous swellings and breast lumps; it has been adopted into some Chinese herb formulas for treating cancers

    From the manufacturer:

    The taste is sweet and bitter; and it is slightly cold in nature. Chuanbei is the dry bulb of Liliaceae Fritillaria Chuanxi, Fritillaria dark purple, Fritillaria Gansu, and Fritillaria halodendron.

    Indications are cough due to fatigue, spitting blood and hemoptysis, cardiothoracic depression, pulmonary dysfunction, pulmonary carbuncle, gallbladder tumor, schizophrenia, pharyngitis, mastoid carbuncle.
    It enters the Lung and Heart meridians.

    Indications: To clear away heat [inflammation] and moisturize the lungs, dispel lumps, resolve phlegm and relieve cough. It has been used to ‘cure asthenia, spitting blood, hemoptysis, cardiothoracic depression, pulmonary dysfunction, pulmonary carbuncle, gallbladder tumor, clean malaria, throat numbness, snd milk carbuncle.’
    Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 3~9g; ground powder, 1~1.5g; or into pills or powder.

    Cautions: Pay attention to allergies. Patients who are weak and have cold spleen and stomach symptoms such as chronic diarrhea, cold phlegm and wet phlegm should use it with caution. Do not use it with aconitum.

    Diet Therapy

    1. Fritillaria pear jar
    Chuanbei Fritillaria, Water Chestnut, Pears, Lotus Seed, Rock Sugar to taste.
    Peel the pears, hollow them out and cut them into strips, boil the Chuanbei into a medicinal liquid, cut the water chestnuts and add the lotus seeds. Add Fritillary juice, diced water chestnuts, lotus seeds, and diced pears in a pear jar, and steam it for 1 quarter of an hour. After taking it out, boil the rock sugar liquid and pour it into the pear jar.

    Efficacy: clears lung qi, relieves cough and reduces phlegm. Indications of phlegm-heat cough, uncomfortable expectoration. Improves chest and flanks comfort, and strengthens the voice.


    2. Fritillaria Stuffed Pears
    12 grams of Chuan Fritillaria, 6 Sydney pears, 100 grams of wax gourd strips, 100 grams of glutinous rice, 100 grams of rock sugar, 3 grams of alum.
    The glutinous rice is first steamed, the wax gourd strips are cut into large cubes, the Fritillaria cirrhosa is ground into powder, and the alum is dissolved into a solution. Peel the Sydney pear, cut off the stalk to make a cover, dig out the pear core, and immerse it in the alum solution to prevent discoloration. Then blanch the pears in boiling water, remove them, and rinse them in cold water, then put them in a bowl.

    Then mix the glutinous rice, winter melon [or wax gourd] strips, and rock sugar shavings. Then add the Chuanbei powder and put them into the Sydney pears. Cover the stems and put them in a bowl. Steam them in a steamer for about 60 minutes until the pears are soft.

    In addition, boil 300 grams of water and melt rock sugar and pour it over the pears one by one when they come out of the steamer. Eat 1 pear each morning and evening.
    Efficacy: Nourishes the lungs and resolves phlegm, relieves dry cough and stops bleeding.

    Indications include dry cough with no phlegm or less phlegm, pulmonary carbuncle, [emphysema] cough and hemoptysis. It is not suitable for people with colds with weakness, wheezing and wet cough.

    3. Fritillaria cirrhosa, Sydney
    Chuan Fritillaria 5-10 grams, 1 Sydney pear (Laiyang pear, Huali can also be used), a little rock sugar.
    Mash Chuanbei Fritillaria, mash the rock sugar, peel the Sydney pear and cut in half, dig out the center core; put Chuanbei, rock sugar powder into the pear, reassemble the two halves of the pear, fixing it with a bamboo toothpick, and put it in a bowl
    Simmer the pears in water for 60 minutes. Eat the pears and Fritillaria when the pears are done. Take 1 dose daily for 1 week.

    Efficacy: Nourishes yin and nourishes lungs, clears away heat and reduces phlegm
    Indications: Useful for the later stage of a cold, when a cough does not heal for a long time, when the phlegm is sparse and sticky, the throat is dry and thirsty. Especially suitable for infants and the elderly.

    4. Fritillaria loquat paste
    70 grams of loquat leaves, 7 grams of Fritillaria, 70 grams of maltose, appropriate amount of honey.
    Decoct the loquat leaves twice, filter out the thick juice, add Chuanbei powder, maltose, and honey to make a paste.
    Take 10 ml each time with boiling water 2 times a day.

    Efficacy: Autumn allergies, [eye itch, nasal itching, sneezing, running nose, nasal obstruction, cough, suffocation, and wheezing.] relieves cough. Indications for chronic bronchitis and other diseases.  



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